In the White House, there was a discussion concerning vice president Cheney's health...when suddenly president Bush spoke up and said, "Excuse me, but men don't have anginas."
Why is president Bush like a turtle sitting on a post?
Because you know he didn't get there by himself, there's not much he can do while he's there, and all you want to do is get him off of his lofty position.
The woman told her dentist...I'd just as soon give birth to a baby, as have my tooth pulled...the dentist replied, make up your mind, I have to adjust the chair.
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In the White House, there was a discussion concerning vice president Cheney's health...when suddenly president Bush spoke up and said, "Excuse me, but men don't have anginas."
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Did I tell you about my invisible cousin? He married an invisible woman... their children were nothing to look at.
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Why is president Bush like a turtle sitting on a post?
Because you know he didn't get there by himself, there's not much he can do while he's there, and all you want to do is get him off of his lofty position.
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C'mon kids, join in...
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What's 40 feet long and smells like urine?
line dancing at the nursing home.
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Why did it take the blonde so long to drive to Florida?
Because everytime she saw a sign that said "clean restrooms"....she did.
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What were the best 3 years of George Bush's life?
5th grade.
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What will they do to Michael Jackson if they catch him with another 8 year old boy?
Give him his own parrish.
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J0nny Ling0
What does Michael Jackson and caviar have in common?
They both come on a little white cracker!
Sorry 'bout that. Kinda gross, but.....funny!
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J0nny Ling0
I really laughed about the one concerning Bush, Cheney, and anginas...LMAO...
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This one's for Sudo...
The woman told her dentist...I'd just as soon give birth to a baby, as have my tooth pulled...the dentist replied, make up your mind, I have to adjust the chair.
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A baby seal walks into a club.
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New bumper sticker says "Run Hillary run"
The democrats put it on the back bumper, the republicans put it on the front bumper.
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How does a real man open his beer?
He doesn' should be open when she brings it to him.
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Linda Z
Sandra Day O'Connor and the other Supreme Court judges go out to lunch. The waiter asks O'Connor what she'd like.
"Prime rib, please."
"What kind of dressing on your salad?"
"Bleu cheese"
"Mashed or baked?"
"And the vegetables?"
"They'll just have what I'm having."
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Why was Michael Jackson hanging out at WalMarts?
Because the sign in the window said "boy's pants half off"
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What is the difference between Michael Jackson and a garbage bag?
One is black, made out of plastic, and not safe for kids to play with. The other is something you put garbage in.
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Clinton and Monica
Bush and Iraq
Which is harder to swallow?
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Amazing! I was listening to "Prairie Home Companion" today, and they must be lurkers here, because they used all your jokes!
Or, possibly, it was a repeat show broadcast at a different time in Groucho's neck of the woods.
I asked my wife if she would love me when I'm old and fat. She said, "Yes, I do!"
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C'mon George, you didn't think I made them up myself did you?
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J0nny Ling0
And, why does Michael Jackson like twentyeight year olds so much?
Because there are twenty of them!!
And Just Loafing- What happened to the baby seal that walked into the club?
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Actually -- the Republican version looks like this:
"nur yralliH nuR"
(remember -- it's on the front bumper, and meant to be seen in a rear-view mirror.)
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