Jesus has a body in which He is head, the planner thinking and doing part of Gods plan and will for HIS people.
not all people are under the Lordship of christ, all knees must bow, because He knows the BIG Guy God.
God can make a sea part, He can make an foot speak, and He can give life eternal.
God is love and His will is that All be saved to the utermost.
How this is done with the thinking and planning and wishes and prayers of His children must be complicated.
God and Jesus together can handle it.
The body of christ is special, because the Lord know them. He knows us well. God says every hair on everyones head is counted before HIM.
We got nothing to worry about.
I have alot of jewish friends, and I have a son who denies Jesus as Lord yet admits God as the most high.
I have learned from all. All have helped me know who Jesus is in my life.
ok I will say it ... some of the most gross sick evil people who really do harm to others have claimed Jesus Christ as LORD!!!!!
they will be in heaven so it is written so it is.
we are not special those who claim another is our Saviour from the worlds problems. We just admit to be as needy as the rest of them with a solution.
I seek Jesus because He has never hurt me Catcup , all of us have hurt one another, life is like that.
God never said His creation was evil,,, that is a sick twisted warp teaching that fell from twi.
He said we need Jesus christ as LORD to make it through what life is . I believe it. But not all remember the isrealites/JEWS never knew Christ and they also will stand before HIM in judgement!!!!
Because they worshiped God.
I think those some call "unbeliever" today will be in life eternal. LOOK at the bible and how many chances does a person get to go to the throne? many many. even after death.
no not all ,those who deny HIM face to face will burn.
today I see the body as a people without a face.... I do not know why or how my physical body works and medical science is a mere guess or shot in the dark at alot of it still.
Our spiritual life is even more rich and deeper and mysterious.
so I love people and trust God almighty and seek to know who my own personal friend in Jesus christ is.
I realize people can suck, we are mean and selfish and stupid and mostly unloving alot, then Christ speaks to us and we recognize HIM as desperate mindless idiots and ask HIM to save us , for me nearly every minute of everyday, I get in so much trouble in life.
so He does and keeps on doing fixing us and then some comfort, and then what ever we need.
I have witnessed in my life a person bring me so much comfort and reminder of what God is and how much He loves me. Then the next week they lie or stab me in the back or really screw up in life somehow... and I pray deeply for us all. Knowing the lion is involved trying to tear us apart.
Satan does not want us to love, He wants us to screw up and get angry to hurt one another.. and he is powerful and effective.. BUT I believe Jesus christ has a grip on the situation if we really listen to HIM and still love one another.
it is a quick order I will say that to help one another, I must not fail HIM, I often fail another person, but He has a grip on all.
I have to be honest. to christ and to one another and I believe that opens the doors to allow one to be real and honest as well.
and that is genuine and real and truthful and that is where Christ lives. That is all He wants is for us to love one another and to be honest to know HE ALONE is LORD.
how many times did I think I was right in life only to pay a heavy price finding out it was hurtful and wrong? How many times?
I also wish for death before it happens again. but I know when it does honestly God forbid but when it does, people that care about HIM,(not neccesarily me I have managed to .... every single person I know at the same time)(or refuse to listen to anything they do have to say) will be on the phone in my face speaking to me a remedy to scrap back up and face our life together one more time. They are not listening to my sorry butt at the time they are called they are hearing Jesus when IM hiding or running away or worse. They are listening to their spirit which is saying go to MJ and love her as much as I will always love you.
and We obey and we carry on and we fight the good fight and we wish so much for the day when no more tears will be cried.
that is the body of Christ to me.
I will give you an example, one day my basement flooded.. so I took out the shop vac and plugged it into an extension and started vacuming.. then the plug adapter fell into the water and I got a shock it frightened me so... I ran up the stairs vacum still running flood still flooding... I prayed , I didnt have the money the fire dept. would charge I prayed and the door knocked. It was our utility company for a metor read!!!
you have to be kidding I said you do not understand she said no problem went straight way down the steps and unplugged the vacum and fixed it so I could finish mopping.
another is a very young teen at work making friends with me(for no reason at all) and never leaving my side speaking gentle words and making me laugh all day long, when I had a pretty good thought process of I was going to quit and most probably curse and whatever ever my rage wanted to do to a co-worker who lied and gossiped about me. she saved my sorry foot, who was she? never had even met her before she just stuck to me like glue and at one point when the other woman from hell wanted to get in my face this little girl physicly stood between her and me and made her go away .
um why ? that to me is the body of christ.
and that is why it is so easy for me to love every person . we are together we love we are chosen Jesus Christ is so the LORD of us all and knows each of us so well. Just listen and love. do ya best ya can we are in it together, He is a great LORD. We are a fine people.
or to use your terms.. He is a great Head and we will get there together to meet HIM, we just are stuck together anyways might as well.
if he/it did then why move behind the scenes and situations like so many have been conditioned to think?
dog needs a better PR advisor. one who will tell him/it to be more high profile and less covert. after all, why does the creator of the universe feel like it has to move under cover?
isnt that what we were taught his enemy does?
he/it does not need us to reach others, it never did!
if the creator needs to get a message out it will!
and by modern means,not word of mouth messages passed on 5000 years ago by bronze age cave men.
hey! if jesus was the son of god and we could do 'greater things than him" after he left then why arent they happening? healings,raising the dead?
challenge convention people and try all spirits.
results do not lie.
if christianity were the 'truth' you would see a lot more people lining up around the block to learn to do what jesus could. but christians can't so they dont. none of us could!
christ is not coming back. would you?
accept it. live well and do what you want now. this is all you have.
i have never seen or done ANYTHING when i was a wafer that convinced me otherwise.
prove me wrong with documentation of any "miracles" you saw in twi.
after all. we all trusted in the 'lord' and what happened eh?
to be honest I have never seen or heard anything that convinces me either other than being so very very thankful for the times in life i can and do chose to be thankful for what I am and who I love and the life I live.
Is it made up purely of spiritually mature and perfected believers, beyond the reach of man's ineptness and mistakes?
Who makes up this Body of Christ?
Anyone washed by the blood of the lamb.
What are it's purposes and how are they achieved?
To glorify God and allow the Spirit to move in them and through them to reach a lost generation.
Is there only one true church, only one true Body of Christ that God works with?
One in the sense of one body, but not a denomination or group.
Or is the Body of Christ made up of all believers and groups of believers?
Can one group reach a person that another group cannot, as in when there are cultural or other kinds of differences in the human experience?
Does God work within every group to the extent that He is allowed?
God works everywhere. He does not need our permission or cooperation.
Or does He only work with the group or groups that have the most accurate information and listen and obey Him the most?
God works everywhere. He does not need our permission or cooperation.
What about born again people who at times, or much of the time, work at cross purposes with God?
We are still people in need of a savior. And there is an enemy who loves to get us distracted.
Are they part of the body?
Does God work through them?
Or does He work around them?
Can they make things more difficult?
Do enough of them in a congregation preclude that group of believers from even being a part of the Body of Christ?
If it precludes the group from being part of the Body of Christ, what then of the one or two or more believers still in that group who are trying to work God's plan with a pure heart?
(I know they should leave, but does God still work with them or does He ignore them until they leave?)
God does not ignore His children. He will do whatever it takes to get them back in line.
Do you even have to be part of or a memeber of a specific ministry or church to be a part of the Body of Christ?
In Hebrews 10:24-25 we are told to meet regularly with other believers. So one is expected to be part of some sort of fellowship to an active part of the BOC.
I'm sure others have their own questions they can list regarding the subject.
hey! if jesus was the son of god and we could do 'greater things than him" after he left then why arent they happening? healings,raising the dead?
Good question. I dont know the answer. (Probably has something to do with US though!!)
christ is not coming back. would you?
accept it. live well and do what you want now. this is all you have.
i have never seen or done ANYTHING when i was a wafer that convinced me otherwise.
prove me wrong with documentation of any "miracles" you saw in twi.
Tell ya what -- I bolded your statement about Christ not coming back. You give me factual documentation that He lied (at any time in His life), and I'll think about your offer.
think fish --- I have no love for twi (lest you mistake my post). They are a manipulative outfit that is better at sucking the life out of folks, instead of offering the *abundant life* of John 10:10.
I don't hold a thing against God though. He isn't responsible for the crap that happened.
You think what you want. Go your own path. And may God (dog) go with you. I'm thinking you'll need a watch dog (God).
they just didnt think He would be a carpenters son, or that He would be murdered and be raised again or that He would talk and heal sinners.
they thought He would have His kingdom today and take over as in a type of political war .
they thought many things that didnt happen would, and not much about how it all played out in reality . But THEY did LOOK for a messiah of no doubt. It was not to be this man called Jesus Christ tho, and that is why.... ba da bing!
This doesn't reply to the opening post directly, but in the most general terms let me say:
The terms 'body of Christ', 'church', 'household of faith', 'true church of the firstborn', 'bride of Christ', etc. all refer to the same group of people.
I bleive the Church consists of all people who trust Christ for salvation. I believe that it includes all present past & future. (Thus the great hymn line "and mystic sweet communion with those who've gone before").
We're going to be together a long time. Best be learning to get along, yes?
they just didnt think He would be a carpenters son, or that He would be murdered and be raised again or that He would talk and heal sinners.
they thought He would have His kingdom today and take over as in a type of political war .
they thought many things that didnt happen would, and not much about how it all played out in reality . But THEY did LOOK for a messiah of no doubt. It was not to be this man called Jesus Christ tho, and that is why.... ba da bing!
i have 2000 years of (so far)passing history to prove that christ isnt coming back.
what proof do you offer that he is?
remember that documentation of miracles i asked about? you see any? do any?
as for going my own path?
have been for a while and doing fine without the facism of christianity weighing me down.
and if there is a god, yes! it is COMPLETELY responsible for what happened to us.i'm always amazed at the lack of action it takes against people who falsely use his name for their own gain.not like the blood thirsty,(loving)vengeful god of the bible.
the only thing that amazes me more are the people who perpetuate its dogma with excuses.
so since these wrong doers continue to exist unhindered that can only indicate to me that the christian version of 'god' is FALSE!!!! and that it doesent care.
i have 2000 years of (so far)passing history to prove that christ isnt coming back.
what proof do you offer that he is?
How can someone possibly prove that return of Christ - an event that has not yet happened? The passing of time, whether 1 day or or 2000 years proves nothing at all except that it has not yet happened. The return of Christ is a hope that many of us take comfort in. Hope cannot be proved. What do you take comfort in?
and if there is a god, yes! it is COMPLETELY responsible for what happened to us.i'm always amazed at the lack of action it takes against people who falsely use his name for their own gain.not like the blood thirsty,(loving)vengeful god of the bible.
the only thing that amazes me more are the people who perpetuate its dogma with excuses.
It seems like you still may be holding on to a TWI like view of God and how he operates or should operate... Like if there is a God then he "must" be only this way or that way (and you set the standard). -- Or God can only exsit if he does things the way I think he ought to, and since things arent the way I think they ought to be God must not exist or else He's not worth worshipping. Not a good approach IMO.
Fish, why are you here? Are you here in Doctrinal to recruit agnostics, spew venom, .... on God - or maybe to get some answers?
really, really deep, freshman-in-college philosophy class type mind-bender, stuff there, fish head...
you must be some kinda we-all-climbed-outa-the-primordial-amino acid-laden, lightnin'-bolt-fried soup believer, eh?? talk about takin shi-t on faith... -->
Observing that "Fish" is a new poster, I'm assuming (at least hoping) that he was unaware of the personal, terrible tragedy that recently struck the family of the poster whom he addressed -just a couple days before - when he posted. From my standpoint, it's not so much the content, but the timing of his post and to whom it was directed which was inappropriate.
Again, seeing that "Fish" is a new poster, I'm assuming he quite simply didn't know, and had overlooked other, recent posts...
Bad timing notwithstanding, welcome to "Greasespot" Fish. I actually related with some of the feelings and points you raised in your ill-timed post concerning the "cruel god" of the Bible, though over the years I have generally explored this issue from an ancient gnostic standpoint rather than an athiestic or agnostic position, wherein many early early Christians distinguished between a cruel "god" of the Old Testament and a new God of love revealed by Jesus in the New Testament. There are many interesting possiblilities of approaching this subject in such a manner, but alas - this would perhaps be best discussed at another time, another thread. I hope you continue to post.
Jesus said we are blessed because we have not seen Him, and also to not look for signs.
I think the idea of signs can be decieving.
dangerous even. suffice is the day and the evil in it. I take that as a singular kind of thing and to not borrow trouble about what may happen.
the book of revelation is complex, as far as future and what will happen and how.
CES did a beautiful tape about paradise regain and has researched this topic alot.
I tried to listen to John s. reveltion seminar a few times and i really couldnt get into it.
I wont try to second guess.
I believe Jesus is alive because of faith, I do suppose any furture appearances or story lines that apply to my furture may also have to include faith and what I have read in scripture.
i would think the body of Christ would be in reference to a more enduring body, or entity, or substance. Not this temporal mortal fleshly carnal being. But that which transcends, that which is transformed into what will live forever.
The body of Christ reminds me of the many references to the Son of man. That which transcends the individual yet is an individual experience that puts us as part of a whole.
a more enduring substance
not made with hands
but that which is within us all
as the references to the Son of man
is more than a reference to Jesus
But to the Christ
from the beginning it has been with us
seldom even noticed, but it is as real as it gets..just becomes clearer and more brilliant
signs happen mj, you don't have to look for them
you will know them when you see them..
without warning...they will appear
no need to look for them
a quiet peaceful heart will
perhaps not even need them
But the sign of the son of Man descending and ascending can be seen when looking for it
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I seperate the two.
God is God.
Jesus has a body in which He is head, the planner thinking and doing part of Gods plan and will for HIS people.
not all people are under the Lordship of christ, all knees must bow, because He knows the BIG Guy God.
God can make a sea part, He can make an foot speak, and He can give life eternal.
God is love and His will is that All be saved to the utermost.
How this is done with the thinking and planning and wishes and prayers of His children must be complicated.
God and Jesus together can handle it.
The body of christ is special, because the Lord know them. He knows us well. God says every hair on everyones head is counted before HIM.
We got nothing to worry about.
I have alot of jewish friends, and I have a son who denies Jesus as Lord yet admits God as the most high.
I have learned from all. All have helped me know who Jesus is in my life.
ok I will say it ... some of the most gross sick evil people who really do harm to others have claimed Jesus Christ as LORD!!!!!
they will be in heaven so it is written so it is.
we are not special those who claim another is our Saviour from the worlds problems. We just admit to be as needy as the rest of them with a solution.
I seek Jesus because He has never hurt me Catcup , all of us have hurt one another, life is like that.
God never said His creation was evil,,, that is a sick twisted warp teaching that fell from twi.
He said we need Jesus christ as LORD to make it through what life is . I believe it. But not all remember the isrealites/JEWS never knew Christ and they also will stand before HIM in judgement!!!!
Because they worshiped God.
I think those some call "unbeliever" today will be in life eternal. LOOK at the bible and how many chances does a person get to go to the throne? many many. even after death.
no not all ,those who deny HIM face to face will burn.
today I see the body as a people without a face.... I do not know why or how my physical body works and medical science is a mere guess or shot in the dark at alot of it still.
Our spiritual life is even more rich and deeper and mysterious.
so I love people and trust God almighty and seek to know who my own personal friend in Jesus christ is.
I realize people can suck, we are mean and selfish and stupid and mostly unloving alot, then Christ speaks to us and we recognize HIM as desperate mindless idiots and ask HIM to save us , for me nearly every minute of everyday, I get in so much trouble in life.
so He does and keeps on doing fixing us and then some comfort, and then what ever we need.
I have witnessed in my life a person bring me so much comfort and reminder of what God is and how much He loves me. Then the next week they lie or stab me in the back or really screw up in life somehow... and I pray deeply for us all. Knowing the lion is involved trying to tear us apart.
Satan does not want us to love, He wants us to screw up and get angry to hurt one another.. and he is powerful and effective.. BUT I believe Jesus christ has a grip on the situation if we really listen to HIM and still love one another.
it is a quick order I will say that to help one another, I must not fail HIM, I often fail another person, but He has a grip on all.
I have to be honest. to christ and to one another and I believe that opens the doors to allow one to be real and honest as well.
and that is genuine and real and truthful and that is where Christ lives. That is all He wants is for us to love one another and to be honest to know HE ALONE is LORD.
how many times did I think I was right in life only to pay a heavy price finding out it was hurtful and wrong? How many times?
I also wish for death before it happens again. but I know when it does honestly God forbid but when it does, people that care about HIM,(not neccesarily me I have managed to .... every single person I know at the same time)(or refuse to listen to anything they do have to say) will be on the phone in my face speaking to me a remedy to scrap back up and face our life together one more time. They are not listening to my sorry butt at the time they are called they are hearing Jesus when IM hiding or running away or worse. They are listening to their spirit which is saying go to MJ and love her as much as I will always love you.
and We obey and we carry on and we fight the good fight and we wish so much for the day when no more tears will be cried.
that is the body of Christ to me.
I will give you an example, one day my basement flooded.. so I took out the shop vac and plugged it into an extension and started vacuming.. then the plug adapter fell into the water and I got a shock it frightened me so... I ran up the stairs vacum still running flood still flooding... I prayed , I didnt have the money the fire dept. would charge I prayed and the door knocked. It was our utility company for a metor read!!!
you have to be kidding I said you do not understand she said no problem went straight way down the steps and unplugged the vacum and fixed it so I could finish mopping.
another is a very young teen at work making friends with me(for no reason at all) and never leaving my side speaking gentle words and making me laugh all day long, when I had a pretty good thought process of I was going to quit and most probably curse and whatever ever my rage wanted to do to a co-worker who lied and gossiped about me. she saved my sorry foot, who was she? never had even met her before she just stuck to me like glue and at one point when the other woman from hell wanted to get in my face this little girl physicly stood between her and me and made her go away .
um why ? that to me is the body of christ.
and that is why it is so easy for me to love every person . we are together we love we are chosen Jesus Christ is so the LORD of us all and knows each of us so well. Just listen and love. do ya best ya can we are in it together, He is a great LORD. We are a fine people.
or to use your terms.. He is a great Head and we will get there together to meet HIM, we just are stuck together anyways might as well.
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think fish
I dont believe dog works with us at all.
if he/it did then why move behind the scenes and situations like so many have been conditioned to think?
dog needs a better PR advisor. one who will tell him/it to be more high profile and less covert. after all, why does the creator of the universe feel like it has to move under cover?
isnt that what we were taught his enemy does?
he/it does not need us to reach others, it never did!
if the creator needs to get a message out it will!
and by modern means,not word of mouth messages passed on 5000 years ago by bronze age cave men.
hey! if jesus was the son of god and we could do 'greater things than him" after he left then why arent they happening? healings,raising the dead?
challenge convention people and try all spirits.
results do not lie.
if christianity were the 'truth' you would see a lot more people lining up around the block to learn to do what jesus could. but christians can't so they dont. none of us could!
christ is not coming back. would you?
accept it. live well and do what you want now. this is all you have.
i have never seen or done ANYTHING when i was a wafer that convinced me otherwise.
prove me wrong with documentation of any "miracles" you saw in twi.
after all. we all trusted in the 'lord' and what happened eh?
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In a sense i agree.
but it is HIS story and IM sticking to it.
to be honest I have never seen or heard anything that convinces me either other than being so very very thankful for the times in life i can and do chose to be thankful for what I am and who I love and the life I live.
On the other days I pray alot.
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Good question. I dont know the answer. (Probably has something to do with US though!!)
Tell ya what -- I bolded your statement about Christ not coming back. You give me factual documentation that He lied (at any time in His life), and I'll think about your offer.
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think fish --- I have no love for twi (lest you mistake my post). They are a manipulative outfit that is better at sucking the life out of folks, instead of offering the *abundant life* of John 10:10.
I don't hold a thing against God though. He isn't responsible for the crap that happened.
You think what you want. Go your own path. And may God (dog) go with you. I'm thinking you'll need a watch dog (God).
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People never though the messiah was coming the first time, so it is no surprise that some do not think he is coming back.
But look at the signs and see if they do not point to the events in Daniel and Revelation.
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oh they thought He was coming plenty.
they just didnt think He would be a carpenters son, or that He would be murdered and be raised again or that He would talk and heal sinners.
they thought He would have His kingdom today and take over as in a type of political war .
they thought many things that didnt happen would, and not much about how it all played out in reality . But THEY did LOOK for a messiah of no doubt. It was not to be this man called Jesus Christ tho, and that is why.... ba da bing!
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This doesn't reply to the opening post directly, but in the most general terms let me say:
The terms 'body of Christ', 'church', 'household of faith', 'true church of the firstborn', 'bride of Christ', etc. all refer to the same group of people.
I bleive the Church consists of all people who trust Christ for salvation. I believe that it includes all present past & future. (Thus the great hymn line "and mystic sweet communion with those who've gone before").
We're going to be together a long time. Best be learning to get along, yes?
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Sorry I meant to say some people.
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think fish
i have 2000 years of (so far)passing history to prove that christ isnt coming back.
what proof do you offer that he is?
remember that documentation of miracles i asked about? you see any? do any?
as for going my own path?
have been for a while and doing fine without the facism of christianity weighing me down.
and if there is a god, yes! it is COMPLETELY responsible for what happened to us.i'm always amazed at the lack of action it takes against people who falsely use his name for their own gain.not like the blood thirsty,(loving)vengeful god of the bible.
the only thing that amazes me more are the people who perpetuate its dogma with excuses.
so since these wrong doers continue to exist unhindered that can only indicate to me that the christian version of 'god' is FALSE!!!! and that it doesent care.
results do not lie.
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How can someone possibly prove that return of Christ - an event that has not yet happened? The passing of time, whether 1 day or or 2000 years proves nothing at all except that it has not yet happened. The return of Christ is a hope that many of us take comfort in. Hope cannot be proved. What do you take comfort in?
It seems like you still may be holding on to a TWI like view of God and how he operates or should operate... Like if there is a God then he "must" be only this way or that way (and you set the standard). -- Or God can only exsit if he does things the way I think he ought to, and since things arent the way I think they ought to be God must not exist or else He's not worth worshipping. Not a good approach IMO.
Fish, why are you here? Are you here in Doctrinal to recruit agnostics, spew venom, .... on God - or maybe to get some answers?
Tell us ....
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really, really deep, freshman-in-college philosophy class type mind-bender, stuff there, fish head...
you must be some kinda we-all-climbed-outa-the-primordial-amino acid-laden, lightnin'-bolt-fried soup believer, eh?? talk about takin shi-t on faith...

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an encrypted message
the unknown God
the unheard truth
the unseen Spirit
layed out quite plainly
we've heard it and seen it
who can interpret it?
how can it be untangled....
wisdom crieth in the streets
his words are there
the body of Christ.....
and should this Christ come
would we be ready?
to see what has not been seen
to hear what has not been heard
that which has been-is
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Observing that "Fish" is a new poster, I'm assuming (at least hoping) that he was unaware of the personal, terrible tragedy that recently struck the family of the poster whom he addressed -just a couple days before - when he posted. From my standpoint, it's not so much the content, but the timing of his post and to whom it was directed which was inappropriate.
Again, seeing that "Fish" is a new poster, I'm assuming he quite simply didn't know, and had overlooked other, recent posts...
Bad timing notwithstanding, welcome to "Greasespot" Fish. I actually related with some of the feelings and points you raised in your ill-timed post concerning the "cruel god" of the Bible, though over the years I have generally explored this issue from an ancient gnostic standpoint rather than an athiestic or agnostic position, wherein many early early Christians distinguished between a cruel "god" of the Old Testament and a new God of love revealed by Jesus in the New Testament. There are many interesting possiblilities of approaching this subject in such a manner, but alas - this would perhaps be best discussed at another time, another thread. I hope you continue to post.
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Jesus said we are blessed because we have not seen Him, and also to not look for signs.
I think the idea of signs can be decieving.
dangerous even. suffice is the day and the evil in it. I take that as a singular kind of thing and to not borrow trouble about what may happen.
the book of revelation is complex, as far as future and what will happen and how.
CES did a beautiful tape about paradise regain and has researched this topic alot.
I tried to listen to John s. reveltion seminar a few times and i really couldnt get into it.
I wont try to second guess.
I believe Jesus is alive because of faith, I do suppose any furture appearances or story lines that apply to my furture may also have to include faith and what I have read in scripture.
it is enough for me.
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i would think the body of Christ would be in reference to a more enduring body, or entity, or substance. Not this temporal mortal fleshly carnal being. But that which transcends, that which is transformed into what will live forever.
The body of Christ reminds me of the many references to the Son of man. That which transcends the individual yet is an individual experience that puts us as part of a whole.
a more enduring substance
not made with hands
but that which is within us all
as the references to the Son of man
is more than a reference to Jesus
But to the Christ
from the beginning it has been with us
seldom even noticed, but it is as real as it gets..just becomes clearer and more brilliant
signs happen mj, you don't have to look for them
you will know them when you see them..
without warning...they will appear
no need to look for them
a quiet peaceful heart will
perhaps not even need them
But the sign of the son of Man descending and ascending can be seen when looking for it
don't fear but learn..
that deep heart of love, of gold is within
this is our way, this is the way...
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