LOL! House, I'm glad that you post those things for us to read. It shows us that they aren't really changing and that they are still teaching the same ole b.s. AND it p*ss*s them off to be so exposed on here! :D-->
If I was still getting the rags, I'd be helping you post though. I've just always wanted to say that. ;)-->
no JT, they don't MAKE you do reviews anymore. The weekly topics are already picked out and you are to do 1 from the "theme" of week, and 1 of your choice, (hinted to, usually way mag or whatever you are "working"). So way mag ends up being done a few times. Most people just teach the "theme" 2 different ways....snoooooooor
Thanks, Bliss. So instead of telling you to teach from the Rag each week, they just "suggest" it? How nice of them. :D-->
actually, I kinda liked it some weeks because then I didn't REALLY have to prepare a teaching, just read from the rag and add a coupl-a more verses to it....voila! a teaching.
Ham, it was and I did! Lazy Man's TWI Teaching. Just add another verse or add an incident to some rag article and you have a teaching. :)--> I'm not ashamed to say I did that. If they want me to regurgitate the same crap over and over again, then that's what they get. I'm very obedient, you see. ;)-->
The exchange between Belle, Mr. Ham and bliss is pretty much truth isn't it.
Belle your words about obedient are also pretty true aren't they? Because we found it easier to stop bucking the system, at least that way we had a moments rest. -->
And Mr. Ham your line: I can see it now.. dim lights, a frisky confused voice..
Well it's just plain funny it is. I mean you can go more than one place with that. :D-->
And bliss welcome to you! You fit in very well here if you hadn't noticed yet. -->
But they should be so thankful, so full of gratitude. They don't have to prepare, don't have to think, don't have to research.
They made it too easy, in my opinion.
I think that was the point, Ham. They don't want people to think. If they actually think or truly research anything TWI teaches then that person will see how "off the word" TWI is and how wrong their teachings are....well, they should anyway. But, then again, I didn't see it for years and my ex is very intelligent and he doesn't see it. *shrug* I think that's what TWI is counting on....blinding people to the truth by boring rote repitition even when it's right in front of their eyes.
Seriously, it was only, and I mean ONLY until I decided to look at the Word on my own and try to "gel or fit" it into my brain, did I start to have questions....up until that point I just did the same thing, what they told me to "study" everyday, what books they already wrote, what the mag had, etc......even to prepare for teachings was all memorization, I wasn't really making anything "my own." Thus, my quest began.......
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LOL! House, I'm glad that you post those things for us to read. It shows us that they aren't really changing and that they are still teaching the same ole b.s. AND it p*ss*s them off to be so exposed on here!
If I was still getting the rags, I'd be helping you post though. I've just always wanted to say that.
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no JT, they don't MAKE you do reviews anymore. The weekly topics are already picked out and you are to do 1 from the "theme" of week, and 1 of your choice, (hinted to, usually way mag or whatever you are "working"). So way mag ends up being done a few times. Most people just teach the "theme" 2 different ways....snoooooooor
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Thanks, Bliss. So instead of telling you to teach from the Rag each week, they just "suggest" it? How nice of them.
actually, I kinda liked it some weeks because then I didn't REALLY have to prepare a teaching, just read from the rag and add a coupl-a more verses to it....voila! a teaching.
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Not accusing you of this, you probably didn't have any other choice in the matter either. But..
Belle, that sounds like another "tasty" Ramen noodle banquet.. just add water, or a couple of verses.
But they should be so thankful, so full of gratitude. They don't have to prepare, don't have to think, don't have to research.
They made it too easy, in my opinion.
Hey, next vey rag, maybe they could feature "the diet of der believer" by my very own ex state coordinator.
I can see it now.. dim lights, a frisky confused voice..
"man shall not live by bread alone. He requires vegetables, just not at the same meal.."
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Ham, it was and I did! Lazy Man's TWI Teaching. Just add another verse or add an incident to some rag article and you have a teaching.
:)--> I'm not ashamed to say I did that. If they want me to regurgitate the same crap over and over again, then that's what they get. I'm very obedient, you see.
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The exchange between Belle, Mr. Ham and bliss is pretty much truth isn't it.
Belle your words about obedient are also pretty true aren't they? Because we found it easier to stop bucking the system, at least that way we had a moments rest.
And Mr. Ham your line: I can see it now.. dim lights, a frisky confused voice..
Well it's just plain funny it is. I mean you can go more than one place with that.
And bliss welcome to you! You fit in very well here if you hadn't noticed yet.
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I think that was the point, Ham. They don't want people to think. If they actually think or truly research anything TWI teaches then that person will see how "off the word" TWI is and how wrong their teachings are....well, they should anyway. But, then again, I didn't see it for years and my ex is very intelligent and he doesn't see it. *shrug* I think that's what TWI is counting on....blinding people to the truth by boring rote repitition even when it's right in front of their eyes.
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B*I*N*G*O, and Bingo was his namo!
Seriously, it was only, and I mean ONLY until I decided to look at the Word on my own and try to "gel or fit" it into my brain, did I start to have questions....up until that point I just did the same thing, what they told me to "study" everyday, what books they already wrote, what the mag had, etc......even to prepare for teachings was all memorization, I wasn't really making anything "my own." Thus, my quest began.......
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