Would love to hear the one on how to buy a house cash from scratch without any previous mortgage or inheritance.
Hey, I guess I went L*AD this year cause I learned how to hike in snowshoes and set up a snow shelter and pack neccessities. Only I guess I did it the hard way, I put the snowshoes on my feet and walked! The I read a book from the library on snow shelters.
What bunk! Oh, maybe the snow shelters are the housing that people who live debt free have to resort to living in. Maybe that is how twi wants its people to live now.
Anything I say to you will be preaching to the choir on how they approach the topic of debt. ;)-->
How easily you can be caught up in the words sufficiency on God and neglect common sense. As if having financial prudence was contrary to agreeing God is a source of sufficiency. They seem to think He cares if we have a mortgage versus a rent payment each month.
OMG J*hn C*elar did an article on Followers of The Way, the Lord Jesus Christ, J C*elar is not a follower of anyone but himself; he should be thrown out on his butt (head), can't believe anyone would take his advice. PUKE!
He probably has 1/2 of his state on spiritual probation, they could never live up to his laws. The Grand Poobah himself. hahahahaha
I haven't the time to get into this magazine but I sped read the first article and I must make mention of this quickly. He did an excellent job of the article truth be told. Its focus was the building of being able to read the Bible more clearly. He got into the Reformation in some detail. There was a fair amount on Charlemagne's role. What I experienced was an instant OMG how subtle was that. And then onto the remainder of the article to find that not mentioned again. Yet if you read this paragraph alone...well read it for yourselves:
When Ye Read
R*ndy G*nn
Have you ever thought about how different your life would be spiritually if you couldn't read? Did you know that the knowledge of how to read was at one time almost lost? But God has met the needs of disciples in our day and time by preserving the knowledge of how to read and making this education available in a widespread way throughout the world. God has worked mightily to provide us with the text of the Bible, the education in how to read, and a ministry to teach us how to build our Biblical understanding when we do read the Bible.
(in closing)
I don't know this man personally so don't know his story of new birth but he never claimed he was brought to God in the text; rather it was an aid to growth. I felt that to be the most honest. This question above of which I felt was quite subtle would be more twi-bod-heads input.
As for my questions to them how could we have become born again even if blindly making our way through life (In Your Opinion) if the knowledge of how to read it was all but lost leading up to the snowfall? Don't reply in your minds that I'm limiting your statement of all but lost implying we have the understanding of born again grandfathered in at birth. You teach your folks sound doctrine, I've never disputed that but you include leading statements meant to keep them mentally dependent upon you for their son-ship. What have you encouraged in them then? It's your party! I'm certainly thankful I found thinking regains when you step outside your walls.
When I DID read the stupid thing, I couldn't tell you anything in it a month later. It was rarely useful. Same thing every issue. Give us money, sign up people and keep you wife/kids in line. Oh, yeah, be like somebody in the Bible. (Translation: listen to us no matter what we say)
Nope, wasn't just you. The balance of the magazine seems to fall into your description for the most part.
The biggest difference I've noticed is how the website is mentioned. To have printed it on the back of their T-Shirt is something they'd of called insane not too many years ago.
Given to each HFC this past Dec was a "special gift" of a round blue pin trimmed in gold with an open Bible on top of leaves that go up either side. The W*rd of God is The W*ll of God written on the open Bible. It was called an expression of love.
Are you supposed to wear it where your old WOW pin went? --> What's old is new again, I suppose.
This is terribly cynical of me but I wonder if they needed a way of singling out leadership since their wc numbers have dwindled so much.
Or it's a way to give them a medal of sorts. They've already started giving out attendance awards in the form of "You're still a FC after 10, 20, 30 years, etc." Really! What other satisfaction do they get? Browbeating the same, old, tired grads with the same old message? "Give us money and drag someone in here? And remember, darn it, you're PREVAILING!" Oh, that's a lot of fun. -->
but excuse me for a moment, i need to wipe the blood and scabs off my bony, arthritic, carpal tunneled hands so i can send another 10% to rosie munchmybark.
Thanks, House! I don't miss getting that every other month.
It is funny that they are promoting their pitiful little website. Leading people to the web is only going to send people here. If I look up a website on a company I also do a search to see what OTHER people say about that company. :D--> Good deal!
They have to keep teaching their p.i. on debt because they keep losing people because of it. If you tell the same lies over and over enough eventually some people will believe it. At least that's what they're hoping.....
They actually BOUGHT a present for the HFC's usually it was US having to provide the gifts. At least in FL it was. One year it was a photo album, once it was just a fancy card, once it was a dinner at one of our homes always something each year, but always something WE made or purchased. Maybe they did that because we've talked about how cheap they are and how they never do anything for "their people".
Thanks, House! I don't miss getting that every other month.
It is funny that they are promoting their pitiful little website. Leading people to the web is only going to send people here. If I look up a website on a company I also do a search to see what OTHER people say about that company. :D--> Good deal!
They have to keep teaching their p.i. on debt because they keep losing people because of it. If you tell the same lies over and over enough eventually some people will believe it. At least that's what they're hoping.....
They actually BOUGHT a present for the HFC's usually it was US having to provide the gifts. At least in FL it was. One year it was a photo album, once it was just a fancy card, once it was a dinner at one of our homes always something each year, but always something WE made or purchased. Maybe they did that because we've talked about how cheap they are and how they never do anything for "their people".
Belle I know you are right about losing people and it can't happen quick enough for me.
OMG..Lorna!!! [name deleted] as a spiritual leader? Writing articles for the Way Mag Rag? He was horrendous here in the beautiful state of VT, where MR. TOMMY HILFIGER (aka. [name deleted]) decimated an entire area. Pompous, abusive (verbally, and almost physically), arrogant, rude,
prideful, deceitful, ....well u get it.
"YOU WILL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS".....pay attention people......that is some very rotten fruit....
Reminder to All from the moderator: No full names, please.
Different administration so it doesn't apply. ;)-->
Do they still make innies read the Way Rag and review it? For a while, every article had to be "taught" in fellowship. Translation: Pretend like you are teaching but you're REALLY just rereading chunks of it to people who have AlSO read it too!
Is it me or that like play-acting a script to someone who just watched the movie for real? I'm not sure what is harder: doing it or pretending like you're actually learning something. DULLLLLLLL......... ZZzzz......
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Would love to hear the one on how to buy a house cash from scratch without any previous mortgage or inheritance.
Hey, I guess I went L*AD this year cause I learned how to hike in snowshoes and set up a snow shelter and pack neccessities. Only I guess I did it the hard way, I put the snowshoes on my feet and walked! The I read a book from the library on snow shelters.
What bunk! Oh, maybe the snow shelters are the housing that people who live debt free have to resort to living in. Maybe that is how twi wants its people to live now.
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Anything I say to you will be preaching to the choir on how they approach the topic of debt.
How easily you can be caught up in the words sufficiency on God and neglect common sense. As if having financial prudence was contrary to agreeing God is a source of sufficiency. They seem to think He cares if we have a mortgage versus a rent payment each month.
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OMG J*hn C*elar did an article on Followers of The Way, the Lord Jesus Christ, J C*elar is not a follower of anyone but himself; he should be thrown out on his butt (head), can't believe anyone would take his advice. PUKE!
He probably has 1/2 of his state on spiritual probation, they could never live up to his laws. The Grand Poobah himself. hahahahaha
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I agree
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I haven't the time to get into this magazine but I sped read the first article and I must make mention of this quickly. He did an excellent job of the article truth be told. Its focus was the building of being able to read the Bible more clearly. He got into the Reformation in some detail. There was a fair amount on Charlemagne's role. What I experienced was an instant OMG how subtle was that. And then onto the remainder of the article to find that not mentioned again. Yet if you read this paragraph alone...well read it for yourselves:
When Ye Read
R*ndy G*nn
Have you ever thought about how different your life would be spiritually if you couldn't read? Did you know that the knowledge of how to read was at one time almost lost? But God has met the needs of disciples in our day and time by preserving the knowledge of how to read and making this education available in a widespread way throughout the world. God has worked mightily to provide us with the text of the Bible, the education in how to read, and a ministry to teach us how to build our Biblical understanding when we do read the Bible.
(in closing)
I don't know this man personally so don't know his story of new birth but he never claimed he was brought to God in the text; rather it was an aid to growth. I felt that to be the most honest. This question above of which I felt was quite subtle would be more twi-bod-heads input.
As for my questions to them how could we have become born again even if blindly making our way through life (In Your Opinion) if the knowledge of how to read it was all but lost leading up to the snowfall? Don't reply in your minds that I'm limiting your statement of all but lost implying we have the understanding of born again grandfathered in at birth. You teach your folks sound doctrine, I've never disputed that but you include leading statements meant to keep them mentally dependent upon you for their son-ship. What have you encouraged in them then? It's your party! I'm certainly thankful I found thinking regains when you step outside your walls.
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As if the poor stooge has any other choice but to exist on peanut butter, Ramen noodles, and water for dessert.
Oh, and the occasional crumb or two from the BOD's table..
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You would, Mr. 123, but I would agree too..
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When I DID read the stupid thing, I couldn't tell you anything in it a month later. It was rarely useful. Same thing every issue. Give us money, sign up people and keep you wife/kids in line. Oh, yeah, be like somebody in the Bible. (Translation: listen to us no matter what we say)
Was it just me?
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Nope, wasn't just you. The balance of the magazine seems to fall into your description for the most part.
The biggest difference I've noticed is how the website is mentioned. To have printed it on the back of their T-Shirt is something they'd of called insane not too many years ago.
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Are you supposed to wear it where your old WOW pin went?
--> What's old is new again, I suppose.
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This is terribly cynical of me but I wonder if they needed a way of singling out leadership since their wc numbers have dwindled so much.
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They probably need some way for leader.... to be able to be identified, because they sure as hell don't exhibit leadership qualities.
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I'll not argue that point.
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Or it's a way to give them a medal of sorts. They've already started giving out attendance awards in the form of "You're still a FC after 10, 20, 30 years, etc." Really! What other satisfaction do they get? Browbeating the same, old, tired grads with the same old message? "Give us money and drag someone in here? And remember, darn it, you're PREVAILING!" Oh, that's a lot of fun.
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I think you know them too well!
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oh ye of little faith?
it's easy to buy a house with cash.
you just need to have .... loads of money.
i'm saving up myself right now....
but excuse me for a moment, i need to wipe the blood and scabs off my bony, arthritic, carpal tunneled hands so i can send another 10% to rosie munchmybark.
could somebody pass the hydrogen peroxide?
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Hey grasshopper how about some straight Rubbing Alcohol?
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Thanks, House! I don't miss getting that every other month.
It is funny that they are promoting their pitiful little website. Leading people to the web is only going to send people here. If I look up a website on a company I also do a search to see what OTHER people say about that company.
:D--> Good deal!
They have to keep teaching their p.i. on debt because they keep losing people because of it. If you tell the same lies over and over enough eventually some people will believe it. At least that's what they're hoping.....
They actually BOUGHT a present for the HFC's usually it was US having to provide the gifts. At least in FL it was. One year it was a photo album, once it was just a fancy card, once it was a dinner at one of our homes always something each year, but always something WE made or purchased. Maybe they did that because we've talked about how cheap they are and how they never do anything for "their people".
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Belle I know you are right about losing people and it can't happen quick enough for me.
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I would rather they kept the pin and reimbursed me for all of my expenses for THEIR meetings!
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OMG..Lorna!!! [name deleted] as a spiritual leader? Writing articles for the Way Mag Rag? He was horrendous here in the beautiful state of VT, where MR. TOMMY HILFIGER (aka. [name deleted]) decimated an entire area. Pompous, abusive (verbally, and almost physically), arrogant, rude,
prideful, deceitful, ....well u get it.
"YOU WILL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS".....pay attention people......that is some very rotten fruit....
Reminder to All from the moderator: No full names, please.
Edited by moddishwasherLink to comment
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Again I concur,My "bud" is really devoloping
himself into quite the leader(sic)
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I wonder what Adam read....
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Different administration so it doesn't apply.
Do they still make innies read the Way Rag and review it? For a while, every article had to be "taught" in fellowship. Translation: Pretend like you are teaching but you're REALLY just rereading chunks of it to people who have AlSO read it too!
Is it me or that like play-acting a script to someone who just watched the movie for real? I'm not sure what is harder: doing it or pretending like you're actually learning something. DULLLLLLLL......... ZZzzz......
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