I have (and use) quick verse ver. 4. I also have ver 7 (it sucks).
I got ver 7 because ver 4 wasn't compatable with my new puter. After I complained about ver 7, they sent me a patch for ver 4. And gave me a discount for "pre-ordering" ver 8.
Ver 8 is supposed to have the same capabilities as ver 4 plus a few more things...
QV6 I just do not like it not being on hard drive My QV4 is seems earier to use and put on hard drive were 6 I have to put in CD's for more translations of Bible but yes it only has 12 but that all I need
For reading or studying the NT Greek text, I go to the Perseus Tufts site. There you can read the Greek text and every Greek word is linked to a morphological analysis, with Smyth's Greek Grammar only another click away.
This site is an invaluable tool for those who want to do some work in the Greek text. Many of the Greek classics are there as well - like Josephus' Aniquities of The Jews in both Greek and English with the Greek crossreferenced and linked to morpholigical analysis, dictinary, concordance and lexicon.
"Most of my fondest memories in TWI never really happened"
[This message was edited by Goey on October 30, 2003 at 22:33.]
I have often wondered what an invaluable tool the Internet would have been to men like Bullinger? Hard to specualte, but I am sure he would have written quite a few more books.
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Righteous Brother
I have a copy of QV4 and like it. E-mail me if you want a copy.
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God bless you RB
I guess I did not phase it right I still have my copy of QV4 which I use while QV6 sets on desk God bless your heart thanks for everything
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I have (and use) quick verse ver. 4. I also have ver 7 (it sucks).
I got ver 7 because ver 4 wasn't compatable with my new puter. After I complained about ver 7, they sent me a patch for ver 4. And gave me a discount for "pre-ordering" ver 8.
Ver 8 is supposed to have the same capabilities as ver 4 plus a few more things...
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Righteous Brother
What is the problem with QV6? Is it just the fact that the CD needs to be in the drive?
Enquiring minds want to know.
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God bless you Righteous Brother
QV6 I just do not like it not being on hard drive My QV4 is seems earier to use and put on hard drive were 6 I have to put in CD's for more translations of Bible but yes it only has 12 but that all I need
God bless your heart
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I have not used QUickVerse, but I do use the Online Bible Freeware/Shareware software from time to time.
Other than that, I mostly use the Blue Letter Bible or the Bible Gateway . Both have their advantages.
For reading or studying the NT Greek text, I go to the Perseus Tufts site. There you can read the Greek text and every Greek word is linked to a morphological analysis, with Smyth's Greek Grammar only another click away.
This site is an invaluable tool for those who want to do some work in the Greek text. Many of the Greek classics are there as well - like Josephus' Aniquities of The Jews in both Greek and English with the Greek crossreferenced and linked to morpholigical analysis, dictinary, concordance and lexicon.
"Most of my fondest memories in TWI never really happened"
[This message was edited by Goey on October 30, 2003 at 22:33.]
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I have often wondered what an invaluable tool the Internet would have been to men like Bullinger? Hard to specualte, but I am sure he would have written quite a few more books.
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Kit Sober
We have QV 7. Been using Quick Verse since 95 or so. Love it.
Loved it better when it wa Parsons.
There are some great Bible-ware programs.
Sincerely and hopefully,
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