God loves you all and lets talk about SEX loud and clear.
The male takes two action to plant a fertilize seed
1st the male will place his thing in the female as you all know
2nd his sperm into the woman and mixing it in the woman in the egg
For goodness sakes, man, how about treating the nice lady to a romantic candlelight dinner and a night out to town, before stampeding upon her with your "sword (or "thingy") of the spirit"?
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Wow, Roy, thanks. I've never heard anyone sex up Romans 10:9 quite like that before.
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So one way or another, we're screwed?
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For goodness sakes, man, how about treating the nice lady to a romantic candlelight dinner and a night out to town, before stampeding upon her with your "sword (or "thingy") of the spirit"?
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God first
Beloved Lindyhopper and Satori001
God bless your loving hearts my friends
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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God first
Beloved The Invisible Dan
God bless your loving heart
Maybe since God is light he is like the candlelight and the meal is his words
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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What an "afterglow"
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Not sure how to comment on that, Roy.
It's interesting, but wouldn't that make God gay?
Maybe I'm missing something or need another cup of coffee. Can you maybe explain it a little more?
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Do you think JC ever had sex?
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Thats some deep shi# bro !!
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God first
Beloved Justloafing
God bless your loving heart
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Belle
God bless your loving heart too
No that would not make God gay but a being of both sexes
God has male sex parts alone with female parts like angels
God just choice to use his female parts here but when he gave birth to heaven, earth, animals, mankind and more in the beginning he used both parts
But the creation just needed spiritual blood to be made alive
I hope this helps
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved OnionEater
God bless your loving heart too
Jesus Christ could not of had sex because he overcame all sin or at least while on earth
But who knows about after he die and rose
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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God first
Beloved Allan
God bless your loving heart
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Trefor Heywood
So God is a bisexual hermaphrodite?
And the angels are all butch dykes?
Sorry Roy but I have lost all trail of logic here.
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Could JC get an erection? How about a nocturnal emission?
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I don't know what you all are on, but I daresay it's a might stronger than Sweet N Low.
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Whatever it is, I would like a couple of helpings of it..
But I "kind of" get it. Really- love is what motivated God to give.
And He wants a pretty intimate relationship with us.
And sex is about as intimate as you can get.
I dunno.. I don't exactly feel "screwed" in all of this.
Still thinking about all of this though..
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..... and what happens if any of us refuse the 'overtures'? (refuse to believe the gospel, as it were)
does severe abuse then result? (which I would imagine being burned in hellfire would undoubtedly be. ... severe abuse, that is)
Could that be a kind of forced intimacy then? At the very least anyway? ... Hhmmm??
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God first
Beloved Trefor Heywood
God bless your heart
No God is just both sexes at the same time
not a male playing woman or a woman playing male but both in one being
God is spirit and a form of both sexes just like the angels
Their are animals that animal planet told me about that they were both sexes in one body
Whatever they call that and if I knew how to look up it I would show you maybe some one elst can help you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Onion Eater
God bless your loving heart
I do not know about that way one way or another
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved GarthP2000
God bless your loving heart
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Mr Hammeroni
God bless your loving heart
kept thinking about it as I pray Jesus Christ helps you see it
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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think fish
so year2027.
if god is both sexes in the same body can he(it?) go screw itself?
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God first
Beloved Dennis Leary
God loves you
So your mad at God for what the world did to you
and the Way is just part of the world
with love and a holy spiritual kiss blowing your way Roy
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think fish
Look here brotha', who you jivin' with that cosmic debris?
And the names think fish.
dennis leary is a favorite comic of mine whos quote i use for a signature
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you beat me to it ex...I have the same question, and who says so?
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God first
Beloved Excathedra
God bless your loving heart
Sex can be a sin and it can not be
If you put any thing above God its a sin
Sex is for making children first
second I do not know for sure
I never heard of Jesus Christ having a wife
Sex out of a bond of two is sin
that the best I can do
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Mstar1
God bless your loving heart
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Think Fish
God loves you
Who am I
I am a brother to Jesus Christ my name is Roy William Perry III
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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