Holy canoli!!! I just bought a few little things this past week to put away for Christmas gifts - this is the absolute earliest I've ever started shopping, I swear it is!
I grumble about it every year, but when the day comes I really do enjoy it....It is a helluva lot easier if I start thinking about it now, instead of Dec 23rd.
I've learned to enjoy Christmas again... here's how: I get most of my shopping done ahead of time just because it's more cost and stress effective. Then, right around the actual DAY, I can go out in the "weather" and the "crowds" without any pressure. I can spend a day browsing the stores and watching the Mall-Santa doing his thing, and eating roasted nuts, and being stuck in sloppy traffic and remembering that this is what made it fun when I was a kid.
Mind you, I grew up in the midwest. There was always lots of snow, and my folks would take us kids out shopping a few days before Christmas to help us buy gifts for other family members. Obviously, they had already done all of "Santa's" shopping without us.
I love Christmas, its always a lot of fun. The only thing I don't like is the last minute rush, I am a last minute annie (as my father always called me). Last year was the easiest I've ever had along those lines. I went out of town during Christmas season. I waited until after Christmas to do my shopping while I was gone, no rush, no crowds and I got everything at a decent price! The only thing I missed by being out of town was coffee with my son Christmas morning. He always drops by on his way out of town to see me, so instead I just called him that morning and had a natter :)-->
While I am the resident Scrooge, I do like the lights. The yearly "discussion" with hubby is how many lights you can safely put on the tree. I think that 1000 may not be enough. One should have at least enough to cause a little black out in the neighborhood. :D-->
I know lots of folks get bummed out at holiday time. My sister used to get depressed every December but that was back when she was single and lonely. Now, she's a happy mother of two and loves the time.
On top of what Chef and TCAT mentioned.. I still love all the Christmas specials on TV. Especially the old ones I've seen a hunnert times. I don't actually watch every minute of them usually but its nice just having them on the TV where I can hear if I'm in the kitchen :D-->.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE CHRISTMAS!! I hated it TWI-style, but did the best I could. My ex couldn't care less about it, so I did it all on my own....picking out the tree, setting it up, decorating it, buying the presents, helping plan the meal, watching the Christmas specials, buying cards.... I just LOVE doing all that and now that there are no rules about what I can and can not do, I can't wait for it to get here!!
"A Christmas Story" is my favorite Christmas movie and I watch it about ten times during the season.
This year I'll:
Have my real CHRISTMAS tree as usual BUT
put Santa Claus and other contraband ornaments on it
send out CHRISTMAS cards with that verbotten word on them
bake CHRISTMAS cookies for the office
enjoy my family without worrying about them or my ex saying something to start a fight or make
anyone feel uncomfortable
enjoy eating what (and how much) I want without my ex counting every calorie.
enjoy going to hear the singing Christmas Tree at my church.
enjoy playing TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS music in my house.
enjoy going to visit my family instead of us having to be split up because someone won't/can't take time off from work.
AND someday, I hope to have kids who will put out cookies and milk for SANTA'S much anticipated visit. :D-->
Oh Jeez-Thanks for the reminder! As some of you know Christmas is a non stop run for florists...so I purchase X-mas for the kids way too early to catch the latest landfill toy they really really must have (mattel is way too clever-promotes the lastest Barbie movie just in time ...) Here's what I love, making centerpieces til my fingers bleed, trying to keep the shop staffed because everyone wants to leave to spend time with their families...The "Eve" is always a really late night for me, and then I come home pray that Daddo has tackled the assembly required gifts, and go to family gatheriings to be photographed with the expression of a deer in the headlights. Seriously I have years of holiday pic's with a stunned look on my face-quite attractive. I do like it though, when someone gets all excited about the most beautiful centerpiece they have ever seen ever, and how the family will love it-that's my pay off I guess. And the kids shrieking as they open the lastest Thomas the tank engine and super glittery Barbie thingy-ma-bob.
I have gone out of my way though to not do "the santa story" I felt like I would be lieing to my kids, and therefore told my 6 year old daughter all about the history of the holiday, how we can all be santa and not just one day but all the time etc etc-Then she causes a rukcus at school by telling all the other little nippers that Santa is dead- he lived a long time ago, but that everyone copuld be santa and backed up her argument by explaining that all the different santa's where just guys in suits you can get at party city. Then stated that her mom would too so know because she made all the flowers for everone's christmas and if anybody would know it would be me, because santa, where he alive, would certainly come and help me out, or give me a few elves to whip out centerpieces and decorate homes.
Maybe I shoulda just ran with the santa story like other parents....
I love Christmas because of the decorating, the food, watching Kristopher (who's now 4 years old) getting excited about the presents, the food, watching the cats getting excited about the decorations on the tree, the food, and did I mention that I love the food?
One of the things I hate about Christmas is the shopping. I did mine online last year and not only got great deals, but had 'stress-free' shopping. I picked no-brainers - L.L.Bean, Amazon, Staples, and Target. That was it! Got it all done on one Sunday afternoon, if I remember correctly.
The other thing I hate is taking down the decorations. YUCK! Our house is "open concept" the kitchen and living room are one room - 28'x19' - so it going from being cluttered with cheery things to clean but boring. Since Hubby is the biggest Scrooge I've ever met the festivities are up to me - but I love it anyhow. I can't help it.
Those are nice pictures, David. Here in Florida lights are a big deal. It's so much fun to ride around and look at the beautiful yards and the way overdone ones too. I'm glad none of the busy, bright, tacky yards are in my neighborhood, though.
I don't like the National Lampoon christmas lights & decorations like those as much as the simple, clean look. One of my favorite yards every year has a couple of deer and very tastefully balanced white lights and white light icicles with red bows on the trees.
Dmiller, lololol love those pictures. I would still be trying to put one more strand in there some where. hee hee hee.
And like Sudo said, watching movies is our tradition. "Christmas Vacation," "A Christmas Story." (you'll shoot your eye out!), "how the Grinch Stole Christmas," And "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles". Not a Christmas movie but very funny.
I had won a very nice eBay auction for some "rescue heroes" toys that Kristopher wanted for his birthday. However, the shipping took forever - the seller was pretty lame about it, but I can't gripe because it was such a good deal....
Kristopher, as usual, got SO MUCH STUFF for his birthday that we practically need an addition for it all - (he's the first grandbaby on hubby's side - which is Greek - so he's the "golden child"). We got him one thing - I think everyone else thought he needed twenty things.
The day after his birthday, he says, "Mommy, I want...."
"NO! You just had your birthday and you got a lot of new toys. You don't NEED anymore right now. Now, go play."
That's when I decided he had enough toys.
The delayed birthday gift is now going in the basement until Christmas. So, my Christmas shopping is done for one member of the family already!
I love Christmas because it seems that it is the one time during the year that people give themselves permission to come together as family and friends to celebrate and honor each other. It gives us a chance to say to the people in our lives "my life is richer because you are in it."
Ofcourse, it is a shame that we only seem to come together with certain people in our lives (usually family) during the Yule season. I think of my own family gatherings at Christmas. I often thought as my eyes scanned the room during these gatherings "why do we do this every year?" Of all the people I am connected with in my life's journey these are the people I know least about. Yet each year there is this magnetism that brings us together at this particular time. Why?
It seems that we come together because we are bonded by blood. It is good that we recognize that significant bond by honoring those who proceeded us and passed to us the gift of life and embracing those that we have ourselves have passed the same precious gift. Perhaps that is the real significance of the act of gift giving during the season...as a metaphor for a gift significantly more precious in the context of celebrating even the greater Gift as we honor God for keeping His promises. There is something transcendent in the trees, fruitcake, decorations and lights if we allow ourselves to be open to the meaning of the season.
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Sorry, do you mean HO-HO ?!!
Oh no, hope I haven't started anything !!
Btw, what does CHrist-mas mean(as a term of refern'ce)?
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Holy canoli!!! I just bought a few little things this past week to put away for Christmas gifts - this is the absolute earliest I've ever started shopping, I swear it is!
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I loved Christmas, as a kid --- I got presents. (selfish -- I know)
I hated Christmas, as an adult -- cause I was expected to give.(selfish -- I know)
I don't *do* Christmas anymore (nothing to do with twi). Too much time, effort, money, etc. dictated to me about *the season*, or whatever.
As for me and *my house*, I choose to ignore the decorations, trees, presents, and all.
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No, I mean Christmas and I have no idea what it means referance wise. I don't like the holiday, never really have and I dread it every year.
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5 1/2 months --thanks for the reminder
I grumble about it every year, but when the day comes I really do enjoy it....It is a helluva lot easier if I start thinking about it now, instead of Dec 23rd.
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I've learned to enjoy Christmas again... here's how: I get most of my shopping done ahead of time just because it's more cost and stress effective. Then, right around the actual DAY, I can go out in the "weather" and the "crowds" without any pressure. I can spend a day browsing the stores and watching the Mall-Santa doing his thing, and eating roasted nuts, and being stuck in sloppy traffic and remembering that this is what made it fun when I was a kid.
Mind you, I grew up in the midwest. There was always lots of snow, and my folks would take us kids out shopping a few days before Christmas to help us buy gifts for other family members. Obviously, they had already done all of "Santa's" shopping without us.
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I love Christmas, its always a lot of fun. The only thing I don't like is the last minute rush, I am a last minute annie (as my father always called me). Last year was the easiest I've ever had along those lines. I went out of town during Christmas season. I waited until after Christmas to do my shopping while I was gone, no rush, no crowds and I got everything at a decent price! The only thing I missed by being out of town was coffee with my son Christmas morning. He always drops by on his way out of town to see me, so instead I just called him that morning and had a natter
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
i know i am wierd but i love christmas!
always have
love the lights
love the festivites
love the gatherings
love the parties
love the way people seem to love each other that time of year
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While I am the resident Scrooge, I do like the lights. The yearly "discussion" with hubby is how many lights you can safely put on the tree. I think that 1000 may not be enough. One should have at least enough to cause a little black out in the neighborhood.
Other than that I say "Bah-humbug!"
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Place me in the "I love Christmas" group..
I know lots of folks get bummed out at holiday time. My sister used to get depressed every December but that was back when she was single and lonely. Now, she's a happy mother of two and loves the time.
On top of what Chef and TCAT mentioned.. I still love all the Christmas specials on TV. Especially the old ones I've seen a hunnert times. I don't actually watch every minute of them usually but its nice just having them on the TV where I can hear if I'm in the kitchen
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE CHRISTMAS!! I hated it TWI-style, but did the best I could. My ex couldn't care less about it, so I did it all on my own....picking out the tree, setting it up, decorating it, buying the presents, helping plan the meal, watching the Christmas specials, buying cards.... I just LOVE doing all that and now that there are no rules about what I can and can not do, I can't wait for it to get here!!
"A Christmas Story" is my favorite Christmas movie and I watch it about ten times during the season.
This year I'll:
Have my real CHRISTMAS tree as usual BUT
put Santa Claus and other contraband ornaments on it
send out CHRISTMAS cards with that verbotten word on them
bake CHRISTMAS cookies for the office
enjoy my family without worrying about them or my ex saying something to start a fight or make
anyone feel uncomfortable
enjoy eating what (and how much) I want without my ex counting every calorie.
enjoy going to hear the singing Christmas Tree at my church.
enjoy playing TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS music in my house.
enjoy going to visit my family instead of us having to be split up because someone won't/can't take time off from work.
AND someday, I hope to have kids who will put out cookies and milk for SANTA'S much anticipated visit.
Yeah, I like Christmas!
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From a contest held in Minneapolis/St. Paul area.
The yearly contest is put on by the folks from the Garage Logic radio show, and the more electricity used, the better.
Garage Logic is a production of KSTP 1500 AM.
1st place:
27,000 to 30,000 lights.
2nd place:
over 20,000 lights, and 60 lighted figures.
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For the *power problems* they had for running this many lights, click on
THIS LINK, and see what they went through!
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Hope this fits your idea of a *power outage*, T-cat!!
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dmiller, is that your guitar posted under your name?
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David, either I'm going nuts or you have just changed the picture. I don't remember that the other one was a gibson.
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Oh Jeez-Thanks for the reminder! As some of you know Christmas is a non stop run for florists...so I purchase X-mas for the kids way too early to catch the latest landfill toy they really really must have (mattel is way too clever-promotes the lastest Barbie movie just in time ...) Here's what I love, making centerpieces til my fingers bleed, trying to keep the shop staffed because everyone wants to leave to spend time with their families...The "Eve" is always a really late night for me, and then I come home pray that Daddo has tackled the assembly required gifts, and go to family gatheriings to be photographed with the expression of a deer in the headlights. Seriously I have years of holiday pic's with a stunned look on my face-quite attractive. I do like it though, when someone gets all excited about the most beautiful centerpiece they have ever seen ever, and how the family will love it-that's my pay off I guess. And the kids shrieking as they open the lastest Thomas the tank engine and super glittery Barbie thingy-ma-bob.
I have gone out of my way though to not do "the santa story" I felt like I would be lieing to my kids, and therefore told my 6 year old daughter all about the history of the holiday, how we can all be santa and not just one day but all the time etc etc-Then she causes a rukcus at school by telling all the other little nippers that Santa is dead- he lived a long time ago, but that everyone copuld be santa and backed up her argument by explaining that all the different santa's where just guys in suits you can get at party city. Then stated that her mom would too so know because she made all the flowers for everone's christmas and if anybody would know it would be me, because santa, where he alive, would certainly come and help me out, or give me a few elves to whip out centerpieces and decorate homes.
Maybe I shoulda just ran with the santa story like other parents....
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Gc -- nope. It's the headstock of a 1923 Vega banjo.
(sadly -- no -- it is not mine.)
Banjo and fiddle go together like bread and butter;
like peanut butter, and jelly;
like Andy and Amos;
like Siegfried and Roy;
And on, and on.
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I love Christmas because of the decorating, the food, watching Kristopher (who's now 4 years old) getting excited about the presents, the food, watching the cats getting excited about the decorations on the tree, the food, and did I mention that I love the food?
One of the things I hate about Christmas is the shopping. I did mine online last year and not only got great deals, but had 'stress-free' shopping. I picked no-brainers - L.L.Bean, Amazon, Staples, and Target. That was it! Got it all done on one Sunday afternoon, if I remember correctly.
The other thing I hate is taking down the decorations. YUCK! Our house is "open concept" the kitchen and living room are one room - 28'x19' - so it going from being cluttered with cheery things to clean but boring. Since Hubby is the biggest Scrooge I've ever met the festivities are up to me - but I love it anyhow. I can't help it.
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Andrea - I love your post about your daughter's rational about Santa helping you - you could write a book with that story! LOL!
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Those are nice pictures, David. Here in Florida lights are a big deal. It's so much fun to ride around and look at the beautiful yards and the way overdone ones too. I'm glad none of the busy, bright, tacky yards are in my neighborhood, though.
I don't like the National Lampoon christmas lights & decorations like those as much as the simple, clean look. One of my favorite yards every year has a couple of deer and very tastefully balanced white lights and white light icicles with red bows on the trees.
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Dmiller, lololol love those pictures. I would still be trying to put one more strand in there some where. hee hee hee.
And like Sudo said, watching movies is our tradition. "Christmas Vacation," "A Christmas Story." (you'll shoot your eye out!), "how the Grinch Stole Christmas," And "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles". Not a Christmas movie but very funny.
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I had won a very nice eBay auction for some "rescue heroes" toys that Kristopher wanted for his birthday. However, the shipping took forever - the seller was pretty lame about it, but I can't gripe because it was such a good deal....
Kristopher, as usual, got SO MUCH STUFF for his birthday that we practically need an addition for it all - (he's the first grandbaby on hubby's side - which is Greek - so he's the "golden child"). We got him one thing - I think everyone else thought he needed twenty things.
The day after his birthday, he says, "Mommy, I want...."
"NO! You just had your birthday and you got a lot of new toys. You don't NEED anymore right now. Now, go play."
That's when I decided he had enough toys.
The delayed birthday gift is now going in the basement until Christmas. So, my Christmas shopping is done for one member of the family already!
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I love Christmas because it seems that it is the one time during the year that people give themselves permission to come together as family and friends to celebrate and honor each other. It gives us a chance to say to the people in our lives "my life is richer because you are in it."
Ofcourse, it is a shame that we only seem to come together with certain people in our lives (usually family) during the Yule season. I think of my own family gatherings at Christmas. I often thought as my eyes scanned the room during these gatherings "why do we do this every year?" Of all the people I am connected with in my life's journey these are the people I know least about. Yet each year there is this magnetism that brings us together at this particular time. Why?
It seems that we come together because we are bonded by blood. It is good that we recognize that significant bond by honoring those who proceeded us and passed to us the gift of life and embracing those that we have ourselves have passed the same precious gift. Perhaps that is the real significance of the act of gift giving during the season...as a metaphor for a gift significantly more precious in the context of celebrating even the greater Gift as we honor God for keeping His promises. There is something transcendent in the trees, fruitcake, decorations and lights if we allow ourselves to be open to the meaning of the season.
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