Sure, in the near future you will need a prescription to get your vitamins. A bottle of zinc (good for colds and good for men's health) now sells for about $4.00. They expect it to go to about $50.00 a bottle. AND you will have to go to the Doctors and ask him to prescribe it for you.
Then, suppose you feel a cold coming on? You want to take extra "c" you will only be able to get it at 200mg.I know I take about 3000 mg a day so you can image the cost and the effort in trying to convince a Doctor I need it.Echinacea is an herb that helps the immune system and can be found in teas.
Suppose you feel a little icky, a cup of the tea would do the trick -- but now you will not be able to buy it as it will be considered a DRUG.The drug companies will control all of it -- oh yes, lets trust them...If you want children’s vitamins -- it will involve a Doctors visit...You see? Pretty awful, huh?
This list is likely to expand over the next two years.
Now Codex and the HPB will have their way, and your favorite supplements will be replaced by expensive, patented, over-the-counter or prescription drugs.
Just look what has already happened to amino acids like tryptophan. Once available for under $20 for a bottle of 100 tablets of 500 mgs. at your local health food store, the same tablet is now only available by prescription at a cost of over $120 at your pharmacy.
On top of that, in order to get a prescription for tryptophan, you will have to convince your doctor to give you one. This is easier said than done simply because most medical doctors have no clue what tryptophan does or believe it to be toxic. Project this shallow thinking on to the herbs listed above and it becomes quite clear that public access to natural remedies will be a thing of the past.
yes, it is effecting New Zealand, England, Canada, Aussie country and others. It is a world movement for corporations to regulate the health food industry. It is a world thing. It blows my mind that the world powers can take away our vitamins.
An attack on the right to choose what you believe is best for your body. A natural-right not, until now, under threat.
But be well aware, times have changed, attitudes have changed, government now believes it has the power to override your rights.
You may not use health supplements, vitamin and mineral supplements, such as vitamin a, b, c, d, or e or minerals such as iron, zinc or magnesium. You may not find Beroca a benefit. If not then this issue still concerns you, because it is about one of your basic freedoms, - the right to choose. In particular the right to chooses what you believe will benefit your body and sustain your body in the best, most healthy condition that you can.
Essential vitamins and minerals for human consumption are about to become difficult, or impossible to package, or purchase over the counter as is your right, - your free choice.
There are moves by multinational drug companies to buy up, or destroy small privately owned packers and distributors of essential vitamins and minerals, part of a world wide attempt to control all health supplements and through the control of supplements, control the state of wellness of your body and the health of all people in the world.
The best we can expect, if we allow this program become reality, can be seen from the proposals of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (started in 1963, a joint effort between the UN and the WHO). Codex plans to place strict limits on all health supplements, limiting them to strengths well below the normal daily requirement by the human body. (Codex Explained)
This means that people requiring large doses of a vitamin or mineral, to treat a particular disease, will need to swallow the whole of the packet to get the amount now available in one or two tablets. (European Directive)
Packs of supplements will cost even more than they do today and will only be available from a chemist, on a Doctors prescription. Link
This oppressive move, against your best interests of people, is backed by some governments, including the Australian Government. Why? Because the drug manufacturers are spending hundreds of millions of dollars in an effort to bring within their total control all natural health supplements, remedies and medicines.
The end result of this drug company project will be that health supplements, that work, will disappear. Why, because drug companies make money from sick people. The incentive therefore is to maintain people in a state of sickness for as long as possible.
Difficult to come to grips with? Look at the evidence, then make up your mind?
Drug company greed for ever increasing profits and the increasing ability to contribute to government slush-funds is damaged by the use of natural health supplements, because every healthy person is a customer lost to the drug companies.
As each day passes evidence comes to light where drug companies are dosing people with drugs that maintain sickness and in many cases, make people sick, thus providing long term future customers and their objective, increased profits, much of which finds its way back to political parties, politicians and regulators, the popular media; and doctors who all seem to be under drug company, profit induced, spells.
Doctors, many now practicing through corporations, are also in the disease industry; the more disease the better for business. A bitter pill to swallow, but truth often is.
Drug companies also are well down the road towards controlling the world’s food supply with genetically designed seed that only grows after having received a liberal dose of the drug companies chemical fertilizer. Plants then grow producing unnatural food and the plants seeds are infertile, requiring new seeds to be purchased from the drug company every time a new crop is planted. (The Consequences of Cross Pollination)
As knowledge about the value of vitamins and minerals in the prevention of disease becomes better and more widely known the drug companies see a massive drop in profits looming, as people become healthier from natural health supporting supplements. Add to this the ever increasing move away from drugs to natural remedies and the drug companies see an end to their “disease industryâ€.
It is clear the drug companies are even less responsible than tobacco companies when telling the “truth†about the products they produce. Link
The PAN debacle, where across Australia, perfectly good natural health supplements were recalled and dumped is being replicated around the world, doing massive damage to the natural health supplement industry as the attack was designed to do, (TGA Recall)
All in an endeavor to force people to rely on unnatural, in many cases, life destroying drugs. The drug companies have recruited governments to be their willing accomplices in this drug company inspired burn and destroy program. Link
This issue is but one of a long list, where government has joined with multi-national corporations to bring about the wishes of the multinationals against the best interests of the population. Link
It is clear that company profits have become more important than, not only good health, but the lives of people.
It is also clear that where doubt about the effect of a drug or a vaccination exists the government should decidedly err on the side of caution, but this is not the case. Link
Governments consistently accept drug companies’ test results and ignore reports contrary to that of the drug companies.
US Dietary Supplement Laws Threatened By Globalization!
Consumer access to dietary supplements in the USA is being threatened by illegal FDA actions at the UN Codex Alimentarius Commission where the FDA has been working hard to create a mindlessly restrictive global trade standard for vitamins and minerals.
At the 28th General Session of the UN's Codex Alimentarius Commission between July 4-9th 2005, barring a miracle, a very restrictive global trade standard for vitamins and minerals will be ratified. Codex standards can be imposed on the USA via membership in the WTO and via regional harmonization through an expansion of NAFTA via CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement) and FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas).
These trade agreements threaten to force the USA into a hemispheric equivalent to the European Union.
It was just accepted in Europe and we are a part of the World health organization (WHO)
Healthfood stores etc are all on alert as they may be a thing of the past. The average citizen defeated it in the 90's but this has been not as public and just was accepted in Europe -- And is on its way here.
Suppose you feel a little icky, a cup of the tea would do the trick -- but now you will not be able to buy it as it will be considered a DRUG.The drug companies will control all of it -- oh yes, lets trust them...
Sooooo -- companies like Celestial Seasonings (promoting their product as a
*wellness tea*), would be forced out of business?? -->
Meebe it is time for a world wide tea party -- not only in Boston, but everywhere.
That is the fear. But I think they are already owned by Phillip Morris. So, it could survive and just go way up in price -- or you will need a prescription to buy it. Whatever happens, life as we know it will be changing if the corporations rule "all of it". (They own a lot now)
Nature's Way a lovely company with top quality herbs was just sold to *I think* Merck (a pharmaceutical co.)
A brief aside-
But it is all part of some very insidious things going on for "New world order"
In the World organizations it was agreed that no company would be able to “own†any living thing. But then, after oil spill a “company†came up with organisms, which ate the oil and wanted a paten on them.
It was declined then granted.
Since then companies have been buying the DNA/genetic rights to all kinds of things. One company in (I believe) Canada bought the rights to some “seedsâ€. I forget which seeds but NOW those seeds – let us say watermelon seeds are corporately owned. They have now been altered to be sterile once you grow your watermelon so you cannot save your seeds and plant them next year.
They have genetically altered the “seeds†to be one generation. So, next year, and every year after, you will be dependant to purchase the seeds from that company. And they will grow only ONCE.
So, now we cannot grow food without the seeds of the company that owns them, and they are trying to own the DNA of creatures say of all gorillas or German Shepherds, etc.
Soon the corporations who have aligned themselves with governments will own all that we can purchase to make us well, to feed us, that we can grow…
There is already a chip that can be planted under the skin that elite people have implanted when they go “clubbing†so they do not carry a purse. The chip is scanned through the skin and they can buy their drinks and food etc, by being scanned.
Our freedoms are being hooked into the new world order.
John Hammell: The US has already signed Mutual Recognition Agreements as part of GATT and NAFTA that prevent a country from refusing to harmonize its domestic laws to an international standard, except on the basis of safety. Now government agencies are pushing to set "upper levels" on supplements. If they prevail, America will forfeit its right to opt out on the basis of safety because our own laws will affirm our acceptance of "safe" limits. The pattern is clear.
Furthermore, since the World Trade Organization's Dispute Settlement Body does not allow individual testimony, our government representatives, whom the pharmaceutical interests are working hard to influence, would not plead our case.
...It is clear that we need a groundswell of support for Congressman Ron Paul's American Sovereignty Restoration Act which would protect our domestic laws by pulling us out of the World Health Organization
...This is NOT "fiction" and it IS Codex harmonization in that it is movement in the direction orchestrated by pharmaceutical interests. In fact, IAHF and allied groups have reason to believe that a UN body called ICDRA, the International Council of Drug Regulating Authorities, coordinates the actions of the world's FDA's...
I was reading about this yesterday from a health site I belong to and it was consistenetly referred to by the literature there as the "German standard" of care, which was being pushed as the ultimate world standard.
Controversial new European laws which would outlaw thousands of vitamin and mineral supplements could be overturned.
The rules, due to come into force in August, are designed to tighten controls on the growing market in products sold under the health food heading - natural remedies, vitamin supplements and mineral plant extracts.
But British health food industry campaigners say they hope the proposed euro-legislation will be stopped in its tracks with just weeks to spare by a decision due in the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.
The Court's Advocate-General has already decreed in a non-binding opinion that the proposed Food Supplements Directive is invalid because it breaches basic EU principles of "legal protection, legal certainty and sound administration".
If the judges agree it will be a major victory for the Alliance For Natural Health (ANH) which, backed by the British Health Food Manufacturers Association (HFMA), and the National Association of Health Stores (NAHS), mounted a legal challenge to save common food supplements and avoid bankruptcy for many suppliers.
The Directive was approved by EU governments in 2002, and health food manufactures were given until July 12, 2005 to submit detailed scientific dossiers proving their ingredients were safe.
The idea was that, once confirmed as safe, the ingredients and products went on a "positive list" of permitted substances for use in health foods. But supplements failing to qualify by August 1 this year would be banned.
The plans caused controversy in Britain from the start, prompting a petition of more than one million signatures, a letter of protest to Prime Minister Tony Blair from more than 300 doctors and scientists, and motions opposing the euro-law from both Houses of Parliament.
Last April's opinion from the Advocate-General backed the idea of such legislation, pointing out it would ensure a high level of health and consumer protection - something which required EU-level action and could not be sufficiently guaranteed by individual countries.
However, he also said the Directive as it stood should be thrown out because it lacked clearly defined rules and norms for the European Commission to follow when deciding whether a product is to be allowed on the list. If that view is upheld, it means similar rules could still come into force if the legal arrangements were changed to ensure compliance with basic EU legal and administrative principles.
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I am really, really glad to see you back. I have really, really, really missed you.
interesting about the vitamins also
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Dot Matrix
oenophile - a huge hug to you, I missed you as well.
This vitamin stuff is awful. The drug companies will rule the industry...
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I'm happy to see you as well Dot.
Can you put this information in laywomen's terms for me?
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Dot Matrix
Sure, in the near future you will need a prescription to get your vitamins. A bottle of zinc (good for colds and good for men's health) now sells for about $4.00. They expect it to go to about $50.00 a bottle. AND you will have to go to the Doctors and ask him to prescribe it for you.
Then, suppose you feel a cold coming on? You want to take extra "c" you will only be able to get it at 200mg.I know I take about 3000 mg a day so you can image the cost and the effort in trying to convince a Doctor I need it.Echinacea is an herb that helps the immune system and can be found in teas.
Suppose you feel a little icky, a cup of the tea would do the trick -- but now you will not be able to buy it as it will be considered a DRUG.The drug companies will control all of it -- oh yes, lets trust them...If you want children’s vitamins -- it will involve a Doctors visit...You see? Pretty awful, huh?
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Dot Matrix
For instance:
this will be just a memory
Aloe vera
Cascara sagrada
Cat's claw
Dong Quai
Echinacea augustifolia
Echinacea purpurea
Ephedra (Ma huang)
Ginkgo biloba
Golden Seal
Gotu Kola
Kava Kava
Milk Thistle
Pau D'arco (Taheebo)
Saw palmetto
This list is likely to expand over the next two years.
Now Codex and the HPB will have their way, and your favorite supplements will be replaced by expensive, patented, over-the-counter or prescription drugs.
Just look what has already happened to amino acids like tryptophan. Once available for under $20 for a bottle of 100 tablets of 500 mgs. at your local health food store, the same tablet is now only available by prescription at a cost of over $120 at your pharmacy.
On top of that, in order to get a prescription for tryptophan, you will have to convince your doctor to give you one. This is easier said than done simply because most medical doctors have no clue what tryptophan does or believe it to be toxic. Project this shallow thinking on to the herbs listed above and it becomes quite clear that public access to natural remedies will be a thing of the past.
Codex -- not Cotex
read here:
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Hi Dot, great to see you again!!!! Do you have any info or have you heard anything if this will also affect Canada?
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Dot Matrix
yes, it is effecting New Zealand, England, Canada, Aussie country and others. It is a world movement for corporations to regulate the health food industry. It is a world thing. It blows my mind that the world powers can take away our vitamins.
Read this
Good to see you!
An attack on the right to choose what you believe is best for your body. A natural-right not, until now, under threat.
But be well aware, times have changed, attitudes have changed, government now believes it has the power to override your rights.
You may not use health supplements, vitamin and mineral supplements, such as vitamin a, b, c, d, or e or minerals such as iron, zinc or magnesium. You may not find Beroca a benefit. If not then this issue still concerns you, because it is about one of your basic freedoms, - the right to choose. In particular the right to chooses what you believe will benefit your body and sustain your body in the best, most healthy condition that you can.
Essential vitamins and minerals for human consumption are about to become difficult, or impossible to package, or purchase over the counter as is your right, - your free choice.
There are moves by multinational drug companies to buy up, or destroy small privately owned packers and distributors of essential vitamins and minerals, part of a world wide attempt to control all health supplements and through the control of supplements, control the state of wellness of your body and the health of all people in the world.
The best we can expect, if we allow this program become reality, can be seen from the proposals of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (started in 1963, a joint effort between the UN and the WHO). Codex plans to place strict limits on all health supplements, limiting them to strengths well below the normal daily requirement by the human body. (Codex Explained)
This means that people requiring large doses of a vitamin or mineral, to treat a particular disease, will need to swallow the whole of the packet to get the amount now available in one or two tablets. (European Directive)
Packs of supplements will cost even more than they do today and will only be available from a chemist, on a Doctors prescription. Link
This oppressive move, against your best interests of people, is backed by some governments, including the Australian Government. Why? Because the drug manufacturers are spending hundreds of millions of dollars in an effort to bring within their total control all natural health supplements, remedies and medicines.
The end result of this drug company project will be that health supplements, that work, will disappear. Why, because drug companies make money from sick people. The incentive therefore is to maintain people in a state of sickness for as long as possible.
Difficult to come to grips with? Look at the evidence, then make up your mind?
Drug company greed for ever increasing profits and the increasing ability to contribute to government slush-funds is damaged by the use of natural health supplements, because every healthy person is a customer lost to the drug companies.
As each day passes evidence comes to light where drug companies are dosing people with drugs that maintain sickness and in many cases, make people sick, thus providing long term future customers and their objective, increased profits, much of which finds its way back to political parties, politicians and regulators, the popular media; and doctors who all seem to be under drug company, profit induced, spells.
Doctors, many now practicing through corporations, are also in the disease industry; the more disease the better for business. A bitter pill to swallow, but truth often is.
Drug companies also are well down the road towards controlling the world’s food supply with genetically designed seed that only grows after having received a liberal dose of the drug companies chemical fertilizer. Plants then grow producing unnatural food and the plants seeds are infertile, requiring new seeds to be purchased from the drug company every time a new crop is planted. (The Consequences of Cross Pollination)
As knowledge about the value of vitamins and minerals in the prevention of disease becomes better and more widely known the drug companies see a massive drop in profits looming, as people become healthier from natural health supporting supplements. Add to this the ever increasing move away from drugs to natural remedies and the drug companies see an end to their “disease industryâ€.
It is clear the drug companies are even less responsible than tobacco companies when telling the “truth†about the products they produce. Link
The PAN debacle, where across Australia, perfectly good natural health supplements were recalled and dumped is being replicated around the world, doing massive damage to the natural health supplement industry as the attack was designed to do, (TGA Recall)
All in an endeavor to force people to rely on unnatural, in many cases, life destroying drugs. The drug companies have recruited governments to be their willing accomplices in this drug company inspired burn and destroy program. Link
This issue is but one of a long list, where government has joined with multi-national corporations to bring about the wishes of the multinationals against the best interests of the population. Link
It is clear that company profits have become more important than, not only good health, but the lives of people.
It is also clear that where doubt about the effect of a drug or a vaccination exists the government should decidedly err on the side of caution, but this is not the case. Link
Governments consistently accept drug companies’ test results and ignore reports contrary to that of the drug companies.
US Dietary Supplement Laws Threatened By Globalization!
Consumer access to dietary supplements in the USA is being threatened by illegal FDA actions at the UN Codex Alimentarius Commission where the FDA has been working hard to create a mindlessly restrictive global trade standard for vitamins and minerals.
At the 28th General Session of the UN's Codex Alimentarius Commission between July 4-9th 2005, barring a miracle, a very restrictive global trade standard for vitamins and minerals will be ratified. Codex standards can be imposed on the USA via membership in the WTO and via regional harmonization through an expansion of NAFTA via CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement) and FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas).
These trade agreements threaten to force the USA into a hemispheric equivalent to the European Union.
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Holy shi+ don't take my herbs away.
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Sounds like legislation Red, overfed, Mary Jo dead as he fled, Jack & Bobby dead - we got him instead, Ted Kennedy introduced a few years back.
You'd think somebody might care. At least the bill was defeated.
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Dot Matrix
It's back...
It was just accepted in Europe and we are a part of the World health organization (WHO)
Healthfood stores etc are all on alert as they may be a thing of the past. The average citizen defeated it in the 90's but this has been not as public and just was accepted in Europe -- And is on its way here.
enter your zip code and let congress know you want your freedom to buy vitamins! If you agree...
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Hiya Dot.
Sooooo -- companies like Celestial Seasonings (promoting their product as a
*wellness tea*), would be forced out of business??
Meebe it is time for a world wide tea party -- not only in Boston, but everywhere.
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Dot Matrix
That is the fear. But I think they are already owned by Phillip Morris. So, it could survive and just go way up in price -- or you will need a prescription to buy it. Whatever happens, life as we know it will be changing if the corporations rule "all of it". (They own a lot now)
Nature's Way a lovely company with top quality herbs was just sold to *I think* Merck (a pharmaceutical co.)
A brief aside-
But it is all part of some very insidious things going on for "New world order"
In the World organizations it was agreed that no company would be able to “own†any living thing. But then, after oil spill a “company†came up with organisms, which ate the oil and wanted a paten on them.
It was declined then granted.
Since then companies have been buying the DNA/genetic rights to all kinds of things. One company in (I believe) Canada bought the rights to some “seedsâ€. I forget which seeds but NOW those seeds – let us say watermelon seeds are corporately owned. They have now been altered to be sterile once you grow your watermelon so you cannot save your seeds and plant them next year.
They have genetically altered the “seeds†to be one generation. So, next year, and every year after, you will be dependant to purchase the seeds from that company. And they will grow only ONCE.
So, now we cannot grow food without the seeds of the company that owns them, and they are trying to own the DNA of creatures say of all gorillas or German Shepherds, etc.
Soon the corporations who have aligned themselves with governments will own all that we can purchase to make us well, to feed us, that we can grow…
There is already a chip that can be planted under the skin that elite people have implanted when they go “clubbing†so they do not carry a purse. The chip is scanned through the skin and they can buy their drinks and food etc, by being scanned.
Our freedoms are being hooked into the new world order.
But back to our vitamins. Write your congressman.
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Dot Matrix
This says "From plants, to
animals, to human genetic material, they are fast becoming monopoly
monarchs over all the life kingdoms."
read here:
suicide "seeds" were being stopped but now seems to be allowed to continue
This reads:
Canada endorsing Monsanto 'suicide seeds'Leaked document reveals secret plans:
John Hammell: The US has already signed Mutual Recognition Agreements as part of GATT and NAFTA that prevent a country from refusing to harmonize its domestic laws to an international standard, except on the basis of safety. Now government agencies are pushing to set "upper levels" on supplements. If they prevail, America will forfeit its right to opt out on the basis of safety because our own laws will affirm our acceptance of "safe" limits. The pattern is clear.
Furthermore, since the World Trade Organization's Dispute Settlement Body does not allow individual testimony, our government representatives, whom the pharmaceutical interests are working hard to influence, would not plead our case.
...It is clear that we need a groundswell of support for Congressman Ron Paul's American Sovereignty Restoration Act which would protect our domestic laws by pulling us out of the World Health Organization
...This is NOT "fiction" and it IS Codex harmonization in that it is movement in the direction orchestrated by pharmaceutical interests. In fact, IAHF and allied groups have reason to believe that a UN body called ICDRA, the International Council of Drug Regulating Authorities, coordinates the actions of the world's FDA's...
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I was reading about this yesterday from a health site I belong to and it was consistenetly referred to by the literature there as the "German standard" of care, which was being pushed as the ultimate world standard.
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Scary Stuff! It's so surreal!
I wrote my congressmen and signed up on that site, Dot. Thanks for letting us know about things like this!
And.....include me in the "glad to have you back" welcoming committee.
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Dot Matrix
Thanks for signing up!
Krys it is a real shocker! I got a bunch of Vitamin "C" today and some endangered herbs
More information:
Euro court to rule on vitamin law Jul 12 2005
Controversial new European laws which would outlaw thousands of vitamin and mineral supplements could be overturned.
The rules, due to come into force in August, are designed to tighten controls on the growing market in products sold under the health food heading - natural remedies, vitamin supplements and mineral plant extracts.
But British health food industry campaigners say they hope the proposed euro-legislation will be stopped in its tracks with just weeks to spare by a decision due in the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.
The Court's Advocate-General has already decreed in a non-binding opinion that the proposed Food Supplements Directive is invalid because it breaches basic EU principles of "legal protection, legal certainty and sound administration".
If the judges agree it will be a major victory for the Alliance For Natural Health (ANH) which, backed by the British Health Food Manufacturers Association (HFMA), and the National Association of Health Stores (NAHS), mounted a legal challenge to save common food supplements and avoid bankruptcy for many suppliers.
The Directive was approved by EU governments in 2002, and health food manufactures were given until July 12, 2005 to submit detailed scientific dossiers proving their ingredients were safe.
The idea was that, once confirmed as safe, the ingredients and products went on a "positive list" of permitted substances for use in health foods. But supplements failing to qualify by August 1 this year would be banned.
The plans caused controversy in Britain from the start, prompting a petition of more than one million signatures, a letter of protest to Prime Minister Tony Blair from more than 300 doctors and scientists, and motions opposing the euro-law from both Houses of Parliament.
Last April's opinion from the Advocate-General backed the idea of such legislation, pointing out it would ensure a high level of health and consumer protection - something which required EU-level action and could not be sufficiently guaranteed by individual countries.
However, he also said the Directive as it stood should be thrown out because it lacked clearly defined rules and norms for the European Commission to follow when deciding whether a product is to be allowed on the list. If that view is upheld, it means similar rules could still come into force if the legal arrangements were changed to ensure compliance with basic EU legal and administrative principles.
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