No, I don't think LCM should have "gotten clocked".
Now why not? I was kinda hoping that those who wanted to clock Mr. Martindale would be able to do so at some time either in this life or a later one :D-->. I hope Mr. Martindale learns first hand about karma. He definitely hasn't received half of what he deserves
I know what you mean CoolChef. Violence isn't the answer even for men as a$$inine as Martindale. I am happy to let the karma cards fall whey they may or let God deal with Martindale the way He sees fit. I have to remember that God is a righteous and fair Judge. That should make Martindale shake in his boots. Martindale hid a lot of stuff from the people he "pastored", but he was never able to hide it from God.
One comment to johniam, and then I'll comment on the thread.
Johniam said:
I think the reason God made men stronger than women is because he knew there would be times when the woman would get so emotionally out of control that it would take the threat and/or realization of physical force to restore order.
To that I can only say, this kind of thinking is nuckin' futs!!!
Now, to being raised in twi:
One thing I've noticed in reading the parts of this thread that actually have to do with growing up in twi is how articulate you guys who are in that category and post on GS are. I'm not crediting twi with that, but your parents and your own wonderful selves. The people on GS who grew up in twi are among my favorite posters--bright, funny, and well balanced. My hat's off to all of you!
Oh, and Diazbro, I've really appreciated your posts in this thread. Well said, every one of them.
I think the reason God made men stronger than women is because he knew there would be times when the woman would get so emotionally out of control that it would take the threat and/or realization of physical force to restore order.
Well thats ONE way to justify violence, and excuse ones lack of self control ...shrug
One thing I've noticed in reading the parts of this thread that actually have to do with growing up in twi is how articulate you guys who are in that category and post on GS are. I'm not crediting twi with that, but your parents and your own wonderful selves. The people on GS who grew up in twi are among my favorite posters--bright, funny, and well balanced. My hat's off to all of you!
Linda Z,
That was such a nice thing to say. Thank you. I have noticed the same about most of the posters here. So many people have interesting things to say, and everyone's so articulate and even-handed. Very good group.
And I agree with you about diazbro's posts - excellent.
Not that I want to turn this into a *bash John* thread....but I really am curious...
John, if you are still speaking to us....I`d honestly and without rancour like to ask where you picked up this line of know that God made you guys stronger because we women needed to kept in line physically....
Was that something you were taught in twi?
Is this something that you have picked up from teachings of an off shoot or church since leaving?...
Is it a theory that you have come up with after carefull consideration on your own?
If you are willing to discuss your reasoning, we could start another thread and I`ll stop derailing this one...
It's been more than 4 days since I last posted and nobody wants to talk about 'raised in the way'; everybody still wants to talk about me. Linda tried to derail the derail but nobody really followed her lead. Fair enough.
It doesn't take a degree in psychology to see that you need serious help. You go on sexist rants about women getting out of control emotionally but you're the only on on this board who's ranting and raving like he's about to bust a vein.
I think I see your point now. You're a normal balanced even tempered woman and you know that you should have an all access pass to abuse any man you wish. Men are stupid and need to be abused daily if for no other reason than to remind them that they have a pulse. Any REAL man should welcome this, not resist it. So when Johniam comes along and says women should be held accountable for their behavior we have come down on him with hobnail boots and destroy him. This also is undeniable proof that there is no God, because if there was a God then Johniam would've been struck down dead long ago and yet he's still posting this stuff so there can't possibly be a God.
Yes, Bluesie, you have a good point. Just hang in there, OK?
Scout Finch: Bad news. I am married (about 17 yrs) I have 3 children, 2 pets, I am 51 yrs old, and I have NEVER been arrested for anything remotely related to violent crime or sexual misconduct and that's all YOU need to know!
Diazbro: Mr. self righteous, self appointed race police/social worker. Just one more thing for you: There are a LOT of white people who share my feelings. Believe it. And the scary thing about it is that I'm not talking about wackos who stockpile automatic weapons or who join the KKK, Nazis, or skinheads or any of those other idiot groups out there. No. I'm talking about regular people like me (families, jobs, church, etc.) who are simply SICK of the stench of racial/sexist double standards that get dumped on us every day. You say I'm "priviledged"? What utter crap. God is no respecter of persons. There is no access to God that *I* have that you don't also have and if that's not good enough for you then you are 'chasing your tail' spiritually speaking. Like jack in the box says...enjoy your hole!
You don't respond to anything I've said about God and spiritual matters. What's up with that?
So what? Movies are a time tested medium between what is real and what is ideal. It's never going to be a 100% match, but like they say art imitates life.
I'll bet there's a lot of women who value the movie "Thelma and Louise". I've seen it, so I'd like to comment on it.
On one level, the whole movie seems like somebody's paranoid fantasy: 2 women need a break from their husbands so they go out for a little fun and one thing leads to another and they end up driving their car over a cliff. It almost sounds like what LCM would tell people who were tempted to leave the 'household of Zion'.
First, I don't really think women who live in Oklahoma or Arkansas have to live in that kind of environment where they have to "escape" from their husbands to get a little r&r. I also thought that scene was hokey toward the end when Geena Davis' husband is shown the videotape of her robbing that convenience store using the same "tag on your toe" spiel Brad Pitt taught her and then the husband just implodes. Life is over. My sweetie got taken over by the devil. I'll never hold my head up in town again. Gag me.
I did think that, given the circumstances, everything they did was appropriate when they killed that guy in the parking lot. They were fish out of water; they were scared; they had never had to act so independently before this. In the movie THEY were the ones standing up to bullies and the movie did a good job of showing how they started taking baby steps and by the end of the movie they were finally happy with who they were or who they had become.
What do any of my posts here have to do with being raised in twi?
My 7yo daughter's body would have been ripped to shreds if she hadn't been taught exactly how to grab on, twist, and get a twig leader off the top of her.
My 7yo daughter's body would have been ripped to shreds if she hadn't been taught exactly how to grab on, twist, and get a twig leader off the top of her.
Oh my gosh CoolWaters, are you serious? That is sickening & horrible. But good for your little daughter for fighting back and good for whoever taught her to do so.
johniam - I knew it was too good to be true to hope you'd left this thread and weren't coming back. Sigh. You storm into a thread shooting your mouth off about something that has nothing to do with the original topic, offend and insult a bunch of people, then you're suprised when you come back and people are still talking about you. This is ridiculous. I'm done posting to you.
Geeeeeze CW, I hate it too. Please give your kiddo (yeah I know she is 28) a hug for me....I have a 7 yr old ....I cannot imagine that little sweetie having to endure what your child makes it so graphic and real to me.
I guess being raised in the way varied greatly with where one was located :-(
Actually John, it was hinted at when I married my corpes spouse....kind of along the lines of your emotions will make you unstable at times and therefor it is up to the more logical man, his spiritual responsibility as head of house hold to keep me on track utilizing whatever means necessary, and I oughtta be damn glad that he would love me enough to do so.
I just made up my mind to be darn sure that spouse would never have a reason to resort to such measures...
Your statement just took it a step further.....I was curious to know if current off shoots or other churches teach this.
Will you feel any different if someday your future son in law or daughters boy friend ever decides that she *deserves to be clocked* or your daughter in law shows up to a family dinner sporting a well earned shiner?
What if your son as a male feels his mother or sister as overly emotional females deserve to be struck?
Do you think that our daughters as females need to be clocked more than their male brothers?
Does their gender make them more unstable or is it something that occurs after marriage? Due to their volatile nature do they need someone else to stand in to administer the blows when merited untill they have a spouse to keep em in line??
Is this a mindset that we can attribute to twi teaching or you have felt this way prior to your envolvement?
It is attitudes like this that make me wonder if I even want my sweet daughters to marry a Christian.
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Now why not? I was kinda hoping that those who wanted to clock Mr. Martindale would be able to do so at some time either in this life or a later one
:D-->. I hope Mr. Martindale learns first hand about karma. He definitely hasn't received half of what he deserves
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although i am totally against violence... some people need to get clocked. tights would be one of them
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I know what you mean CoolChef. Violence isn't the answer even for men as a$$inine as Martindale. I am happy to let the karma cards fall whey they may or let God deal with Martindale the way He sees fit. I have to remember that God is a righteous and fair Judge. That should make Martindale shake in his boots. Martindale hid a lot of stuff from the people he "pastored", but he was never able to hide it from God.
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Linda Z
One comment to johniam, and then I'll comment on the thread.
Johniam said:
To that I can only say, this kind of thinking is nuckin' futs!!!
Now, to being raised in twi:
One thing I've noticed in reading the parts of this thread that actually have to do with growing up in twi is how articulate you guys who are in that category and post on GS are. I'm not crediting twi with that, but your parents and your own wonderful selves. The people on GS who grew up in twi are among my favorite posters--bright, funny, and well balanced. My hat's off to all of you!
Oh, and Diazbro, I've really appreciated your posts in this thread. Well said, every one of them.
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Johniam said:
Well thats ONE way to justify violence, and excuse ones lack of self control ...shrug
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Linda Z,
That was such a nice thing to say. Thank you. I have noticed the same about most of the posters here. So many people have interesting things to say, and everyone's so articulate and even-handed. Very good group.
And I agree with you about diazbro's posts - excellent.
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May I derail one more time for a miniute?
Not that I want to turn this into a *bash John* thread....but I really am curious...
John, if you are still speaking to us....I`d honestly and without rancour like to ask where you picked up this line of know that God made you guys stronger because we women needed to kept in line physically....
Was that something you were taught in twi?
Is this something that you have picked up from teachings of an off shoot or church since leaving?...
Is it a theory that you have come up with after carefull consideration on your own?
If you are willing to discuss your reasoning, we could start another thread and I`ll stop derailing this one...
Thanks, respectfully ...... Cathy
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john what don't you undrstad that hitting people is not right?no matter what
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It's been more than 4 days since I last posted and nobody wants to talk about 'raised in the way'; everybody still wants to talk about me. Linda tried to derail the derail but nobody really followed her lead. Fair enough.
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quote: john what don't you undrstad that hitting people is not right?no matter what
quote: Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent
When I read stuff like that, what I get is that you don't have the guts to stand up to a bully.
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Rascal: The closest answer to the choices you listed is... Is it a theory that you have come up with after carefull consideration on your own?
I have never been told or taught by anyone in TWI or a spinoff that it's OK to hit women. Have you?
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I think I see your point now. You're a normal balanced even tempered woman and you know that you should have an all access pass to abuse any man you wish. Men are stupid and need to be abused daily if for no other reason than to remind them that they have a pulse. Any REAL man should welcome this, not resist it. So when Johniam comes along and says women should be held accountable for their behavior we have come down on him with hobnail boots and destroy him. This also is undeniable proof that there is no God, because if there was a God then Johniam would've been struck down dead long ago and yet he's still posting this stuff so there can't possibly be a God.
Yes, Bluesie, you have a good point. Just hang in there, OK?
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Nuckin'.....ain't worth nuckin'...till some buddy luvs YEWWWW
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Scout Finch: Bad news. I am married (about 17 yrs) I have 3 children, 2 pets, I am 51 yrs old, and I have NEVER been arrested for anything remotely related to violent crime or sexual misconduct and that's all YOU need to know!
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Diazbro: Mr. self righteous, self appointed race police/social worker. Just one more thing for you: There are a LOT of white people who share my feelings. Believe it. And the scary thing about it is that I'm not talking about wackos who stockpile automatic weapons or who join the KKK, Nazis, or skinheads or any of those other idiot groups out there. No. I'm talking about regular people like me (families, jobs, church, etc.) who are simply SICK of the stench of racial/sexist double standards that get dumped on us every day. You say I'm "priviledged"? What utter crap. God is no respecter of persons. There is no access to God that *I* have that you don't also have and if that's not good enough for you then you are 'chasing your tail' spiritually speaking. Like jack in the box says...enjoy your hole!
You don't respond to anything I've said about God and spiritual matters. What's up with that?
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So what? Movies are a time tested medium between what is real and what is ideal. It's never going to be a 100% match, but like they say art imitates life.
I'll bet there's a lot of women who value the movie "Thelma and Louise". I've seen it, so I'd like to comment on it.
On one level, the whole movie seems like somebody's paranoid fantasy: 2 women need a break from their husbands so they go out for a little fun and one thing leads to another and they end up driving their car over a cliff. It almost sounds like what LCM would tell people who were tempted to leave the 'household of Zion'.
First, I don't really think women who live in Oklahoma or Arkansas have to live in that kind of environment where they have to "escape" from their husbands to get a little r&r. I also thought that scene was hokey toward the end when Geena Davis' husband is shown the videotape of her robbing that convenience store using the same "tag on your toe" spiel Brad Pitt taught her and then the husband just implodes. Life is over. My sweetie got taken over by the devil. I'll never hold my head up in town again. Gag me.
I did think that, given the circumstances, everything they did was appropriate when they killed that guy in the parking lot. They were fish out of water; they were scared; they had never had to act so independently before this. In the movie THEY were the ones standing up to bullies and the movie did a good job of showing how they started taking baby steps and by the end of the movie they were finally happy with who they were or who they had become.
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That's what you got out of Thelma and Louise??????????????
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Lorena Bobbit rocks!
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You may be right about why 'god' made women weaker than men...
But you also have to admit that 'god' gave men external genitalia...
Hangin' out there all proud...
And so very handy for grabbin' and twistin' and bring the strong down with a weak little tweak...
After all...
When men are teaching women a lesson, their genitals are usually within easy reach...
Doesn't God say somewhere that He uses the weak to confound the strong...?
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What do any of my posts here have to do with being raised in twi?
My 7yo daughter's body would have been ripped to shreds if she hadn't been taught exactly how to grab on, twist, and get a twig leader off the top of her.
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Oh my gosh CoolWaters, are you serious? That is sickening & horrible. But good for your little daughter for fighting back and good for whoever taught her to do so.
johniam - I knew it was too good to be true to hope you'd left this thread and weren't coming back. Sigh. You storm into a thread shooting your mouth off about something that has nothing to do with the original topic, offend and insult a bunch of people, then you're suprised when you come back and people are still talking about you. This is ridiculous. I'm done posting to you.
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I'm serious, BluzieQ.
My daughter is now 28yo...and just a couple of days ago she finally started talking about being raised in twi.
What I knew about was horrific and terrifying and evil to the nth degree...
What I am learning is even more so...
Gawd I HATE twi!!!!!!
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Geeeeeze CW, I hate it too. Please give your kiddo (yeah I know she is 28) a hug for me....I have a 7 yr old ....I cannot imagine that little sweetie having to endure what your child makes it so graphic and real to me.
I guess being raised in the way varied greatly with where one was located :-(
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Actually John, it was hinted at when I married my corpes spouse....kind of along the lines of your emotions will make you unstable at times and therefor it is up to the more logical man, his spiritual responsibility as head of house hold to keep me on track utilizing whatever means necessary, and I oughtta be damn glad that he would love me enough to do so.
I just made up my mind to be darn sure that spouse would never have a reason to resort to such measures...
Your statement just took it a step further.....I was curious to know if current off shoots or other churches teach this.
Will you feel any different if someday your future son in law or daughters boy friend ever decides that she *deserves to be clocked* or your daughter in law shows up to a family dinner sporting a well earned shiner?
What if your son as a male feels his mother or sister as overly emotional females deserve to be struck?
Do you think that our daughters as females need to be clocked more than their male brothers?
Does their gender make them more unstable or is it something that occurs after marriage? Due to their volatile nature do they need someone else to stand in to administer the blows when merited untill they have a spouse to keep em in line??
Is this a mindset that we can attribute to twi teaching or you have felt this way prior to your envolvement?
It is attitudes like this that make me wonder if I even want my sweet daughters to marry a Christian.
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