Why am I responding to this? I don't know but I just wanted to pint out:
"Well, this black man behind us starts in on me. I tried to ignore him (this was on a Friday night, by the way...crowded) but he kept it up. Finally I asked him how many beers he had. He then got righteously indignant and threatened to get physical with me in the parking lot."
So instead of saying nothing to a drunk man, or asking him to leave you alone you said "how many beers did you have"
That's called "not rising above the crap" and making a bad situation worse. If he indeed was drunk then you walked right into it. Use wisdom, don't be confrontational to the ignorant and drunk people unless you want problems. Did you expect your statement would defuse the situation? It was ONLY going to make it worse.
"he played the democrat card; said Republicans were making all the world's problems (which, to him meant white people)"
This seems to be all in your imagination. Did he say that by "Republican" he meant "White people"? Or did you imagine that part? Even so, don't validate him!
"Also, he did this right in front of my kid!!! Not smart. What kind of message does it send to a kid if I just sit there and take abuse like that? It says, "How can my dad protect me if he won't even protect himself?"
Protect? Were you really in danger? You taught your kid to validate loudmouth drunkards by arguing with them. I would teach my kid that booze is making this guy act like a fool.
I don't totally disagree with everything you said but it would be nice if you owned your part in this confrontation.
No, actually. I'm trained in self-defense so I can deal with creeps like you who think it's okay to hit a woman "if she deserves it." (Or rape her, assault her, whatever.) I'm certainly not afraid of whiny, fat bald white men who have to resort to getting up in people's faces in grocery store lines to try hide hide their own (glaringly obvious) FEAR and insecurity. Johniam, your posts just drip with fear, thinly veiled as anger. You seem terrified that some mysterious "other" is gonna try to take away something of YOURS. Get over it. Truly strong people don't need to behave like bullies and throw tantrums to try to intimidate others.
well... before this thread makes it's way back to the topic I'd just like to say:
I'm "white".
I'm heterosexual.
I'm a male.
I'm married to a Mexican woman.
My step-son and I have a saying "it's her world and we're just livin' in it"... that should tell you how things work around here! :)-->
But... she does get stopped by the police for driving a car that's 'too nice' for her through a neighborhood that's 'too nice' for her... and when they read her license and see an Anglo surname they make her repeat to them all of the info on it...
Somebody help me please, I thought I was reading a thread about growing up in twi. Do I have some wierd computer virus that has sent me over to a racism thread? If so.. would someone please tell me how to get back to the thread I was intending on reading
Well you totally avoided answering the question about hitting women though I'm not surprised.
I'll assume then that what others have posted then is true. You can correct this impression if you so chose.
To be frank you aren't strong enough to deal with any of this - that much is clear. You are very weak John. Very weak. God I never hope you have to deal with any real racial issues in your life- you couldn't last.
This whole thing begain because *you* claimed something that simply is not true and once confronted you start with the BS and misdirection. Once again - WHMs do call the shots in this society and they are NOT at the bottom of the foodchain. About that there can be no debate though when confronted you still won't acknowledge that but thats okay. We both know its true despite your tangents.
You try to misdirect things to isolated cases as if you have sufferred as minorities do on a daily basis when you never have - NOT EVEN CLOSE ! You don't have the strength to deal with vital and real issues like social inequities, prejudice, and inter-racial relations all of which are key to making a stronger more effective society and nation.
Its to everyones advantage to deal with these issues before the country endures a crisis or challenge that could one day polarize us. On a practical level John the hispanic community continues to grow significantly each year so you might want to quit whining and deal with it.
The things you say like "non white people are more prejudiced against white people than the reverse" is so wrong and completeley dismissive of what history has shown time and again. You must be the dumbest guy on the planet or you have a problem with race.
It is possible that you simply cannot come to terms with the reality that millions of people have sufferred as a result of discrimination in ways that you cannot imagine because you are privileged. And no one has asked you to apologize for that.
But instead of doing what most reasonable people would do, talk it over, you become incredibly defensive and pursue a path of denial to preserve your peace which is obviously fragile and most likely based on the concept of "Each to his kind" (i.e each to his own skin color).
You are like some rich kid who whines and moans about being inconvenienced. "Oh Let them eat cake.. or fried chicken, ribs, tacos, tamales or whatever". Your "strategy" is to rapidly label anyone who disagrees with you a racist or bigot or somehow unchristian to preempt characterizations of you in that light. It doesn't work John so you might find some new schtik
Lastly, in a strange way its interesting to see the "real" John back. The act you've been putting down for quite a while now was always forced. And what was it you told me once ? Yes. That I would "burn in the lake of fire". That was classic. Of course you would prefer it be in the lake of fire reserved for "colored people".
Big mouthed, drunken idiots start trouble all the time. I have been threatened with all manner of beatings and mutilation, I have been called every name in the book.
And what was it you told me once ? Yes. That I would "burn in the lake of fire". That was classic.
I told you nothing of the sort. Liar! Paste it here if not. You're too brainwashed to even continue this with.
By the way, the thread Oakspear referred to can be found on page 23 of the open forum. It's called "Yates conviction overturned". It's 8 pages long; my first post is on page 2 and the post he's probably thinking about is on page 4 near the top. My point throughout the thread is about women abusing men, but the "damning evidence" you witch hunters are looking for is on page 4.
In PFAL we were taught that the serpent used 5 steps to deceive Eve, but the 'closer' in that whole deal was a 6th step: misrepresentation of God(Gen 3:5).
I have to ask you this and its not meant to point fingers at you at all. But from all the time I've read your posts I get the feeling that there is some kind of anger towards women in general. There must have been something thats happened in your life to take these things to such an extreme. This is what I get from what you posted in several other threads.
Please say this isn't true. I'd truly like to understand why you continuously feel that women get away with stuff and men don't. Is that how you feel?
Yes, it's how I feel! Not "in general", but in specific situations, this being one of them. It seems to me that some women act as though when they do something well they want all respect all the time, but when they screw up, they want to be treated like "special ed" students who should not be held accountable for their behavior like other people (men). Not just women who make headlines like Andrea Yates, but women I see out in public and even at fellowships I attend. I get really sick of having to be the bigger person all the time. I think many women routinely take advantage of men in this way in interpersonal relationships.
If a fly or mosquito buzzed in your ear for several seconds at a time you'd probably swat at it involuntarily until it stopped. That's not violent or abusive, it's merely being human and needing your space. I personally believe that 90% of so called domestic violence cases are initiated by the woman. They get emotional, they don't know or care when to shut up, they keep verbally hammering away at that man non stop, driving him up a wall.......the only defense that man has is to either flee his own house, or clock her like she deserves. But how convenient it's illegal for him to do that. So he stews for awhile until he can't take it anymore and then "swats the fly" and gets put in jail. Who will dare hold the woman responsible for causing this?
It's never going to be legal for men OR women to injure anybody, but this situation in our culture all but encourages women to be predators. Yes, Vickles, I DO think women get away with stuff and men don't.
And what was it you told me once ? Yes. That I would "burn in the lake of fire". That was classic.
Then John said:
I told you nothing of the sort. Liar! Paste it here if not. You're too brainwashed to even continue this with.
You made the remark on Waydale about the same time that you said that you have "people who come to me" in reference to "your [alleged] followers" who sought your counsel outside of the general forums available at Waydale. You also wove in talk about AA. Subsequently you accused me of having a "crisis of confidence".
But this is nothing in comparison to this.....
John said:
My point throughout the thread is about women abusing men, but the "damning evidence" you witch hunters are looking for is on page 4.
the only defense that man has is to either flee his own house, or clock her like she deserves. But how convenient it's illegal for him to do that. So he stews for awhile until he can't take it anymore and then "swats the fly" and gets put in jail.
Oh My Lord !
"clock her like she deserves" ? "swats the fly" ? John you need help asap. I had no idea. That is all I can say. You are falling apart. I had no idea about these statements relative to women. It is sickening. Truly sickening. This is vile and if you truly believe this you need help quickly. Heaven help the man who touched my daughter or sister thinking he was "swatting a fly". Heaven help the man who "clocked" them under any circumstances. Jail would seem a paradise to him...
Discussions with you relating to social issues are pointless given these statements. Get help....
the only defense that man has is to either flee his own house, or clock her like she deserves. But how convenient it's illegal for him to do that.
Not only is that a dangling participle, it's just silly. Women aren't allowed to clock men either. It's conveniently illegal to clock people, regardless.
Dude, I don't know you. But I am telling you that in my opinion you need to work on that anger problem of yours.
If I am wrong then my only other choice is to think that you're a guy who likes to stir the pot, cause problems and be outrageous on message boards. I've seen that type on other sites. Grease Spot is not immune.
It's never going to be legal for men OR women to injure anybody,
or this...
In 1996 at the Democratic convention the "right reverend" Hillary Clinton said how proud she was that her husband is the first president who ever said that a man should never hit a woman. Then two years and change later she whacked him in the face with a cell phone knowing he was going to be on TV one hour later.
or this...
But why, Oak, do you assign this celestial value to women but not to men. We all need to get put in our place; otherwise we could become like LCM. Don't you think he should have gotten clocked at some point in time? Not by a judge's ruling or a BOD decision, but by a fist!
or this...
As I said, getting physical should be a last resort, not a primary strategy. All the other things I listed as last resorts (spankings, war, bankruptcy, the death penalty, and the lake of fire) can be used as primary strategies and the results are bad. Sure, there are men whose primary strategy is physical threats and actions to keep his wife and kids constantly terrorized and "in line". I do not advocate this. Thats not a family, that's a dictatorship!
I think the reason God made men stronger than women is because he knew there would be times when the woman would get so emotionally out of control that it would take the threat and/or realization of physical force to restore order. Women really are smarter than men a lot of times, but God still put the man as head of the household. Why? Offense sells tickets/ defense wins games. That man's physical strength is the last outpost of defense.
Some women use verbal/emotional abuse as a primary strategy. I see men all the time out in public who look emaciated in general. They say behind every great man there's a great woman. I suspect that behind every emaciated man there's an abusive woman as well.
Some men are too prideful to admit they can actually be bullied by women. Oh, yes they can! Maybe 90% is a bit steep, but it always feels good to stand up to a bully. They can pass all the laws they want to, but as long as there are women who use abuse as their primary strategy, there will be men who use physical force as a last resort.
or this...
I cannot think of more respected actors today than Paul Newman and Clint Eastwood. Each has long been able to accept or reject any part of any script submitted to them. Yet both men have movies where their characters hit women. Eastwood did it in both "The Gauntlet" (1977) and "Sudden Impact" (1981). Newman did it in "The Verdict" (1982). To be fair, Newman's scene may have cost him the best actor oscar for that year. He finally got that oscar for "The Color of Money" in 1986, but "The Verdict" was a much better movie.
In the scene in question, Newman played a down and out alcoholic lawyer who was given an "easy" case in which a doctor at a catholic hospital gave a woman in labor the wrong anesthetic putting her in a coma 6 years and counting. The hospital offered the family $215,000 to make it go away. Newman convinced the family to sue for $650,000. All the cards were stacked against Newman. Charlotte Rampling played a woman who let Newman pick her up in a bar and later relayed info he was privy to about the case to his lawyer opponent played by James Mason. She also would wait until he was good and drunk with his defenses down and rip him a new one by scolding the hell out of him. Late in the movie, he found out what she was doing and decked her the next time he saw her right in front of a crowd and stared at her for a minute or so as if to enjoy her pain.
Sure this is a movie, but what does it tell you that those respected actors would deliberately include those scenes?
Why? Because you, like the serpent, are trying to misrepresent.
You must have me confused with someone else about that lake of fire comment; I don't even believe in that.
Johniam, your posts just drip with fear, thinly veiled as anger.
So where did you get your degree in psychology, from a happy meal? I'd ask for my money back. Unless they have a good toy this week; then you can just exchange it.
You're the one who started posting this racist/sexist crap. But you're too much of a coward to admit it. You say I wasn't abused in TWI because I'm a white, adult male. Pllllease!
You're also good at misrepresenting; you said the PFAL book says that every man of God is perfect, implying that perfect meant incapable of making mistakes. You know full well it means completely outfitted for a successful voyage. No integrity here.
It doesn't take a degree in psychology to see that you need serious help. You go on sexist rants about women getting out of control emotionally but you're the only on on this board who's ranting and raving like he's about to bust a vein.
About misrepresenting, how 'bout I post my comments and we'll see that you're actually the one misrepresenting or lying about previous posts (just like the "serpent" ... ooooohhh):
Johniam wrote:
"You're the one who started posting this racist/sexist crap. But you're too much of a coward to admit it. You say I wasn't abused in TWI because I'm a white male. Pllllease!"
This was my original post you're referring to:
Hmmmm...I guess it depends on your perspective. My guess is that adult heterosexual males would be the least likely to find TWI abusive ... children, gay men, and women (especially VP's sex abuse victims) might have a different take. (Disclaimer: I'm not saying adult heterosexual males weren't abused in TWI - just that the doctrine gave them more power in the TWI hierarchy...)
Also, I never mentioned race initially. Someone else brought that up. If you don't like my posting about the sexism that I, as a female, suffered in TWI as I had to sit there and listen to sexist teachings telling me I should "submit" to some man and that some guy is the "head of the household" (puh-lease!!!)then that's just too bad. Because I am going to talk about it, among other things. That's why I'm here.
Talking *about* sexism that one has endured is not sexist. Talking *about* racism that one has endured is not racist. But it's convenient for you, as a part of the most privileged class in society to say so, isn't it? Also, speaking of sexism and racism, I've rarely read more bigoted or offensive posts than yours anywhere. I feel very sorry for your daughter.
Oh, and speaking of misrepresenting, one more thing. You wrote that I said that the PFAL book said that every man of god is perfect - it wasn't the PFAL book. It was a book called Living Victoriously, which my dad was reading. And, no, I know no such thing. I just know what the book said.
But why, Oak, do you assign this celestial value to women but not to men. We all need to get put in our place; otherwise we could become like LCM. Don't you think he should have gotten clocked at some point in time? Not by a judge's ruling or a BOD decision, but by a fist!
I don't assign a "celestial value" to women or men.
Who "puts us in our place"?
No, I don't think LCM should have "gotten clocked".
Sure this is a movie, but what does it tell you that those respected actors would deliberately include those scenes?
Why? Because you, like the serpent, are trying to misrepresent.
You must have me confused with someone else about that lake of fire comment; I don't even believe in that.
John. You have a selective memory and chose to forget what we both know was true. Deny if you must but we both know you said those things. I placed it in context for you and you know very well that its true. But now at least you dropped the "nice guy" act (which was transparent anyway).
You have a stated lack of respect for women which doens't even qualify you to say anything here from a moral point of view. I'm surprised you call yourself a christian though plenty of people do horrible things under the guise of christianity and some alleged biblical precedent known only to them. The "reality" is that the more you talk the more you magnify your personal bitterness and resentment. Quoting PFAL all
you want but it doesn't change who you are
and the fact that you need professional help.
I take nothing you say seriously and consider
it the bilious,bloated ramblings of someone wanting attention. You are like Father McKenzie..."writing the words to a sermon that no one will hear"..... Guess you think Gspot (and formerly Waydale) were like your pulpit or something.
johniam, I'm not going to say anything other than: brother, relax... go to a Cards game, and then please go talk to someone (a therapist, a spiritual counselor, a cop) about this statement:
the only defense that man has is to either flee his own house, or clock her like she deserves.
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Georgio Jessio
Why am I responding to this? I don't know but I just wanted to pint out:
"Well, this black man behind us starts in on me. I tried to ignore him (this was on a Friday night, by the way...crowded) but he kept it up. Finally I asked him how many beers he had. He then got righteously indignant and threatened to get physical with me in the parking lot."
So instead of saying nothing to a drunk man, or asking him to leave you alone you said "how many beers did you have"
That's called "not rising above the crap" and making a bad situation worse. If he indeed was drunk then you walked right into it. Use wisdom, don't be confrontational to the ignorant and drunk people unless you want problems. Did you expect your statement would defuse the situation? It was ONLY going to make it worse.
"he played the democrat card; said Republicans were making all the world's problems (which, to him meant white people)"
This seems to be all in your imagination. Did he say that by "Republican" he meant "White people"? Or did you imagine that part? Even so, don't validate him!
"Also, he did this right in front of my kid!!! Not smart. What kind of message does it send to a kid if I just sit there and take abuse like that? It says, "How can my dad protect me if he won't even protect himself?"
Protect? Were you really in danger? You taught your kid to validate loudmouth drunkards by arguing with them. I would teach my kid that booze is making this guy act like a fool.
I don't totally disagree with everything you said but it would be nice if you owned your part in this confrontation.
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Tom Strange
well... before this thread makes it's way back to the topic I'd just like to say:
I'm "white".
I'm heterosexual.
I'm a male.
I'm married to a Mexican woman.
My step-son and I have a saying "it's her world and we're just livin' in it"... that should tell you how things work around here!
But... she does get stopped by the police for driving a car that's 'too nice' for her through a neighborhood that's 'too nice' for her... and when they read her license and see an Anglo surname they make her repeat to them all of the info on it...
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Out There
Somebody help me please, I thought I was reading a thread about growing up in twi. Do I have some wierd computer virus that has sent me over to a racism thread? If so.. would someone please tell me how to get back to the thread I was intending on reading
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Tom Strange
sure... read everything from the start up to the top portion of page 6...
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Just have a snowcone and it'll all get better.
:)--> Tom's running a special on them, I think.
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Well you totally avoided answering the question about hitting women though I'm not surprised.
I'll assume then that what others have posted then is true. You can correct this impression if you so chose.
To be frank you aren't strong enough to deal with any of this - that much is clear. You are very weak John. Very weak. God I never hope you have to deal with any real racial issues in your life- you couldn't last.
This whole thing begain because *you* claimed something that simply is not true and once confronted you start with the BS and misdirection. Once again - WHMs do call the shots in this society and they are NOT at the bottom of the foodchain. About that there can be no debate though when confronted you still won't acknowledge that but thats okay. We both know its true despite your tangents.
You try to misdirect things to isolated cases as if you have sufferred as minorities do on a daily basis when you never have - NOT EVEN CLOSE ! You don't have the strength to deal with vital and real issues like social inequities, prejudice, and inter-racial relations all of which are key to making a stronger more effective society and nation.
Its to everyones advantage to deal with these issues before the country endures a crisis or challenge that could one day polarize us. On a practical level John the hispanic community continues to grow significantly each year so you might want to quit whining and deal with it.
The things you say like "non white people are more prejudiced against white people than the reverse" is so wrong and completeley dismissive of what history has shown time and again. You must be the dumbest guy on the planet or you have a problem with race.
It is possible that you simply cannot come to terms with the reality that millions of people have sufferred as a result of discrimination in ways that you cannot imagine because you are privileged. And no one has asked you to apologize for that.
But instead of doing what most reasonable people would do, talk it over, you become incredibly defensive and pursue a path of denial to preserve your peace which is obviously fragile and most likely based on the concept of "Each to his kind" (i.e each to his own skin color).
You are like some rich kid who whines and moans about being inconvenienced. "Oh Let them eat cake.. or fried chicken, ribs, tacos, tamales or whatever". Your "strategy" is to rapidly label anyone who disagrees with you a racist or bigot or somehow unchristian to preempt characterizations of you in that light. It doesn't work John so you might find some new schtik
Lastly, in a strange way its interesting to see the "real" John back. The act you've been putting down for quite a while now was always forced. And what was it you told me once ? Yes. That I would "burn in the lake of fire". That was classic. Of course you would prefer it be in the lake of fire reserved for "colored people".
Edited by diazbroLink to comment
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Wow Oak. Where the heck do you work ?
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Georgio Jessio
Yup growing up in The Way sure was tough.
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Hey! Are you trying to get this thread back on track?
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I told you nothing of the sort. Liar! Paste it here if not. You're too brainwashed to even continue this with.
By the way, the thread Oakspear referred to can be found on page 23 of the open forum. It's called "Yates conviction overturned". It's 8 pages long; my first post is on page 2 and the post he's probably thinking about is on page 4 near the top. My point throughout the thread is about women abusing men, but the "damning evidence" you witch hunters are looking for is on page 4.
In PFAL we were taught that the serpent used 5 steps to deceive Eve, but the 'closer' in that whole deal was a 6th step: misrepresentation of God(Gen 3:5).
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Vickles addressing johniam:
I have to ask you this and its not meant to point fingers at you at all. But from all the time I've read your posts I get the feeling that there is some kind of anger towards women in general. There must have been something thats happened in your life to take these things to such an extreme. This is what I get from what you posted in several other threads.
Please say this isn't true. I'd truly like to understand why you continuously feel that women get away with stuff and men don't. Is that how you feel?
Johniam responding:
Yes, it's how I feel! Not "in general", but in specific situations, this being one of them. It seems to me that some women act as though when they do something well they want all respect all the time, but when they screw up, they want to be treated like "special ed" students who should not be held accountable for their behavior like other people (men). Not just women who make headlines like Andrea Yates, but women I see out in public and even at fellowships I attend. I get really sick of having to be the bigger person all the time. I think many women routinely take advantage of men in this way in interpersonal relationships.
If a fly or mosquito buzzed in your ear for several seconds at a time you'd probably swat at it involuntarily until it stopped. That's not violent or abusive, it's merely being human and needing your space. I personally believe that 90% of so called domestic violence cases are initiated by the woman. They get emotional, they don't know or care when to shut up, they keep verbally hammering away at that man non stop, driving him up a wall.......the only defense that man has is to either flee his own house, or clock her like she deserves. But how convenient it's illegal for him to do that. So he stews for awhile until he can't take it anymore and then "swats the fly" and gets put in jail. Who will dare hold the woman responsible for causing this?
It's never going to be legal for men OR women to injure anybody, but this situation in our culture all but encourages women to be predators. Yes, Vickles, I DO think women get away with stuff and men don't.
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diazbro said:
Then John said:
You made the remark on Waydale about the same time that you said that you have "people who come to me" in reference to "your [alleged] followers" who sought your counsel outside of the general forums available at Waydale. You also wove in talk about AA. Subsequently you accused me of having a "crisis of confidence".
But this is nothing in comparison to this.....
John said:
Oh My Lord !
"clock her like she deserves" ? "swats the fly" ? John you need help asap. I had no idea. That is all I can say. You are falling apart. I had no idea about these statements relative to women. It is sickening. Truly sickening. This is vile and if you truly believe this you need help quickly. Heaven help the man who touched my daughter or sister thinking he was "swatting a fly". Heaven help the man who "clocked" them under any circumstances. Jail would seem a paradise to him...
Discussions with you relating to social issues are pointless given these statements. Get help....
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Georgio Jessio
Not only is that a dangling participle, it's just silly. Women aren't allowed to clock men either. It's conveniently illegal to clock people, regardless.
Dude, I don't know you. But I am telling you that in my opinion you need to work on that anger problem of yours.
If I am wrong then my only other choice is to think that you're a guy who likes to stir the pot, cause problems and be outrageous on message boards. I've seen that type on other sites. Grease Spot is not immune.
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Diazbro: Why didn't you post this...
It's never going to be legal for men OR women to injure anybody,
or this...
In 1996 at the Democratic convention the "right reverend" Hillary Clinton said how proud she was that her husband is the first president who ever said that a man should never hit a woman. Then two years and change later she whacked him in the face with a cell phone knowing he was going to be on TV one hour later.
or this...
But why, Oak, do you assign this celestial value to women but not to men. We all need to get put in our place; otherwise we could become like LCM. Don't you think he should have gotten clocked at some point in time? Not by a judge's ruling or a BOD decision, but by a fist!
or this...
As I said, getting physical should be a last resort, not a primary strategy. All the other things I listed as last resorts (spankings, war, bankruptcy, the death penalty, and the lake of fire) can be used as primary strategies and the results are bad. Sure, there are men whose primary strategy is physical threats and actions to keep his wife and kids constantly terrorized and "in line". I do not advocate this. Thats not a family, that's a dictatorship!
I think the reason God made men stronger than women is because he knew there would be times when the woman would get so emotionally out of control that it would take the threat and/or realization of physical force to restore order. Women really are smarter than men a lot of times, but God still put the man as head of the household. Why? Offense sells tickets/ defense wins games. That man's physical strength is the last outpost of defense.
Some women use verbal/emotional abuse as a primary strategy. I see men all the time out in public who look emaciated in general. They say behind every great man there's a great woman. I suspect that behind every emaciated man there's an abusive woman as well.
Some men are too prideful to admit they can actually be bullied by women. Oh, yes they can! Maybe 90% is a bit steep, but it always feels good to stand up to a bully. They can pass all the laws they want to, but as long as there are women who use abuse as their primary strategy, there will be men who use physical force as a last resort.
or this...
I cannot think of more respected actors today than Paul Newman and Clint Eastwood. Each has long been able to accept or reject any part of any script submitted to them. Yet both men have movies where their characters hit women. Eastwood did it in both "The Gauntlet" (1977) and "Sudden Impact" (1981). Newman did it in "The Verdict" (1982). To be fair, Newman's scene may have cost him the best actor oscar for that year. He finally got that oscar for "The Color of Money" in 1986, but "The Verdict" was a much better movie.
In the scene in question, Newman played a down and out alcoholic lawyer who was given an "easy" case in which a doctor at a catholic hospital gave a woman in labor the wrong anesthetic putting her in a coma 6 years and counting. The hospital offered the family $215,000 to make it go away. Newman convinced the family to sue for $650,000. All the cards were stacked against Newman. Charlotte Rampling played a woman who let Newman pick her up in a bar and later relayed info he was privy to about the case to his lawyer opponent played by James Mason. She also would wait until he was good and drunk with his defenses down and rip him a new one by scolding the hell out of him. Late in the movie, he found out what she was doing and decked her the next time he saw her right in front of a crowd and stared at her for a minute or so as if to enjoy her pain.
Sure this is a movie, but what does it tell you that those respected actors would deliberately include those scenes?
Why? Because you, like the serpent, are trying to misrepresent.
You must have me confused with someone else about that lake of fire comment; I don't even believe in that.
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So where did you get your degree in psychology, from a happy meal? I'd ask for my money back. Unless they have a good toy this week; then you can just exchange it.
You're the one who started posting this racist/sexist crap. But you're too much of a coward to admit it. You say I wasn't abused in TWI because I'm a white, adult male. Pllllease!
You're also good at misrepresenting; you said the PFAL book says that every man of God is perfect, implying that perfect meant incapable of making mistakes. You know full well it means completely outfitted for a successful voyage. No integrity here.
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It doesn't take a degree in psychology to see that you need serious help. You go on sexist rants about women getting out of control emotionally but you're the only on on this board who's ranting and raving like he's about to bust a vein.
About misrepresenting, how 'bout I post my comments and we'll see that you're actually the one misrepresenting or lying about previous posts (just like the "serpent" ... ooooohhh):
Johniam wrote:
"You're the one who started posting this racist/sexist crap. But you're too much of a coward to admit it. You say I wasn't abused in TWI because I'm a white male. Pllllease!"
This was my original post you're referring to:
Also, I never mentioned race initially. Someone else brought that up. If you don't like my posting about the sexism that I, as a female, suffered in TWI as I had to sit there and listen to sexist teachings telling me I should "submit" to some man and that some guy is the "head of the household" (puh-lease!!!)then that's just too bad. Because I am going to talk about it, among other things. That's why I'm here.
Talking *about* sexism that one has endured is not sexist. Talking *about* racism that one has endured is not racist. But it's convenient for you, as a part of the most privileged class in society to say so, isn't it? Also, speaking of sexism and racism, I've rarely read more bigoted or offensive posts than yours anywhere. I feel very sorry for your daughter.
Oh, and speaking of misrepresenting, one more thing. You wrote that I said that the PFAL book said that every man of god is perfect - it wasn't the PFAL book. It was a book called Living Victoriously, which my dad was reading. And, no, I know no such thing. I just know what the book said.
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I don't assign a "celestial value" to women or men.
Who "puts us in our place"?
No, I don't think LCM should have "gotten clocked".
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent
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They were MOVIES johniam.
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marlene aka bunnie
So much for "Raised In The Way"....Can't you start a racist/sexist thread somewhere else?
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Marlene...Wow!...I thought I was having a flashback.
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John. You have a selective memory and chose to forget what we both know was true. Deny if you must but we both know you said those things. I placed it in context for you and you know very well that its true. But now at least you dropped the "nice guy" act (which was transparent anyway).
You have a stated lack of respect for women which doens't even qualify you to say anything here from a moral point of view. I'm surprised you call yourself a christian though plenty of people do horrible things under the guise of christianity and some alleged biblical precedent known only to them. The "reality" is that the more you talk the more you magnify your personal bitterness and resentment. Quoting PFAL all
you want but it doesn't change who you are
and the fact that you need professional help.
I take nothing you say seriously and consider
it the bilious,bloated ramblings of someone wanting attention. You are like Father McKenzie..."writing the words to a sermon that no one will hear"..... Guess you think Gspot (and formerly Waydale) were like your pulpit or something.
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Scout Finch
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Tom Strange
johniam, I'm not going to say anything other than: brother, relax... go to a Cards game, and then please go talk to someone (a therapist, a spiritual counselor, a cop) about this statement:
brother... nobody deserves...go talk to someone about this... please
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