Nice idea about the bonfire - we're actually going to try to have one tonight. Our neighbour's rotten tree fell over in a windstorm some time ago. Since she didn't want it, or want to pay to have someone clean it up, we were left to cut it up and dispose of it. We still have a lot of branches to get rid of... I think it would be a great weekend for a little bonfire... bring the hotdogs and marshmellows and come on over!
I know there will be some people who will be into some of these things - I figure I haven't looked at any of them in years, so I probably won't want to, if you know what I mean. The one thing I did reread a little was the By The Way articles. There were some neat subjects covered in those articles. Weirwille seemed so much more 'reachable' or 'approachable' in comparison with the writings by Martindale or anyone, really, from TWI2. There was more heart in the writing I guess...
Chas -- you're selling your WOW PIN!!??? I've got two of them (somewhere around the house here) --- don't know whare they are, but I'm guessing that they are with the 35th, and 40th anniversary commerative plates in a box in my basement. :D-->
The one thing I did reread a little was the By The Way articles. There were some neat subjects covered in those articles.
I have a LOT of old way mags, and I like the GMIR articles best. I look at them from time to time, but not much else that was printed in the mags. Actually -- I removed the GMIR articles from the mags, and they are on my bookshelf upstairs, while the mags are in another box in the basement!
Since he left me with a couple of thousand of $$$ of debt that I'm still paying, it's the least he could do! LOL! (I also got back his wedding ring - it was my dad's and I wasn't going to loose that!)
I still got my wow much do you think I could get for it? -->
Awwwww -- Groucho -- hang on to it. That little piece of blue and gold jewelry represents a year of your life. And like Oak said -- it was earned the hard way. I look at mine from time to time, and remember the good times, even though there were a lot of negative ones associated with it as well.
However -- if the *price was right*, I would sell it in a heartbeat, and rely on my memory of the *good times*, without the pin. :D-->
Too bad he didn't have something like ocean-front property to leave behind, instead of just a wow pin.
ROTFLOLPIMP!!!! OMG... hell.... NO!
I'm not one for x-spouse slamming because there are two sides to every story. I'm fair to my x by stating that he had some problems that he really had no control over and probably did the best he could under the circumstances...
When I went to court for the finalization of our divorce it was in Maine, which has alamony laws. The divorce was uncontested - I didn't even have a lawyer for it, as we had no property - not even a car. I had dressed in a nice, business-like pantsuit for the occasion - as I thought I should (I couldn't believe the people who showed up in ripped sweatpants, but anyhow...)
The judge, before granting me the use of my maiden name again, asked, "Are you sure you don't want alamony after all those years?" He seemed to not believe that I just wanted my maiden name - that was it. I made some comment that you couldn't get blood from a turnip, which cracked up the judge. I was granted my divorce, given my maiden name back and left to pay the court fees.
It's from the last year that there was a WOW program. Shortly after we received it we were told we couldn't wear them because there was no longer a WOW program. WOW, University of Life, all that stuff, was considered "old wine skins"...
Couldn`t wear my wow pin??? I`d a freaked....we worked so damned hard to earn those stupid things n then to have em AND our efforts declared *old wine skins* ??? what a total *screw you* .. I was really proud of mine and what I thought it stood for.
I suppose it was the same with peoples corpes status....
That's right, it WAS "strongly suggested" that we not wear WOW pins - old wineskins indeed! I had been wearing that pin on my collar or lapel for fifteen years, and then we had to pretend it didn't happen. What b.s.
I`ll bet that sob canceled the wow program and eliminated wearing the wow pin because he was jealous....
It wasn`t something that he ever did....that pin was a sign of status that he hadn`t he had to negate it`s value.
He was that way about all of the things that made the ministry a happy place to be...the roa, spontanious twigs ....inspired teachings....talented artists....I think that he was jealous of anyone that could do things better than he negated their value and dismissed them.
But if I found it I wouldn't sell it, it's a much more personal thing than the books.
Trefor Heywood
Trefor -- actually, I wouldn't let loose of mine very easily either. The price would have to be very high indeed, before I considered it *right*. There is a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and joy that it represents -- as well you (and everyone else who went wow) know.
Martindale justified wearing a WOW pin because he ran the WOW program one year. Don Wierwille used to wear a junior WOW (or was it mini-WOW?) because he went with his dad & mom to India.
Thanks Cool chef, ...thankyou for understanding......You help me to realise that even though I am so deeply disgusted with twi, and heartily ashamed that I was so foolish...deeply angered at being manipulated and still doesn`t change what that silly little pin represented to me.
I think back and realise that it represented a willingness to set aside all personal goals and gain ... to devote an entire year of our lives in service to God, a gift to God in earnest hopes of accomplishing some small bit of good....a selflessness of heart... a willingness to take a part in the spiritual battle and attempt to be a force for good in this world....a spark of brightness in the dark.
We stayed through the troubles, the dissolusionment, the many times cruel treatment....the embarassment of not being well recieved...endured at times intense privation....missed family events.....but stayed faithfull because we thought that this was what God needed....
The pin represented the selflessness of a pure heart.
Sure it was stupid....sure we were what if they snickered behind our backs at our gullibility, sso what if they marveled at what we would endure for a silly little piece of metal....martindale would never have understood what it took to even make the commitment...much less survive past the first little bump or two in the road...face it, from the beginning, he was always a bit of a privledged character in twi.
I still can`t quite bring myself to throw it away with all of the rest of my twi junk.
Our year on the field was interesting to say the least. Our family co-ord.'s wife was a real "twit" who liked to rule the roost. It made us more determined than ever to stay the course for the year. We learned & we grew, just as I am sure a lot of you did who went. For that reason alone, our pins are still with us.A sign of our commitment to God & not the "mog" lcm. We even survived thru illnesses & a funeral in our families while out, because in spite of everything else, we trusted God to take care of things at home for us. -->
I sold my WOW pins (first year and second year) for about $5.00 each, I believe.
I did get an email from someone who could not understand why I would sell them. He called them "spiritual Olympic Gold."
A lot of folks, maybe most, who went out WOW Ambassador, were fairly new to TWI and signed up out of the pureness of a heart-felt calling to serve people the bread of life. It was not easy by any means.
So many people not only answered the call that year to truly serve God, but also got their first taste of reality when their good intentions and hearts of love for God and His people, were crushed by heavy-handed leadership, stupidity, and cruel abuse.
To me, it's less of an Olympic Gold, but rather a Purple Heart. And I can understand why a person would want to keep it, even after leaving TWI, for all the good things it represented regarding their own true commitment to serve God and His people, regardless or even in spite, of what happened to them.
I answered the gentleman who emailed me the question about why I would sell them thusly:
I no longer wear them, and they have sat in my jewelry box for years, unused. While I am proud of my service, I look forward to receiving my reward for that service at the Bema. Perhaps there is someone out there who earned his or her WOW pin, and lost it somewhere, and would like to replace it. I am offering them the opportunity to get back something they maybe thought was gone forever.
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Can't we just donate directly to the college fund without defiling our houses with that stuff???
Seriously--leave a link I couldn't find it--maybe I'll bid on something and in the fall we can also have a Bonfire For Kristopher.
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Nice idea about the bonfire - we're actually going to try to have one tonight. Our neighbour's rotten tree fell over in a windstorm some time ago. Since she didn't want it, or want to pay to have someone clean it up, we were left to cut it up and dispose of it. We still have a lot of branches to get rid of... I think it would be a great weekend for a little bonfire... bring the hotdogs and marshmellows and come on over!
I know there will be some people who will be into some of these things - I figure I haven't looked at any of them in years, so I probably won't want to, if you know what I mean. The one thing I did reread a little was the By The Way articles. There were some neat subjects covered in those articles. Weirwille seemed so much more 'reachable' or 'approachable' in comparison with the writings by Martindale or anyone, really, from TWI2. There was more heart in the writing I guess...
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Chas -- you're selling your WOW PIN!!???
I've got two of them (somewhere around the house here) --- don't know whare they are, but I'm guessing that they are with the 35th, and 40th anniversary commerative plates in a box in my basement.
I have a LOT of old way mags, and I like the GMIR articles best. I look at them from time to time, but not much else that was printed in the mags. Actually -- I removed the GMIR articles from the mags, and they are on my bookshelf upstairs, while the mags are in another box in the basement!
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It's my x-'s.
Since he left me with a couple of thousand of $$$ of debt that I'm still paying, it's the least he could do! LOL! (I also got back his wedding ring - it was my dad's and I wasn't going to loose that!)
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I still got my wow much do you think I could get for it?
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The WOW pin is the only thing I saved from my Way days. Dove lapel pins, my silver leaves-and-dove ring, all gone.
But I WORKED for that WOW pin!
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Awwwww -- Groucho -- hang on to it. That little piece of blue and gold jewelry represents a year of your life. And like Oak said -- it was earned the hard way. I look at mine from time to time, and remember the good times, even though there were a lot of negative ones associated with it as well.
However -- if the *price was right*, I would sell it in a heartbeat, and rely on my memory of the *good times*, without the pin.
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OUCH!!! Sorry to hear that Chas.
:(--> Too bad he didn't have something like ocean-front property to leave behind, instead of just a wow pin.
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Trefor Heywood
I don't even know where my WOW pin has got to now.
But if I found it I wouldn't sell it, it's a much more personal thing than the books.
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ROTFLOLPIMP!!!! OMG... hell.... NO!
I'm not one for x-spouse slamming because there are two sides to every story. I'm fair to my x by stating that he had some problems that he really had no control over and probably did the best he could under the circumstances...
When I went to court for the finalization of our divorce it was in Maine, which has alamony laws. The divorce was uncontested - I didn't even have a lawyer for it, as we had no property - not even a car. I had dressed in a nice, business-like pantsuit for the occasion - as I thought I should (I couldn't believe the people who showed up in ripped sweatpants, but anyhow...)
The judge, before granting me the use of my maiden name again, asked, "Are you sure you don't want alamony after all those years?" He seemed to not believe that I just wanted my maiden name - that was it. I made some comment that you couldn't get blood from a turnip, which cracked up the judge. I was granted my divorce, given my maiden name back and left to pay the court fees.
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One more thing about the WOW pin --
It's from the last year that there was a WOW program. Shortly after we received it we were told we couldn't wear them because there was no longer a WOW program. WOW, University of Life, all that stuff, was considered "old wine skins"...
Go figure...
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Couldn`t wear my wow pin??? I`d a freaked....we worked so damned hard to earn those stupid things n then to have em AND our efforts declared *old wine skins* ??? what a total *screw you* .. I was really proud of mine and what I thought it stood for.
I suppose it was the same with peoples corpes status....
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That's right, it WAS "strongly suggested" that we not wear WOW pins - old wineskins indeed! I had been wearing that pin on my collar or lapel for fifteen years, and then we had to pretend it didn't happen. What b.s.
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I`ll bet that sob canceled the wow program and eliminated wearing the wow pin because he was jealous....
It wasn`t something that he ever did....that pin was a sign of status that he hadn`t he had to negate it`s value.
He was that way about all of the things that made the ministry a happy place to be...the roa, spontanious twigs ....inspired teachings....talented artists....I think that he was jealous of anyone that could do things better than he negated their value and dismissed them.
What a loser.
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So he was jealous everyone?
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Didn't think of that Rascal. lcm never did go out as wow, did he?
--> And if that's the case, how does he justify himself wearing one of those pins?
Guess it was pretty easy for him to discard his, if he hadn't earned it.
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Trefor -- actually, I wouldn't let loose of mine very easily either. The price would have to be very high indeed, before I considered it *right*. There is a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and joy that it represents -- as well you (and everyone else who went wow) know.
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Martindale justified wearing a WOW pin because he ran the WOW program one year. Don Wierwille used to wear a junior WOW (or was it mini-WOW?) because he went with his dad & mom to India.
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Trefor Heywood
Yes dmiller it represents a lot of things and not just TWI.
Hearing it described as an "old wineskin" like that it makes me want to stick the point right in LCM's gluteous maximus.
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He obviously had no respect for what that pin stood for, or those who wore them.
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i never went wow but have a lot of respect for those who did.
if i had a wow pin i would wear it proudly
it would have nothing to do with the stupid way
but as my commitment to god and his word. congrats to all wows even though we were all misled and lied to by the sob's
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Thanks Cool chef, ...thankyou for understanding......You help me to realise that even though I am so deeply disgusted with twi, and heartily ashamed that I was so foolish...deeply angered at being manipulated and still doesn`t change what that silly little pin represented to me.
I think back and realise that it represented a willingness to set aside all personal goals and gain ... to devote an entire year of our lives in service to God, a gift to God in earnest hopes of accomplishing some small bit of good....a selflessness of heart... a willingness to take a part in the spiritual battle and attempt to be a force for good in this world....a spark of brightness in the dark.
We stayed through the troubles, the dissolusionment, the many times cruel treatment....the embarassment of not being well recieved...endured at times intense privation....missed family events.....but stayed faithfull because we thought that this was what God needed....
The pin represented the selflessness of a pure heart.
Sure it was stupid....sure we were what if they snickered behind our backs at our gullibility, sso what if they marveled at what we would endure for a silly little piece of metal....martindale would never have understood what it took to even make the commitment...much less survive past the first little bump or two in the road...face it, from the beginning, he was always a bit of a privledged character in twi.
I still can`t quite bring myself to throw it away with all of the rest of my twi junk.
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Our year on the field was interesting to say the least. Our family co-ord.'s wife was a real "twit" who liked to rule the roost. It made us more determined than ever to stay the course for the year. We learned & we grew, just as I am sure a lot of you did who went. For that reason alone, our pins are still with us.A sign of our commitment to God & not the "mog" lcm. We even survived thru illnesses & a funeral in our families while out, because in spite of everything else, we trusted God to take care of things at home for us.
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I sold my WOW pins (first year and second year) for about $5.00 each, I believe.
I did get an email from someone who could not understand why I would sell them. He called them "spiritual Olympic Gold."
A lot of folks, maybe most, who went out WOW Ambassador, were fairly new to TWI and signed up out of the pureness of a heart-felt calling to serve people the bread of life. It was not easy by any means.
So many people not only answered the call that year to truly serve God, but also got their first taste of reality when their good intentions and hearts of love for God and His people, were crushed by heavy-handed leadership, stupidity, and cruel abuse.
To me, it's less of an Olympic Gold, but rather a Purple Heart. And I can understand why a person would want to keep it, even after leaving TWI, for all the good things it represented regarding their own true commitment to serve God and His people, regardless or even in spite, of what happened to them.
I answered the gentleman who emailed me the question about why I would sell them thusly:
I no longer wear them, and they have sat in my jewelry box for years, unused. While I am proud of my service, I look forward to receiving my reward for that service at the Bema. Perhaps there is someone out there who earned his or her WOW pin, and lost it somewhere, and would like to replace it. I am offering them the opportunity to get back something they maybe thought was gone forever.
Good luck with your auction.
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