I had to go to an ER this week and found out I have a "gallbladder FULL of stones." I'm presently on vacation and will be driving from FL to MO over the next 2-3 days (with an overnite stay near Chattanooga to tour more of Lookout Mountain and visit a friend). When I get home I'll most likely be scheduling a day surgery, but I'd like to join you in your weight loss support of each other.
Since Tuesday I have eaten almost no fat. I haven't weighed myself in months, so I don't know just where I'm at weight-wise. I'm eating a small amount of food 4-5 times a day for now - til I get home and talk with my doctor.
Coincidentally;)-->, I had planned on starting the Atkins diet on Monday, but that was when I thought we'd be home by then. I decided to stay here a couple more days to see how I felt and if not well, we would have flown home or if really not well, I would have had the surgery here where bow jr. and his wonderful girlfriend would have helped me...
THEN, Hurricane Dennis inspired me to wait another couple days, which brings us to heading out tomorrow.
(I know, some people will do ANYTHING to spend a few extra days in FL)
Just wanted to say I think it's terrific what you are all starting!! I'm thinking of you all !! If you want I have alot of cool tidbits I can share with you from time to time to help keep you motivated and inspired towards reaching your goal.
I leave you with....... "Physical activity is nonnegotiable. You have to move to improve."
i loosely follow the Body for Life book, Bill Phillips. I never starve, never deny, but I do excersice and that does include weights and aerobics of some kind...currently I am doing more swimming and I have started "water walking" doing walking laps in a pool for 40 minustes does help since I am living in 100 degree heat too and cant handle the runnng aerobic idea in this hot of a summer, I still alternate that with weights..check out the book...it gives good direction and some inspiation too.
I never did the challenge, dont want to, but I also do more situps than he suggests.
The bottom line is like money, gotta burn more calories than you consume.(except with money, we wan tit the other way around)
he explains the how and why of weight training, he has some great system that I use for aerobics ...done in only 20 minutes and YOU KNOW you did something.
He also talks about food combining. I printed his list and keep it on the fridge. I also keep his rule up there ..now and again, not all the time or I get numb to them.
Also, my husband noticed a change, and ya get a FREE day to pig out if'n you want.
I am not much on protein bars except in the winter when I cant use fruit...He doesnt go in for too much fruit and veggies, I do!
I do combine protein with my other carbs, slows insulin production.
I had 2 goals, help my trygliceride level and get rid of the cottage cheese on my thighs. Weight was not a big consideration, becasue if I met those 2 goals I knew it would be coming off. I am giving myself a year for the chees to go away, and I go in for a blood test tomorrow.
That sounds great! Ok, I'll check it out. That pig out day sounds good, too.
Hey, I saw a half a lemon custard pie in the refer at work and I resisted. Better change the subject so I won't think about it. 40 more mins. 'till I go home. Oh, and I was hungry too, and still resisted.
I'm giving myself a pat on the back! Good looking thighs, here I come!
One of the best things you can do for a succesful diet is to not ever get really hungry. Plan substantial snacks(six mini meals is a common diet plan), have an extra piece of fruit or veggies.
Lots of times I will have an extra piece of fruit--maybe I will have gone over my fruit servings, but hey, a 100 calorie apple is so much better than the 500 calorie piece of cake!
I also did BFL for a while. I actually followed the whole 12 week challenge. My ex said he saw a difference but that I couldn't continue because getting up too early in the morning made me a very grumpy girl.
I found a ton of support, information and good recipes at this site for people who are serious about Body For Life Lean and Strong
From what I saw of picture with ex-hubby at x-mas, and the recent web cam...Man-o-Man you did loose!
But you have an awesome smile and happy look anyhow!----for those of you who don't know....Belle is a BELLE!
Of course getting out of wayworld will take a lot of stress off anyone.
I gained when I quit smoking and my matabolism slowed down, so now I excersice to keep the metabolism revved up and I am loosing very slowly, but am loosing...and getting much stronger and at 46 I have to also start protecting that bone mass.
Body for Life has its own line of snack bars, etc., though you can substitute almost anything from a health food store and save $$. There is also a Body for Life for Women book now available. The original was more generic, though I'm sure it's as good as the women's version.
My problem is that I like food too much! If I was being served something that I really liked I would just pig out. Living alone didn't help, since for many meals it is difficult to cook small enough batches for just one. I'd have enough for a meal and a couple of meals of leftovers and I'd eat it all in one sitting. Many restaurants serve portions that are WAAAAY too big IMHO.
I'm not fat by any means, but I do have a spare tire that I'm not happy with. I've been 210-215 lbs for quite a while, but don't appear to weigh that much due to a combination of good posture and and loose clothes! ; - )
About 2 1/2 weeks ago I decided to do something about it. I've cut out desserts (I could easily down a half quart of coffee ice cream in one sitting), soda and other sweets, and simply limited my portion size. I also used to snack late at night, and have cut that out as well. I've been exercising daily and lifting weights, and reikilady & I have been walking after meals. I set a goal of reaching 195 lbs, but did not set a time frame.
When I started keeping track I was 211 lbs. I was at 201 this morning. The first few days I was having some serious craving for sweets, and gave my stash of cream soda to reikilady's daughter to avoid temptation. Work is tough sometimes, since I am virtually surrounded by food! After almost three weeks I am used to the lower intake level, and have stoppin jonesin' for snacks!
I'm not recommending anything, but that's what's working for me.
(Isn't the cabbage soup diet what Charlie and his familyt were on in "Willie Wonka"?)
How is everyone doing? I have been cutting out the late night snacks and cutting way back on sweets, etc., in the day. Haven't gotten too much exercise because of rain in Indy, but will as soon as it clears up.
Howz the cabbage soup crowd coming along? I couldn't do that one this wk. because of the gas, but maybe next wk. I'll try it.
I haven't read much of this thread. But, I just wanted to say that for men, the answer is:
I lost 47 pounds the first go round, and only gained back 14 pounds after four years. Then, about two months ago, I started it again and have lost twenty pounds and am still dropping.
I feel great, my joints and muscles feel better, and I have had no allergy symptoms since I did Atkins the first time, which is one of the side benefits he mentions in his book.
And Brothers, it is truly a Man's Diet!!
But if you try it, make sure to read the book, understand it, and then follow it to the "T", or, it won't work or be as healthy for you...
I'm not going to debate this with anyone, for to me, it is totally logical and makes total sense and has been the only thing that has really worked for me, as well as countless others. So,
I've been quietly trying a variation of the cabbage-soup diet because I've had friends who've done well on it... I cannot follow it strictly because of other nutritional issues, and because for me, as soon as I say "can't" I freak and eat everything in sight.
So, I've been doing my protein shake for breakfast, drinking water and unsweet tea --almost no sodas (which for me is a big deal since I was drinking 2 a day)-- eating the soup for lunch, snacking on fruits or veggies if I got hungry through the afternoon, eating a lite supper (like a piece of chicken, or a salad) and then popcorn and water, or more fruits/veggies if I got the munchies before bedtime. This has kept me full enough not to crave the heavy carbs too bad, and its been varied enough to keep me from running away screaming.
I was anticipating a lot of gas from the soup, but it has actually been minimal. (whew)
I don't know if its the lack of sodas or the soup or both, but I've lost 6 pounds in the past 10 days and my "can't-breathe" pants fit normally again.
I'm not thrilled about not eating my favorite junky foods, but I am thrilled about the quick results. So, I'm determined to keep it up. (I really do need to lose 40 pounds and keep them off!!)
I have been too busy this week to start much in the way of exercise but I do have a stationary bike and a rowing machine and I enjoy them both, so hopefully next week I can start back on them. (regular exercise and I have been total strangers for a long, long time)
Thank you, everyone, for the ideas and encouragement. Even if you didn't know I was starting something, I knew you were all here.
I'll start the Cabbage Soup next wk. It seems to help me to do a wk. of cutting back bad things slowly, THEN do a REAL diet so my body doesn't freak out.
Today is my first day back on my diet. I did well! I didn't snack at work at all and that's my downfall. I had a minor surgery done yesterday so I'm not up to exercise more than walking. Will start back once I'm healed up!
I went to the doc yesterday and as per usual they weighed me. I have gained enough to make me cringe :(-->
I forgot to mention a book you might be interested in regards to losing weight, "The Fat Flush Foods" It's all about the top 50 super foods that burn fat, boost your metabolism while controlling cholesterol and blood sugar levels. In the book the author does a little blurp on each of the foods and then goes on to let you know what category they fit into that all have to do with flushing fat from your system.
The categories are as follows: Blood-Sugar Stablizer....foods with this designation are known for steadying your blood sugar which serves to curb your appetite and prevent the fatty deposits that are part of "insulin resistance"
Cholesterol Zapper.....Foods that help rid the body of cholesterol or help balance the ratio between "good" and "bad" cholesterol levels.
Detoxifier.....foods that are known for ridding the body of toxins, thereby creating a cleansed and invigorated liver, which is ready to function as a fat-burning machine.
Diuretic....foods that help dewaterlog the tissues and eliminate excess water weight.
Engergizer....foods that fight fatigue, ward off stress and provide an engerizing boost to the entire body.
Thermogenic....these foods raise the body temperature, thereby helping it to burn fat efficiently rather than storing it as fuel.
I'd be interested too. I'm down about 3lbs so far, though I am really trying to keep my focus on being health more than losing weight. If I focus on losing weight I get discouraged and give up.
I'm not a breakfast eater and that can be a pitfal for me, brecause they say breakfast is so important. So usually around 9:30 I'll munch on a few lowfat triscuits - they are very high in fiber, which is something that has been seriously lacking in my diet.
Then for lunch I'll either have a mustard leaf salad with feta cheese dressing (protien and mostly healthy fats) with some flax seed or a tomatoe cucumber salad with parsely and onion (no dressing-just a splash of vinegar) and a small multi grain roll with "I can't believe its not butter).
If I crave a nosh in the afternoon (somedays I do somedays I don't - the more water I drink the less likely I am to crave that nosh) I will have a couple more triscuits.
Dinner is usually a small portion of whatever meat I've prepared, maybe a small portion of egg noodles, made withou yolk, and LOTS of vegies. .
Then if I need a nosh at night I stick with low fat preztels, peanuts, or raisins, and on the weekend only, popcorn.
Basically, my goal is to make my calories count. Trying to choose foods with nutritional value. If they are fatty foods, I want them to be the healthy fats, not the saturated ones or the trans.
Between eating better, exercising, and taking vitims, I am definitely feeling much much better.
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I had to go to an ER this week and found out I have a "gallbladder FULL of stones." I'm presently on vacation and will be driving from FL to MO over the next 2-3 days (with an overnite stay near Chattanooga to tour more of Lookout Mountain and visit a friend). When I get home I'll most likely be scheduling a day surgery, but I'd like to join you in your weight loss support of each other.
Since Tuesday I have eaten almost no fat. I haven't weighed myself in months, so I don't know just where I'm at weight-wise. I'm eating a small amount of food 4-5 times a day for now - til I get home and talk with my doctor.
;)-->, I had planned on starting the Atkins diet on Monday, but that was when I thought we'd be home by then. I decided to stay here a couple more days to see how I felt and if not well, we would have flown home or if really not well, I would have had the surgery here where bow jr. and his wonderful girlfriend would have helped me...
THEN, Hurricane Dennis inspired me to wait another couple days, which brings us to heading out tomorrow.
(I know, some people will do ANYTHING to spend a few extra days in FL)
Please, count me in.
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Waterbuffalo, Cindy, Steve, Vickles and Bowtwi,
Just wanted to say I think it's terrific what you are all starting!! I'm thinking of you all !! If you want I have alot of cool tidbits I can share with you from time to time to help keep you motivated and inspired towards reaching your goal.
I leave you with....... "Physical activity is nonnegotiable. You have to move to improve."
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i loosely follow the Body for Life book, Bill Phillips. I never starve, never deny, but I do excersice and that does include weights and aerobics of some kind...currently I am doing more swimming and I have started "water walking" doing walking laps in a pool for 40 minustes does help since I am living in 100 degree heat too and cant handle the runnng aerobic idea in this hot of a summer, I still alternate that with weights..check out the book...it gives good direction and some inspiation too.
I never did the challenge, dont want to, but I also do more situps than he suggests.
The bottom line is like money, gotta burn more calories than you consume.(except with money, we wan tit the other way around)
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I love it, Cowgirl!~
If you wanted to give us one everyday to keep us going, I wouldn't complain!
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Body for Life, never heard of that one DH, but it must be good or you wouldn't recommend it. What do you like most about his suggestions?
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he explains the how and why of weight training, he has some great system that I use for aerobics ...done in only 20 minutes and YOU KNOW you did something.
He also talks about food combining. I printed his list and keep it on the fridge. I also keep his rule up there ..now and again, not all the time or I get numb to them.
Also, my husband noticed a change, and ya get a FREE day to pig out if'n you want.
Body for Life
I am not much on protein bars except in the winter when I cant use fruit...He doesnt go in for too much fruit and veggies, I do!
I do combine protein with my other carbs, slows insulin production.
I had 2 goals, help my trygliceride level and get rid of the cottage cheese on my thighs. Weight was not a big consideration, becasue if I met those 2 goals I knew it would be coming off. I am giving myself a year for the chees to go away, and I go in for a blood test tomorrow.
I'll let you the blood results.
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And yes the thighs look better...not what I wnat yet...but a big change, lunges helped!
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That sounds great! Ok, I'll check it out. That pig out day sounds good, too.
Hey, I saw a half a lemon custard pie in the refer at work and I resisted. Better change the subject so I won't think about it. 40 more mins. 'till I go home. Oh, and I was hungry too, and still resisted.
I'm giving myself a pat on the back! Good looking thighs, here I come!
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One of the best things you can do for a succesful diet is to not ever get really hungry. Plan substantial snacks(six mini meals is a common diet plan), have an extra piece of fruit or veggies.
Lots of times I will have an extra piece of fruit--maybe I will have gone over my fruit servings, but hey, a 100 calorie apple is so much better than the 500 calorie piece of cake!
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ok I just started a weightloss support group on yahoo. I don't know what I'm doing but its open...lol
Here it is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/weightlossupport
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I also did BFL for a while. I actually followed the whole 12 week challenge. My ex said he saw a difference but that I couldn't continue because getting up too early in the morning made me a very grumpy girl.
I found a ton of support, information and good recipes at this site for people who are serious about Body For Life Lean and Strong
I absolutely LOVE the Shanny Cake Recipe!!
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You are a georgoeus girl!!!
From what I saw of picture with ex-hubby at x-mas, and the recent web cam...Man-o-Man you did loose!
But you have an awesome smile and happy look anyhow!----for those of you who don't know....Belle is a BELLE!
Of course getting out of wayworld will take a lot of stress off anyone.
I gained when I quit smoking and my matabolism slowed down, so now I excersice to keep the metabolism revved up and I am loosing very slowly, but am loosing...and getting much stronger and at 46 I have to also start protecting that bone mass.
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Body for Life has its own line of snack bars, etc., though you can substitute almost anything from a health food store and save $$. There is also a Body for Life for Women book now available. The original was more generic, though I'm sure it's as good as the women's version.
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My problem is that I like food too much! If I was being served something that I really liked I would just pig out. Living alone didn't help, since for many meals it is difficult to cook small enough batches for just one. I'd have enough for a meal and a couple of meals of leftovers and I'd eat it all in one sitting. Many restaurants serve portions that are WAAAAY too big IMHO.
I'm not fat by any means, but I do have a spare tire that I'm not happy with. I've been 210-215 lbs for quite a while, but don't appear to weigh that much due to a combination of good posture and and loose clothes! ; - )
About 2 1/2 weeks ago I decided to do something about it. I've cut out desserts (I could easily down a half quart of coffee ice cream in one sitting), soda and other sweets, and simply limited my portion size. I also used to snack late at night, and have cut that out as well. I've been exercising daily and lifting weights, and reikilady & I have been walking after meals. I set a goal of reaching 195 lbs, but did not set a time frame.
When I started keeping track I was 211 lbs. I was at 201 this morning. The first few days I was having some serious craving for sweets, and gave my stash of cream soda to reikilady's daughter to avoid temptation. Work is tough sometimes, since I am virtually surrounded by food! After almost three weeks I am used to the lower intake level, and have stoppin jonesin' for snacks!
I'm not recommending anything, but that's what's working for me.
(Isn't the cabbage soup diet what Charlie and his familyt were on in "Willie Wonka"?)
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Just moving this to the top:
How is everyone doing? I have been cutting out the late night snacks and cutting way back on sweets, etc., in the day. Haven't gotten too much exercise because of rain in Indy, but will as soon as it clears up.
Howz the cabbage soup crowd coming along? I couldn't do that one this wk. because of the gas, but maybe next wk. I'll try it.
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J0nny Ling0
I haven't read much of this thread. But, I just wanted to say that for men, the answer is:
I lost 47 pounds the first go round, and only gained back 14 pounds after four years. Then, about two months ago, I started it again and have lost twenty pounds and am still dropping.
I feel great, my joints and muscles feel better, and I have had no allergy symptoms since I did Atkins the first time, which is one of the side benefits he mentions in his book.
And Brothers, it is truly a Man's Diet!!
But if you try it, make sure to read the book, understand it, and then follow it to the "T", or, it won't work or be as healthy for you...
I'm not going to debate this with anyone, for to me, it is totally logical and makes total sense and has been the only thing that has really worked for me, as well as countless others. So,
Try it! You'll like it!!!
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I've been quietly trying a variation of the cabbage-soup diet because I've had friends who've done well on it... I cannot follow it strictly because of other nutritional issues, and because for me, as soon as I say "can't" I freak and eat everything in sight.
So, I've been doing my protein shake for breakfast, drinking water and unsweet tea --almost no sodas (which for me is a big deal since I was drinking 2 a day)-- eating the soup for lunch, snacking on fruits or veggies if I got hungry through the afternoon, eating a lite supper (like a piece of chicken, or a salad) and then popcorn and water, or more fruits/veggies if I got the munchies before bedtime. This has kept me full enough not to crave the heavy carbs too bad, and its been varied enough to keep me from running away screaming.
I was anticipating a lot of gas from the soup, but it has actually been minimal. (whew)
I don't know if its the lack of sodas or the soup or both, but I've lost 6 pounds in the past 10 days and my "can't-breathe" pants fit normally again.
I'm not thrilled about not eating my favorite junky foods, but I am thrilled about the quick results. So, I'm determined to keep it up. (I really do need to lose 40 pounds and keep them off!!)
I have been too busy this week to start much in the way of exercise but I do have a stationary bike and a rowing machine and I enjoy them both, so hopefully next week I can start back on them. (regular exercise and I have been total strangers for a long, long time)
Thank you, everyone, for the ideas and encouragement. Even if you didn't know I was starting something, I knew you were all here.
Hope everyone else is doing well on their plan!!
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Thanks, Highway, that was so encouraging!
I'll start the Cabbage Soup next wk. It seems to help me to do a wk. of cutting back bad things slowly, THEN do a REAL diet so my body doesn't freak out.
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We have friends who LOVE Atkins, also, but when other friends tried it, they got sick.
So, se le vie! Glad it works for ya.
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Today is my first day back on my diet. I did well! I didn't snack at work at all and that's my downfall. I had a minor surgery done yesterday so I'm not up to exercise more than walking. Will start back once I'm healed up!
I went to the doc yesterday and as per usual they weighed me. I have gained enough to make me cringe
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I forgot to mention a book you might be interested in regards to losing weight, "The Fat Flush Foods" It's all about the top 50 super foods that burn fat, boost your metabolism while controlling cholesterol and blood sugar levels. In the book the author does a little blurp on each of the foods and then goes on to let you know what category they fit into that all have to do with flushing fat from your system.
The categories are as follows: Blood-Sugar Stablizer....foods with this designation are known for steadying your blood sugar which serves to curb your appetite and prevent the fatty deposits that are part of "insulin resistance"
Cholesterol Zapper.....Foods that help rid the body of cholesterol or help balance the ratio between "good" and "bad" cholesterol levels.
Detoxifier.....foods that are known for ridding the body of toxins, thereby creating a cleansed and invigorated liver, which is ready to function as a fat-burning machine.
Diuretic....foods that help dewaterlog the tissues and eliminate excess water weight.
Engergizer....foods that fight fatigue, ward off stress and provide an engerizing boost to the entire body.
Thermogenic....these foods raise the body temperature, thereby helping it to burn fat efficiently rather than storing it as fuel.
If anyone wants the list of foods I'll post them.
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Please, yes
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I'd be interested too. I'm down about 3lbs so far, though I am really trying to keep my focus on being health more than losing weight. If I focus on losing weight I get discouraged and give up.
I'm not a breakfast eater and that can be a pitfal for me, brecause they say breakfast is so important. So usually around 9:30 I'll munch on a few lowfat triscuits - they are very high in fiber, which is something that has been seriously lacking in my diet.
Then for lunch I'll either have a mustard leaf salad with feta cheese dressing (protien and mostly healthy fats) with some flax seed or a tomatoe cucumber salad with parsely and onion (no dressing-just a splash of vinegar) and a small multi grain roll with "I can't believe its not butter).
If I crave a nosh in the afternoon (somedays I do somedays I don't - the more water I drink the less likely I am to crave that nosh) I will have a couple more triscuits.
Dinner is usually a small portion of whatever meat I've prepared, maybe a small portion of egg noodles, made withou yolk, and LOTS of vegies. .
Then if I need a nosh at night I stick with low fat preztels, peanuts, or raisins, and on the weekend only, popcorn.
Basically, my goal is to make my calories count. Trying to choose foods with nutritional value. If they are fatty foods, I want them to be the healthy fats, not the saturated ones or the trans.
Between eating better, exercising, and taking vitims, I am definitely feeling much much better.
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