Indeed, good clues. The danger with this game is giving great clues to a movie no one's heard of. Now that Raf has named it, I do vaguely recall the title. Go for it, Raf!
Right...and Raf got it. So I said, Go for it, Raf.
Show of many have seen "Waking Ned Divine"?
Do we only post movies everyone has seen now? (put up yer dukes)
You really should see it... it's quite enjoyable and entertaining and funny... do yourself a favor and watch it with the countess... (that is her title, right?)
Tell me how you like "Traxx" and I'll watch WND. It's not a matter of who has SEEN the movie. I'm just not likely to get a puzzle depicting a movie I haven't heard of. Fortunately, Raf did hear of it, so let's move on!
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I am, yer up.
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Post 10,376 ... Tom Strange answers first pictionary puzzle
mark it down ....
Just kidding Tom, I think you almost answered one other time
but you have put up a lot of puzzles ...
I was thinking "Judge (sting Roy) Bean" except it wasn't a bean ...
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Tom Strange
(it was hard finding a clue for the first word)
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That last pic is pretty scary. Yawning, waking up baby,
ned beatty, scary man boob lady.
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Tom Strange
so close! ...yet so far away...
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Oh my God! GREAT clues!
Waking Ned Devine
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Indeed, good clues. The danger with this game is giving great clues to a movie no one's heard of. Now that Raf has named it, I do vaguely recall the title. Go for it, Raf!
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Tom Strange
hey GSG! was my clue!!!
...go ahead Raf!
..."no one's heard of"... GSG! really need to get out of the lab more often...
rent or buy this movie... it is very entertaining and enjoyable...
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Right...and Raf got it. So I said, Go for it, Raf.
Show of many have seen "Waking Ned Divine"?
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Not I, but does it matter! We like what we like, and Jack Black is a fave of mine!
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Tom Strange
Do we only post movies everyone has seen now? (put up yer dukes)
You really should see it... it's quite enjoyable and entertaining and funny... do yourself a favor and watch it with the countess... (that is her title, right?)
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Tell me how you like "Traxx" and I'll watch WND. It's not a matter of who has SEEN the movie. I'm just not likely to get a puzzle depicting a movie I haven't heard of. Fortunately, Raf did hear of it, so let's move on!
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Tom Strange
oh no!!! ... not TRAXX!!!
(to me that's the equivalent of the THE thread! ...I just lost 5 minutes off the end of my life)
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Which end.....?
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Yer up!
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God wasn't sending me any visions, so I just had to go to the Internet for myself. :)
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A world where heroes come in all sizes and adventure is the greatest magic of all.
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This first Pic is a little obscure - but I hope not too much so...
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Tom Strange
I can't figure out the first one... but the last two look to make up "and I"... and I only know one movie that ends with "and I"...
But it's not "boxing and I" and it's not "sparring and I" and it's not "two men and I" and it's not "guys and I" and...
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the guy on the left is doing something......that is the clue
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Duck and I
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Tom Strange
Crouching and I?
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