Mary Poppins .......... Its not Desperate Measures
I did not put BUSTER together as anything but simply as BUST for for first pic and HER for the second. Thus I got BUSTER not to obscure.
But ....... I did realize that I had to watch my URL names when putting up movies so I chose different names that would come up as the same identities for my new movie.
I noticed the URL situation when GeorgeSt.George so nicely reminded MaryPoppins that she need not put up pics from her own computer ..... I wondered how one would realize that and got to looking at the properties of her pics. Then I knew whatever I looked up could be viewed by others.
The pics I put up are also under the real names of those pics ......... its very simplistic it really is right before you.
I know you brainiacs should have this .......... look at it in its most simplistic form......... Raf its kind of like the In and Out movie on your highway signs ............. I looked to far into that one. I go out onto the highway from an off ramp pointing towards it not In to the highway. I always thought that pic to obscure but let it go for what it was .......... I looked back again and knew I would have to change my thinking on my own pics.
I'll check back later this evening I am having trouble with my DSL cable and hubby is going to pick me up a new one on his way home......... I keep bouting myself off.
Have fun please enjoy getting the movie I put up it is a good one.
Iam sorry RAF,I didnt intend to obscure anyone, maybe it was easy for me cause it was a English Film, starring Phil Collins, and a great film it was, about the Great Train Robbery with Julie Walters.
But here we dont call the Queen, Queen Elizabeth ll, she is known as "ER" its on our money,
Stamps, Post Boxes, i didnt know that you wouldnt of known that. Some people think it stands
for Elizabeth Royal. But its not. It dates back to 1558 with Elizabeth l and has continued ever since.
I guess its a royal thing.
English Royality
Elizabeth Royal
All these relate to the queen and all are "ER"
Elizabeth Regina
Elizabeth Reign
DIGI im still trying with your movie, i am heading in a different direction now i will get it
xx marypoppinsxx
But bear with me it was only my second go i will get the hang of it :unsure:
I had figured out a way to cheat on this game, too; I decided not to divulge it because it wouldn't be obvious to everyone UNLESS SOMEONE POINTED IT OUT! I obviously don't do it, or I'd guess everybody's puzzle. I guess now we'll just have to hope that everyone will refrain from looking at the URL's and just play the game.
I have never ever looked at a pic url ......... did not know enough to even do so until you questioned MaryPoppins movie pic online in front of us all. Curious how you knew it was from her own computer I asked someone how that could be. Now I know the answer to that question. If there are also other ways of knowing I do not know of them. I have been very honest here and if others like you know how to cheat even tho you admit you don't ....... thus I didn't know it was even cheating but of course it never crossed my mind either to look up an url for I didn't know it was available. I am not so sure why you are truly pointing your finger at me ....... but if it makes you feel right by all means continue on.
It is up to us individually to be HONEST ........... so when I posted I still posted pics that came up under the original thought. If you want to ban me from this game for Honesty by all means its your choice.
Raf Ugly American? I don't get it ........... but like I said your In and Out movie was a bit obscure in and of itself. ........... but not all movies in here are based on word sound alikes .......... arrows have nothing to do with sounds like in or out they are simply directions ..........
I thought this was to be a fun game .......... I thought it was also great when MaryPoppins stumped us .... I only got it because I wrote down every possible name for Boobs that I could think of and then looked at the Queen in her most simplist form, she is a woman a she, female, queen, royalty and what else could they possibly call her .......... it came to me.
I thought it brilliant we didn't guess Rhinos right away and many were online looking at the pics and seeing who would be the first to get it. I thought Rhino's first pic with the Ladder the same way and quite interesting and again brilliant. Really livened up the game.
I thought it brilliant we didn't guess Rhinos right away and many were online looking at the pics and seeing who would be the first to get it. I thought Rhino's first pic with the Ladder the same way and quite interesting and again brilliant. Really livened up the game.Digi :( :unsure:
Well, I have to agree with that :) the brilliant part i mean ;)
When I did my first one I think I mentioned about not looking at the url. I'd look maybe if nothing was happening on the guesses for awhile ... and I used yahoo movies for finding movies with "pair" in them ... just for fun.
I suppose if we get lotsa people playing you'd have to assume some would use the url's ... just human nature ... so we'll figure out how to be more sophisticated if we get to that point. For now it's more fun to not look anyway. I didn't read George's note as accusational ... I think we can keep having fun
not sure about those jackals though ... was "Humpster" a movie ? lol
"Ugly American" was a self-deprecating comment, meant to indicate that I don't get something a British person would get.
"In and Out" was obscure. To get from a photo of Queen Elizabeth to ER? Can I get some Americans to chime in here? How many of you have EVER heard of ER as a reference to Queen Elizabeth?
But hey, no one said this was an American board. Or game. :)
Excuse me Raf ................. For not spelling booting correctly ............... my error ...... if I had spelled it properly I am sure you would have known that my DSL cable was not working properly and it was causing me to lose my online connection. Sorry you thought I was having a boxing match with my computer.
Rhino ........ humpster? LMAO No that isn't the movie .........
If there are also other ways of knowing I do not know of them. I have been very honest here and if others like you know how to cheat even tho you admit you don't ....... thus I didn't know it was even cheating but of course it never crossed my mind either to look up an url for I didn't know it was available. I am not so sure why you are truly pointing your finger at me ....... but if it makes you feel right by all means continue on.
You're really confusing me, Digi, so let's clear the air. It's a game. It's all in fun. It's all good.
I'm not pointing a finger at you, and I didn't even say it was cheating. I just said it's not a good idea. I even added a smiley. :) Just like that one.
It's all good. It's all a game. Woohoo! Yippee! and all that. :)
Raf you posted a part of a quote that was not written to you, not meant for you but meant clearly for George St. George if he doesn't understand it by all means let him question me.
I never once said you, RAF, were pointing your finger at me....................
Thank you,
back to the movie please ...........................
"In and Out" was obscure. To get from a photo of Queen Elizabeth to ER? Can I get some Americans to chime in here? How many of you have EVER heard of ER as a reference to Queen Elizabeth?
But hey, no one said this was an American board. Or game. :)
Right, we get to learn a little along the way ... and digi figured it out ... Bust didn't come to mind for me .. if it had, and I knew the movie Buster ... that would have been a good guess, so it is good maybe to mix a more difficult clue with an easier one. If they are too hard then people can give hints ...
Actually I'd like to add a rule ... there must be at least one pair of breasts for every movie... human preferred
This is getting silly. Digi, it was easy to tell that the original pics MP posted were from her computer because of the form in which they appeared on her post. Look at the posts in the "Every Picture..." thread, and you'll see what I mean. I noticed one time when I answered a post with the "Quote" feature that instead of the pictures showing up, their URLs did, instead. Obviously, then, I could have looked at URLs all the time (and, believe me, I've been tempted); but I've chosen not to. I imagine that others may have figured it out as well, but no one appears to be a super-whiz at guessing the puzzles, so I doubt most people had picked up on the trick. I assume you've been behaving honorably here. I just wish you hadn't let the cat out of the bag! I'm happy to have you playing this game, and it IS fun.
Just in case I ever have the pleasure of visiting your country, I am SO glad that you informed me of that one! Imagine my surprise if I went to bed with an English Woman, and she said " 'ey ducky, be a dear and knock me up at 7"
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Wait a minute:
How did the pictures spell out "Buster." I mean, Bust is obvious, but ER?
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You dissapoint me, its all to do with the Queen, i thought you would of known this
it means "ER" or "Elizabeth Regina
I know, ......................................... You were testing me to make sure i knew what it meant........ LOL
DIGI your film is it Desperate Measures with andy garcia hmmmmmmmm hyena's are desperate animals, compass measures
distance.... guess im going in the wrong direction again, but at least it has nothing to do with boobs LOL
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I'm glad Raf asked. I just figured it was Cockney for "her" ('er).
As far as the hyenas mating and a starry-looking broche go, I have NO IDEA
(Or are they jackals?)
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OHHHHH GEORGE i didnt think of that JACKALS
Now that puts a whole new light on this...... hmmmmmmm.

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I think that ER was WAYYYYYY too obscure.
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Likeaneagle its not monster
Mary Poppins .......... Its not Desperate Measures
I did not put BUSTER together as anything but simply as BUST for for first pic and HER for the second. Thus I got BUSTER not to obscure.
But ....... I did realize that I had to watch my URL names when putting up movies so I chose different names that would come up as the same identities for my new movie.
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I noticed the URL situation when GeorgeSt.George so nicely reminded MaryPoppins that she need not put up pics from her own computer ..... I wondered how one would realize that and got to looking at the properties of her pics. Then I knew whatever I looked up could be viewed by others.
The pics I put up are also under the real names of those pics ......... its very simplistic it really is right before you.
I know you brainiacs should have this .......... look at it in its most simplistic form......... Raf its kind of like the In and Out movie on your highway signs ............. I looked to far into that one. I go out onto the highway from an off ramp pointing towards it not In to the highway. I always thought that pic to obscure but let it go for what it was .......... I looked back again and knew I would have to change my thinking on my own pics.
I'll check back later this evening I am having trouble with my DSL cable and hubby is going to pick me up a new one on his way home......... I keep bouting myself off.
Have fun please enjoy getting the movie I put up it is a good one.
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Iam sorry RAF,I didnt intend to obscure anyone, maybe it was easy for me cause it was a English Film, starring Phil Collins, and a great film it was, about the Great Train Robbery with Julie Walters.
But here we dont call the Queen, Queen Elizabeth ll, she is known as "ER" its on our money,
Stamps, Post Boxes, i didnt know that you wouldnt of known that. Some people think it stands
for Elizabeth Royal. But its not. It dates back to 1558 with Elizabeth l and has continued ever since.
I guess its a royal thing.
English Royality
Elizabeth Royal
All these relate to the queen and all are "ER"
Elizabeth Regina
Elizabeth Reign
DIGI im still trying with your movie, i am heading in a different direction now i will get it
xx marypoppinsxx
But bear with me it was only my second go i will get the hang of it :unsure:
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If that's the explanation, then I'm mistaken (ugly American!!!!)
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I had figured out a way to cheat on this game, too; I decided not to divulge it because it wouldn't be obvious to everyone UNLESS SOMEONE POINTED IT OUT!
I obviously don't do it, or I'd guess everybody's puzzle. I guess now we'll just have to hope that everyone will refrain from looking at the URL's and just play the game.
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gsg- thanks for the clue..ha
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Yeah, it's generally a good idea NOT to do that. :)
The other thing is to look for something SIMILAR to the word you're looking for, but not identical. Something that suggests what you're looking for.
For example, when looking for the word "Bout," I searched for images related to "boxing match."
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actualy, when I was looking at MPs last picture..I was putting a spin on how a brit might pronounce it....honestly.....
tooche! sp
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GeorgeSt.George ..........
I have never ever looked at a pic url ......... did not know enough to even do so until you questioned MaryPoppins movie pic online in front of us all. Curious how you knew it was from her own computer I asked someone how that could be. Now I know the answer to that question. If there are also other ways of knowing I do not know of them. I have been very honest here and if others like you know how to cheat even tho you admit you don't ....... thus I didn't know it was even cheating but of course it never crossed my mind either to look up an url for I didn't know it was available. I am not so sure why you are truly pointing your finger at me ....... but if it makes you feel right by all means continue on.
It is up to us individually to be HONEST ........... so when I posted I still posted pics that came up under the original thought. If you want to ban me from this game for Honesty by all means its your choice.
Raf Ugly American? I don't get it ........... but like I said your In and Out movie was a bit obscure in and of itself. ........... but not all movies in here are based on word sound alikes .......... arrows have nothing to do with sounds like in or out they are simply directions ..........
I thought this was to be a fun game .......... I thought it was also great when MaryPoppins stumped us .... I only got it because I wrote down every possible name for Boobs that I could think of and then looked at the Queen in her most simplist form, she is a woman a she, female, queen, royalty and what else could they possibly call her .......... it came to me.
I thought it brilliant we didn't guess Rhinos right away and many were online looking at the pics and seeing who would be the first to get it. I thought Rhino's first pic with the Ladder the same way and quite interesting and again brilliant. Really livened up the game.
Digi :( :unsure:
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When I did my first one I think I mentioned about not looking at the url. I'd look maybe if nothing was happening on the guesses for awhile ... and I used yahoo movies for finding movies with "pair" in them ... just for fun.
I suppose if we get lotsa people playing you'd have to assume some would use the url's ... just human nature ... so we'll figure out how to be more sophisticated if we get to that point. For now it's more fun to not look anyway. I didn't read George's note as accusational ... I think we can keep having fun
not sure about those jackals though ... was "Humpster" a movie ? lol
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"Ugly American" was a self-deprecating comment, meant to indicate that I don't get something a British person would get.
"In and Out" was obscure. To get from a photo of Queen Elizabeth to ER? Can I get some Americans to chime in here? How many of you have EVER heard of ER as a reference to Queen Elizabeth?
But hey, no one said this was an American board. Or game. :)
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Excuse me Raf ................. For not spelling booting correctly ............... my error ...... if I had spelled it properly I am sure you would have known that my DSL cable was not working properly and it was causing me to lose my online connection. Sorry you thought I was having a boxing match with my computer.
Rhino ........ humpster? LMAO No that isn't the movie .........
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You're really confusing me, Digi, so let's clear the air. It's a game. It's all in fun. It's all good.
I'm not pointing a finger at you, and I didn't even say it was cheating. I just said it's not a good idea. I even added a smiley. :) Just like that one.
It's all good. It's all a game. Woohoo! Yippee! and all that. :)
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Raf you posted a part of a quote that was not written to you, not meant for you but meant clearly for George St. George if he doesn't understand it by all means let him question me.
I never once said you, RAF, were pointing your finger at me....................
Thank you,
back to the movie please ...........................
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Nothing personal but I think you have plenty of participants here so I'm going to hang back in Nostalgia for the time being.
Have loads of fun!
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Actually I'd like to add a rule ... there must be at least one pair of breasts for every movie... human preferred
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This is getting silly. Digi, it was easy to tell that the original pics MP posted were from her computer because of the form in which they appeared on her post. Look at the posts in the "Every Picture..." thread, and you'll see what I mean. I noticed one time when I answered a post with the "Quote" feature that instead of the pictures showing up, their URLs did, instead. Obviously, then, I could have looked at URLs all the time (and, believe me, I've been tempted); but I've chosen not to. I imagine that others may have figured it out as well, but no one appears to be a super-whiz at guessing the puzzles, so I doubt most people had picked up on the trick. I assume you've been behaving honorably here. I just wish you hadn't let the cat out of the bag! I'm happy to have you playing this game, and it IS fun.
Raf (re: ER): Let it go. :)
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IAM SO SORRY, for causing all this grief.. IAM ENGLISH, and we do speak the same language, BUT
my culture and word termonology is different, I WILL bare this in mind.
THIS is a great game, and yes RAF, its just a game, we should be having fun, also i believe it adds
a little spice, and makes it more interesting.
you say eraser i say rubber
you say cigerette i say fag
you say wake up i say knock me up
you say bangs i say fringe
The list goes on and on....................... please forgive me this is a great game and i want to still
feel welcome and participate, i am sorry guys, lets continue to play and have fun

OK DIGI, i am really having trouble with this movie LOL.....
I can see two hyena's - which are desperate, scavaging, wild animals, looking like they are having sex.
they are also known for there laughter.....
Then i see a star shape thing that i think is a compass.....
I WILL get this i have even gone to sleep dreaming about it LOL
HMMMMMMMMMMM....... i will be back with a answer
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Just in case I ever have the pleasure of visiting your country, I am SO glad that you informed me of that one! Imagine my surprise if I went to bed with an English Woman, and she said " 'ey ducky, be a dear and knock me up at 7"
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