Sooner or later (hopefully sooner) there's gonna be a federal judge that'll throw out any and all copyright claims that TWI might try to enforce on the phrase "The Way Ministry".
I mean the phrase itself is so generic. Generic enough that there must be at *least* a dozen ministries/organizations/churches using that or any part of the phrase. Even "The Way International", while being more specific in detail and recognition, can pose a bit of a challenge to TWI attorneys.
Also look at their location: Honduras in Central America; ie., in an setting that is outside of this country, and its copyright laws (especially if Honduras is not a signatory of these selfsame laws). Which is gonna make it all that much harder for a lawsuit like this to go through.
But watch TWI go for it anyway, lose the case, and wind up having all that abundant sharing money go down the drain.
Garth, they're in the USA and looking for a place outside the Bible Belt that has population 250K or larger where the church populations are stagnant.
They got their start and idea from a mission trip to Honduras, but plan to stay in the US from what I read on the site. I may have mis-understood, but that's what it looks like to me.
They do look alive, young, healthy, vibrant and they sound extremely enthusiastic on their website. Nothing like TWI's. ;)-->
Just visited the LCM4Christ website, and yes it is a very well built site from what i can see. (another website that we all know and hate should take notice on how a good site should look and present itself.)
I don't know if the people who started the site even know about the 'Other' group. If they don't, BOY will they get a wakeup call when the cow paddy hits the fan. I also hope that a judge tells the head TWIts to cease and desist on the supposid trademarks. It seems that TWIts tried to close the barn door long after the bread and butter left the barn.
It seems that TWIts tried to close the barn door long after the bread and butter left the barn.
Ain't that the truth! I'd say a day late and a dollar short, but they've stolen enough dollars to have plenty to spare....apparently they're spreading them around the legal community like candy.
WordWolf, do you think there might be some truth to what you said? I do wonder.
But as for any guilt I might have, there is none of course. I searched simply for The Way Ministry under Yahoo and found LCM4CHRIST and thought Loy? It was easy to find so it wasn't like they wouldn't have at some point. Just that possibly didn't have many hits and probubly is sometimes listed on the search engines and sometimes dissapears. But now I agree, with the site down something must have happened. It may just be that the site got too many hits and the server could not take it?
I agree; it would appear the WayGB sharks watching this site smelled chum in the water with this group and went in for the kill.
And if anyone doesn't think the Way International â„¢ is very protective of its exclusive use of the words "The Way" should talk to pjroberge about his legal battles with them.
Nice one, you guys. Makes me think of the phrase, "seeking whom they may devour".
You're certainly making a name for yourselves in the Christian community. Word over the World â„¢ indeed!
Well, could be something different. Maybe the poor folks there found out how much similarity in name they had to a *** ****** cult, and pulled the plug. I sure would.
Can you imagine putting your name in a search engine and finding the scum of TWI attached? I'd get real sick.
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I smell another lawsuit..
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OMG............I need to buy Depends after that web site. LMFAO
You bet that's another lawsuit
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OMG!!! What are the odds??
Poor people, they are in for a rude awakening. Mr. Linder, please tell them to be nice to these people. They most likely had no idea.
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With all of these web sites being exposed here at GSC. You authors of the threads are making them (twi) spend money.
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Aw, why don't you Way Int'l sharks leave these folks alone?
'Cuz they're just so cute and adorable, you just wanna pinch their cheeks and give them some home-baked cookies and milk!
Although, I gotta say...
"Jesus is the rizzle for the sizzle"? Oy vey!
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I imagine ole rosie is just FUMING. The pictures of the staff there, they actually look, well, happy.
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Can you see her having a fit? Stomping, kicking, face red.
I can just see it. Mr Linder, are you sure you want to see that happen?
I agree they do look happy. Its also a better website than twi's.
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Sooner or later (hopefully sooner) there's gonna be a federal judge that'll throw out any and all copyright claims that TWI might try to enforce on the phrase "The Way Ministry".
I mean the phrase itself is so generic. Generic enough that there must be at *least* a dozen ministries/organizations/churches using that or any part of the phrase. Even "The Way International", while being more specific in detail and recognition, can pose a bit of a challenge to TWI attorneys.
Also look at their location: Honduras in Central America; ie., in an setting that is outside of this country, and its copyright laws (especially if Honduras is not a signatory of these selfsame laws). Which is gonna make it all that much harder for a lawsuit like this to go through.
But watch TWI go for it anyway, lose the case, and wind up having all that abundant sharing money go down the drain.
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Garth, they're in the USA and looking for a place outside the Bible Belt that has population 250K or larger where the church populations are stagnant.
They got their start and idea from a mission trip to Honduras, but plan to stay in the US from what I read on the site. I may have mis-understood, but that's what it looks like to me.
They do look alive, young, healthy, vibrant and they sound extremely enthusiastic on their website. Nothing like TWI's.
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Just visited the LCM4Christ website, and yes it is a very well built site from what i can see. (another website that we all know and hate should take notice on how a good site should look and present itself.)
I don't know if the people who started the site even know about the 'Other' group. If they don't, BOY will they get a wakeup call when the cow paddy hits the fan. I also hope that a judge tells the head TWIts to cease and desist on the supposid trademarks. It seems that TWIts tried to close the barn door long after the bread and butter left the barn.
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I think Bally's (or whatever that outfit that lcm works for is named) has a better shot at winning a lawsuit, than twi does!
Uhhh -- what's the charge? Defamation of character!?!

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Oh no they di ent. LMAO
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Linda Z
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Ain't that the truth! I'd say a day late and a dollar short, but they've stolen enough dollars to have plenty to spare....apparently they're spreading them around the legal community like candy.
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Learning: just tried the link & got a cannot locate error. Wonder if Rosie & dlm made him remove or change it?????
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*tries link*
Well, the link seems not to connect now, so the site may be down for one reason
or another.
Have we all learned our lesson now, or will posters continue to post websites and
do the WayGB's work FOR them?
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WordWolf, do you think there might be some truth to what you said? I do wonder.
But as for any guilt I might have, there is none of course. I searched simply for The Way Ministry under Yahoo and found LCM4CHRIST and thought Loy? It was easy to find so it wasn't like they wouldn't have at some point. Just that possibly didn't have many hits and probubly is sometimes listed on the search engines and sometimes dissapears. But now I agree, with the site down something must have happened. It may just be that the site got too many hits and the server could not take it?
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when I tried:
THIS could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
methinks this means somebody pull a plug.
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and that should just about settle it for anyone if they don't think twi watches this site.
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It does seem interesting that a site goes down everytime one is mentioned that remotely sounds like twi or has some words in it.
Why is there so much interest after all this time? They have the people they want and the money.
Whats funny is if they would just leave everything alone things would die out. But they keep on pressing.
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TWI...if you're watching....
One search on one search engine for very specific words produced 1,040 results...and only two are positive sites about you all.
Have fun chasing them all down...
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Oh, hey there TWI...I'm back with another search result...and this one should keep y'all busy, busy, busy...
Do a Yahoo! search for "The Way International" (with quote marks) and you'll get about 31,900 results.
If you do it without the quote marks, you'll get about 132,000,000 results.
Yep...your world is small...very small indeed.
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I agree; it would appear the WayGB sharks watching this site smelled chum in the water with this group and went in for the kill.
And if anyone doesn't think the Way International â„¢ is very protective of its exclusive use of the words "The Way" should talk to pjroberge about his legal battles with them.
Nice one, you guys. Makes me think of the phrase, "seeking whom they may devour".
You're certainly making a name for yourselves in the Christian community. Word over the World â„¢ indeed!
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Well, could be something different. Maybe the poor folks there found out how much similarity in name they had to a *** ****** cult, and pulled the plug. I sure would.
Can you imagine putting your name in a search engine and finding the scum of TWI attached? I'd get real sick.
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