BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!! I LOVE Brooke's ticket offer!! I was actually watching the Today show when Cruise made his remarks. Like a lot of religionists, he couldn't admit that he was offering just his opinion. He had... "The Truth®" and was being badgered by the host when all he was trying to do was share it.
Scientologists believe that Thetans were placed in Earth's volcanos 75 million years ago by the Galactic emperor of the universe. Now they've possessed each and every human being. But thanks to Scientology.. we can get rid of these creatures through "auditing". Praise be to L. Ron Hubbard. Peace be upon him. -->
I saw the part of the interview as well. I decided I'm not going to spend money to see any more of his films. He was the rudest celebrety I've ever seen.
He interrupted Matt Lauer often with "but you've got to understand" enough times that I almost turned the tv off. I changed my mind on the way to the off switch when I realized that I was watching history. I was watching Mr. Cruise single-handedly trash his career with this. Matt Lauer tried to be nice...never lost his temper...and eventually had no choice but to let the man rant on.
And you all know the proof™ that Tom Fluzey--err Cruise had to give the lowly interviewer (who I almost wished had a water microphone of his own to use :D-->)?
You don't know psychiatry like *I* do. I've read the research papers. *I* know what *I'm* talking about!
(Trying to picture Tom seriously reading and understanding research papers, is like trying to imagine VPW working for and getting a REAL doctorate. )
That was all the proof™ that we need, folks. Thus hath the High and Mighty Word™ of Tom Lose--ahh Cruise been spoken.
You don't know psychiatry like *I* do. I've read the research papers. *I* know what *I'm* talking about!
Yeah, Garth, my mouth dropped open when he said that! I was thinkin,' Who died and left you in charge? Then I remembered the Scientology connection, and knew that we were in the presence of a True Believer. Praise your name, thanks for setting us all straight, especially us women... ;)-->
I also thought that he better have his investments in order, because he made his living as a heartthrob, but just alienated himself from women everywhere. I know my yuk factor just went way up.
I feel sorry for him, actually. He's out there putting it all on the line because he BELIEVES this stuff. He's been into it for years, so he's been properly manipulated and conditioned... it just rings too close to home for me to get p.o.'d with him.
How many of us were just as arrogant and adamant? We just didn't have the "priviledge" of doing it on national TV...
I wonder what's it gonna take to make him snap? It took being miserable for years, and a lawsuit to wake me up to twi... his wealth and carrier may shield him from any negatives that are experienced within his cult.
You're right hiway....he is putting it all out there and it is a shame he believes it so tenaceously. I never talked to anybody like he did though. I don't think most of us did either.
How many of us were just as arrogant and adamant? We just didn't have the "priviledge" of doing it on national TV...
I wonder what's it gonna take to make him snap? It took being miserable for years, and a lawsuit to wake me up to twi... his wealth and career may shield him from any negatives that are experienced within his cult.
Am wondering what a deprogramer like Ted Patrick would charge if he had a guy like this in *custody*.
He's out there putting it all on the line because he BELIEVES this stuff. He's been into it for years, so he's been properly manipulated and conditioned...
I wonder what's it gonna take to make him snap? It took being miserable for years, and a lawsuit to wake me up to twi... his wealth and carrier may shield him from any negatives that are experienced within his cult.
Am wondering what a deprogramer like Ted Patrick would charge if he had a guy like this in *custody*.
((Shaking my head)) Now just stop and think about the contradictions here. Just stop and think. Tommy boy really 'BELIEVES this stuff', yet he's 'properly manipulated and conditioned' (). ... in other words, 'mind control', right?
He believes in it, and is arrogant about it. It's the same thing that Jerry Falwell does when he runs off at the mouth about his garbage too. ... I wonder if he's been 'properly manipulated and conditioned'? --> And no doubt he most likely believes that mentally ill people are 'possessed with demons' or some similar doctrine, thus putting him at odds with the psychiatric community as well.
What would Ted Patrick/Rick Ross charge to do Tom Cruise? ..... Ohhhh, probably enough to pay for the multi-million lawsuit that shall surely follow, and the costs that'll cover their time in prison, I imagine.
I wonder if any of his family members would be *insane* enough to pay that amount?
What would Ted Patrick/Rick Ross charge to do Tom Cruise? ..... Ohhhh, probably enough to pay for the multi-million lawsuit that shall surely follow, and the costs that'll cover their time in prison, I imagine.
I wonder if any of his family members would be *insane* enough to pay that amount?:(-->
Garth -- I was being facetious. Seems like the *ex-cult* in us, picked up on the scientology (sp?) aspect of the "rantings" TC spouted, and that is what got focused on.
Without a doubt -- lawsuits would certainly be a happening thing, if someone like him were to be (cough) *shown the light* in a back room somewhere.
I saw the part of the interview as well. I decided I'm not going to spend money to see any more of his films. He was the rudest celebrety I've ever seen.
He interrupted Matt Lauer often with "but you've got to understand" enough times that I almost turned the tv off. I changed my mind on the way to the off switch when I realized that I was watching history. I was watching Mr. Cruise single-handedly trash his career with this. Matt Lauer tried to be nice...never lost his temper...and eventually had no choice but to let the man rant on.
Krys, I totally agree with you!!! I am boycotting anything that tom does from now on.
What he did was terrible for people that would believe him that are on meds. Hopefully, it doesn't do too much damage.
What he should have said time eat your after birth. That is why animals don't get post-pardom. Some people on the other side of the pond still do this.
Anyways, I wish would have seen Tom make such an foot out of himself. I would have enjoyed that part of it. What an idiot.
I did my master's thesis on "Drugs and the Hyperactive Child" back in 1976...
I can't imagine him having the time, nor the resources to do such research while he's training for action films, making action films, travelling the globe promoting his action films, and seriously dating a woman to wed!!!
And if he truly did his "research" on this...and spent umpteen hours in classrooms with these children (and adults, I might add) with all these different problems,...
...he would have come to the same conclusion as I did, and have, and most educated people on the planet...
Did Cruise even GO to college?
Is he in complete denial about his learning disabilities?
I dare say if he started college now he wouldn't make it with his head in the books...and would probably need medication to concentrate!!!!
Hyperactive kids wouldn't need meds to calm them if their life were pure action as Tom Cruise's.
Tom Cruise is a major RED FLAG...his whole anyone who knows anything about those kids.
Nicole and Penelope dumped him for a reason...Katy...well, she looks like a bigger dimwit to me. Is it love? or ga-ga? Time will tell.
Hyperactive kids grow up...and when not on meds turn out just as hyperactive as Tom Cruise...with a motor mouth to boot.
However, money talks...and people are unfortunately ga-ga by what the stars say and wear...
Talk about manipulation and brainwashing.
We are a country of brainwashed people.
It's actually sad.
All Praise to Med Users Everywhere....
Carry on...
Bloom where you are planted...
And don't give Tom Cruise a rat's foot ear to blow in...
But what he said he researched was the history of psychiatry (sp?) - not about hyperactive kids. He said that studying that history showed him that it was all a sham and not even close to being a science.
He said that studying that history showed him that it was all a sham and not even close to being a science.
Do tell? Wasn't it the psychiatric sciences (such as they are in any event) that did away with the blind rendering of mental illness as demon possession? (Yeah! Yeah! I know that there are some here who still hang on to that old chestnut. There are those who still question that the earth is round too. -->)
Psychiatry is indeed a somewhat controversial field, and it has its share of quacks and half-baked theorists (mind control being but one IMHO), ... but this wholesale rendering of the whole field of psychiatry as being a sham? Nahh, I think not. And let's keep in mind that question that wasn't asked of Tom 'Snot Gun' Cruise:
(camera focuses in on Tom and the interviewer)
"Sir, from whence did you get your 'research' sources from? From some 3rd rate, flunky sci-fi author who couldn't sell his 3rd rate fiction, so he made a religion out of his 'thetans' to make more dough?"
"You're a jerk!! ... a jerk, y'know! You're just a JERK!!!!!"
"Mr. Cruise, Please! Settle down!! Please! .... Take some medic--PUT THAT CHAIR DOWN!!! AAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!....." (camera blanks out to a Stress-Free medication commercial)
Recommended Posts
BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!! I LOVE Brooke's ticket offer!! I was actually watching the Today show when Cruise made his remarks. Like a lot of religionists, he couldn't admit that he was offering just his opinion. He had... "The Truth®" and was being badgered by the host when all he was trying to do was share it.
Scientologists believe that Thetans were placed in Earth's volcanos 75 million years ago by the Galactic emperor of the universe. Now they've possessed each and every human being. But thanks to Scientology.. we can get rid of these creatures through "auditing". Praise be to L. Ron Hubbard. Peace be upon him.
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i didn't know brooke said that !!!!!
i've been watching cruise's interviews on and off (he comes on, i turn him off)
he has a lot of bucks to spread the word
oh well.... what an *******
that song "endless love" still makes me cry
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I saw the part of the interview as well. I decided I'm not going to spend money to see any more of his films. He was the rudest celebrety I've ever seen.
He interrupted Matt Lauer often with "but you've got to understand" enough times that I almost turned the tv off. I changed my mind on the way to the off switch when I realized that I was watching history. I was watching Mr. Cruise single-handedly trash his career with this. Matt Lauer tried to be nice...never lost his temper...and eventually had no choice but to let the man rant on.
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the man's been ranting a lot lately
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Tom Cruise...the pretty boy with that oh so ever charismatic smile...what is he about 4'7"...
I think perhaps the Galactic emperor should have a few words with that boy.
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damn it that's why he's railing on brooke she's like 6 feet tall
she and my sister went to princeton together
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...typical cult dogma...they're all the same, apparently...
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And you all know the proof™ that Tom Fluzey--err Cruise had to give the lowly interviewer (who I almost wished had a water microphone of his own to use
(Trying to picture Tom seriously reading and understanding research papers, is like trying to imagine VPW working for and getting a REAL doctorate.
That was all the proof™ that we need, folks. Thus hath the High and Mighty Word™ of Tom Lose--ahh Cruise been spoken.
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Wacky Funster
Cruise is a dimwit.
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then again... who givws a fat rat's foot about a loser like tom?
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I also thought that he better have his investments in order, because he made his living as a heartthrob, but just alienated himself from women everywhere. I know my yuk factor just went way up.
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I feel sorry for him, actually. He's out there putting it all on the line because he BELIEVES this stuff. He's been into it for years, so he's been properly manipulated and conditioned... it just rings too close to home for me to get p.o.'d with him.
How many of us were just as arrogant and adamant? We just didn't have the "priviledge" of doing it on national TV...
I wonder what's it gonna take to make him snap? It took being miserable for years, and a lawsuit to wake me up to twi... his wealth and carrier may shield him from any negatives that are experienced within his cult.
It's sad to watch.
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You're right hiway....he is putting it all out there and it is a shame he believes it so tenaceously. I never talked to anybody like he did though. I don't think most of us did either.
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Am wondering what a deprogramer like Ted Patrick would charge if he had a guy like this in *custody*.
*Cruise*'n for the big bucks.
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Ron G.
I'm disappointed. I thought this thread was gonna be about a new movie where Brooke Shields and Tom Cruise were going to square off and duke it out.
You know, like Alien vs. Predator or Jason vs. Freddy.
Oh well
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A couple of real beauts here follow:
((Shaking my head)) Now just stop and think about the contradictions here. Just stop and think. Tommy boy really 'BELIEVES this stuff', yet he's 'properly manipulated and conditioned' (). ... in other words, 'mind control', right?
He believes in it, and is arrogant about it. It's the same thing that Jerry Falwell does when he runs off at the mouth about his garbage too. ... I wonder if he's been 'properly manipulated and conditioned'?
--> And no doubt he most likely believes that mentally ill people are 'possessed with demons' or some similar doctrine, thus putting him at odds with the psychiatric community as well.
What would Ted Patrick/Rick Ross charge to do Tom Cruise? ..... Ohhhh, probably enough to pay for the multi-million lawsuit that shall surely follow, and the costs that'll cover their time in prison, I imagine.
I wonder if any of his family members would be *insane* enough to pay that amount?
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Garth -- I was being facetious. Seems like the *ex-cult* in us, picked up on the scientology (sp?) aspect of the "rantings" TC spouted, and that is what got focused on.
Without a doubt -- lawsuits would certainly be a happening thing, if someone like him were to be (cough) *shown the light* in a back room somewhere.
Reminds me of the old Sam Pr*yn song --
"Tom's got the power,
To take scientology over the world.
Tom's got the power,
To take scientology over the world"
Woops -- did I quote that right??
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Trefor Heywood
I seem to recall that famous and wealthy people in Scientology are treated very differently to the ordinary herd.
That reminds me of TWI too.
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Krys, I totally agree with you!!! I am boycotting anything that tom does from now on.
What he did was terrible for people that would believe him that are on meds. Hopefully, it doesn't do too much damage.
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What he should have said time eat your after birth. That is why animals don't get post-pardom. Some people on the other side of the pond still do this.
Anyways, I wish would have seen Tom make such an foot out of himself. I would have enjoyed that part of it. What an idiot.
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eewwwww Lindy!!!!!!!
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Wacky Funster
Cruise is a nitwit!!!
I did my master's thesis on "Drugs and the Hyperactive Child" back in 1976...
I can't imagine him having the time, nor the resources to do such research while he's training for action films, making action films, travelling the globe promoting his action films, and seriously dating a woman to wed!!!
And if he truly did his "research" on this...and spent umpteen hours in classrooms with these children (and adults, I might add) with all these different problems,...
...he would have come to the same conclusion as I did, and have, and most educated people on the planet...
Did Cruise even GO to college?
Is he in complete denial about his learning disabilities?
I dare say if he started college now he wouldn't make it with his head in the books...and would probably need medication to concentrate!!!!
Hyperactive kids wouldn't need meds to calm them if their life were pure action as Tom Cruise's.
Tom Cruise is a major RED FLAG...his whole anyone who knows anything about those kids.
Nicole and Penelope dumped him for a reason...Katy...well, she looks like a bigger dimwit to me. Is it love? or ga-ga? Time will tell.
Hyperactive kids grow up...and when not on meds turn out just as hyperactive as Tom Cruise...with a motor mouth to boot.
However, money talks...and people are unfortunately ga-ga by what the stars say and wear...
Talk about manipulation and brainwashing.
We are a country of brainwashed people.
It's actually sad.
All Praise to Med Users Everywhere....
Carry on...
Bloom where you are planted...
And don't give Tom Cruise a rat's foot ear to blow in...
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Cruise is a nitwit!
But what he said he researched was the history of psychiatry (sp?) - not about hyperactive kids. He said that studying that history showed him that it was all a sham and not even close to being a science.
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Do tell? Wasn't it the psychiatric sciences (such as they are in any event) that did away with the blind rendering of mental illness as demon possession? (Yeah! Yeah! I know that there are some here who still hang on to that old chestnut. There are those who still question that the earth is round too.
Psychiatry is indeed a somewhat controversial field, and it has its share of quacks and half-baked theorists (mind control being but one IMHO), ... but this wholesale rendering of the whole field of psychiatry as being a sham? Nahh, I think not. And let's keep in mind that question that wasn't asked of Tom 'Snot Gun' Cruise:
(camera focuses in on Tom and the interviewer)
"Sir, from whence did you get your 'research' sources from? From some 3rd rate, flunky sci-fi author who couldn't sell his 3rd rate fiction, so he made a religion out of his 'thetans' to make more dough?"
"You're a jerk!! ... a jerk, y'know! You're just a JERK!!!!!"
"Mr. Cruise, Please! Settle down!! Please! .... Take some medic--PUT THAT CHAIR DOWN!!! AAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!....." (camera blanks out to a Stress-Free medication commercial)
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