Most of these people have convinced themselves that "there's nothing else out there," and that "nobody else has the Word as rightly divided as our ministry."
However, many of them have subsisted within the confines of this cult so long, that they don't have the wherewithal to survive outisde their "household."
Lifelong "friends" (just how good of a friend they really are is only measured by what happens AFTER you leave) are still inside TWI, perhaps family, and they just don't know how to function outside of what is familiar to them.
It's easier to stay put where they are, than to strike out into the unknown.
How in the world can some way corpse still be involved with the way?
The staff the security and confinement of being ordered around. Some justify this meager existence with the ridiculous claim of "doing it for God."
Some field corps....have alienated themselves from family, coworkers, community involvement and the like for decades --- and, now in the 50s, this rut runs deep and wide.
Some on the banks of deNile (denial). They justify their actions and they "cut and paste" scriptures whenever it suits their means. To CHANGE....would involve a process that brings up thousands of questions, thousands of red flags, thousands of hurts and neglects.
One of the hardest things to admit for some people is to admit they were mistaken or fooled.
For some to leave would be admitting that they have been living a lie for many years.
For many years some of us had a heartfelt conviction to twi. For me, it was hard to admit to the truth about twi. I did not see much of the abuse that some here have experienced (just because you don't see it dosen't mean that it is not going on).
Some on the banks of deNile (denial). They justify their actions and they "cut and paste" scriptures whenever it suits their means. To CHANGE....would involve a process that brings up thousands of questions, thousands of red flags, thousands of hurts and neglects.
Not only that, but to change would mean that they would have to admit to themselves that they aren't "believing" for God's abundance, and it would mean that they would have to face the reality of what life will be like for them when they reach their "golden" years.
And Belle, lets not forget another aspect that I think is overlooked sometimes.
Some of them are just damn lazy and unproductive. They think just because they are "busy" all the time they are not lazy. But they ARE still lazy and in a muddy rut.
You know the type. There are people like that in all walks of life who never amount to much and who never really produce much "fruit".
That's ok if a person wants to be that way. But I think it is a waste of one's life.
Yes Igotout, and some are fooling themselves into thinking they have all the answers. They believe they know if all and because of the great training they received, they can do it better than anyone. I guess they never look at LCM's current job title.
Current waycorps...what a joke. Do they still number the corps? What would it be now, the 36th corps? How does twi explain what happened to the thousands of people who went through corps training and want nothing to do with them anymore?
...and since they reached their goal of word over the world already...why do they even need more corps?
...oh yeah, I almost forgot...Rozilla needs somebody to mow the grass at hdqrts.
Igotout brought up a good point about lazy and unproductive people...being BUSY is not being PRODUCTIVE.
I have nothing but respect for folks who worked full time jobs, raised families, and STILL tried to do their best to run twigs and branches and limbs. We had a Family Corps couple here as WOWs the last year there WERE WOWs, and was the LC the next year. The guy was an engineer, worked his butt off all day, and still came home to teach, or run classes or whatever. He and his wife are the ONLY TWI leaders to not question us on our decision to home-school our children.
In contrast we had another couple running our branch (two twigs - some branch) a few years later when the "full-time Corps" were in full swing. They had NOTHING TO DO! They were required to be at their desks (an office was set up for Mr., and small desk in a corner of the dining room for Mrs.) by a certain time each day, maybe 8am. Since there was NOTHING TO DO, they would get on the phone and start calling the peons. We all had to work, so our jobs would get interrupted. They would shuffle papers and "study the Word" for a few hours, go out and "witness" for a few hours, then have lunch. The afternoon would be spent minding other peoples' business or preparing scintillating teachings for fellowship. Then it was time for dinner. They did precious little housework, since they had my son and another wayfer living there to be their slaves.
It used to tick me off that we were paying for it all. What ticked me off more was when they went on vacation (from what?) fully paid for with our "abundant sharing", when I was spending MY vacation time going to TWI events
What is it called, when a captive becomes sympathetic or even joins the cause of the captor?
One thing is that during all the purges of LCM, the ones that stayed faithful to their man by compromising their values and beliefs, while abusing so many under their power became survivors.
They became special elitists in an elitist group. It may be like that of making to the highest order of a secret organization.
But the question needs to be answered, while so many with so much more ability and heart were purged; why would any of the survivors turn around and give up that super special elitist position that they worked so hard to keep?
Oh yeah...I remember all those corps who had very little to do, except stick their noses in everybody else's business.
I remember a certain "ordained clergyman" who told me to fire my nephew from my business because he didn't want anything to do with twi...( he was my best employee), and to hire this deadbeat wayfer (who was as useless as t*ts on a boarhog)...and not only that...but he also told me how much I should pay this deadbeat! Of course, I refused and informed him that he had NO IDEA what he was talking about, that he knew NOTHING about my business and that he was out of line for even making the suggestion...Needless to say, my name went immediately onto his .... list.
This same "ordained clergyman" who washed windows for a living...(to suppliment the free money that twi was sending him)...approached a woman in my twig (who was broke and in need of money), and asked her if she would like to help him wash windows one day...she accepted, thinking that it would be an opprotunity to make a few the end of the day, he WOULD NOT PAY HER! He informed her that her pay was that she got to spend time with him!!!
Needless to say, I called this guy up and let him know what I thought of his scheme to get "believers" to work free while he got the money...I told him how this woman was broke and thought she was there to make money...I also told him to never do that again to anyone unless he's upfront about it...I told him that he was being dishonest and manipulating people...His conclusion was that I was possessed!
Serving God's people??? Maybe it was the title of a cookbook.
I'm sure it's not just one reason why they stay involved and everyone has presented good ideas on why. Those who still believe "there's nothing better out there" baffle me seeing as how they haven't even looked to see what's "out there". They would be very surprised IF they can put their egotism and arrogance in a box for a while.
Leaving would mean having to face facts that you made a terrible mistake; that you have no "real" friends when it comes to TWI; that you have nothing to show for your life; that you are capable and responsible for making your own decisions. Besides that, like Skyrider said, they have nothing outside TWI to go to because of how they've alienated people. (Imagine those TWIt kids who were so rude to the Holocaust victim. Think they have many "outtie" friends they can confide in or get help from?) It's definitely taking the easy way out by staying in. Which brings us to the lazy people..... ;)-->
If they left they would have to actually work. They'd have to find a real job. They'd no longer be "royalty" and be able to expect people to lick their boots. Gasp! They might have to clean their own home and move their own furniture and mow their own yard....if they are lucky enough to be renting a house.
On staff at hq or Gunnison definitely throws another kink into the chain, doesn't it? You have housing, food, no free time since your schedule is made for you and people who have to pretend to like you "in the unity of the spirit". You don't have to do squat or think about squat unless some TWIt tells you exactly what that should be. I consider that the equivalent to living as a vegetable, only you're able to move your body.
What I DON'T get is those who have seen how these people live and still decide to put themselves into that position. I mean, there's a girl who has a college degree from a prestigious college, a really good job and has lived with wc and seen how those who aren't being paid by TWI are struggling to make ends meet and all the time and financial constraints on them. Yet she STILL has decided to go through wc training. Three years of being out of the professional loop, especially with the changes in computers and software at warp speed, she's going to have a really hard time finding a job equivalent to what she left.
There's no promise of becoming a paid minion by TWI when you sign up, so why on earth would someone do that to their lives and their profession and future?? THAT I really don't get... -->
All the Corps grads I know that still fellowship with TWI are not on the payroll. (Heck, I'm not even sure WHAT their official "designation" is.) They continue for two reasons: doctrine (if you belive the "biggies" -- one God, dead are dead, and some others -- there's not a lot out there except TWI and its split-offs. JW's come close) and friends (as Catcup mentioned). It's more a matter of resignation than enjoyment.
I remember a Corps Coordinator who boasted that he never had a real job. I wonder if he now has a real job. I don't think so. I remember his whining a few years back because he could not find a wife. Maybe if he worked, he could have found a wife. TWI gives a person a way to take the Word and put people under their thumb. We put up with bulls**t that we never would have. That is why we have seen so many divorces, etc. Do you think we would have hung out with the people we did in TWI in normal life?
They became special elitists in an elitist group. It may be like that of making to the highest order of a secret organization.
After that first big purge after Craig's ultimatum letter, I called those who stayed the "heros of the counter-revolution". And these rocketed to much higher places, taking "battlefield promotions", and all was glorious amongst them as they took their mighty stands shoulder to shoulder with those other mighty ones...
Oh, it must have been grand and glorious for them as they filled their noggins with the newest battlefield information on the latest clergy person to "cop out" while they, a previous "nobody" (perhaps) were actually still standing amongst the stalwart! I can see them in my mind as they nodded sagely to each other as they recognized the "spiritual error" of another one who went down...
I likened it to what people become like when there is a natural disaster or something (like a flood for instance), and all of a sudden, everyone is "outside the nine dots", and full of good will towards those in the same situation. But in that case there was also instant hatred towards those "copouts" like me and others who weren't spiritual" enough to "see" what the devil was doing, making the "see-ers", far more elite and sharp and diligent and spiritual and faithful (polysyndeton-many ands), then they ever dreamed they would be, for, they were the new Heroes Of The Counter-Revolution! They now had a mission that far out weighed reaching people with the good news of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. They were the only ones left to "save The Word!"
However, there were also those who grieved for we copouts, and not all were hateful. Some of you may fit into either category...
So really, what was left was an empty shell, and all of the wickedness that LCM heaped on those "heroes" in the nineties was what they had comin to them, IMO. Those who followed LCM's lead and were wicked to those who checked out reaped what they had been sowing as Craig lashed them...
Yet, as I and my wife learned of "The Way of the nineties", we were heartbroken and sad that so many whom we knew and loved were then hurt by LCM's true nature. BUT, we were also glad to see that his veneer had been shed, for we knew then that many would wise up and leave, as did many.
When we moved back to Alaska in the early nineties, the couple who had been our best man and matron of honor at our wedding, were still in The Way, and although they vowed we were still friends (against the local corps dude's wishes), our friendship was strained and certainly not what it had been.
But the the most amazing thing happened! The local Corps dude (Bob Somebody) and his wife got revelation from God that our friends were attending a fellowship that I was having in my home, a fellowship designed to steal back my old Twig and into Satans clutches! The problem was, they had never once attended what really amounted to nothing more than a family fellowship with my wife, kids and I.
But no matter! God had shown this guy the truth about two of his most faithful and affluent members! Annanias and Saphirra! So, he counseled with the limb guy in Anchorage, who in his spiritual wisdom, decided to put our two friends on "spiritual probation" for awhile. But this was a total blind-sided broadside to my friends who, without even receiving revelation, knew that they had never been to my nearly non-existant fellowship.
So my buddy called the limb guy and tried to explain that it was all bogus, but to no avail, for God's revelation was proof enough that my friends and even their children had soiled themselves spiritually by going to the fellowship of a fallen clergyman. My friends were in shock to be sure. I was in shock as the story was relayed to me by them. The beauty of the whole thing was, once I had re-arrived in this town, I never once mentioned any negative thing about LCM or The Way, and how we were treated and given the boot. "Never a negative word about Craig" as they liked to put it nowadays.
And so, they gladly took their exit at that point, and the local Corps guy Bob and his wife patted themselves on the back for being able to tell their "colleagues" that they too now had some battlefield stories to tell, about how they too took a mighty stand for God! I guess they were getting envious of all of the other Heroes in the Corps whose daily battlefield exploits outweighed their own...
But I got off on it for sure, for I was able to help my friends out by just "showing up" in town, and I didn't even "fire a shot" so to speak. I think my presence made that Corps dude just plain nuts...
My wife and I are best buds with that couple these days...
Got way off track there, sorry. I heard that that guy and his wife left The Way also, after Craig got caught screwin that guys wife...
Why are they still in or in the new Way Corps? They are blind and cannot see as of yet...
Actually Jonny, this fits well into another line of thinking I was going to toss out there and brought to mind another.
Talking about older WC, that were active during the purges of LCM, for them to wake up and leave would mean they would have to admit they were wrong when they ripped families apart and tore lives up. Like awaking from a drunken stupor and having to confess to murder! At least the murder of many fine outstanding reputations. It’s the weak way out, staying in. Absolutely no one of the WC in the later 90's can walk away now without some others’ blood on their hands. They either directly feed friends and fellow WC to the lions or they stood as Saul and consented to the “spiritual†death of others.
While they claim having big brass ones, they are really cowards! Its like the weak, cruel kids that hang out with the playground bully. As long as the bully is there they are as tough as nails, but once cornered alone their yellow streak shows right through. They claim to stand in the household takes real guts, but what takes real guts is to look into the eyes of someone whose life you tore apart and trashed while admitting you were wrong and ask for forgiveness and offer to do what ever it takes to make it right. Do they really think kissing up to Rosie is the high ground?
But then there is another group that were WC and still are. They are the ones that believe All The Women of The Kingdom BELONG to the KING! These believe that’s the Word and it evil that brought down their KING their MOG and not that the doctrine of devils was wrong! I strongly suspect when certain higher ups left as LCM was removed from the throne, it was because they wanted to “stand†on that truth!
Wow, that's cool that you were able to say f u c king like that! I hadn't thought of that method in saying that. I did notice that I can't say f u c ked like we did that one other time though...
And so, where's the black and white Excathedra? I will quote myself as having said;
However, there were also those who grieved for we copouts, and not all were hateful. Some of you may fit into either category...
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Most of these people have convinced themselves that "there's nothing else out there," and that "nobody else has the Word as rightly divided as our ministry."
However, many of them have subsisted within the confines of this cult so long, that they don't have the wherewithal to survive outisde their "household."
Lifelong "friends" (just how good of a friend they really are is only measured by what happens AFTER you leave) are still inside TWI, perhaps family, and they just don't know how to function outside of what is familiar to them.
It's easier to stay put where they are, than to strike out into the unknown.
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The staff the security and confinement of being ordered around. Some justify this meager existence with the ridiculous claim of "doing it for God."
Some field corps....have alienated themselves from family, coworkers, community involvement and the like for decades --- and, now in the 50s, this rut runs deep and wide.
Some on the banks of deNile (denial). They justify their actions and they "cut and paste" scriptures whenever it suits their means. To CHANGE....would involve a process that brings up thousands of questions, thousands of red flags, thousands of hurts and neglects.
Lots of reasons.
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me thinks rozilla ahs them bewitched by a debbil spirit
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Maybe they are just afraid of ending up in the cauldron..
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One of the hardest things to admit for some people is to admit they were mistaken or fooled.
For some to leave would be admitting that they have been living a lie for many years.
For many years some of us had a heartfelt conviction to twi. For me, it was hard to admit to the truth about twi. I did not see much of the abuse that some here have experienced (just because you don't see it dosen't mean that it is not going on).
It took this GS to learn what was going on.
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Not only that, but to change would mean that they would have to admit to themselves that they aren't "believing" for God's abundance, and it would mean that they would have to face the reality of what life will be like for them when they reach their "golden" years.
It ain't a pretty picture.
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Yep. In a way, you could say that life for them is looking "Rosie".
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And Belle, lets not forget another aspect that I think is overlooked sometimes.
Some of them are just damn lazy and unproductive. They think just because they are "busy" all the time they are not lazy. But they ARE still lazy and in a muddy rut.
You know the type. There are people like that in all walks of life who never amount to much and who never really produce much "fruit".
That's ok if a person wants to be that way. But I think it is a waste of one's life.
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Tumbleweed Kid
Yes Igotout, and some are fooling themselves into thinking they have all the answers. They believe they know if all and because of the great training they received, they can do it better than anyone. I guess they never look at LCM's current job title.
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some may think this is the way to love god
'tis a shame
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Current waycorps...what a joke. Do they still number the corps? What would it be now, the 36th corps? How does twi explain what happened to the thousands of people who went through corps training and want nothing to do with them anymore?
...and since they reached their goal of word over the world already...why do they even need more corps?
...oh yeah, I almost forgot...Rozilla needs somebody to mow the grass at hdqrts.
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I hate to admit this but, even while I was "in" the way corps, I always wondered if I would be ashamed of my involvement someday.
OMG, the thing I greatly feared has come upon me. Job:3:23.
(Okay, I didn't look it up. If it's the wrong verse, I apologize.)
Tis a sad day to recognize that one of the things I was most proud of (ie graduating from the way corps) is one of the worse mistakes of my life.
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Igotout brought up a good point about lazy and unproductive people...being BUSY is not being PRODUCTIVE.
I have nothing but respect for folks who worked full time jobs, raised families, and STILL tried to do their best to run twigs and branches and limbs. We had a Family Corps couple here as WOWs the last year there WERE WOWs, and was the LC the next year. The guy was an engineer, worked his butt off all day, and still came home to teach, or run classes or whatever. He and his wife are the ONLY TWI leaders to not question us on our decision to home-school our children.
In contrast we had another couple running our branch (two twigs - some branch) a few years later when the "full-time Corps" were in full swing. They had NOTHING TO DO! They were required to be at their desks (an office was set up for Mr., and small desk in a corner of the dining room for Mrs.) by a certain time each day, maybe 8am. Since there was NOTHING TO DO, they would get on the phone and start calling the peons. We all had to work, so our jobs would get interrupted. They would shuffle papers and "study the Word" for a few hours, go out and "witness" for a few hours, then have lunch. The afternoon would be spent minding other peoples' business or preparing scintillating teachings for fellowship. Then it was time for dinner. They did precious little housework, since they had my son and another wayfer living there to be their slaves.
It used to tick me off that we were paying for it all. What ticked me off more was when they went on vacation (from what?) fully paid for with our "abundant sharing", when I was spending MY vacation time going to TWI events
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What is it called, when a captive becomes sympathetic or even joins the cause of the captor?
One thing is that during all the purges of LCM, the ones that stayed faithful to their man by compromising their values and beliefs, while abusing so many under their power became survivors.
They became special elitists in an elitist group. It may be like that of making to the highest order of a secret organization.
But the question needs to be answered, while so many with so much more ability and heart were purged; why would any of the survivors turn around and give up that super special elitist position that they worked so hard to keep?
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They call that the Stockholm Syndrome ... interesting observation .. I had never thought of it that way before ...
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Oh yeah...I remember all those corps who had very little to do, except stick their noses in everybody else's business.
I remember a certain "ordained clergyman" who told me to fire my nephew from my business because he didn't want anything to do with twi...( he was my best employee), and to hire this deadbeat wayfer (who was as useless as t*ts on a boarhog)...and not only that...but he also told me how much I should pay this deadbeat! Of course, I refused and informed him that he had NO IDEA what he was talking about, that he knew NOTHING about my business and that he was out of line for even making the suggestion...Needless to say, my name went immediately onto his .... list.
This same "ordained clergyman" who washed windows for a living...(to suppliment the free money that twi was sending him)...approached a woman in my twig (who was broke and in need of money), and asked her if she would like to help him wash windows one day...she accepted, thinking that it would be an opprotunity to make a few the end of the day, he WOULD NOT PAY HER! He informed her that her pay was that she got to spend time with him!!!
Needless to say, I called this guy up and let him know what I thought of his scheme to get "believers" to work free while he got the money...I told him how this woman was broke and thought she was there to make money...I also told him to never do that again to anyone unless he's upfront about it...I told him that he was being dishonest and manipulating people...His conclusion was that I was possessed!
Serving God's people??? Maybe it was the title of a cookbook.
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Good answers, y'all. Thank you!
I'm sure it's not just one reason why they stay involved and everyone has presented good ideas on why. Those who still believe "there's nothing better out there" baffle me seeing as how they haven't even looked to see what's "out there". They would be very surprised IF they can put their egotism and arrogance in a box for a while.
Leaving would mean having to face facts that you made a terrible mistake; that you have no "real" friends when it comes to TWI; that you have nothing to show for your life; that you are capable and responsible for making your own decisions. Besides that, like Skyrider said, they have nothing outside TWI to go to because of how they've alienated people. (Imagine those TWIt kids who were so rude to the Holocaust victim. Think they have many "outtie" friends they can confide in or get help from?) It's definitely taking the easy way out by staying in. Which brings us to the lazy people.....
If they left they would have to actually work. They'd have to find a real job. They'd no longer be "royalty" and be able to expect people to lick their boots. Gasp! They might have to clean their own home and move their own furniture and mow their own yard....if they are lucky enough to be renting a house.
On staff at hq or Gunnison definitely throws another kink into the chain, doesn't it? You have housing, food, no free time since your schedule is made for you and people who have to pretend to like you "in the unity of the spirit". You don't have to do squat or think about squat unless some TWIt tells you exactly what that should be. I consider that the equivalent to living as a vegetable, only you're able to move your body.
What I DON'T get is those who have seen how these people live and still decide to put themselves into that position. I mean, there's a girl who has a college degree from a prestigious college, a really good job and has lived with wc and seen how those who aren't being paid by TWI are struggling to make ends meet and all the time and financial constraints on them. Yet she STILL has decided to go through wc training. Three years of being out of the professional loop, especially with the changes in computers and software at warp speed, she's going to have a really hard time finding a job equivalent to what she left.
There's no promise of becoming a paid minion by TWI when you sign up, so why on earth would someone do that to their lives and their profession and future?? THAT I really don't get...
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All the Corps grads I know that still fellowship with TWI are not on the payroll. (Heck, I'm not even sure WHAT their official "designation" is.) They continue for two reasons: doctrine (if you belive the "biggies" -- one God, dead are dead, and some others -- there's not a lot out there except TWI and its split-offs. JW's come close) and friends (as Catcup mentioned). It's more a matter of resignation than enjoyment.
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I remember a Corps Coordinator who boasted that he never had a real job. I wonder if he now has a real job. I don't think so. I remember his whining a few years back because he could not find a wife. Maybe if he worked, he could have found a wife. TWI gives a person a way to take the Word and put people under their thumb. We put up with bulls**t that we never would have. That is why we have seen so many divorces, etc. Do you think we would have hung out with the people we did in TWI in normal life?
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J0nny Ling0
After that first big purge after Craig's ultimatum letter, I called those who stayed the "heros of the counter-revolution". And these rocketed to much higher places, taking "battlefield promotions", and all was glorious amongst them as they took their mighty stands shoulder to shoulder with those other mighty ones...
Oh, it must have been grand and glorious for them as they filled their noggins with the newest battlefield information on the latest clergy person to "cop out" while they, a previous "nobody" (perhaps) were actually still standing amongst the stalwart! I can see them in my mind as they nodded sagely to each other as they recognized the "spiritual error" of another one who went down...
I likened it to what people become like when there is a natural disaster or something (like a flood for instance), and all of a sudden, everyone is "outside the nine dots", and full of good will towards those in the same situation. But in that case there was also instant hatred towards those "copouts" like me and others who weren't spiritual" enough to "see" what the devil was doing, making the "see-ers", far more elite and sharp and diligent and spiritual and faithful (polysyndeton-many ands), then they ever dreamed they would be, for, they were the new Heroes Of The Counter-Revolution! They now had a mission that far out weighed reaching people with the good news of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. They were the only ones left to "save The Word!"
However, there were also those who grieved for we copouts, and not all were hateful. Some of you may fit into either category...
So really, what was left was an empty shell, and all of the wickedness that LCM heaped on those "heroes" in the nineties was what they had comin to them, IMO. Those who followed LCM's lead and were wicked to those who checked out reaped what they had been sowing as Craig lashed them...
Yet, as I and my wife learned of "The Way of the nineties", we were heartbroken and sad that so many whom we knew and loved were then hurt by LCM's true nature. BUT, we were also glad to see that his veneer had been shed, for we knew then that many would wise up and leave, as did many.
When we moved back to Alaska in the early nineties, the couple who had been our best man and matron of honor at our wedding, were still in The Way, and although they vowed we were still friends (against the local corps dude's wishes), our friendship was strained and certainly not what it had been.
But the the most amazing thing happened! The local Corps dude (Bob Somebody) and his wife got revelation from God that our friends were attending a fellowship that I was having in my home, a fellowship designed to steal back my old Twig and into Satans clutches! The problem was, they had never once attended what really amounted to nothing more than a family fellowship with my wife, kids and I.
But no matter! God had shown this guy the truth about two of his most faithful and affluent members! Annanias and Saphirra! So, he counseled with the limb guy in Anchorage, who in his spiritual wisdom, decided to put our two friends on "spiritual probation" for awhile. But this was a total blind-sided broadside to my friends who, without even receiving revelation, knew that they had never been to my nearly non-existant fellowship.
So my buddy called the limb guy and tried to explain that it was all bogus, but to no avail, for God's revelation was proof enough that my friends and even their children had soiled themselves spiritually by going to the fellowship of a fallen clergyman. My friends were in shock to be sure. I was in shock as the story was relayed to me by them. The beauty of the whole thing was, once I had re-arrived in this town, I never once mentioned any negative thing about LCM or The Way, and how we were treated and given the boot. "Never a negative word about Craig" as they liked to put it nowadays.
And so, they gladly took their exit at that point, and the local Corps guy Bob and his wife patted themselves on the back for being able to tell their "colleagues" that they too now had some battlefield stories to tell, about how they too took a mighty stand for God! I guess they were getting envious of all of the other Heroes in the Corps whose daily battlefield exploits outweighed their own...
But I got off on it for sure, for I was able to help my friends out by just "showing up" in town, and I didn't even "fire a shot" so to speak. I think my presence made that Corps dude just plain nuts...
My wife and I are best buds with that couple these days...
Got way off track there, sorry. I heard that that guy and his wife left The Way also, after Craig got caught screwin that guys wife...
Why are they still in or in the new Way Corps? They are blind and cannot see as of yet...
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Actually Jonny, this fits well into another line of thinking I was going to toss out there and brought to mind another.
Talking about older WC, that were active during the purges of LCM, for them to wake up and leave would mean they would have to admit they were wrong when they ripped families apart and tore lives up. Like awaking from a drunken stupor and having to confess to murder! At least the murder of many fine outstanding reputations. It’s the weak way out, staying in. Absolutely no one of the WC in the later 90's can walk away now without some others’ blood on their hands. They either directly feed friends and fellow WC to the lions or they stood as Saul and consented to the “spiritual†death of others.
While they claim having big brass ones, they are really cowards! Its like the weak, cruel kids that hang out with the playground bully. As long as the bully is there they are as tough as nails, but once cornered alone their yellow streak shows right through. They claim to stand in the household takes real guts, but what takes real guts is to look into the eyes of someone whose life you tore apart and trashed while admitting you were wrong and ask for forgiveness and offer to do what ever it takes to make it right. Do they really think kissing up to Rosie is the high ground?
But then there is another group that were WC and still are. They are the ones that believe All The Women of The Kingdom BELONG to the KING! These believe that’s the Word and it evil that brought down their KING their MOG and not that the doctrine of devils was wrong! I strongly suspect when certain higher ups left as LCM was removed from the throne, it was because they wanted to “stand†on that truth!
(Thanks Toad, that’s what I was thinking}
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so much **** ing black and white thinking here
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J0nny Ling0
Wow, that's cool that you were able to say f u c king like that! I hadn't thought of that method in saying that. I did notice that I can't say f u c ked like we did that one other time though...
And so, where's the black and white Excathedra? I will quote myself as having said;
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