I worry 24/7 an there are 7 of the little sweeties :-)
There is never a time where I am NOT worrying about a cut becoming infected, a cold turning into pneumonia, a car accident when they are traveling, abduction when they are out of my sight, drowning in the creek...etc
Thankfully the *believing* teaching has been proven to be entirely in error.
Further more the accidents that HAVE befallen or threatened my childrens health have been entirely unforseen incidents.
My son getting his arm bitten and broken by the family dog....my husbands car wreck ten years ago....scewering my own foot on a hay fork, death of pets....none of the disasters that befell us were things that it even occured to me to worry about....yet the fears that I have obsessed over for the last decade remain entirely unsubstantiated.
There would be something SERIOUSLY wrong with a parent (not just the mother) who did not worry. Children are, after all, our hearts walking around outside of our bodies 24/7.
It only becomes a problem if that worry is overwhelming...means either something is up with the kid and that inner "parent radar" is goin off, or the parent needs to find a way to deal with anxiety so that it is normal/healthy and doesn't control their lives exclusively (and doesn't teach the kids to do the same).
Amen Cindy .... thanks CW, I think that worrying became the dirtiest of the four letter words in twi....ie FEAR!
The path down which darkness would consume us.
I think that the worry, or active concern for their safety is REALLY is what makes us vigillant and protective.
I think that it is bred into us, natural....and yet here again twi was teaching us to ignore what God gave us to help us be good mothers by dismissing, verily shutting down that which helped us to protect our little ones... by deaming it as dangerous spiritually.
...and yet here again twi was teaching us to ignore what God gave us to help us be good mothers by dismissing, verily shutting down that which helped us to protect our little ones... by deaming it as dangerous spiritually.
And then The Way International put pedophiles into leadership positions over our children.
Spiritually dangerous to them for sure!
The Way International is a dangerous cult that will go so far as to aid and abet felons to get at you and your children. GET OUT NOW!
It is just SO SICK that twi made the emotions that god gave us to function in life such dirty things.
Those feelings that can alert us to danger, b.s., joy, etc. So that when we were truly unhappy, we didn't listen to that still small voice but instead "renewed our minds" and ignored that wonderful system of emotions that god created in us.
Like God is so weak that we all hafta be Spock to do anything right.
Yeah, the thing that scares me the MOST is letting the kiddoes do stuff with their Dad whom still feels that his *believing* will protect them from all harm....sigh....making him not nearly cautious and vigilant enough to suit me.
I worry, I call the school all the time. I check and double check stuff all the time, I run them to the doctor when I can't tell if they are a little sick or really sick. I still make sure they wash their hands before supper. I check their homework, I check the computer history(they don't know I do this.) I give them my cell phone when they go to the movies with friends--just in case. I won't let them swim far from shore in the local muddy bottom lake...
I figure if something makes me uncomfortable concerning my kid, then maybe there is something wrong, or some potential for things to be wrong. Since they are my responsibility to raise, I go with my comfort level.
Sometimes my kids do complain about me being over protective(which I don't think I am!) I tell them at least they know thier mom gives a damn.
My husband is comfortable with my level of vigilence and shares it.
I'm glad he is not into the whole 'my believing will keep them safe' stuff. Now, that would worry me!
of course we all worry about our kids not moms only but us dads too. that was a crock of you know what that veepee tried to make us believe. most of us did. hell when any of my kids got the sniffels i thought i was to blame. that bas....rd.
my 4 sons are all adults now and all living in different parts of the country.but i worry about them all the time and my grand kids too.
if folks don't worry it is close to child abuse.
if you don't worry you are more than likely not protecting
if you don't worry you are more than likely not protecting
Speak for yourself buddy.
The only time I worried about our daughter was if I knew something out of the ordinary was going on.
After our divorce my daughter lived 1000 miles away for 9 months, during which time I did not get to see her at all. I was sad and lonely because of our separation, but was never concerned or worried about her.
If that makes me close to a child abuser try and lock me up.
If the "fear in the heart and life of that mother" really killed that little boy, how did the rest of the kids in this world survive?
I waited every day for my daughter to get off the school bus, even though it stopped right in front of our apartment complex. I just had to physically see her get off that bus.
And then The Way International put pedophiles into leadership positions over our children.
Spiritually dangerous to them for sure!
The Way International is a dangerous cult that will go so far as to aid and abet felons to get at you and your children. GET OUT NOW!
I know of a situation where this happened only recently. They are still aiding and abetting pedophiles rather than going to the proper "worldly" authorities!
Jim, my daddy worried when I got my license, too. :)--> If I had had waybrain back then I could have blamed HIM for my wreck!! :D-->
The only thing that really scares me about my kid is she might "discover" the Way International and decide to hook up with them.
Now that's truly a frightening thought.
God, I hope she has more sense than her old man did.
This is one of the reasons we got rid of all our old TWI stuff. Some we ebayed soon after we left, but other stuff we kept around...who knows why. Then one day we thought about our kids finding this stuff, perhaps after we died or something(we were cleaning out Grandma's house at the time) and decided to get involved in the group mom and dad were into. Yucky thought!
From the Open Forum about the boy in Utah that was missing for several days and then found:
Originally posted by Belle:
So......does this mean the mother WASN'T afraid??? ;)-->
Originally posted by CoolWaters:
We watched an interview with the parents on CNN. His mother described her deep fear[/i] that he was going to be found dead. After he was found, the sheriff went out to get the parents and bring them in to see the boy. The mother described how badly she was shaking...she even fell down and nearly passed out because she was so sure that he was dead. She went on to say that even though he was standing right there, her mind wouldn't let her believe the reality that he was safe and alive. The father collaborated what the mother was saying.
if you can say that you never worried about your kids me thinks you speak with forked tongue or have your head burried in the ground! sorry
whoops no i am not! peace
I did not say I "never 'worried" about my daughter. Here is what I stated:
The only time I worried about our daughter was if I knew something out of the ordinary was going on.
obviously if something extraordinarily is going on I am quite concerned and worried about it.
The poster's here indicate they are constantly worrying about their children:
Rascal wrote:
I worry 24/7 an there are 7 of the little sweeties :-)
There is never a time where I am NOT worrying about a cut becoming infected, a cold turning into pneumonia, a car accident when they are traveling, abduction when they are out of my sight, drowning in the creek...etc
CoolWaters wrote:
It's a mother's job to worry!
Bramble wrote:
I worry, I call the school all the time.
The point of the thread is to show that VPW's teaching about the woman's worry in PFAL caused the death of her child, is wrong. Examples of children not dying when mothers worried were given. Some are listed above.
You state:
my 4 sons are all adults now and all living in different parts of the country.but i worry about them all the time and my grand kids too.
This is fine with me if you want to worry about people "all the time". Have at it. Then you make the huge leap to state:
if folks don't worry it is close to child abuse.
if you don't worry you are more than likely not protecting
Just because I do not worry about my daughter "all the time" does not make me "close to a child abuser", nor am I not protecting her. For you to come to that conclusion is wrong. YOu have never met me, let alone seen how I raise my daughter.
Your belief is racked with as much error and B.S. as VPW's that a mother's worry caused her child's death.
I'm thinking the statements are being made about mothers. I think its more in mothers to fear and worry about the children more so that fathers.
At least I know its the case here for my family. I know my mother has always worried and feared for me even in my adult life. My father was always there to reassure her that I was ok. And it happens here at my house too.
I'm thinking the statements are being made about mothers. I think its more in mothers to fear and worry about the children more so that fathers.
I agree whole heartedly with your vickles. Perhaps I did not state or infer that in my statements, because that is definitely the subject of this thread. Most woman do instinctively, if that that is not to politically incorrect to say, think and worry about their children more than men.
However, coolchef1248@adelphia.net:, profile shows the poster to be male. I was responding male to male in this instance.
As the child of a mother who worried all the time about me as I was growing up, I can say the effects were quite detrimental. She would not allow me to walk to the school bus stop alone for fear something bad would happen to me. She worried I would say the wrong thing to adults and not be respectful enough. She always corrected my English which was a major embarrassment to me. I was constantly told to do better in school.
The result was me growing up with very little self confidence. I had very few friends in school. I would second guess myself all the time when making a decison, afraid of making an error. I was very judgemental of other people also demanding perfection in them.
Through counseling and hard work on my part I have overcome this, although I really don't know to what degree. Life is much better than it was, but I still find it very difficult to make decisions. If given a project at work I doubt whether I can do an adequate job even though it is often times quite simple. In most situations I like to be supervised just to make sure I am doing it correctly.
Excessive worry that is not tempered with understanding, patience, and just letting a kid be a kid, can lead to major emotional and psychological problems.
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I worry 24/7 an there are 7 of the little sweeties :-)
There is never a time where I am NOT worrying about a cut becoming infected, a cold turning into pneumonia, a car accident when they are traveling, abduction when they are out of my sight, drowning in the creek...etc
Thankfully the *believing* teaching has been proven to be entirely in error.
Further more the accidents that HAVE befallen or threatened my childrens health have been entirely unforseen incidents.
My son getting his arm bitten and broken by the family dog....my husbands car wreck ten years ago....scewering my own foot on a hay fork, death of pets....none of the disasters that befell us were things that it even occured to me to worry about....yet the fears that I have obsessed over for the last decade remain entirely unsubstantiated.
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There would be something SERIOUSLY wrong with a parent (not just the mother) who did not worry. Children are, after all, our hearts walking around outside of our bodies 24/7.
It only becomes a problem if that worry is overwhelming...means either something is up with the kid and that inner "parent radar" is goin off, or the parent needs to find a way to deal with anxiety so that it is normal/healthy and doesn't control their lives exclusively (and doesn't teach the kids to do the same).
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Well said, rascal!
It's a mother's job to worry!
Some of the synonyms of worry are: anguish, care, concern, perplexity, presentiment, brood, sweat out, burden, grieve, labor...
My gawd! If a mother didn't worry about her family, who would?
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Amen Cindy .... thanks CW, I think that worrying became the dirtiest of the four letter words in twi....ie FEAR!
The path down which darkness would consume us.
I think that the worry, or active concern for their safety is REALLY is what makes us vigillant and protective.
I think that it is bred into us, natural....and yet here again twi was teaching us to ignore what God gave us to help us be good mothers by dismissing, verily shutting down that which helped us to protect our little ones... by deaming it as dangerous spiritually.
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And then The Way International put pedophiles into leadership positions over our children.
Spiritually dangerous to them for sure!
The Way International is a dangerous cult that will go so far as to aid and abet felons to get at you and your children. GET OUT NOW!
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It is just SO SICK that twi made the emotions that god gave us to function in life such dirty things.
Those feelings that can alert us to danger, b.s., joy, etc. So that when we were truly unhappy, we didn't listen to that still small voice but instead "renewed our minds" and ignored that wonderful system of emotions that god created in us.
Like God is so weak that we all hafta be Spock to do anything right.
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Yeah, the thing that scares me the MOST is letting the kiddoes do stuff with their Dad whom still feels that his *believing* will protect them from all harm....sigh....making him not nearly cautious and vigilant enough to suit me.
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I worry, I call the school all the time. I check and double check stuff all the time, I run them to the doctor when I can't tell if they are a little sick or really sick. I still make sure they wash their hands before supper. I check their homework, I check the computer history(they don't know I do this.) I give them my cell phone when they go to the movies with friends--just in case. I won't let them swim far from shore in the local muddy bottom lake...
I figure if something makes me uncomfortable concerning my kid, then maybe there is something wrong, or some potential for things to be wrong. Since they are my responsibility to raise, I go with my comfort level.
Sometimes my kids do complain about me being over protective(which I don't think I am!) I tell them at least they know thier mom gives a damn.
My husband is comfortable with my level of vigilence and shares it.
I'm glad he is not into the whole 'my believing will keep them safe' stuff. Now, that would worry me!
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
of course we all worry about our kids not moms only but us dads too. that was a crock of you know what that veepee tried to make us believe. most of us did. hell when any of my kids got the sniffels i thought i was to blame. that bas....rd.
my 4 sons are all adults now and all living in different parts of the country.but i worry about them all the time and my grand kids too.
if folks don't worry it is close to child abuse.
if you don't worry you are more than likely not protecting
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I never *really* worried until my daughter got her drivers license.
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Stayed Too Long
Speak for yourself buddy.
The only time I worried about our daughter was if I knew something out of the ordinary was going on.
After our divorce my daughter lived 1000 miles away for 9 months, during which time I did not get to see her at all. I was sad and lonely because of our separation, but was never concerned or worried about her.
If that makes me close to a child abuser try and lock me up.
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If the "fear in the heart and life of that mother" really killed that little boy, how did the rest of the kids in this world survive?
I waited every day for my daughter to get off the school bus, even though it stopped right in front of our apartment complex. I just had to physically see her get off that bus.
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The only thing that really scares me about my kid is she might "discover" the Way International and decide to hook up with them.
Now that's truly a frightening thought.
God, I hope she has more sense than her old man did.
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I know of a situation where this happened only recently. They are still aiding and abetting pedophiles rather than going to the proper "worldly" authorities!
Jim, my daddy worried when I got my license, too.
:)--> If I had had waybrain back then I could have blamed HIM for my wreck!!
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Belle, my mom took one look at me and basically said, "no way". No license for you, heh heh.
The alternative would have been, at least at the time, horrific.
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This is one of the reasons we got rid of all our old TWI stuff. Some we ebayed soon after we left, but other stuff we kept around...who knows why. Then one day we thought about our kids finding this stuff, perhaps after we died or something(we were cleaning out Grandma's house at the time) and decided to get involved in the group mom and dad were into. Yucky thought!
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Good job Kevlar.
Now, thanks to YOUR believing, she will get involved with TWI. Good going.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
stayed toolong
if you can say that you never worried about your kids me thinks you speak with forked tongue or have your head burried in the ground! sorry
whoops no i am not! peace
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From the Open Forum about the boy in Utah that was missing for several days and then found:
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
yes it is God who does these great and wonderful things for us
f....k victor
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Stayed Too Long
I did not say I "never 'worried" about my daughter. Here is what I stated:
obviously if something extraordinarily is going on I am quite concerned and worried about it.
The poster's here indicate they are constantly worrying about their children:
The point of the thread is to show that VPW's teaching about the woman's worry in PFAL caused the death of her child, is wrong. Examples of children not dying when mothers worried were given. Some are listed above.
This is fine with me if you want to worry about people "all the time". Have at it. Then you make the huge leap to state:
Just because I do not worry about my daughter "all the time" does not make me "close to a child abuser", nor am I not protecting her. For you to come to that conclusion is wrong. YOu have never met me, let alone seen how I raise my daughter.
Your belief is racked with as much error and B.S. as VPW's that a mother's worry caused her child's death.
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Stayed Too Long,
I'm thinking the statements are being made about mothers. I think its more in mothers to fear and worry about the children more so that fathers.
At least I know its the case here for my family. I know my mother has always worried and feared for me even in my adult life. My father was always there to reassure her that I was ok. And it happens here at my house too.
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Stayed Too Long
I agree whole heartedly with your vickles. Perhaps I did not state or infer that in my statements, because that is definitely the subject of this thread. Most woman do instinctively, if that that is not to politically incorrect to say, think and worry about their children more than men.
However, coolchef1248@adelphia.net:, profile shows the poster to be male. I was responding male to male in this instance.
As the child of a mother who worried all the time about me as I was growing up, I can say the effects were quite detrimental. She would not allow me to walk to the school bus stop alone for fear something bad would happen to me. She worried I would say the wrong thing to adults and not be respectful enough. She always corrected my English which was a major embarrassment to me. I was constantly told to do better in school.
The result was me growing up with very little self confidence. I had very few friends in school. I would second guess myself all the time when making a decison, afraid of making an error. I was very judgemental of other people also demanding perfection in them.
Through counseling and hard work on my part I have overcome this, although I really don't know to what degree. Life is much better than it was, but I still find it very difficult to make decisions. If given a project at work I doubt whether I can do an adequate job even though it is often times quite simple. In most situations I like to be supervised just to make sure I am doing it correctly.
Excessive worry that is not tempered with understanding, patience, and just letting a kid be a kid, can lead to major emotional and psychological problems.
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