Thanks you Soooo much for these wonderful birthday greetings :)-->
Shell, I still got a decade to go before I can sign up for AARP (I sure hope them old farts can keep up ;)--> )
Abigail it's HerbieJuanKanobie (I think) thanks and tell the 1k man I wanna shoot some pool with him soon
Sudo I'll still beat you in a hundred meter dash just ask yer nurse to be at the finish line with a tank of O2 and a warm wet kiss :o-->
Vino :)--> 60 sure beats the alternative and it'r gitting done
David About the only ones not complaining of stiff joints at the last roast were the kids and me :D-->
Raf thanks :)--> come into chat everyonceinawhilewillya!
Kathy I'm favoring the Picard look these days, it shows less gray
Z, mom always liked you better :P-->
Wacky, you held my hand, muchos gracias amd yes lets meet face to face sometime
Tcat right on!!! I'm trying to larn how to be a kid again, this world domination n conquest crap gets old after awhile.
Tom, Thanks and bite me ;)-->
Belle whatcho saying? that I'm wearing out already??
OE we got to get together with some ummm err 'stuff' sometime n discuss politics with Wingz and the Hillbilly
J thanks much :)--> Z were we triplets? Just like mom not to tell me...
Sharon me too ;)-->
Linda if I'm breathing n mobile I'll be happy, if I win the lottery I'll be rich, if I run across a mature 20 yr old I'll be REAL lucky and getting laid alot :D-->
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Happy Birthday HerbieJuanKnobie!!!! (or however the hell ya spell that) And many many many more good ones to come!
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He's a LONG ways from that 6-0. You ought to be ashamed even suggesting it! He just LOOKS like he's near it.
Happy Birthday Herbal!!!!!!!!!!
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Somehow 60 doesnt seem so old any more...
Happy Birthday, HerbalJuan Valdez!
Git 'er Done!
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I gots to agree, Robin -- 60 is getting mighty close to our peer group.
Happy Birthday Herbal!! Here's hoping it will *bee* a *naturally* enjoyable time for you on your day!
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Speak for yourself.
And happy birthday HJ!
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Hoping when your old and gray (a long long long time from now) that your shine is still a-kickin'!
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Have a great Birthday!!
from your evil twin
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Wacky Funster
You ZShot? The evil twin!!!! Bite your tongue!!!!!
Happy Birthday Herbal...'til we meet again, enjoy your rich and full life
Love, Wacky
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Here's wishing you a very happy birthday! And age aint a number, it's a state mind. I'm personally working on being 6 again.
:D-->. love tcat
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Tom Strange
happening day dude!
dang! you're old!!!!
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Happy Birthday!!
Don't worry about the physical's the mental age that matters!
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Happy Birthday, Mikey! Hope it's a wonderful day!
From Belle: Don't worry about the physical's the mental age that matters!
Yeah, THAT'S what we worry about with Mikey!!!
Hey! You and Excie share the same birthday! You sure you two aren't twins who were separated at birth????
Love and hugs,
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Hope you get everything u want~~~
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Linda Z
'appy birthday, 'erbal! 'ope you 'ave fun doing everything your 'eart desires on your day!
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Thanks you Soooo much for these wonderful birthday greetings
Shell, I still got a decade to go before I can sign up for AARP (I sure hope them old farts can keep up
;)--> )
Abigail it's HerbieJuanKanobie (I think) thanks and tell the 1k man I wanna shoot some pool with him soon
Sudo I'll still beat you in a hundred meter dash just ask yer nurse to be at the finish line with a tank of O2 and a warm wet kiss
:)--> 60 sure beats the alternative and it'r gitting done
David About the only ones not complaining of stiff joints at the last roast were the kids and me
Raf thanks
:)--> come into chat everyonceinawhilewillya!
Kathy I'm favoring the Picard look these days, it shows less gray
Z, mom always liked you better
Wacky, you held my hand, muchos gracias amd yes lets meet face to face sometime
Tcat right on!!! I'm trying to larn how to be a kid again, this world domination n conquest crap gets old after awhile.
Tom, Thanks and bite me
Belle whatcho saying? that I'm wearing out already??
OE we got to get together with some ummm err 'stuff'
sometime n discuss politics with Wingz and the Hillbilly
J thanks much
:)--> Z were we triplets? Just like mom not to tell me...
Sharon me too
Linda if I'm breathing n mobile I'll be happy, if I win the lottery I'll be rich, if I run across a mature 20 yr old I'll be REAL lucky and getting laid alot
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'tis a pleasure to share our mutual birthday once again, herbie
love, ex
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I don't remember complaining about any stiff joints at the last weenie roast. Although I have put on a few pounds since then.
I'll call soon.
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