I think some go to extremes to deny any kind of identification or rememberance of it..
*sigh* I know. I don't even want to to reason with him - I'd just like a "yes" or "no" answer.
Dunno why. I already know the answer and it's pretty pathetic for a human being to have that perspective, but, well..... I guess it's like that train wreck one can't help looking at.....
I thought this kind of fit here, because this was one of the "inner secrets" ascribed by da vey.<BR><BR>What gives this kind of belief such an appeal?<BR><BR>Is it that people would rather not believe that their fellow human beings are incapable of such horrific acts?<BR><BR>Or is it the charismatic presentation by certain people?<BR><BR>How is it that people are conviced to debate about numbers- "well, there couldn't have been six million- one or two tops" as if that justifies anything?<BR><BR>And it seems that education is not a common denominater. People with VALID college degrees succumb to it.<BR><BR>What's the deal?
Well I can think of a couple possibilitiies...general hatred and jealousy of a group of God's chosen is one reason...maybe denying the Holocaust can make things fit for someone's brand of thinking or religion...Ahmadinejad denies it to try and take. sympathy away from Israel and push forward his end times "Messianic" mission....not sure why the Way might have tried to promote that the 6 million number is an exaggeration.
Well I can think of a couple possibilitiies...general hatred and jealousy of a group of God's chosen is one reason...maybe denying the Holocaust can make things fit for someone's brand of thinking or religion...Ahmadinejad denies it to try and take. sympathy away from Israel and push forward his end times "Messianic" mission....not sure why the Way might have tried to promote that the 6 million number is an exaggeration.
It just may be this:
VPW frequently talked about his German roots. Perhaps he felt he needed to distance himself from the German/Hitler/Holocaust image without looking like he somehow favored Israel. (The whole Jew/Gentile/Church of God thing.)
IF he was able to get all his followers to believe there was no Holocaust, then he could continue to proudly proclaim his heritage without having to apologize. If he didn't have to apologize, then he didn't have to "side" with Israel" in any way shape or form.
I don't know - but it seems apologies didn't come easy to him...
Waysider, there were many, many more victims of "the Holocaust that never happened" than Jews.
Ah yes, there's always someone bringing up: The Great Taboo! --- the great taboo regarding writers and film makers, that is.
Theater, like all art - and cinema is certainly theater - is dangerous to the culture in which it comes to life because it is oftentimes a revolt against what is held to be morally right by those who rule, and what has been accepted as being morally right by those who are being ruled. "Cinema-as-art" can be, and in some cases must be, a rebellion against what culture holds to be morally right. We call our documentary The Great Taboo. The great taboo is meant to suppress, censor, and punish those who express doubt that during World War II the Germans used weapons of mass destruction (gas chambers) to murder millions of innocent, unarmed civilians.
It is considered morally right to believe in the unique monstrosity of the National Socialist German Worker's Party (Nazis), and morally wrong to suggest that they were fully human in the same way that, in America, Democrats and Republicans are fully human, no matter how many people we kill, or how we kill them.
It is well known all over the world that during World War II Americans used weapons of mass destruction - great fleets of heavy bombers and nuclear bombs - to intentionally murder masses of innocent, unarmed civilians in all the cities of Germany and Japan.
But let's not discuss that. Today we're only being permitted to talk about the "Holocaust" and about what those nasty: "Nazi Germans" did.
The great taboo is meant to suppress the fact that German Nazis are held to one standard of justice and morality, while American Democrats and Republicans are held to a different one. The great taboo argues that while German Nazis were monsters for intentionally killing innocent, unarmed civilians for a "greater good," American Democrats and Republicans who did the same are heroes - indeed, we often speak of ourselves as: "the greatest generation."
And finally, the great taboo is exploited to suppress, censor, and imprison writers and film makers who argue that it cannot be demonstrated that the Germans actually had weapons of mass destruction, unlike Americans who clearly do, and who no one claims do not.
So... what difference does any of this make?
It makes a difference because it goes to the heart of what is morally right, and what is not.
The first weapons of mass destruction fraud morally legitimated the creation of a Jewish State on Arab land in Palestine. We all know what has come of that one.
The second weapons of mass destruction fraud was used to morally legitimate the invasion of Iraq by the United States. We all know what has come of that one.
And now, of course, there are the weapons of mass destruction being planned by the Iranian Government. Maybe they are, maybe they are not. Are we going to trust the United States Government to tell us the truth about Iranian weapons of mass destruction? The truth is, the only State in the Middle East that actually has weapons of mass destruction is Israel. But in the United States, that is never talked about. Never. It too, is part of: The Great Taboo.
During the 1990s, Bradley Smith published essay advertisements in student newspapers at universities around America. His first full-page revisionist essay-advertisement ran in The Daily Northwestern, the student newspaper at Northwestern University near Chicago. It appeared on April 4, 1991. It was titled "The Holocaust: How Much is False?" The text was some 2,700 words. The text of this essay is online.
For the first time on an American university campus, core revisionist arguments challenging the orthodox Holocaust story were outlined in a university publication. Every observation made reflected a commonplace revisionist argument. (...) Among them were these.
It cannot be demonstrated that the German State had a policy to exterminate the Jews of Europe, or anyone else, by putting them to death in gas chambers or by killing them through abuse or neglect.
It cannot be demonstrated that 6 million Jews were "exterminated" during WWII.
It cannot be demonstrated that homicidal gas chambers existed in any camp in Europe which was under German control.
It cannot be demonstrated that the awful scenes of the dead and emaciated inmates captured on newsreel footage at Dachau, Buchenwald and Bergen-Belsen-were the victims of intentional killing or intentional starvation.
It cannot be demonstrated, as the Holocaust Industry claims, that there are "tons" of captured German documents which prove the mass murder of Jews and others in homicidal gas chambers.
It cannot be demonstrated that, as was claimed during war crimes trials, that Jews were cooked to make soap from their fat, or skinned to make lampshades from their hides.
It cannot be demonstrated that during the war the Red Cross, the Pope, humanitarian agencies, the Allied governments, neutral governments, and prominent figures such as Roosevelt, Truman, Churchill, Eisenhower all knew about "gas chambers" but really did not want to talk about it. (...)
Yep, there it was - for the whole world to see. Standard Holocaust revisionist arguments. Nothing original.
Why can't you just give a "yes" or "no" answer? :unsure:
Is that footage fake?
Just what difference would it make to you (or anyone else) as to what I think it is? Why don't you just be honest and say, "I don't want to take the time to become educated and make my own conclusions as to what really happened - yea or nay." Apparently for someone like you to become educated, one would have to read a whole lot of "bombastic b.s."
But I already realize what you're saying. Your saying the Germans allowed those "news-casters and film-makers" to bring their camera's in and also allowed them to capture footage while they were executing all those innocent human beings. Yep, I'm sure that's exactly what those German's did and how it really all happened back then. Any further questions?
Just what difference would it make to you (or anyone else) as to what I think it is? Why don't you just be honest and say, "I don't want to take the time to become educated and make my own conclusions as to what really happened - yea or nay." Apparently for someone like you to become educated, one would have to read a whole lot of "bombastic b.s."
But I already realize what you're saying. Your saying the Germans allowed those "news-casters and film-makers" to bring their camera's in and also allowed them to capture footage while they were executing all those innocent human beings. Yep, I'm sure that's exactly what those German's did and how it really all happened back then. Any further questions?
Nope. No further questions.
The Germans did not "let" them in to film - but, if you had actually watched even a small portion the program, you'd already know that.
I may be overlooking something - can someone post a link to that footage? I scanned the thread and I can't find it. (Granted, it was a real quick scan.)
Guys, all I can say is, don't waste your breath any longer on these people. It is obvious that they, just as a lot of others during the war can't accept the truth, even if it were to bite them on the butt.
If you read some of my earlier posts on this particular subject, you know some of the history.
The first camp { Dachau } was opened in 1933 by Hitler. It was not intended as a "death camp" but was originally designed to house political prisoners. Those people who were a threat to Hitler & his war plans. It was a couple years later, on "crystal night" when the first real concerted attacks were made on the Jews. Himmler, with Hitler's blessing was one of the chief architects of the final solution forthe jews and anyone else who was considered a threat to the dominance of the Nazi Party.
In regard to the news footage, those cameramen that were referred to actually belonged to the German Army and answered directly to Dr. Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister. If you are at all familiar with WW II history, you would know that the Gertmans and Japanese both had one habit that helped convict a lot of them in the end. They were fanatical about documenting EVERYTHING they did. They, unfortunately for them, failed to destroy the records when they knew they were losing. Read the history of Nurenburg. Better yet, do something I suggested a long time ago. Talk to some of the veterans who are still alive that served in Europe. There was bot a British or American Army group that was not involved in liberating one or another of the camps.
Check out the link above or just go to your public library. Oh, I forgot. According to you all the evidence is one giant fabrication. I guess next, they are going to try and say that Sept. 11 never really happened either. This is the reason so much history is being lost. People can't or won't accept the way things actually took place.
No subject enrages the "Thought Police" more than Holocaust Revisionism. We debate every other great historical issue as a matter of course, but influential pressure groups with private agendas have made the Holocaust story an exception.
Policing your thoughts is a lonelier job than repairing Maytags.
We debate historical issues in terms of what caused them and what effect they had. We don't debate whether they took place, especially when we know they did.
The exterminationist's are always left with a lot of "pins" to juggle. But like any poor juggler, they just keep dropping them.
Although you might be wondering: Just exactly what difference does any of this make in the real world?
I am going to suggest what difference it does make. In the real world. Today.
If the Germans did not have weapons of mass destruction, the Jews of Europe were not "holocausted." The story would be a fraud.
If the Jews of Europe were not "holocausted," it would be a fraud to use that non-event to morally justify their conquest and occupation of Arab land in Palestine to create a Jewish state there.
If the United States Congress had not bought and paid for Israel for the last 60 years, using a fraud to morally justify it, Arab fanatics would not be able to morally justify - in their own eyes - their attack against America on 9/11.
If Arab fanatics had not attacked New York City and Washington on 9/11, Americans would not be able to use a weapons-of-mass-destruction fraud to morally justify our conquest and occupation of Iraq.
And there we are. A red, bloody thread that reaches from the German gas-chamber fraud to the Iraqi gas-chamber fraud and to the horror of the American campaign in Iraq where more than half a million - more than half a million! - Iraqi civilians have been maimed, crippled and killed for what the American Government tells us is a "greater good."
But let's not talk about or discuss this "holocaust" either - the great taboo.
Ask yourself: how many enemies did America have in the Middle East before Israel? How many enemies do we have now? And all of it morally justified because of a demonstrable fraud? There is a moment when cinema becomes quietly dangerous, when it becomes a studied revolt against the good-that is, against what we are told is morally right for us to believe, and that we must believe because - it is morally right.
Weapons of mass destruction weren't necessary. Firing squads, starvation, medical experiments, unsanitary conditions that could spread typhus and cholera, all could have done the trick.
This all begs the question...
WTF were that many Jews being incarcerated for???!!! Why the numbered tattoos?
Just THAT little fact alone ought to make you stand up and take some notice.
It becomes quite apparent that WTH has lost his mind. Allow his own words to demonstrate:
It is well known all over the world that during World War II Americans used weapons of mass destruction - great fleets of heavy bombers and nuclear bombs - to intentionally murder masses of innocent, unarmed civilians in all the cities of Germany and Japan.
If the Germans did not have weapons of mass destruction, the Jews of Europe were not "holocausted." The story would be a fraud.
W-h-a-a-a ...?
Now I know this is going to sound like a major D-U-H! question, but can anyone see what's seriously wrong with these two quotes? ....... Those with brains amongst us will see the serious error literally jump out at us.
For the (few) here who do not have the aforementioned cranial gray matter (pointing vigorously at WTH as one such example), it has to do with the phrase 'weapons of mass destruction'. Weapons which during WWII were atomic weapons. Said *2* weapons were ONLY used on Japan by the United States; on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. ... Period. ... End of list. ... No more. Ie., there _were_ no fleets of bombers w/ nuclear bombs, and none that ever touched Germany.
Ohh, so your revisionist history also now includes that there such fleets carrying weapons of mass destruction? ... Hhmmmm, I wonder what's next to be added to your revisionist history, .....
..... that the earth really is flat? And that this idea of the earth being round is nothing more than a heinous plot by an Evil Jewish Cabal plotting world domination? (Maybe they thought that if the earth was round, then the Jews could take over land that was hidden on the other side of the globe, and noone would be the wiser. )
Why do I keep hearing Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side of the Moon' hauntingly in the background whenever WTH posts?
What I find fascinating, is how, in an eerie way, when Mengele would unload the trains in the camp and send some to the right and some to the left, it is a prophetic type, a devilish enactment, if you will, of the scene in Revelation at the end of Armeggedon when Christ comes back. I believe Auschwitz, and the hundreds of other, large and small camps were the devil's playground and a forerunner of what is to come in the tribulation. The camps will look like kindergarten, compared to when the real thing gets here.
You may also want to check into the "Wanessee Convention" held at a lovely mansion on the lake where Himmler and his top men laid out and planned the systematic extinction of the jews. Of course Hitler wasn't stupid enough to sign off with a pen. But verbally, he gave the go ahead. Just like for years, it couldn't be proven Lenin had signed off on the Czar and his family's execution, until after the cold war and the Soviet archives were opened to the west. What do you know, there was the order and Lenin's signature.
Take note of this WTH:
When Christ divides the nations at that time, the end of the tribulation, one to the left and one to the right, those that are allowed to enter into the new millenium - the new Thousand Year Reich of Christ so to speak, they are judged on one thing, and one thing only:
How did they treat the Jews and the Jewish nation.
Those that helped them through the tribulation - their line leads to life.
Those that hated them, their line - to eternal death.
You may want to reevaluate spiritually where this hatred of the Jews and Israel you harbor is leading you.
It seems that recent developments have revealed that the whole "Way Cult" thing was actually an elaborate hoax.
Yep, some prankster slipped some sort of psychedelic cosmic mold spores into our familia while we were preoccupied with putting big HS's and small hs's into our Bibles.
The whole time we thought we were scrubbing toilets for Jesus and having BM's(ummm, that's short for Believer's Meetings.), we were actually sitting at the campfire, holding hands, making s'mores and singing Kumbaya.
HaHa--- I drove by the old "HQ" property not long ago and discovered that it was never really there.
There is nothing there but cornfields that have obviously been cultivated there for eons.
Remember Tom Wolfe's Electric Acid Kool Aid Test?
I guess what happened to us musta been kinda like the Psychedelic Cosmic Mold Spores Familia Test
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This was exactly my experience. I sat in the same meetings and heard Martindale make the same exclamation: That the Jews of today are no more Jews than the Apache Indians. And yes, the Holocaust wa
A slippery slope indeed, Tref.
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I think we've done this a thousand times before..
Most just can't remember it all..
I think some go to extremes to deny any kind of identification or rememberance of it..
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*sigh* I know. I don't even want to to reason with him - I'd just like a "yes" or "no" answer.
Dunno why. I already know the answer and it's pretty pathetic for a human being to have that perspective, but, well..... I guess it's like that train wreck one can't help looking at.....
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I wholeheartedly agree.
That was a large part of the point I was trying to make.
Admittedly, I should have made it clearer that the neighborhood I grew up in was not Jewish.
In fact, many of these people I referred to were Eastern Orthodox and Russian Orthodox, not Jewish.
Sorry I did not make that clearer.
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I was looking just a little deeper..
I have a few "theories"..
the whole of creation has been at war since.. well, for lack of better words, the beginning..
probably good people can't remember it all..
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Well I can think of a couple possibilitiies...general hatred and jealousy of a group of God's chosen is one reason...maybe denying the Holocaust can make things fit for someone's brand of thinking or religion...Ahmadinejad denies it to try and take. sympathy away from Israel and push forward his end times "Messianic" mission....not sure why the Way might have tried to promote that the 6 million number is an exaggeration.
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It just may be this:
VPW frequently talked about his German roots. Perhaps he felt he needed to distance himself from the German/Hitler/Holocaust image without looking like he somehow favored Israel. (The whole Jew/Gentile/Church of God thing.)
IF he was able to get all his followers to believe there was no Holocaust, then he could continue to proudly proclaim his heritage without having to apologize. If he didn't have to apologize, then he didn't have to "side" with Israel" in any way shape or form.
I don't know - but it seems apologies didn't come easy to him...
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What The Hey
Ah yes, there's always someone bringing up: The Great Taboo! --- the great taboo regarding writers and film makers, that is.
Theater, like all art - and cinema is certainly theater - is dangerous to the culture in which it comes to life because it is oftentimes a revolt against what is held to be morally right by those who rule, and what has been accepted as being morally right by those who are being ruled. "Cinema-as-art" can be, and in some cases must be, a rebellion against what culture holds to be morally right. We call our documentary The Great Taboo. The great taboo is meant to suppress, censor, and punish those who express doubt that during World War II the Germans used weapons of mass destruction (gas chambers) to murder millions of innocent, unarmed civilians.
It is considered morally right to believe in the unique monstrosity of the National Socialist German Worker's Party (Nazis), and morally wrong to suggest that they were fully human in the same way that, in America, Democrats and Republicans are fully human, no matter how many people we kill, or how we kill them.
It is well known all over the world that during World War II Americans used weapons of mass destruction - great fleets of heavy bombers and nuclear bombs - to intentionally murder masses of innocent, unarmed civilians in all the cities of Germany and Japan.
But let's not discuss that. Today we're only being permitted to talk about the "Holocaust" and about what those nasty: "Nazi Germans" did.
The great taboo is meant to suppress the fact that German Nazis are held to one standard of justice and morality, while American Democrats and Republicans are held to a different one. The great taboo argues that while German Nazis were monsters for intentionally killing innocent, unarmed civilians for a "greater good," American Democrats and Republicans who did the same are heroes - indeed, we often speak of ourselves as: "the greatest generation."
And finally, the great taboo is exploited to suppress, censor, and imprison writers and film makers who argue that it cannot be demonstrated that the Germans actually had weapons of mass destruction, unlike Americans who clearly do, and who no one claims do not.
So... what difference does any of this make?
It makes a difference because it goes to the heart of what is morally right, and what is not.
We all know what has come of that one.
We all know what has come of that one.
And now, of course, there are the weapons of mass destruction being planned by the Iranian Government. Maybe they are, maybe they are not. Are we going to trust the United States Government to tell us the truth about Iranian weapons of mass destruction? The truth is, the only State in the Middle East that actually has weapons of mass destruction is Israel. But in the United States, that is never talked about. Never. It too, is part of: The Great Taboo.
During the 1990s, Bradley Smith published essay advertisements in student newspapers at universities around America. His first full-page revisionist essay-advertisement ran in The Daily Northwestern, the student newspaper at Northwestern University near Chicago. It appeared on April 4, 1991. It was titled "The Holocaust: How Much is False?" The text was some 2,700 words. The text of this essay is online.
For the first time on an American university campus, core revisionist arguments challenging the orthodox Holocaust story were outlined in a university publication. Every observation made reflected a commonplace revisionist argument. (...) Among them were these.
Yep, there it was - for the whole world to see. Standard Holocaust revisionist arguments. Nothing original.
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I am not gonna read all your bombastic b.s.
Why can't you just give a "yes" or "no" answer? :unsure:
Is that footage fake?
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Belle - don't use multi-syllabic words in cases like this...
Type... slowly.... and... use ... small... words...
Besides, He'll most likely say YOU"RE evil for using a word with "bomb" in it...
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What The Hey
Just what difference would it make to you (or anyone else) as to what I think it is? Why don't you just be honest and say, "I don't want to take the time to become educated and make my own conclusions as to what really happened - yea or nay." Apparently for someone like you to become educated, one would have to read a whole lot of "bombastic b.s."
But I already realize what you're saying. Your saying the Germans allowed those "news-casters and film-makers" to bring their camera's in and also allowed them to capture footage while they were executing all those innocent human beings. Yep, I'm sure that's exactly what those German's did and how it really all happened back then. Any further questions?
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Nope. No further questions.
The Germans did not "let" them in to film - but, if you had actually watched even a small portion the program, you'd already know that.
I'll quit wasting my time.
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I may be overlooking something - can someone post a link to that footage? I scanned the thread and I can't find it. (Granted, it was a real quick scan.)
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The Nazi's kept meticulous records about almost everything, including medical experiments..
Then there's the famous "Dr." Mengele..
Part of the Nazi "problem" is that they kept rather meticulous records about this kind of thing..
deportations, seized property and wealth, prisoners names, where they went.. etc. etc.
They estimate around four million names in the camp records.
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railroader II
Guys, all I can say is, don't waste your breath any longer on these people. It is obvious that they, just as a lot of others during the war can't accept the truth, even if it were to bite them on the butt.
If you read some of my earlier posts on this particular subject, you know some of the history.
The first camp { Dachau } was opened in 1933 by Hitler. It was not intended as a "death camp" but was originally designed to house political prisoners. Those people who were a threat to Hitler & his war plans. It was a couple years later, on "crystal night" when the first real concerted attacks were made on the Jews. Himmler, with Hitler's blessing was one of the chief architects of the final solution forthe jews and anyone else who was considered a threat to the dominance of the Nazi Party.
In regard to the news footage, those cameramen that were referred to actually belonged to the German Army and answered directly to Dr. Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister. If you are at all familiar with WW II history, you would know that the Gertmans and Japanese both had one habit that helped convict a lot of them in the end. They were fanatical about documenting EVERYTHING they did. They, unfortunately for them, failed to destroy the records when they knew they were losing. Read the history of Nurenburg. Better yet, do something I suggested a long time ago. Talk to some of the veterans who are still alive that served in Europe. There was bot a British or American Army group that was not involved in liberating one or another of the camps.
Check out the link above or just go to your public library. Oh, I forgot. According to you all the evidence is one giant fabrication. I guess next, they are going to try and say that Sept. 11 never really happened either. This is the reason so much history is being lost. People can't or won't accept the way things actually took place.

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Policing your thoughts is a lonelier job than repairing Maytags.
We debate historical issues in terms of what caused them and what effect they had. We don't debate whether they took place, especially when we know they did.
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Unintentional killing. It's the New "Oops".
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A few months back, I saw the following 60 minutes segment which was quite moving to me,
Hitler's Secret Archive
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What The Hey
The exterminationist's are always left with a lot of "pins" to juggle. But like any poor juggler, they just keep dropping them.
Although you might be wondering: Just exactly what difference does any of this make in the real world?
I am going to suggest what difference it does make. In the real world. Today.
If the Germans did not have weapons of mass destruction, the Jews of Europe were not "holocausted." The story would be a fraud.
If the Jews of Europe were not "holocausted," it would be a fraud to use that non-event to morally justify their conquest and occupation of Arab land in Palestine to create a Jewish state there.
If the United States Congress had not bought and paid for Israel for the last 60 years, using a fraud to morally justify it, Arab fanatics would not be able to morally justify - in their own eyes - their attack against America on 9/11.
If Arab fanatics had not attacked New York City and Washington on 9/11, Americans would not be able to use a weapons-of-mass-destruction fraud to morally justify our conquest and occupation of Iraq.
And there we are. A red, bloody thread that reaches from the German gas-chamber fraud to the Iraqi gas-chamber fraud and to the horror of the American campaign in Iraq where more than half a million - more than half a million! - Iraqi civilians have been maimed, crippled and killed for what the American Government tells us is a "greater good."
But let's not talk about or discuss this "holocaust" either - the great taboo.
Ask yourself: how many enemies did America have in the Middle East before Israel? How many enemies do we have now? And all of it morally justified because of a demonstrable fraud? There is a moment when cinema becomes quietly dangerous, when it becomes a studied revolt against the good-that is, against what we are told is morally right for us to believe, and that we must believe because - it is morally right.
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Weapons of mass destruction weren't necessary. Firing squads, starvation, medical experiments, unsanitary conditions that could spread typhus and cholera, all could have done the trick.
This all begs the question...
WTF were that many Jews being incarcerated for???!!! Why the numbered tattoos?
Just THAT little fact alone ought to make you stand up and take some notice.
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It becomes quite apparent that WTH has lost his mind. Allow his own words to demonstrate:
Now I know this is going to sound like a major D-U-H! question, but can anyone see what's seriously wrong with these two quotes? ....... Those with brains amongst us will see the serious error literally jump out at us.
For the (few) here who do not have the aforementioned cranial gray matter (pointing vigorously at WTH as one such example), it has to do with the phrase 'weapons of mass destruction'. Weapons which during WWII were atomic weapons. Said *2* weapons were ONLY used on Japan by the United States; on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. ... Period. ... End of list. ... No more. Ie., there _were_ no fleets of bombers w/ nuclear bombs, and none that ever touched Germany.
Ohh, so your revisionist history also now includes that there such fleets carrying weapons of mass destruction? ... Hhmmmm, I wonder what's next to be added to your revisionist history, .....
..... that the earth really is flat? And that this idea of the earth being round is nothing more than a heinous plot by an Evil Jewish Cabal plotting world domination? (Maybe they thought that if the earth was round, then the Jews could take over land that was hidden on the other side of the globe, and noone would be the wiser.
Why do I keep hearing Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side of the Moon' hauntingly in the background whenever WTH posts?
"The lunatic is in my head. ........"
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I think wth can't look into the face of darkness and call it what it is..
I have theories..
maybe in a previous life he was a victim, and doesn't wanna remember the gory details for the life of him..
who knows..
maybe in a previous life he was a perpetrator, and doesn't want to remember the guilt, for the life of him..
who knows..
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What I find fascinating, is how, in an eerie way, when Mengele would unload the trains in the camp and send some to the right and some to the left, it is a prophetic type, a devilish enactment, if you will, of the scene in Revelation at the end of Armeggedon when Christ comes back. I believe Auschwitz, and the hundreds of other, large and small camps were the devil's playground and a forerunner of what is to come in the tribulation. The camps will look like kindergarten, compared to when the real thing gets here.
You may also want to check into the "Wanessee Convention" held at a lovely mansion on the lake where Himmler and his top men laid out and planned the systematic extinction of the jews. Of course Hitler wasn't stupid enough to sign off with a pen. But verbally, he gave the go ahead. Just like for years, it couldn't be proven Lenin had signed off on the Czar and his family's execution, until after the cold war and the Soviet archives were opened to the west. What do you know, there was the order and Lenin's signature.
Take note of this WTH:
When Christ divides the nations at that time, the end of the tribulation, one to the left and one to the right, those that are allowed to enter into the new millenium - the new Thousand Year Reich of Christ so to speak, they are judged on one thing, and one thing only:
How did they treat the Jews and the Jewish nation.
Those that helped them through the tribulation - their line leads to life.
Those that hated them, their line - to eternal death.
You may want to reevaluate spiritually where this hatred of the Jews and Israel you harbor is leading you.
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for myself.. sometimes when I've taken off the dumb blinders I've thought the same thing..
some people just might not have the capacity to go there and still retain their marbles..
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Hey Kids!!!
Good News!
It seems that recent developments have revealed that the whole "Way Cult" thing was actually an elaborate hoax.
Yep, some prankster slipped some sort of psychedelic cosmic mold spores into our familia while we were preoccupied with putting big HS's and small hs's into our Bibles.
The whole time we thought we were scrubbing toilets for Jesus and having BM's(ummm, that's short for Believer's Meetings.), we were actually sitting at the campfire, holding hands, making s'mores and singing Kumbaya.
HaHa--- I drove by the old "HQ" property not long ago and discovered that it was never really there.
There is nothing there but cornfields that have obviously been cultivated there for eons.
Remember Tom Wolfe's Electric Acid Kool Aid Test?
I guess what happened to us musta been kinda like the Psychedelic Cosmic Mold Spores Familia Test
HeeHeeHee---I feel so silly in retrospect.
Hmmmmm. I didn't really post this. (Or did I?)
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