Good point smurf...Twi's teachings about "worldly" influences helped them to keep folks in the fold. The less you hear or read or think, from outside sources...the more likely you are to do the "waybrain shuffle".
Instead of Walt Whitman and Miles Davis...we got Craig Martindale and the singing ladies of twi...Rather than go to a good movie with friends, we went door to door witnessing with people we didn't even like...
This idea of a "closed society" that twi engenders, fuels groupthink mentality and keeps the rank and file in line...
A tip to the innies who may be reading this...Anytime someone tells you that you should not be reading certain books, listening to certain music or entertaining thoughts that encompass a wide range of alarm should be going off in your head telling you to "head for the hills as fast as you can"
Of all the things that helped me the most, it was the Christian music station. most of their songs focused on God and Jesus Christ.
Yup -- I hear that. That was especially true for me and bluegrass gospel music. Twi would never have endorsed mainstream bluegrass gospel (since there are so many songs contrary to their teachings), yet the words were good, the music was good, and the singing was ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Oh wait a minute! It was all *good*, and not *the best*. :(-->
Twi, and their skewed sense of what is, and what is not *worthy* of a believer listening to can go take a long hike over a tall cliff.
They have no right to tell you, I, or anyone else what to listen to, (or for that matter) what to read. It surely makes sense to me that they would ban anything that might shed a little (or any) light into the darkness that they so heartily promote.
Let them read the books, and then dictate to *the masses* what is worthy of perusal. That sounds like real research to me ~ ~ ~ "We'll tell you what to look at, and even give you page numbers, so you can see that we are right."
That's what I think of that crap. I had a Mom and Dad who changed my diapers when I needed it as a baby boy. I sure as helll don't need some *watch-dog ministry* trying to do the same damm thing 50 plus years later.
My folks taught me to listen, think, and learn. Twi taught me nothing along those lines. The only thing I learned from them was;
And of course this was yet one more area of supreme hypocrisy.
loyboy stinkendale was (or is) a HUUUUGE fan of Metallica, and used to listen to that band for hours on end in the Score Chalet, according to folks who've posted here and at Waydale over the years.
Hardly a Christian group, much less ministry-affiliated.
I encountered this with my animal activities....I ran a thriving fellowship of people that I had met through my horse and dog training activities...
I was berated mercelesly for putting other things before God...yet it was these folks that were taking the classes...the only real growth outta alla the twigs in our area...
They eventually won, convinced me to get rid of the critters, that sheriffs posse (mounted) volunteering at the animal shelter...and dog training were a distraction...and ran the people off ....
My first face melting from a lc occured because I had a parakeet and hamster in my room....(I used to bring home the sick, broken wings, missing limbs etc...animals from the pet store that were to be euthanized and rehabilitate them and place them in homes) mind their cages were clean...there wasn`t a seed outta place....but it was still an indication of my lack of spirituality...
I also had to get rid of my wonderfull collection of vintage sci fi that I dearly loved....
I had to get rid of my Rock Stars Christmas Album, Dolly Parton Christmas Album and others that had the correct lyrics. :(-->
Let them read the books, and then dictate to *the masses* what is worthy of perusal. That sounds like real research to me ~ ~ ~ "We'll tell you what to look at, and even give you page numbers, so you can see that we are right."
David, my ex checked out a few books from the library that were listed in a bibliography of one of vee pee's books. He was discussing it with our local corpse and they asked him why he was wasting his time with those books when vee pee had already pulled the "gems" from the book....
And of course this was yet one more area of supreme hypocrisy.
loyboy stinkendale was (or is) a HUUUUGE fan of Metallica, and used to listen to that band for hours on end in the Score Chalet, according to folks who've posted here and at Waydale over the years.
Hardly a Christian group, much less ministry-affiliated.
I wonder if he listens to God Smack these days :D-->
Yeah... I remember what a shock it was to everyone when Loy announced T!immy was a big fan of the "Goosebumps" series of books!!!
WHAT???? But those are downright devilish!!
Nope, not once it was Loy's kid reading them... suddenly the line was, "We've taught him the Word, and he's mature enough to know the difference between fact and fiction."
Well, duh.
I know I sure used that example to loosen some bonds in my household (when the local mini-mog gave me grief about something I quoted Craiggers verbatim... NYAH!!)
Same thing with pokemon cards--i remember hearing how bad they were--little pocket debil spirits ya know. Then the LC's kid started playing with them...
I used to sign letters with a halo (as did my father before me). Naturally, I got all sorts of crap from my TC and BC, because halos were, of course, heathen symbols. My response was that when LCM got rid of his Christmas tree, I'd get rid of the halo. The answer didn't sit well with them, but what could they do? :D-->
I came to the conclusion that music is spiritual, but we have discernment to tell the difference, and it's not just because it's "Christian" or "secular."
I came to the conclusion that music is spiritual, but we have discernment to tell the difference, and it's not just because it's "Christian" or "secular."
You are right. Sadly, they (twi *leadership*) feel qualified to tell us what is good, and what is not -- until *one of their own* takes a liking to *secular* crap that is *not for everybody*.
Yeah... I remember what a shock it was to everyone when Loy announced T!immy was a big fan of the "Goosebumps" series of books!!!
WHAT???? But those are downright devilish!!
Nope, not once it was Loy's kid reading them... suddenly the line was, "We've taught him the Word, and he's mature enough to know the difference between fact and fiction."
Rightttttttt!! This kid is more *spiritual*, and knows more than the corps??? Give me a break. You can teach a kid something, but not grown-up adults??? Sounds like you're still imbibing milk yourself, if such is the case, and don't have a clue as to those who are eating meat..
And I'll go this one further (if I may) --
Current twi *leadership* that still promotes their own likes and wishes for themselves, and then refuses to allow others such *liberties*, deeming them *devilish* to any but themselves are nothing more than a modern day buncha Pharisees.
HELL-O twi -- why don'cha get a network tv program like Trinity Broadcasting? You there in twi fit would right in --- you already have the hierarchy, the gilt chairs, the golden podium, and the willing audience, etc. ad infinitum, and ad nauseum.
For one - I am glad ya don't -- and even if you tried it -- it would never fly. Your right hand is flapping in the wind, promoting the *word*, while your left hand is doing unspeakable things, where it is not easily seen, and it wouldn't take the the whole world long to see what a farce you are.
And that is an absolute ****ing shame that you do what you do -- cause there are a lot of folks sucked into your B (as in B) and S (as in S). If you can't practice what you preach -- DON'T PREACH!!!
I'm starting to get p!ssed about this whole outfit (again!), so I'll shut up before I say what I really think.
Lol me TOO cool chef... My kids n I even went to the last hp book premiere at midnight in COSTUME!
My kids won prizes even got in the
Soooo glad that we could enjoy it....there were some christians there picketing shouting at us that we were endangering our kids were revolted...I told the children to not retaliate and to be it wasn`t too long ago that their folks were behaving in the same obnoxious manner.
Half the problem was that what was "devilish" in any given area was defined as by what the local leadership didn't like, and many of the waybrained (myself sometimes included) were ready to judge others by our own private interpretations of what "ungodly" was.
loyboy stinkendale was (or is) a HUUUUGE fan of Metallica, and used to listen to that band for hours on end in the Score Chalet, according to folks who've posted here and at Waydale over the years.
That is truly shocking to me. I listen to a lot of music, and I like my rock to rock, but even before TWI I could not listen to really hard rock for hours on end. That WOULD explain his latter day teaching style, however.
As a long time rocker, who still plays in bands, even now, I have to say, The Beatles, Led Zep, REM, the Stones, U2, Van Halen and Metallica are the top selling bands of all time. I'm not defending LCM at all, but Metallica is an awesome band, I've seen them live in arenas and smaller places - they are just one of the tightest bands I've ever seen, like a machine. For the 90s and even now, they are still the biggest band in the world.
Even in TWI, I always kept up with the "secular" music, books, movies, etc. I learned just not to tell anyone.
It would always surprise me when they would tag something as "devilish" or "from the pit" and then your top leadership loves it. They were soooo spiritual, they could enjoy anything, but we were dummies, or would so easily get possessed - what bull. They really thought so little of us. We were their dumb keeds.
It would always surprise me when they would tag something as "devilish" or "from the pit" and then your top leadership loves it. They were soooo spiritual, they could enjoy anything, but we were dummies, or would so easily get possessed - what bull. They really thought so little of us. We were their dumb keeds.
Sort of makes me wonder if SOME of the top brass just lived in the secular world period, did not believe a thing they taught, raped and abused, set up the rapes and least of all laughed at us for being such (dummies) to follow them. It was all about their lifestyle and they fought very hard to keep it their lifestyle, still to this day.
I am sure I am way off base here but it has crossed my mind.
As a long time rocker, who still plays in bands, even now, I have to say, The Beatles, Led Zep, REM, the Stones, U2, Van Halen and Metallica are the top selling bands of all time. I'm not defending LCM at all, but Metallica is an awesome band, I've seen them live in arenas and smaller places - they are just one of the tightest bands I've ever seen, like a machine. For the 90s and even now, they are still the biggest band in the world.
I wasn't making any judgments about Metallica - I've never listened to them, so I don't know whether or not I'd like them.
It was just a statement about hypocrisy and double standards in the world of TWI.
Sort of makes me wonder if SOME of the top brass just lived in the secular world period, did not believe a thing they taught, raped and abused, set up the rapes and least of all laughed at us for being such (dummies) to follow them. It was all about their lifestyle and they fought very hard to keep it their lifestyle, still to this day.
JL, I've not only wondered the exact same thing, but I believe it IS true. Look at the Moneyhands. They KNOW most all the skeletons in the closet and they help hold the door shut. Why? It's not because they believe what they teach - how COULD you knowing what they know? They continue along because there is no way on God's green earth they would have the kind of lifestyle they have if they had to work for it.
What about rosie? She wouldn't have the lifestyle she has without TWI's bank account. She has been quoted here as saying that you don't need to read the Bible every day. Exact opposition to what we've been taught repeatedly. I'll bet she can't quote one scripture from memory, the old bat.
Yeah. Just because Craiggers liked something, that doesn't mean it was BAD. Heck, he thought the Flash was cool, and I agree. (Not as cool as Green Lantern or the Martian Manhunter, but definitely cool.)
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Good point smurf...Twi's teachings about "worldly" influences helped them to keep folks in the fold. The less you hear or read or think, from outside sources...the more likely you are to do the "waybrain shuffle".
Instead of Walt Whitman and Miles Davis...we got Craig Martindale and the singing ladies of twi...Rather than go to a good movie with friends, we went door to door witnessing with people we didn't even like...
This idea of a "closed society" that twi engenders, fuels groupthink mentality and keeps the rank and file in line...
A tip to the innies who may be reading this...Anytime someone tells you that you should not be reading certain books, listening to certain music or entertaining thoughts that encompass a wide range of alarm should be going off in your head telling you to "head for the hills as fast as you can"
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Yup -- I hear that. That was especially true for me and bluegrass gospel music. Twi would never have endorsed mainstream bluegrass gospel (since there are so many songs contrary to their teachings), yet the words were good, the music was good, and the singing was ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Oh wait a minute!
It was all *good*, and not *the best*.
Twi, and their skewed sense of what is, and what is not *worthy* of a believer listening to can go take a long hike over a tall cliff.
They have no right to tell you, I, or anyone else what to listen to, (or for that matter) what to read. It surely makes sense to me that they would ban anything that might shed a little (or any) light into the darkness that they so heartily promote.
Let them read the books, and then dictate to *the masses* what is worthy of perusal. That sounds like real research to me ~ ~ ~ "We'll tell you what to look at, and even give you page numbers, so you can see that we are right."
That's what I think of that crap.
I had a Mom and Dad who changed my diapers when I needed it as a baby boy. I sure as helll don't need some *watch-dog ministry* trying to do the same damm thing 50 plus years later.
My folks taught me to listen, think, and learn. Twi taught me nothing along those lines. The only thing I learned from them was;
We speak, You Listen.
We speak, You listen.
We speak, You listen.
You are growing sleeeeeeeepy;
You are growing very sleeepy;
Need I say more??
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And of course this was yet one more area of supreme hypocrisy.
loyboy stinkendale was (or is) a HUUUUGE fan of Metallica, and used to listen to that band for hours on end in the Score Chalet, according to folks who've posted here and at Waydale over the years.
Hardly a Christian group, much less ministry-affiliated.
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I encountered this with my animal activities....I ran a thriving fellowship of people that I had met through my horse and dog training activities...
I was berated mercelesly for putting other things before God...yet it was these folks that were taking the classes...the only real growth outta alla the twigs in our area...
They eventually won, convinced me to get rid of the critters, that sheriffs posse (mounted) volunteering at the animal shelter...and dog training were a distraction...and ran the people off ....
My first face melting from a lc occured because I had a parakeet and hamster in my room....(I used to bring home the sick, broken wings, missing limbs etc...animals from the pet store that were to be euthanized and rehabilitate them and place them in homes) mind their cages were clean...there wasn`t a seed outta place....but it was still an indication of my lack of spirituality...
I also had to get rid of my wonderfull collection of vintage sci fi that I dearly loved....
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I had to get rid of my Rock Stars Christmas Album, Dolly Parton Christmas Album and others that had the correct lyrics.
David, my ex checked out a few books from the library that were listed in a bibliography of one of vee pee's books. He was discussing it with our local corpse and they asked him why he was wasting his time with those books when vee pee had already pulled the "gems" from the book....
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I wonder if he listens to God Smack these days
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gee i remember the no newspaper or news on tv or for that matter no tv.
burn the chaff ha! burn thier foot
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Yeah... I remember what a shock it was to everyone when Loy announced T!immy was a big fan of the "Goosebumps" series of books!!!
WHAT???? But those are downright devilish!!
Nope, not once it was Loy's kid reading them... suddenly the line was, "We've taught him the Word, and he's mature enough to know the difference between fact and fiction."
Well, duh.
I know I sure used that example to loosen some bonds in my household (when the local mini-mog gave me grief about something I quoted Craiggers verbatim... NYAH!!)
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Belle, I hope you got them back again.
I "dumped" about two hundred vinyl albums, half of which would probably be worth a fortune today.
The CD's versions are really nice though, they don't skip.
Amazing what we did with "secular" stuff.
Had more going for it than the little second rate "religion" we were in..
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Same thing with pokemon cards--i remember hearing how bad they were--little pocket debil spirits ya know. Then the LC's kid started playing with them...
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I used to sign letters with a halo (as did my father before me). Naturally, I got all sorts of crap from my TC and BC, because halos were, of course, heathen symbols.
My response was that when LCM got rid of his Christmas tree, I'd get rid of the halo.
The answer didn't sit well with them, but what could they do?
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I came to the conclusion that music is spiritual, but we have discernment to tell the difference, and it's not just because it's "Christian" or "secular."
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You are right. Sadly, they (twi *leadership*) feel qualified to tell us what is good, and what is not -- until *one of their own* takes a liking to *secular* crap that is *not for everybody*.
Rightttttttt!! This kid is more *spiritual*, and knows more than the corps??? Give me a break. You can teach a kid something, but not grown-up adults??? Sounds like you're still imbibing milk yourself, if such is the case, and don't have a clue as to those who are eating meat..
And I'll go this one further (if I may) --
Current twi *leadership* that still promotes their own likes and wishes for themselves, and then refuses to allow others such *liberties*, deeming them *devilish* to any but themselves are nothing more than a modern day buncha Pharisees.
HELL-O twi -- why don'cha get a network tv program like Trinity Broadcasting? You there in twi fit would right in --- you already have the hierarchy, the gilt chairs, the golden podium, and the willing audience, etc. ad infinitum, and ad nauseum.
For one - I am glad ya don't -- and even if you tried it -- it would never fly. Your right hand is flapping in the wind, promoting the *word*, while your left hand is doing unspeakable things, where it is not easily seen, and it wouldn't take the the whole world long to see what a farce you are.
And that is an absolute ****ing shame that you do what you do -- cause there are a lot of folks sucked into your B (as in B) and S (as in S). If you can't practice what you preach -- DON'T PREACH!!!
I'm starting to get p!ssed about this whole outfit (again!), so I'll shut up before I say what I really think.
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ps --- I forgot to add a quote at the end of the post, that I find most a-pro-po:
"Everday I grow older now,
And though it might be my last.
I kiss the minutes with a thankful smile,
And turn my back on the past."
John Hartford
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i wonder what the twitheads think of harry potter?i am a great fan and have already orderded the next book which comes out next month
and i am 57 yo!!!!! f...k the twitheads!1
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Lol me TOO cool chef... My kids n I even went to the last hp book premiere at midnight in COSTUME!
My kids won prizes even got in the
Soooo glad that we could enjoy it....there were some christians there picketing shouting at us that we were endangering our kids were revolted...I told the children to not retaliate and to be it wasn`t too long ago that their folks were behaving in the same obnoxious manner.
They have trouble believing me.
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Half the problem was that what was "devilish" in any given area was defined as by what the local leadership didn't like, and many of the waybrained (myself sometimes included) were ready to judge others by our own private interpretations of what "ungodly" was.
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That is truly shocking to me. I listen to a lot of music, and I like my rock to rock, but even before TWI I could not listen to really hard rock for hours on end. That WOULD explain his latter day teaching style, however.
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As a long time rocker, who still plays in bands, even now, I have to say, The Beatles, Led Zep, REM, the Stones, U2, Van Halen and Metallica are the top selling bands of all time. I'm not defending LCM at all, but Metallica is an awesome band, I've seen them live in arenas and smaller places - they are just one of the tightest bands I've ever seen, like a machine. For the 90s and even now, they are still the biggest band in the world.
Even in TWI, I always kept up with the "secular" music, books, movies, etc. I learned just not to tell anyone.
It would always surprise me when they would tag something as "devilish" or "from the pit" and then your top leadership loves it. They were soooo spiritual, they could enjoy anything, but we were dummies, or would so easily get possessed - what bull. They really thought so little of us. We were their dumb keeds.
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Sort of makes me wonder if SOME of the top brass just lived in the secular world period, did not believe a thing they taught, raped and abused, set up the rapes and least of all laughed at us for being such (dummies) to follow them. It was all about their lifestyle and they fought very hard to keep it their lifestyle, still to this day.
I am sure I am way off base here but it has crossed my mind.
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I wasn't making any judgments about Metallica - I've never listened to them, so I don't know whether or not I'd like them.
It was just a statement about hypocrisy and double standards in the world of TWI.
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JL, I've not only wondered the exact same thing, but I believe it IS true. Look at the Moneyhands. They KNOW most all the skeletons in the closet and they help hold the door shut. Why? It's not because they believe what they teach - how COULD you knowing what they know? They continue along because there is no way on God's green earth they would have the kind of lifestyle they have if they had to work for it.
What about rosie? She wouldn't have the lifestyle she has without TWI's bank account. She has been quoted here as saying that you don't need to read the Bible every day. Exact opposition to what we've been taught repeatedly. I'll bet she can't quote one scripture from memory, the old bat.
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Yeah. Just because Craiggers liked something, that doesn't mean it was BAD. Heck, he thought the Flash was cool, and I agree. (Not as cool as Green Lantern or the Martian Manhunter, but definitely cool.)
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Trefor Heywood
I wonder if Craigers liked the Flash so much because they had a similar taste in tights...
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