I had a nice birthday/Father's Day weekend: Saturday night Reikilady & I went to visit my son and his girlfriend, and along with another son, played cards (Phase Ten) for a few hours. We went out to eat at a great Greek restaurant on Sunday night (braised lamb shank...mmm) and impressed the help with my pronunciation of "spanakopit" (accent on the "ko")
I worked a half day today (nothing to do with my birthday), picked up my future step-daughter from basketball camp, and will be imbibing some adult beverages tonight at the pub.
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Happy Birthday Oak!
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Have a wonderful birthday, Oak!!!!!
From the ! gang
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I had a nice birthday/Father's Day weekend: Saturday night Reikilady & I went to visit my son and his girlfriend, and along with another son, played cards (Phase Ten) for a few hours. We went out to eat at a great Greek restaurant on Sunday night (braised lamb shank...mmm) and impressed the help with my pronunciation of "spanakopit" (accent on the "ko")
I worked a half day today (nothing to do with my birthday), picked up my future step-daughter from basketball camp, and will be imbibing some adult beverages tonight at the pub.
Thanks for the bithday wishes!
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I didn't impress ANYBODY with my spelling, it's "spanokopita"
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Happy Birthday (((Anamchara)))
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I call it "spank yer pita", Oak.
Glad you had a good Father's Day/Birthday! You certainly deserve it!! If I was there I'd buy you a round at the pub.
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happy birthday! now i know 4 people with today as their bday--makes you go hmmmmm Have a great one oak!
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Glad to hear you had a good one.
Many more to ya!
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Feliz pasado cumpleanos, hermano mio!
Sorry I missed the big day, but it warmed my heart to hear you were with your loved ones!
I know you have a wonderful year ahead full of much joy and happiness! What a gift!
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Hope you had a good day. And happy unadopted fathers day.
:)--> I missed that one too.
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Good show Oakman!!
It'll take a few more birthdays to catch up with me. So.... whatcha' buying us all for a present??
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Tom Strange
happening day dude! (onomotopea)
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Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Oakspear, happy birthday to you.
Hey, what's good for Exie has gotta be good for Oak..
Happy Birthday.
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Wacky Funster
ahhhhhhh...another year older, another year wiser...
Enjoy your life, Oaks
Love, Wacky
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Have a GREAT Birthday!!
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Wow, a birthday and a wedding in one year! Awesome!
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That happened to me once. I don't expect it to happen to me again. How about you, Oak?
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Oakspear, love your posts.
Happy Birthday!!!!!
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Linda Z
Happy happy happy belated birthday, Oak!
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S**t, stay outta here a couple of days and somebody done and had a birthday!
Oakdude, happy birthday and many happy and healthy returns of the day.
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The mighty oaks are doing a wave for your birthday. Hope it's great!
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Happy late birthday. I'm glad you had a wonderful day. love tcat
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Belated birthday wishes Oak. In my house we celebrate the 12 days of birthday, hope yours was fun.
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