Someone commented to me that they refuse to call vee pee, VPW, Dr. Weirwille or VP because those are the things that he was called in TWI and it contributes to waybrain. They use Mr. Weirwille or Victor Weirwille mostly.
I never thought of that. Why was his middle initial or middle name so emphasized? Was it to falsely inflate his importance? Did craig start doing the same thing using his L. in imitation of victor? Did he use it before his ego started swelling?
Just curious observations. I think I'll follow my new friend's lead and quit using vee pee, but rather Victor or Mr. Weirwille....
With all due respect, HCW, I will have nothing to do with classes for a while....probably a LONG while. Especially not with a church. When I was church hopping I was surprised at the number of churches who "require" that you take their class before you're allowed to "join".
I understand your thinking Belle. I went through something similar.
However. Although I appreciate the respect, there is absolutely nothing disrespectful to me in the decisions you make for your life. Nor is it disrespectful for you to state an opinion to me that may be different, even contradictory to mine. You are absolutely free to express your opinions, make your own decisions in any manner you please.
Some things AER disrespectful in their very nature. Some things aren't. If I see disrespect in the thinks a person says that are not "naturally" disrespectful, the problem rests with me. I have never seen you present yourself in anything but the most respectfull manner Belle.
And. In this context, according to what you did actually say, any disrespect I may have read INTO the fact that you've chosen to take a break from classes, especially those offered in churches, would be an indicator of waybrain in me.
I do understand where you're coming from though. I actually took a break even from reading my BIBLE when I left TWI. I found that when I "read" it I wasn't actually reading it I was projecting, reflecting, and regurgitating TWI teachings INTO what I THOUGHT I was reading.
I didn't like that. It disturbed me how much waybrain stuff had crept up on me and leeched itself into my brain. Whereas I had thought I DIDN'T use the lingo, etc. I found the reality was that "maybe I didn't use it as much as some did." I hated the TWI stuff that was lurking in the corners of my brain.
I decided that if God WAS real, if His Word IS living and energetic, then at least SOME of it should be living in me after all those years of study and "dedicated service with pureness of heart and singleness of mind...." I figured to put it to the test and see just how much of God lived in me, just how Godly a person I really was.
So I put my Bible away, not splinter groups, no fellowships, no church, just living, doing what I felt I wanted to do. Defining my life my way, you know, like Sanatra said. I started out by looking at myself, like, "Hey, what do YOU like? How would YOU say tthis or that? WHat would YOU do? How would YOU handle this or that situation? How you YOU feel HC? About EVERY thing.
Like is your favorite color blue because you like blue, or is it because "blue represents God" and you want to be so fricken "Godly."
- Why don't you cuss? Is is because "its not Christian? Or is it because YOU don't like to use certain words? OR What?
It was a process, I don't actually remember how long it took to go through my entire mental inventory - - years. I'm not sure if I'm even finished now. Or maybe some of the things I like, or don't like have changed.
It was very revealing, a very rewarding quest of self discovery. I highly recommend it for everyone X of TWI. Even current innies, maybe ESPECIALLY current innies. Like, if you feel like you'd really like how you look cruisin' down the road in a new Pontiac roadster AND you heve the mony to buy it AND the job to support the 60 month financing - - and you DON'T buy it...
OR you can afford a huge house and you live in a small apartment... and you feel "they're no better than me" every time you drive though "one of those" neighborhoods....
Why DON'Y we buy the car?
Why DON'T we buy the house?
Oh, I know. Its cause we're not really INTO material things.
GOD is. When you spec out curtains for a hallway to be sewn with thread made of GOLD, that's pretty materialistic.
Hasn't he prepared for us a new city whose streets are made of GOLD? Not asphalt - - GOLD.
So. I guess He'd get on your case if you decided to buy a cool, two seater car with money He blessed you with, that you earned by utilizing health He blessed you with, to "labor with your hands the thing which is good" (like He told you to). Not to mention the job he blessed you with, or the design idea He gave to the designer, or the people He blessed with all of the above who built the damn car, roads, etc. so you could drive it and feel the wind He made blow through you hair that He knows how many fell out as you fly through the breeze feeling like a bird He created, looking up at clouds He put in the sky that declare His glory.
Sounds really evil to me.
I really like some shades of green.
The day I realized that I DIDN'T FEEL cool driving an 86 fake wood-paneled station wagon that my car insurance provided when somebody ran a red light and totaled my cool, sporty car set me free.
I'm NOT really INTO material things, but they DO have a place in this world and perform a helpful, Godly, function in my life.
Sometimes a bowl of ice cream does more for my spiritual well being than a "time of prayer and fasting" EVER could. Each has value but there IS a time for EVERY thing. Freedom from waybrain imo is evidenced by being able to choose, NON-twi thoughts and only using TWI references when appropriate, which really isn't often, especially beyound GSC - at least in my life now.
Just curious observations. I think I'll follow my new friend's lead and quit using vee pee, but rather Victor or Mr. Weirwille....
I was writing my previous post when your post came up Belle, but I think that's a good idea, especially in terms of taking your power back.
Back in the day, lots of critics of TWI refused to call him Dr., etc. I remember well-meaning anti-cult types alledging that Vp used titles as a means to elevate himself.
I heard one guy speaking saying, "I don't care if he's a Dr. or not, I'M not gonna call him that because it places him in anelevated position I don't think he deserves."
Personally, the titles didn't obther me one way or another. I was raised in Western PA where football is King of Sports and we feel we are the best in the country. They breed champions there and teach us all from peewe league up to the NFL to the Super Bowl... Coaches in locker rooms told us, especially when we were playing agains defending champions, or monster who destroyed the rest of the conference, or the whole league for that matter:
"Don't be afraid of them, they put on their pants the same as you do one leg at a time. You go out there and deliver the first blow, knock them on their BUTTs."
That speech is a figure of speech to express how title means nothing, its what you do on the field that defines you.
I'd agree, titles were (or should I saw ARE) a BIG part of waybrain. eg:
"I'm Corps, listen to me." is actually a sign of weakness on the part of the one demanding the attention.
It really is amazing all the different things that just flood the brain with that awful feeling. To me it is slangs probably more than anything. I can hear the twi person voice saying the words today as clear as I could 19 years ago.
To others it is a name. There was a thread not to long ago someone mentioned smells that reminded them of twi. What a vast range of things that do that to certain people.
I know if I am ever out on a cold 0 degree night and I come into to have breakfast and a bowl of frozen fruit gets put in my face. That bowl is flying across the room. :D-->
Very insightful and wonderfully said, HCW. :)--> I think I'm going to add that to the gems.
Thank you.
I'm starting to enjoy the fruits of my labor like we're supposed to do. I'm not one bit guilty about it either, which wasn't the case just a few months ago. Maybe that's another reason why people feel so much lighter, free-er, happier and more peaceful once they leave the oppression of TWI.
HCW-Catcup and Belle-I think you are wise folks. I don't know if I knew you then or not, and do not care. I had similar experiences: after being corpse spouse ( oh the shame of the green namtag-the condescention! The implication that you must have somethin" going on not in a spirtual way to ensnare one of the holiest-what a crock of fun that all was)
I had to go through a mental inventory as well-when I left hubby dearest, I was too freaked out to drive a car. To express an opinion. To be a real human. I tried to be a stepford wife so very hard, that I woke up and went "this is too nuts" and ran like a hunted rabbit. Came up for air and decided to re-wire my brain was the solution. As any abused person can tell you part of the responsibilty of the situation is you, because unless you are a child or an animal, you let yourself get into the frying pan as it where. I did seek consuling, and it was ok. Decided against meds, because for me, they would have just masked my deeper issues.
It helped, and I post this in the hope that maybe someone else won't be too afraid to get help either. It's absolutly demeaning of course to admit you made big bad mistake and then compounded it a few times-the reaction to waybrain may also be intensified by your own feelings of personal responsibility: as a wow we churned and burned clases-to the envy of other wow in that particular state-the guilt I felt after my rabbit run was immense. The rewiring process took years, and even now, I don't have much to do with any church or group. Or with marriage. I plain refuse to be married although some may look at me askance at that admission. I suppose I'd have to wear black and my family would purchase plastic flatware and paper plates instead of silver and china...I also drive constantly on some highways that reduced me to a snotty mess in the past. It's worth it, and when you can get above the water line, it's a wonderful place to be. PS Catcup-admire your well spoken self-and agree that agreements between people can be utterly liberating!
Done for now-haven't posted in a while, so felt compelled to let her rip on this one.
Awesome post, Andrea! You really saved up for a good 'un, didn't you!
Hi, HCW,
Like you, I have spent more of my time post-TWI actually trying to live the Book instead of reading it, or rather reading TWI interpretations into it.
I also liked it when you said
"I'm Corps, listen to me." is actually a sign of weakness on the part of the one demanding the attention.
I thought this when I was was in, and when I was Corps. It's true of anyone in a position of power -- boss, politician, celebrity, husband. It should be a red flag for abuse.
Thanks, Andrea and I agree with Shazdancer, Awesome Post!!
We do have lots of rewiring to do. Good for you getting help with it. I think I'd still be a basketcase if it weren't for the wonderful therapist I have. Thankfully, I found him the first go-round and didn't have to search around to find one I was comfortable with and felt competent to handle all my "issues". :D-->
If you're happiest being alone then that's great, it's nothing that you should have to defend. If you think you don't deserve to be remarried, that's a different thing, cause you totally are worthy! I do hope to get remarried some day and I refuse to wear'll be blue jeans & a t-shirt! We'll use plastic flatware and paper plates but only because it's easier to clean and BBQ would look out of place on fine china. :D-->
The big thing for me was just being able to identify when someone was just a plain as*hole and not feeling the need to wonder why or try to fix it. I used to make all kinds of excuses for people.
Kind of like some of the earlier posts in this thread. Someone wants to get on a soapbox but that is kind of funny because she has her own little pattern
I don't get the sensitivity policing. We're adults on a message board - don't want to talk about something don't. Spare us the 'tude.
Song doesn't need to walk on eggshells and sure as .... doesn't need catcup's approval or anyone else's.
Waybrain calls for the suspension of disbelief. When I first met martindale outside of a teaching session I thought he was the most arrogrant, self-centered guy I had met in the way. People were talking to him and he was so rude i could not believe it. He put one guy down. But I SUPRESSED that and made excuses for him. That is waybrain.
That is the cultic mindset hard at work. A limb coordinator who gives someone a hardtime for how they are dressed but his assistant fc has worn the same suit for 10 years. BLIND. BLIND. BLIND. A limb co. who reproves someone for what they wore when they taught and then shows up two weeks later in jeans to teach a fellowship. Seen it happen. And then it just files away in your mind, and hopefully those things add up to enough inconsistencies for it to register one day what you actually dealing with.
One area where spouse and I have seen Way Brain at work is when one of us makes a *gasp* mistake--like leaving the butter out, or leaving the hose running. Locking yourself out of the house.Stupid things. We can sure get bent out of shape about that stuff. A mistake!! Where's the attention to detail??? I see YOU made a mistake!
It's like one stupid mistake is going to bring down the sky.
We've come to realize that kind of stuff is nothing to foam at the mouth about. Life is waaay to short.
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gee song
i have not been on gsc long
i love it
i have seen a few wackos of course
you imo need some serious time on a couch! let me know if i can help
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Someone commented to me that they refuse to call vee pee, VPW, Dr. Weirwille or VP because those are the things that he was called in TWI and it contributes to waybrain. They use Mr. Weirwille or Victor Weirwille mostly.
I never thought of that. Why was his middle initial or middle name so emphasized? Was it to falsely inflate his importance? Did craig start doing the same thing using his L. in imitation of victor? Did he use it before his ego started swelling?
Just curious observations. I think I'll follow my new friend's lead and quit using vee pee, but rather Victor or Mr. Weirwille....
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Now back to our regularly scheduled program...
I understand your thinking Belle. I went through something similar.
However. Although I appreciate the respect, there is absolutely nothing disrespectful to me in the decisions you make for your life. Nor is it disrespectful for you to state an opinion to me that may be different, even contradictory to mine. You are absolutely free to express your opinions, make your own decisions in any manner you please.
Some things AER disrespectful in their very nature. Some things aren't. If I see disrespect in the thinks a person says that are not "naturally" disrespectful, the problem rests with me. I have never seen you present yourself in anything but the most respectfull manner Belle.
And. In this context, according to what you did actually say, any disrespect I may have read INTO the fact that you've chosen to take a break from classes, especially those offered in churches, would be an indicator of waybrain in me.
I do understand where you're coming from though. I actually took a break even from reading my BIBLE when I left TWI. I found that when I "read" it I wasn't actually reading it I was projecting, reflecting, and regurgitating TWI teachings INTO what I THOUGHT I was reading.
I didn't like that. It disturbed me how much waybrain stuff had crept up on me and leeched itself into my brain. Whereas I had thought I DIDN'T use the lingo, etc. I found the reality was that "maybe I didn't use it as much as some did." I hated the TWI stuff that was lurking in the corners of my brain.
I decided that if God WAS real, if His Word IS living and energetic, then at least SOME of it should be living in me after all those years of study and "dedicated service with pureness of heart and singleness of mind...." I figured to put it to the test and see just how much of God lived in me, just how Godly a person I really was.
So I put my Bible away, not splinter groups, no fellowships, no church, just living, doing what I felt I wanted to do. Defining my life my way, you know, like Sanatra said. I started out by looking at myself, like, "Hey, what do YOU like? How would YOU say tthis or that? WHat would YOU do? How would YOU handle this or that situation? How you YOU feel HC? About EVERY thing.
Like is your favorite color blue because you like blue, or is it because "blue represents God" and you want to be so fricken "Godly."
- Why don't you cuss? Is is because "its not Christian? Or is it because YOU don't like to use certain words? OR What?
It was a process, I don't actually remember how long it took to go through my entire mental inventory - - years. I'm not sure if I'm even finished now. Or maybe some of the things I like, or don't like have changed.
It was very revealing, a very rewarding quest of self discovery. I highly recommend it for everyone X of TWI. Even current innies, maybe ESPECIALLY current innies. Like, if you feel like you'd really like how you look cruisin' down the road in a new Pontiac roadster AND you heve the mony to buy it AND the job to support the 60 month financing - - and you DON'T buy it...
OR you can afford a huge house and you live in a small apartment... and you feel "they're no better than me" every time you drive though "one of those" neighborhoods....
Why DON'Y we buy the car?
Why DON'T we buy the house?
Oh, I know. Its cause we're not really INTO material things.
GOD is. When you spec out curtains for a hallway to be sewn with thread made of GOLD, that's pretty materialistic.
Hasn't he prepared for us a new city whose streets are made of GOLD? Not asphalt - - GOLD.
So. I guess He'd get on your case if you decided to buy a cool, two seater car with money He blessed you with, that you earned by utilizing health He blessed you with, to "labor with your hands the thing which is good" (like He told you to). Not to mention the job he blessed you with, or the design idea He gave to the designer, or the people He blessed with all of the above who built the damn car, roads, etc. so you could drive it and feel the wind He made blow through you hair that He knows how many fell out as you fly through the breeze feeling like a bird He created, looking up at clouds He put in the sky that declare His glory.
Sounds really evil to me.
I really like some shades of green.
The day I realized that I DIDN'T FEEL cool driving an 86 fake wood-paneled station wagon that my car insurance provided when somebody ran a red light and totaled my cool, sporty car set me free.
I'm NOT really INTO material things, but they DO have a place in this world and perform a helpful, Godly, function in my life.
Sometimes a bowl of ice cream does more for my spiritual well being than a "time of prayer and fasting" EVER could. Each has value but there IS a time for EVERY thing. Freedom from waybrain imo is evidenced by being able to choose, NON-twi thoughts and only using TWI references when appropriate, which really isn't often, especially beyound GSC - at least in my life now.
Just live baby. Honestly.
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well said HCW
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I was writing my previous post when your post came up Belle, but I think that's a good idea, especially in terms of taking your power back.
Back in the day, lots of critics of TWI refused to call him Dr., etc. I remember well-meaning anti-cult types alledging that Vp used titles as a means to elevate himself.
I heard one guy speaking saying, "I don't care if he's a Dr. or not, I'M not gonna call him that because it places him in anelevated position I don't think he deserves."
Personally, the titles didn't obther me one way or another. I was raised in Western PA where football is King of Sports and we feel we are the best in the country. They breed champions there and teach us all from peewe league up to the NFL to the Super Bowl... Coaches in locker rooms told us, especially when we were playing agains defending champions, or monster who destroyed the rest of the conference, or the whole league for that matter:
"Don't be afraid of them, they put on their pants the same as you do one leg at a time. You go out there and deliver the first blow, knock them on their BUTTs."
That speech is a figure of speech to express how title means nothing, its what you do on the field that defines you.
I'd agree, titles were (or should I saw ARE) a BIG part of waybrain. eg:
"I'm Corps, listen to me." is actually a sign of weakness on the part of the one demanding the attention.
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It really is amazing all the different things that just flood the brain with that awful feeling. To me it is slangs probably more than anything. I can hear the twi person voice saying the words today as clear as I could 19 years ago.
To others it is a name. There was a thread not to long ago someone mentioned smells that reminded them of twi. What a vast range of things that do that to certain people.
I know if I am ever out on a cold 0 degree night and I come into to have breakfast and a bowl of frozen fruit gets put in my face. That bowl is flying across the room.
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How long has it been since I hugged you?
Thanks dear.
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My forehead has a permanent bruise on it from smacking myself with conclusions on what I call "the other side of waybrain."
What Belle expressed that could sound like suspicion ("...especially not from a church..." is actually WISDOM. Imo.
JL. If I'm there would you say "Duck!" first, Please?
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Controlling Way Brain
Is like hiding tats inked deep into the skin of the mind depending on how much the color and how many tats.
Some are impossible to remove~~~ like an invite to a couch as some have suggested.
Way Brain is tats of the mind
like old skin art no longer relevent
but remains obvious.
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Hahaha HCW, Don't worry, but if JAL is in the room it is going to hit him right between the eyes. He let that stuff be served.
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Very insightful and wonderfully said, HCW.
:)--> I think I'm going to add that to the gems.
Thank you.
I'm starting to enjoy the fruits of my labor like we're supposed to do. I'm not one bit guilty about it either, which wasn't the case just a few months ago. Maybe that's another reason why people feel so much lighter, free-er, happier and more peaceful once they leave the oppression of TWI.
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Thanks Belle.
Hey aren't the fruits of your labor, like, YOUR fruit?
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HCW-Catcup and Belle-I think you are wise folks. I don't know if I knew you then or not, and do not care. I had similar experiences: after being corpse spouse ( oh the shame of the green namtag-the condescention! The implication that you must have somethin" going on not in a spirtual way to ensnare one of the holiest-what a crock of fun that all was)
I had to go through a mental inventory as well-when I left hubby dearest, I was too freaked out to drive a car. To express an opinion. To be a real human. I tried to be a stepford wife so very hard, that I woke up and went "this is too nuts" and ran like a hunted rabbit. Came up for air and decided to re-wire my brain was the solution. As any abused person can tell you part of the responsibilty of the situation is you, because unless you are a child or an animal, you let yourself get into the frying pan as it where. I did seek consuling, and it was ok. Decided against meds, because for me, they would have just masked my deeper issues.
It helped, and I post this in the hope that maybe someone else won't be too afraid to get help either. It's absolutly demeaning of course to admit you made big bad mistake and then compounded it a few times-the reaction to waybrain may also be intensified by your own feelings of personal responsibility: as a wow we churned and burned clases-to the envy of other wow in that particular state-the guilt I felt after my rabbit run was immense. The rewiring process took years, and even now, I don't have much to do with any church or group. Or with marriage. I plain refuse to be married although some may look at me askance at that admission. I suppose I'd have to wear black and my family would purchase plastic flatware and paper plates instead of silver and china...I also drive constantly on some highways that reduced me to a snotty mess in the past. It's worth it, and when you can get above the water line, it's a wonderful place to be. PS Catcup-admire your well spoken self-and agree that agreements between people can be utterly liberating!
Done for now-haven't posted in a while, so felt compelled to let her rip on this one.
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Awesome post, Andrea! You really saved up for a good 'un, didn't you!
Hi, HCW,
Like you, I have spent more of my time post-TWI actually trying to live the Book instead of reading it, or rather reading TWI interpretations into it.
I also liked it when you said
I thought this when I was was in, and when I was Corps. It's true of anyone in a position of power -- boss, politician, celebrity, husband. It should be a red flag for abuse.Regards,
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Thanks, Andrea and I agree with Shazdancer, Awesome Post!!
We do have lots of rewiring to do. Good for you getting help with it. I think I'd still be a basketcase if it weren't for the wonderful therapist I have. Thankfully, I found him the first go-round and didn't have to search around to find one I was comfortable with and felt competent to handle all my "issues".
If you're happiest being alone then that's great, it's nothing that you should have to defend. If you think you don't deserve to be remarried, that's a different thing, cause you totally are worthy! I do hope to get remarried some day and I refuse to wear'll be blue jeans & a t-shirt! We'll use plastic flatware and paper plates but only because it's easier to clean and BBQ would look out of place on fine china.
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Horse Called War
The big thing for me was just being able to identify when someone was just a plain as*hole and not feeling the need to wonder why or try to fix it. I used to make all kinds of excuses for people.
Kind of like some of the earlier posts in this thread. Someone wants to get on a soapbox but that is kind of funny because she has her own little pattern
I don't get the sensitivity policing. We're adults on a message board - don't want to talk about something don't. Spare us the 'tude.
Song doesn't need to walk on eggshells and sure as .... doesn't need catcup's approval or anyone else's.
Waybrain calls for the suspension of disbelief. When I first met martindale outside of a teaching session I thought he was the most arrogrant, self-centered guy I had met in the way. People were talking to him and he was so rude i could not believe it. He put one guy down. But I SUPRESSED that and made excuses for him. That is waybrain.
That is the cultic mindset hard at work. A limb coordinator who gives someone a hardtime for how they are dressed but his assistant fc has worn the same suit for 10 years. BLIND. BLIND. BLIND. A limb co. who reproves someone for what they wore when they taught and then shows up two weeks later in jeans to teach a fellowship. Seen it happen. And then it just files away in your mind, and hopefully those things add up to enough inconsistencies for it to register one day what you actually dealing with.
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One area where spouse and I have seen Way Brain at work is when one of us makes a *gasp* mistake--like leaving the butter out, or leaving the hose running. Locking yourself out of the house.Stupid things. We can sure get bent out of shape about that stuff. A mistake!! Where's the attention to detail??? I see YOU made a mistake!
It's like one stupid mistake is going to bring down the sky.
We've come to realize that kind of stuff is nothing to foam at the mouth about. Life is waaay to short.
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ha funny
i just remembered this
i was at the premere of aol
was lucky enough or so i thought to meet the star after the show or should i say fiasco?
he told me straight away that my shirt and pants didn't match
iwas devestated
that was the same niht that donna gave my then wife hell for not having an extra set of panty hose in her pocket book when donna got a rip in hers
frig them!!
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