ya know... Mrs.! look on www.petfinder.com... it's a great site. It has listings, with pictures of the dogs, of shelters all over the country. It also has all kinds of information on the different breeds. It really is a sweet site and should provide the answers you seek...
My son has miniature rat terriers that are awfully nice....they are really smart and tend to be fearless....in addition they are tough and don`t require any special grooming.
They LOVE to play and have boundless energy to keep up with kids.
Shelties are wonderfull but their coats require a lot of care....
Miniature schnauzers are awfully smart but there again is a dog that needs grooming.
Lahsa`s, shizu`s, poodles etc need a lot of coat care and tend to have health issues in my experience.
Let us know what you end up with....I don`t suppose ya wanna travel this far south, but there are a lot of terriers to be had locally.
A Border Terrier, imo, is the PERFECT dog!! I should know, I own one!
Another Border Terrier owner, cool. Mine is 15 years old and sleeps alot, but he was hell_ on paws for his first 10 years. Great dogs, tremendous heart and character.
I would suggest trying to find a rescue group for the breeds you are interested in, one close by your area. Many good dogs get lost or thrown away for little or no reason. My next door neighbors just got rid of their cute little chocolate Lab puppy. That tiny little Christmas present weighed 60 pounds after 8 months, and they didn't want to bother training him, or spend the money to get him neutered so he would settle down (my cousin calls that surgery a "brain adjustment.") Fortunately, they found someone who wanted him desperately. I was training him at my house to stay out of the garden and flower beds and he was smart and gorgeous. But as others have stated, it's a long term commitment. Look before you leap.
WG, owner of a 12 year old Lab and a 14 year old cocker spaniel.
Another Border Terrier owner, cool. Mine is 15 years old and sleeps alot, but he was hell_ on paws for his first 10 years. Great dogs, tremendous heart and character.
I knew I liked you for some reason! ;)--> He11 on paws is a good way to describe Vixen, too. I'm always laughing with and at her. It's impossible to be in a bad mood when she's around. Everyone in the neighborhood loves her.
Hi Belle, and thanks much. I didn't see a specific forum for introductions but I think I'll post a little "hello" to you all and introduce myself anyway.
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Aren't they the ones that go "Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip" that wind up driving you *nuts*?
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Border Terrier is the one you want.
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Tom Strange
ya know... Mrs.! look on www.petfinder.com... it's a great site. It has listings, with pictures of the dogs, of shelters all over the country. It also has all kinds of information on the different breeds. It really is a sweet site and should provide the answers you seek...
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Radar OReilly
You know me, I think that the PUG is the perfect breed.
Go to Petfinder.com.......it will change your life.
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Puppies tend to turn into full blown adult dogs.
Really consider what you are considering for your son for the next 7>15 years AVERAGE LIFE SPAN A DOG.
Really really consider the life style you are introducing to your "puppy".
When you consider a "puppy" consider WHY???
Cindy really look into breed instead of local pounds.
This is a choice you will make for years to come.
You want a dog that will be a companion.
Understand the breed of dog you may find suitable, conducive, your family.
If ya in a rush for summer training, ya aint' got a clue all the other 7>15 summers.
What type of dog ya looking for?
Know the breed you choose.
And enter Obedience Training Classes.
If ya really considering a companion puppy for your son~~~ really make the relaionship worth more than house training~~~
Just a thot!!!
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an aquarium would be much more fun
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My son has miniature rat terriers that are awfully nice....they are really smart and tend to be fearless....in addition they are tough and don`t require any special grooming.
They LOVE to play and have boundless energy to keep up with kids.
Shelties are wonderfull but their coats require a lot of care....
Miniature schnauzers are awfully smart but there again is a dog that needs grooming.
Lahsa`s, shizu`s, poodles etc need a lot of coat care and tend to have health issues in my experience.
Let us know what you end up with....I don`t suppose ya wanna travel this far south, but there are a lot of terriers to be had locally.
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I agree with Jim.
A Border Terrier, imo, is the PERFECT dog!! I should know, I own one!
Border Terriers aka little brown dogs (lbd)
They aren't as hyper as a Jack (Jack breeders tell you that someone should be home all day as they aren't good to be left alone.
They don't shed much
Very low maintenance re: grooming
They don't bark much (but when they do it's LOUD!)
They don't stink or have "doggie breath"
They are small (14-17 lbs)
They are smart and learn quickly!! and mischevious in a funny way
They are extremely food motivated.
They don't have any major health problems thanks to very careful, conscientious breeding.
The breeders are all very wonderful people and do everything they can to make sure that their puppies are taken care of and go to good homes.
They love to give kisses!!! If you don't like your face licked a lbd is not for you.
You can do all kinds of fun things with them like earthdog, conformation, rally, agility, obedience, therapy visits.....
I'm a member of the Border Terrier Club of America. If you want more information or pictures let me know. Here's a picture of my princess.
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Both of my kids had pugs growing up so naturally they're extremely fond of pugs. So am I! They're just so cute. BUT soooooo much trouble!
If I were to get another dog I think I would dearly love to have a Boston Terrier or a French Bulldog. Adorable! And pretty small.
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Belle, Vixen is precious! (And your floors are beautiful, too....lol.
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Another Border Terrier owner, cool. Mine is 15 years old and sleeps alot, but he was hell_ on paws for his first 10 years. Great dogs, tremendous heart and character.
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Watered Garden
I would suggest trying to find a rescue group for the breeds you are interested in, one close by your area. Many good dogs get lost or thrown away for little or no reason. My next door neighbors just got rid of their cute little chocolate Lab puppy. That tiny little Christmas present weighed 60 pounds after 8 months, and they didn't want to bother training him, or spend the money to get him neutered so he would settle down (my cousin calls that surgery a "brain adjustment.") Fortunately, they found someone who wanted him desperately. I was training him at my house to stay out of the garden and flower beds and he was smart and gorgeous. But as others have stated, it's a long term commitment. Look before you leap.
WG, owner of a 12 year old Lab and a 14 year old cocker spaniel.
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Ron G.
I recomend a nice goat. Andrew had one and loved him. They are clean, affectionate, readily trainable and won't hump your leg.
They'll keep the yard nicely groomed and fertilize as they go.
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How about a Wheaten Scottie? The Sudo family got one about 6 weeks ago! Adorable little fella' named 'Laddie'.

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Even with ten cats, I have to say that's a CUUUUUTE dog, Sudo.
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Vixen is beautiful! Dogs need a lot of care and consideration.
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Thanks, Lavender and Reikilady! She's spoiled rotten.
Sudo, Laddie is a cutie!
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I knew I liked you for some reason!
;)--> He11 on paws is a good way to describe Vixen, too. I'm always laughing with and at her. It's impossible to be in a bad mood when she's around. Everyone in the neighborhood loves her.
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Hi Belle, and thanks much. I didn't see a specific forum for introductions but I think I'll post a little "hello" to you all and introduce myself anyway.
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Come back, Zix! Zix, come back!!
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Hey how about this one? You could pick her up when your at the Wedding in Nebraska.
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Yesterday we got a border collie mix, an absolutely adorable dog that formed an instant bond with Zach.
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Well I've heard it said that dogs pick their owners - - so it looks like a good match.
I grew up with a friend who had one...an absolutely wonderful dog! Her name was Corkie amd her antics were boundless.
Pictures, we want pictures!
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Zachary named his new puppy Sadie Rose....Rose for short. She was napping when I took these pixs and not in a "vogueing" mood...but here are pix!
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