I remember watching AOS here in Alaska. Everybody oohing and ahhing when it was over.
As a kid I took classical Ballet, and piano, did a lot of recitals over the years.
And all I could think was "A troup of 6 year old ballerinas wouldn't be caught dead performing like that"
MOre to the point, no self respecting teacher of the arts would allow her students to perform that poorly, at least not if she wanted said students parents to continue to pay for lessons at her studio!
NOw I have to admit, that LOY looks-wise just isn't my type. But setting that aside, the entire production shouted EGO even then.
Poorly designed sets--really no sets at all, most high school productions do far better-
"DAnce" sequences that were just aeorobics lifted from an exercise tape.
Costuming--is that what you call off the rack exercise wear???
And of course LOY striking his "muscle man" poses with his little rainbow colored headband
Pathetic is a fair description
As for sprituality--does supressing the gag reflex count???
The original AOS production was in the late ‘70’s. I saw that one. There were a couple of decent dancers, but it was on the whole an amateur group, and I thought that Mur*** had done a sensitive job of choreographing steps that weren’t over the dancers’ heads. I went backstage to tell her so. (A few of us who were professional dancers had been corresponding about dance in TWI over the last few years.)
While we were chatting, Loy came up. He expressed his pleasure with the production, and wanted to know if Mur*** had “invented†the flexed foot. He clearly knew nothing about dance.
I dropped out before the full-blown version got going, so I didn’t know anything about it until I heard it discussed on Waydale. Someone was kind enough to send me a copy of the video. I almost fell off my chair at the “standing erect at the bema†line! The constant repetition of simple steps just wasn’t strong enough in such a lavish production. The production dragged on, and I couldn’t wait for it to be over. And I couldn’t stop groaning and laughing every time LCM moved, he was so bad. (Thank you for that “ruptured chimpanzee†line, Groucho, you could write reviews!)
Clearly Mur***, and Loy were in way over their heads. It was embarrassing, to say the least. Since concert dance is a hard enough sell in this country as it is, I felt I had witnessed the end of Way Productions Dance.
I guess Loy thought that any believer could do anything if he just “renewed his mind†to it. Oopsie, wrong!
PS -- I was also surprised that NO ONE had had the temerity to go to Loy and say, "Don't do it. You suck." I guess it speaks to how far down we had all esteemed ourselves in TWI hierarchy.
The original AOS production was in the late ‘70’s. I saw that one. There were a couple of decent dancers, but it was on the whole an amateur group, and I thought that Mur*** had done a sensitive job of choreographing steps that weren’t over the dancers’ heads. I went backstage to tell her so. (A few of us who were professional dancers had been corresponding about dance in TWI over the last few years.)
While we were chatting, Loy came up. He expressed his pleasure with the production, and wanted to know if Mur*** had “invented†the flexed foot. He clearly knew nothing about dance.
I dropped out before the full-blown version got going, so I didn’t know anything about it until I heard it discussed on Waydale. Someone was kind enough to send me a copy of the video. I almost fell off my chair at the “standing erect at the bema†line!
That line is bad enough, but the exact line was
"..so that you will stand firm and erect before the bema."
I mean, any teenager would have giggled at the phrase
"..so that you will stand firm before the bema."
This was a LOT worse.
It would not surprise me if someone 'fesses up that they added it specifically
to make people giggle because this whole thing was nucking futz.
The constant repetition of simple steps just wasn’t strong enough in such a lavish production. The production dragged on, and I couldn’t wait for it to be over. And I couldn’t stop groaning and laughing every time LCM moved, he was so bad. (Thank you for that “ruptured chimpanzee†line, Groucho, you could write reviews!)
Clearly Mur***, and Loy were in way over their heads. It was embarrassing, to say the least. Since concert dance is a hard enough sell in this country as it is, I felt I had witnessed the end of Way Productions Dance.
I guess Loy thought that any believer could do anything if he just “renewed his mind†to it. Oopsie, wrong!
PS -- I was also surprised that NO ONE had had the temerity to go to Loy and say, "Don't do it. You suck." I guess it speaks to how far down we had all esteemed ourselves in TWI hierarchy.
I'm reasonably certain Mu**** became fairly embarassed about the stupid things she
did in twi-just as I'm fairly embarassed about the stupid things I did in twi,
which had fewer witnesses. I'm pretty confident because she was already out of
twi as of ROA 1989 and fellowshipping with the Geerite faction.
This review was the BEST LAUGH I've had in a long time!!! I still have that freakin' tape. I'll have to watch it in light of all these editorials....especially the "ruptured chimpanzee" comment. :D-->
The sight of him frolicking around in his holy spirit leotards,
You're killing me!!
my whole body shakes when I think about the AOS production...it's as if lcm was announcing to every twi follower, "Hey, look at me, I'm a freaking moron!"...then he would posture himself like Prince Namor, the Submariner...and suddenly he would leap through the air, moving like a ruptured chimpanzee...his holy spurt leotards demonstrating to one and all...that he WAS the mighty mighty mog...
OK...now you've done it...I'm cleaning up the mess I've just made all over my screen with my tea!!
Saying Athletes of the Spirit to me is like saying "Niagra Falls" around Moe Howard of the 3 Stooges. Drives me towards a fit of anger and frustration.
"Head stooge" is appropriate for Craig, especially in this context. I'm angered because he duped us ALL into diverting the focus of the whole ministry to HIM!
Behind the scenes.. it was a basic bait & switch. All of us who worked on it were sworn to secrecy concerning our contributions. HQ was a buzz with it because Craig got us to buy into it. He would give these long speeches about how it was to represent all of the best of TWI, cutting edge research, production, performance, music, set design, lighting and a kick off and standard bearer for major production in our new state of the art facility!
Craig had told us that we woulg get the best of the best from the ministry and let them do their thing for athletes. Instead he made everyone run everything by him for his approval.
Few people knew what anyone else was doing. Basically it was a surprise to ALL of us because the first time we actually got to see it all together was at the dress rehearsals. Which were closed to the public.
It was very much an "in or out" thing. I remember being SO disappointed when I saw it on opening night. HE handled it like the opening of a Bradway show and had the people involved with the production get special recognition & all that jazz.
We had this believer from a set design company do a model of the set, which looked cool in miniature. On that huge stage, it looked way too sparse. The concept of flooding the stage with a rainbow that represented the presence of God turned into lights on a scrim that didn't work as originally planned.
It was just too big a show to open with in a new facility that we were not really even familiar with. All of the lights and rigging that were ordered never got delivered in time for the show...The costume concepts didn't translate well from drawings to fabric.
The show filled the rehearsal room area, which as it turned out was a drop in the bucket when moved to the stage. They had to expand and change the choreography to fit the stage, the moves had to be bigger, etc. What looked at least halfway decent in the rehearsal area Craig looked like a lumbering ox on the stage.
Murphy had to tone her performance down so as not to make Craig REALLY look horribly bad.
It was a MESS. Its a tribute to the quality of the people who did it that it looked as good as it did.
I know I finally "threw up my hands" and gave in and did what LCM wanted for the poster. I had done the logo very early in the process. It for a while was a Way Publications project, which our promotional stuff for it was. He had little say over the logo, but for the poster, Way Productions was the client, Craig had approval, he completely changed my ideas into "his vision." His vision was fine, but he's not a designer, he said, put this here, this there and all I could do was "just do it."
It was nowhere near my best design work. I did a decent job with the rendering, but... I wasn't really happy with it.
I'm thinking other folks had the same experience with him.
Those of us who did the thing were dissapointed in it too. It wasn't as good as a lot of other stuff we did. LCM loved it though.
Typical twi...you could ONLY go see it at the roa on the particular night that your region was schedualed....no exceptions....unfortunatly for most of us going wow that year...we were in training when it was out regions turn....
Do you think that ANY exceptions could be made and allow out going wows to attend on a night that they weren`t required to be in class with one of the OTHER regions??
You have put your a$$ on the line for God to spread his word via twi classes leaving family and home for an entire year....your participation is absolutely required in wow training........yet these are the only nights available to attend the greatest spiritual production in history of mankind..... too bad so sad, no aos blessings for YOU!
Lol not that I mind now...but it sure chapped my bu tt back then.
Sure I can put up the poster, but I don't have it electronically, give me a little bit to dig one up, scan it etc.
Fortunately I have a smaller version somewhere from something. The original is too big for a normal scanner.
The BIG difference, Ala, was that Vp let us alone to do our creative thing. Craig would mess up your "creative process."
VP actually trained people, mentored performers and artisans, he demanded our best then let us alone to do it.
Craig tried so desparately, and failed so miserably, to be "the next VP." Yes VP has his faults, no doubt, but he actually did have some talents, leadership ability, etc. VP was a really good Executive Producer. He would set vision and direction, then step back and allow you to shine.
That's how Way Productions grew.
Few people know that "The Way Dance Company" was traveling doing productions way back in 1978,'79. Murphy and the other dancers, would put together shows, we'd pack up a Fleet van or two and leave on a Friday night, travel somewhere within half a day's drive, get up the next morning, do the lighting and technical stuff for the venue and do the show as a Saturday Night Doo. We'd usually be back in time for me to run camera for the SNS.
We did some really decent, simple shows that blessed people. They were forrunners to Athletes. We developed our skills, etc.
LCM saw Athletes as his chance to be accepted like VP was. He jumped into the mix in ways VP never did.
Had LCM let us alone, kept out of it Athletes could have been GREAT.
I think I've shared before how immediately before Athletes, the first big show in the aud. was the best show Way Prod ever did. It opened and played to wild standing O's.
The trustees closed it immediately. That was when I KNEW things were really bad in TWI.
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I went to see it in the auditorium at a corps week. Two things struck me. First, the devil spirit humping. It was at the forefront of the production. I thought, this is just the tip of the iceberg
Speaking of Karl's book...
An AOS excerpt.
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AMC seems to be showing this movie again this week.
I caught the "Satan's Alley" segment.
They could have sued his head off.
"Satan's Alley" features:
the scaffolding
the villianess in red
the villains in masks
the grasping/writhing
the "hero" in white
the rising podium section
the grunting/yelling sound effects
the jumping combat
the flying kick
the white light representing the presence of God
the one-one-one combat towards the end with the guy's
shirt off
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I remember watching AOS here in Alaska. Everybody oohing and ahhing when it was over.
As a kid I took classical Ballet, and piano, did a lot of recitals over the years.
And all I could think was "A troup of 6 year old ballerinas wouldn't be caught dead performing like that"
MOre to the point, no self respecting teacher of the arts would allow her students to perform that poorly, at least not if she wanted said students parents to continue to pay for lessons at her studio!
NOw I have to admit, that LOY looks-wise just isn't my type. But setting that aside, the entire production shouted EGO even then.
Poorly designed sets--really no sets at all, most high school productions do far better-
"DAnce" sequences that were just aeorobics lifted from an exercise tape.
Costuming--is that what you call off the rack exercise wear???
And of course LOY striking his "muscle man" poses with his little rainbow colored headband
Pathetic is a fair description
As for sprituality--does supressing the gag reflex count???
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The original AOS production was in the late ‘70’s. I saw that one. There were a couple of decent dancers, but it was on the whole an amateur group, and I thought that Mur*** had done a sensitive job of choreographing steps that weren’t over the dancers’ heads. I went backstage to tell her so. (A few of us who were professional dancers had been corresponding about dance in TWI over the last few years.)
While we were chatting, Loy came up. He expressed his pleasure with the production, and wanted to know if Mur*** had “invented†the flexed foot. He clearly knew nothing about dance.
I dropped out before the full-blown version got going, so I didn’t know anything about it until I heard it discussed on Waydale. Someone was kind enough to send me a copy of the video. I almost fell off my chair at the “standing erect at the bema†line! The constant repetition of simple steps just wasn’t strong enough in such a lavish production. The production dragged on, and I couldn’t wait for it to be over. And I couldn’t stop groaning and laughing every time LCM moved, he was so bad. (Thank you for that “ruptured chimpanzee†line, Groucho, you could write reviews!)
Clearly Mur***, and Loy were in way over their heads. It was embarrassing, to say the least. Since concert dance is a hard enough sell in this country as it is, I felt I had witnessed the end of Way Productions Dance.
I guess Loy thought that any believer could do anything if he just “renewed his mind†to it. Oopsie, wrong!
PS -- I was also surprised that NO ONE had had the temerity to go to Loy and say, "Don't do it. You suck." I guess it speaks to how far down we had all esteemed ourselves in TWI hierarchy.
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Wow, I must have missed something...
I always CRIED.
But then again, I was 18, and always cried at stage productions.....
And I thought it was so cool that he got the idea from sat night fev, (that was what i was told, never knew it was the other way around, whew
Looking in hindsight, ya pretty silly....
But honestly for me, at the time, I loved it...
Live and learn eh?
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"..so that you will stand firm and erect before the bema."
I mean, any teenager would have giggled at the phrase
"..so that you will stand firm before the bema."
This was a LOT worse.
It would not surprise me if someone 'fesses up that they added it specifically
to make people giggle because this whole thing was nucking futz.
I'm reasonably certain Mu**** became fairly embarassed about the stupid things she
did in twi-just as I'm fairly embarassed about the stupid things I did in twi,
which had fewer witnesses. I'm pretty confident because she was already out of
twi as of ROA 1989 and fellowshipping with the Geerite faction.
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But you cried at the scene when people first got born again.
That scene was specifically designed for it.
I've stopped feeling emotional about it since the time when twi people at the
ROA '89 Mainstage Keynote teachings said that they were staying faithful and to
avoid all emotional appeals- and then IMMEDIATELY showed THAT CLIP-and ONLY
THAT CLIP-deliberately to appeal to emotion. It was such a naked, blatant
display of hypocrisy that it's forever connected with that scene to me.
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I no little or nothing about dancing...I always cringed at the attempts at martial arts moves.
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This review was the BEST LAUGH I've had in a long time!!! I still have that freakin' tape. I'll have to watch it in light of all these editorials....especially the "ruptured chimpanzee" comment.
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If you pause at the right moment,
you can get a nice clear shot of all the Christians patting lcm on the back.
It's in the second half, after he has the jacket, and it's while
the narration is saying it's so fantastic to be a minister.
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A la prochaine
You're killing me!!
OK...now you've done it...I'm cleaning up the mess I've just made all over my screen with my tea!!
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Saying Athletes of the Spirit to me is like saying "Niagra Falls" around Moe Howard of the 3 Stooges. Drives me towards a fit of anger and frustration.
"Head stooge" is appropriate for Craig, especially in this context. I'm angered because he duped us ALL into diverting the focus of the whole ministry to HIM!
Behind the scenes.. it was a basic bait & switch. All of us who worked on it were sworn to secrecy concerning our contributions. HQ was a buzz with it because Craig got us to buy into it. He would give these long speeches about how it was to represent all of the best of TWI, cutting edge research, production, performance, music, set design, lighting and a kick off and standard bearer for major production in our new state of the art facility!
Craig had told us that we woulg get the best of the best from the ministry and let them do their thing for athletes. Instead he made everyone run everything by him for his approval.
Few people knew what anyone else was doing. Basically it was a surprise to ALL of us because the first time we actually got to see it all together was at the dress rehearsals. Which were closed to the public.
It was very much an "in or out" thing. I remember being SO disappointed when I saw it on opening night. HE handled it like the opening of a Bradway show and had the people involved with the production get special recognition & all that jazz.
We had this believer from a set design company do a model of the set, which looked cool in miniature. On that huge stage, it looked way too sparse. The concept of flooding the stage with a rainbow that represented the presence of God turned into lights on a scrim that didn't work as originally planned.
It was just too big a show to open with in a new facility that we were not really even familiar with. All of the lights and rigging that were ordered never got delivered in time for the show...The costume concepts didn't translate well from drawings to fabric.
The show filled the rehearsal room area, which as it turned out was a drop in the bucket when moved to the stage. They had to expand and change the choreography to fit the stage, the moves had to be bigger, etc. What looked at least halfway decent in the rehearsal area Craig looked like a lumbering ox on the stage.
Murphy had to tone her performance down so as not to make Craig REALLY look horribly bad.
It was a MESS. Its a tribute to the quality of the people who did it that it looked as good as it did.
I know I finally "threw up my hands" and gave in and did what LCM wanted for the poster. I had done the logo very early in the process. It for a while was a Way Publications project, which our promotional stuff for it was. He had little say over the logo, but for the poster, Way Productions was the client, Craig had approval, he completely changed my ideas into "his vision." His vision was fine, but he's not a designer, he said, put this here, this there and all I could do was "just do it."
It was nowhere near my best design work. I did a decent job with the rendering, but... I wasn't really happy with it.
I'm thinking other folks had the same experience with him.
Those of us who did the thing were dissapointed in it too. It wasn't as good as a lot of other stuff we did. LCM loved it though.
Any of you guys seen High Country Caravan?
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A la prochaine
But the focus was HIM or any MOG at the time...what's the difference?
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Have to admit it impressed me.. far more than AOS anyway.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
could you post a pic of your poster?
i was at the 'grand opening'
i i had {have} a theater background and i knew aos
sucked even though i was impress at the time
go figure
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Kinda ironic, it featured an oakie in the middle of a cornfield..
No aspersions to okies. Just SOME (or at least one) of them
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Production went off like a cow whizzing on a flat rock..
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like a Texan on a pork chop..
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Texas, forgive me..
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I missed the whole fiasco, dammit...
Typical twi...you could ONLY go see it at the roa on the particular night that your region was schedualed....no exceptions....unfortunatly for most of us going wow that year...we were in training when it was out regions turn....
Do you think that ANY exceptions could be made and allow out going wows to attend on a night that they weren`t required to be in class with one of the OTHER regions??
You have put your a$$ on the line for God to spread his word via twi classes leaving family and home for an entire year....your participation is absolutely required in wow training........yet these are the only nights available to attend the greatest spiritual production in history of mankind..... too bad so sad, no aos blessings for YOU!
Lol not that I mind now...but it sure chapped my bu tt back then.
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Sure I can put up the poster, but I don't have it electronically, give me a little bit to dig one up, scan it etc.
Fortunately I have a smaller version somewhere from something. The original is too big for a normal scanner.
The BIG difference, Ala, was that Vp let us alone to do our creative thing. Craig would mess up your "creative process."
VP actually trained people, mentored performers and artisans, he demanded our best then let us alone to do it.
Craig tried so desparately, and failed so miserably, to be "the next VP." Yes VP has his faults, no doubt, but he actually did have some talents, leadership ability, etc. VP was a really good Executive Producer. He would set vision and direction, then step back and allow you to shine.
That's how Way Productions grew.
Few people know that "The Way Dance Company" was traveling doing productions way back in 1978,'79. Murphy and the other dancers, would put together shows, we'd pack up a Fleet van or two and leave on a Friday night, travel somewhere within half a day's drive, get up the next morning, do the lighting and technical stuff for the venue and do the show as a Saturday Night Doo. We'd usually be back in time for me to run camera for the SNS.
We did some really decent, simple shows that blessed people. They were forrunners to Athletes. We developed our skills, etc.
LCM saw Athletes as his chance to be accepted like VP was. He jumped into the mix in ways VP never did.
Had LCM let us alone, kept out of it Athletes could have been GREAT.
I think I've shared before how immediately before Athletes, the first big show in the aud. was the best show Way Prod ever did. It opened and played to wild standing O's.
The trustees closed it immediately. That was when I KNEW things were really bad in TWI.
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Brother Speed
ok rascal
did you ever hear the music from AOS on tape?
picture this, the music's wayyyy better.
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Brother Speed
better n the dance production that is.
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Yeah, Craig didn't approve the music. Most of it was written before he took over.
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