hey, everybody, I 'm repeating myself...well, if mykee can, so can I.... --> :P-->
Originally posted by alfakat:
who hath sinned, in the case of the man born blind from his birth? this man or his parents?
who had "NEGATIVE BEE_LEAVING", this man(born blind, hard to be BEE_LEAVING in the womb) or his parents??? IT'S A LAW, as waddahayseed and mykee would have us BEE_LEAVE....well, I'll let you keeeedszz check out what JESUS the MESSIAH said. then you can decide who you find more credible a "Doctor of Theology".....
Tell that to Jesus as you slap HIM in the face. He said otherwise, but you seem to have totally forgotten that scripture. Shall I quote it for you?
And how do yo know the "blessings" are not from the adversary that simply let you alone since you started working for him? He is smarter than you so can trick you... unless you are operating all that Jesus Christ did...
I don't know about thousands being "blessed"- unless you equate "blessed" with "eyes glazed over".
Where are the blessings? What ARE they?
"Let's see, I am peaceful now.."
Peaceful? About what? Why?
I was VERY peaceful BEFORE I even heard of the Vey Misery.
Despite the nature of these posts, I still am peaceful.
"Well, I speak in tongues.."
OK. That's nice. I did too, long BEFORE PFAL.
"I really know what love is all about now."
Really? I love enough to try to keep my kids and others from going through the same saw mill.
Thank God, they are ten times smarter than I was.
Love? HOW in God's name, are you MANIFESTING it? What concrete, tangible, effect is it really having?
"Well, I have such of an abundance now".
Please, let me hear the details. WHAT kind of abundance? Physical abundance? Financial abundance? I have $600.00 in the bank. No hope of retirement. I will very likely work until the day I die.
Don't feel sorry for me, I'm still OK.
But where is the promise to the tither? I should be ROLLING in dough, but I am STILL in a position where I could be homeless within a matter of weeks, at any one time.
Spiritual abundance is wonderful, but let's hear about it. "Spiritual" does not imply "unexplainable". "I'd explain it, but you would not understand". Try me.
I'm not stupid, at least any more. Maybe I'm spiritual, and have the mind of Christ, more than you think.
Lesseee ... adherance to pfal doctrine brought misery and poverty .... fellowshipping with darkness....
verses Life without the doctrine.. success, family, home, every desire of my heart, and being a valued and productive member of the community...
Son people SEE the love of God in my walk...I don`t have to con em into taking some stupid class and obeying a bunch of arbitrary rules to introduce people to him :-)
`N I don`t need YOU to tell me whether or not God is pleased with me....He is quite capable of making his pleasure known :-)
Here's what you slap Jesus in the face over. He worked hard to make THIS available to you:
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." John 14:12 ¶
I imagine that Jesus would be extremely disturbed to see you slapping his name on some vile mans work....teachings that led to the contradiction of everything that he DID deem important...It looks to me like you are the one bastardizing his name and everything that he came to accomplish.....
My plans were delayed for this evening, so I have a little more time than I thought.
What you just said would be true IF I was promoting evil. The written form of PFAL does NOT promote any of the evil that the TVTs and TWI came to represent.
All men deep down are vile natural beasts, even you, even me.
You don't seem to see that Jesus came to work NOT for those who superficially follow rules but retain that deep inner vile nature, but for those who recognize the rotten interior and want to change.
You're looking on the outer surface, but God looks on the heart that wants to change. Dr sais he wished he was the man he knew to be.
If you think you are good deep down inside, you're in for a rude awakening someday. Soften the blow and study the early chapters of Romans. We're all rotten to the core, and some have glossy exteriors. You're focused on the exterior. God looks at the heart.
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That is according to YOUR personal interpretation of Galatians.
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So lets see. I am estimating over twenty years AT MY BEST, and no cookie.
I may start my own "organization". "If you will do exactly as I tell you, you will manifest the GREATNESS of the power of God".
Doubters beware the wrath of Ham.
No results? It is OBVIOUSLY your fault.
Maybe its because of YOUR fear.
Maybe you did not improve enough on the tithe- try sending me fifteen percent of your income..
That should set me up with a mansion and a radio in every room.
But disobey,
and may Ham have mercy on your deluded souls...
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Gosh dang, maybe if I mastered pfal, I TOO could lie, cheat, steal, and visciously and without compunction destroy folks lives like wierwille did!
Wierwille doctrine makes it all ok.
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Twenty years of TVT and broken cisterns are SUPPOSED to yield little or no results.
You didn't fully learn what PFAL has to offer, and you got lousy results.
You blame PFAL for results that are from YOUR lack of diligence.
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If you do that then you will fail to be the man/woman Dr knew to be.
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hey, everybody, I
'm repeating myself...well, if mykee can, so can I.... 

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Nope clear as can be, God told us how to deduce what people really were...and told us to stay away from folks that did what wierwille did.
It also says that folks like wierwille don`t have ANY inheritance in the kingdom of God....sure doesn`t sound like someone I`D wanna bet my life on.
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Moses' sin prevented him from entering the promised land, YET it did not prevent him from leading others to it.
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I wouldn`t BE the woman that Dr. knew to be ...not for ANYTHING!
His view of women was sick.
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If you do what you proposed above, then you would NOT be able to inherit what PFAL promises. I transliterated it for you.
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I don`t need anything pfal has to offer mike....Life has been more powerfull and abundant, not to mention enjoyable since ditching that crap.
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For now you may be content, but the end approacheth.
But even now, I KNOW you are not rising up to do all the Jesus Christ did. You're missing what God would have you receive.
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...and remember: the crap you ditched was TVT not PFAL.
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Lol that sure is a slap in the face of all of the kindness and good that God has wrought in my life since twi.......HIS grace is sufficient for me!
I don`t NEED to do all Jesus did cause HE did it all ready FOR me silly!
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A little leaven leaveneth the whole loaf...in otherwords...It`s ALL crap to me.
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Tell that to Jesus as you slap HIM in the face. He said otherwise, but you seem to have totally forgotten that scripture. Shall I quote it for you?
And how do yo know the "blessings" are not from the adversary that simply let you alone since you started working for him? He is smarter than you so can trick you... unless you are operating all that Jesus Christ did...
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I haven`t been slapping anyone...lol you are the one ....ing on what Jesus said.
He told us to Love God n Love yer neighbor...
He didn`t say anything about requiring us to follow false prophets.
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I don't know about thousands being "blessed"- unless you equate "blessed" with "eyes glazed over".
Where are the blessings? What ARE they?
"Let's see, I am peaceful now.."
Peaceful? About what? Why?
I was VERY peaceful BEFORE I even heard of the Vey Misery.
Despite the nature of these posts, I still am peaceful.
"Well, I speak in tongues.."
OK. That's nice. I did too, long BEFORE PFAL.
"I really know what love is all about now."
Really? I love enough to try to keep my kids and others from going through the same saw mill.
Thank God, they are ten times smarter than I was.
Love? HOW in God's name, are you MANIFESTING it? What concrete, tangible, effect is it really having?
"Well, I have such of an abundance now".
Please, let me hear the details. WHAT kind of abundance? Physical abundance? Financial abundance? I have $600.00 in the bank. No hope of retirement. I will very likely work until the day I die.
Don't feel sorry for me, I'm still OK.
But where is the promise to the tither? I should be ROLLING in dough, but I am STILL in a position where I could be homeless within a matter of weeks, at any one time.
Spiritual abundance is wonderful, but let's hear about it. "Spiritual" does not imply "unexplainable". "I'd explain it, but you would not understand". Try me.
I'm not stupid, at least any more. Maybe I'm spiritual, and have the mind of Christ, more than you think.
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Lesseee ... adherance to pfal doctrine brought misery and poverty .... fellowshipping with darkness....
verses Life without the doctrine.. success, family, home, every desire of my heart, and being a valued and productive member of the community...
Son people SEE the love of God in my walk...I don`t have to con em into taking some stupid class and obeying a bunch of arbitrary rules to introduce people to him :-)
`N I don`t need YOU to tell me whether or not God is pleased with me....He is quite capable of making his pleasure known :-)
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So this is the short version.
"What in God's name is PFAL DOING for YOU?"
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no rascal
adherence to TVT did that.
You have the last words, I need to leave. Later.
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one last thing rascal,
Here's what you slap Jesus in the face over. He worked hard to make THIS available to you:
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." John 14:12 ¶
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I imagine that Jesus would be extremely disturbed to see you slapping his name on some vile mans work....teachings that led to the contradiction of everything that he DID deem important...It looks to me like you are the one bastardizing his name and everything that he came to accomplish.....
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Hi rascal,
My plans were delayed for this evening, so I have a little more time than I thought.
What you just said would be true IF I was promoting evil. The written form of PFAL does NOT promote any of the evil that the TVTs and TWI came to represent.
All men deep down are vile natural beasts, even you, even me.
You don't seem to see that Jesus came to work NOT for those who superficially follow rules but retain that deep inner vile nature, but for those who recognize the rotten interior and want to change.
You're looking on the outer surface, but God looks on the heart that wants to change. Dr sais he wished he was the man he knew to be.
If you think you are good deep down inside, you're in for a rude awakening someday. Soften the blow and study the early chapters of Romans. We're all rotten to the core, and some have glossy exteriors. You're focused on the exterior. God looks at the heart.
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