LOL *unregistered viewers restricted*..... deemed unworthey for the greatness of God`s word, yet word for YOOOOU! (said in my best soup nazi voice)
I guess with an attitude like that it makes it really easy to administer and then justify the mistreatment of your sisters in Christ.....ayup
.....they have it coming cause the devil has em SO messed up! (whacking my forhead wondering why I didn`t see it all before)
Gosh, if only we could live as rightious and holy in our walk as the esteemed Dr. Wierwille....we too might be worthey of respect and common decency someday....sigh
Actually that was sick $-h-i-t. When he showed it to the corps I know there were stomaches turning. That man had no right to show that film to people.We all believed what he said. Why show it? For those who did see it you can see the reactions here. It was uncalled for and detracted from the class. Also if I remember right at Emporia when it was shown. The head honchos that were on the stage chuckled about it as it was shown even vp.
How open is this board... better yet Dan, how open are YOU... to the idea of dropping endless, futile judgment of men, and focusing on what God hath wrought?
Uh, Mike, so you're saying God wanted us to have a quick look-sie at two women trying to do a dog? Did we really need that to know it was wrong? Oops, I forgot. Sexual immorality was only recently discovered by TWI to be against God's will. Sorry. -->
Of course, you righteous people have a good reason for isolating and dwelling on such items. -->
There you go again, waxing autobiographical (lol).
Go ahead and focus away, showing the world just what you are made of, and becoming.
I like a lot of the different things people are made of here. It blesses me to observe this diversity. I even find you interesting Mike, even admirable in your self-determination and persistance in advocating your views, even if I may not always agree with them.
I'm persistent because I hurt for you all. I see you getting farther and farther from the good we were given, and closer and closer to very self-destructive attitudes and habits.
The good sits there in the books waiting to be re-discovered.
Mike, what we are getting *farther and farther* away from is the darkness endured during our twi days....Now that our lives are full and happy....there is no desire to return to the abuse.
I'm persistent because I hurt for you all. I see you getting farther and farther from the good we were given, and closer and closer to very self-destructive attitudes and habits.
It's an admirable gesture, but are you really in a position, Mike, to arrive at such a general judgment concerning each and every individual here?
Do you actually know each person here well enough, outside of the sweeping "out-of-fellowship/backsliding" stereotypes which you superimpose upon us for your shadow boxing?
Heck, I don't really know each person here well enough to assume that their handle comprises the sum total of their being, to adopt the general presumption that all are on a habitual path of self-destruction.
Speaking of something that will turn your stomach.
Do you know what killed that little boy? You just quit yakking about anything else. You know what killed him. God didn't kill that boy. You know what killed that boy? The fear in the heart in the life of that mother--because that mother was just desperately afraid something was going to happen to her little Johnny. And she kept that fear and kept it, till one day it happened.
Why? Because it's a law. It's a law. That which you are afraid of is what you are going to receive. She was afraid of her boy, she was
afraid he was going to get killed. She was afraid she was going to lose him and she did just that. God didn't do it! She did it with her own negative believing. Her own fears were the contributing factors that ultimately made possible the death of that little boy.
Sometimes I think I must have just imagined that I heard that. Guess not.
Well get of your GD computer, quit yakkin', come over and give us all an f'in hand will ya?
I'll buy that when I actually see one of the PFAL bimbos actually lift a finger to do something for someone else or actually help someone else in real need--until then spare us the weepy drama--The only real hurt you feel is for yourself and your own loss and has little or nothing to do with any of us
Speaking of something that will turn your stomach.
Do you know what killed that little boy? You just quit yakking about anything else. You know what killed him. God didn't kill that boy. You know what killed that boy? The fear in the heart in the life of that mother--because that mother was just desperately afraid something was going to happen to her little Johnny. And she kept that fear and kept it, till one day it happened.
Why? Because it's a law. It's a law. That which you are afraid of is what you are going to receive. She was afraid of her boy, she was
afraid he was going to get killed. She was afraid she was going to lose him and she did just that. God didn't do it! She did it with her own negative believing. Her own fears were the contributing factors that ultimately made possible the death of that little boy.
Sometimes I think I must have just imagined that I heard that. Guess not.
Ok, but let's rightly divide it in this repetition, shall we?
Do you know what killed that little boy? You just quit yakking about anything else. You know what killed him. God didn't kill that boy. You know what killed that boy? The fear in the heart in the life of that mother--because that mother was just desperately afraid something was going to happen to her little Johnny. And she kept that fear and kept it, till one day it happened.
Why? Because it's a law. It's a law. That which you are afraid of is what you are going to receive. She was afraid of her boy, she was afraid he was going to get killed. She was afraid she was going to lose him and she did just that. God didn't do it! She did it with her own negative believing. Her own fears were the contributing factors that ultimately made possible the death of that little boy.
We've been over this umpteen times, but for the new people:
God did not do it.
Why doesn't anyone here focus on and discuss the "contributing factors" mentioned here?
Why doesn't anyone here focus on and discuss the "ultimately made possible" mentioned here?
The woman focused on fear, when she had good advice to do the opposite.
What we select in our focus is important.
If we see ourselves developing great fear, it's wise to put on the brakes, learn how to control our minds, and find the protective promises of God to believe.
What we should NOT do is condemn ourselves. If we see others falling into the fear trap, we should not condemn them, but help the out with kind words. It is in THIS point (not Dr's teaching) that our TVT (Twi Verbal Tradition) went awry, and our experiences soured.
I'm now sure that some here LOVE to have their stomach turned!
Out of all the things that Dr presented to us, look at what you're gravitating towards and focusing on!
Dr did not FOCUS on things like this. He pointed out things and moved on.
Of course, you righteous people have a good reason for isolating and dwelling on such items. -->
Of course Dr did NOT have a good reason for even briefly bringing it up.
Go ahead and focus away, showing the world just what you are made of, and becoming.
Gawd mike, obviously you never spent time with vpw or you would have known that he never moved on. He continuously showed that movie to people!!!! Boy are you blind!!!!
I somehow don't think you have children yourself. It is natural to be concerned and fear for our children. It is a natural thing.
This law that vpw kept on with us kept us under his thumb to keep our fears so we would continue with twi. We were kept there out of fear that something would happen to us or our children.
You can be free of this mike, just let it go and enjoy life as God had intended it.
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Just curious... did they have the Intermediate Class sessions posted? They aren't there now...
Yes, I definately agree, reading the words makes that 1960s whiney VPW voice come popping right back into my head. Now, THAT's possession!
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LOL *unregistered viewers restricted*..... deemed unworthey for the greatness of God`s word, yet word for YOOOOU! (said in my best soup nazi voice)
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What The Hay
You really said more than a mouthful there, VPW!
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Now THERE speaks the voice of reason....roflmao
I guess with an attitude like that it makes it really easy to administer and then justify the mistreatment of your sisters in Christ.....ayup
.....they have it coming cause the devil has em SO messed up! (whacking my forhead wondering why I didn`t see it all before)
Gosh, if only we could live as rightious and holy in our walk as the esteemed Dr. Wierwille....we too might be worthey of respect and common decency someday....sigh
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There's that German thing again.
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Actually that was sick $-h-i-t. When he showed it to the corps I know there were stomaches turning. That man had no right to show that film to people.We all believed what he said. Why show it? For those who did see it you can see the reactions here. It was uncalled for and detracted from the class. Also if I remember right at Emporia when it was shown. The head honchos that were on the stage chuckled about it as it was shown even vp.
These people were freakin sick.
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I'm now sure that some here LOVE to have their stomach turned!
Out of all the things that Dr presented to us, look at what you're gravitating towards and focusing on!
Dr did not FOCUS on things like this. He pointed out things and moved on.
Of course, you righteous people have a good reason for isolating and dwelling on such items.
Of course Dr did NOT have a good reason for even briefly bringing it up.
Go ahead and focus away, showing the world just what you are made of, and becoming.
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Mike quote:
Uh, Mike, so you're saying God wanted us to have a quick look-sie at two women trying to do a dog? Did we really need that to know it was wrong? Oops, I forgot. Sexual immorality was only recently discovered by TWI to be against God's will. Sorry.
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God judges righteously.
I make judgements as to what I am to focus on.
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I'm persistent because I hurt for you all. I see you getting farther and farther from the good we were given, and closer and closer to very self-destructive attitudes and habits.
The good sits there in the books waiting to be re-discovered.
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Mike, what we are getting *farther and farther* away from is the darkness endured during our twi days....Now that our lives are full and happy....there is no desire to return to the abuse.
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It's an admirable gesture, but are you really in a position, Mike, to arrive at such a general judgment concerning each and every individual here?
Do you actually know each person here well enough, outside of the sweeping "out-of-fellowship/backsliding" stereotypes which you superimpose upon us for your shadow boxing?
Heck, I don't really know each person here well enough to assume that their handle comprises the sum total of their being, to adopt the general presumption that all are on a habitual path of self-destruction.
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Speaking of something that will turn your stomach.
Sometimes I think I must have just imagined that I heard that. Guess not.
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Well get of your GD computer, quit yakkin', come over and give us all an f'in hand will ya?
I'll buy that when I actually see one of the PFAL bimbos actually lift a finger to do something for someone else or actually help someone else in real need--until then spare us the weepy drama--The only real hurt you feel is for yourself and your own loss and has little or nothing to do with any of us
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Since most of us are registered on EZ board from Waydale and the Cafe the site is not restricted for us.
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Mike --- check your pt's please.
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And to what you are to adamantly do your best to ignore and try to draw
attention from.
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No, you didn't. And it bore repeating.
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Ok, but let's rightly divide it in this repetition, shall we?
Do you know what killed that little boy? You just quit yakking about anything else. You know what killed him. God didn't kill that boy. You know what killed that boy? The fear in the heart in the life of that mother--because that mother was just desperately afraid something was going to happen to her little Johnny. And she kept that fear and kept it, till one day it happened.
Why? Because it's a law. It's a law. That which you are afraid of is what you are going to receive. She was afraid of her boy, she was afraid he was going to get killed. She was afraid she was going to lose him and she did just that. God didn't do it! She did it with her own negative believing. Her own fears were the contributing factors that ultimately made possible the death of that little boy.
We've been over this umpteen times, but for the new people:
God did not do it.
Why doesn't anyone here focus on and discuss the "contributing factors" mentioned here?
Why doesn't anyone here focus on and discuss the "ultimately made possible" mentioned here?
The woman focused on fear, when she had good advice to do the opposite.
What we select in our focus is important.
If we see ourselves developing great fear, it's wise to put on the brakes, learn how to control our minds, and find the protective promises of God to believe.
What we should NOT do is condemn ourselves. If we see others falling into the fear trap, we should not condemn them, but help the out with kind words. It is in THIS point (not Dr's teaching) that our TVT (Twi Verbal Tradition) went awry, and our experiences soured.
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Gawd mike, obviously you never spent time with vpw or you would have known that he never moved on. He continuously showed that movie to people!!!! Boy are you blind!!!!
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I think not.
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I somehow don't think you have children yourself. It is natural to be concerned and fear for our children. It is a natural thing.
This law that vpw kept on with us kept us under his thumb to keep our fears so we would continue with twi. We were kept there out of fear that something would happen to us or our children.
You can be free of this mike, just let it go and enjoy life as God had intended it.
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I learned how to not be in the grip of the fears you describe.
My reasons for continuing with PFAL are positive. I see treasure there.
I don't believe Dr promoted such fears, but I know many in leadership did. I see just the opposite in Dr's books.
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