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You won't see this on the news


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A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on.

Try telling that to a judge who has nothing else to go on except a verbal contract. Apparently the good Mr. Goldwyn has undoubtedly lost quite a few court cases regarding verbal contracts, ya think? wink2.gif;)-->

When all is said and done, even with the circus angle that many in the media put upon it, the preponderance of the evidence is quite clear: the situation was irreversible and, despite what self-righteous, moral pronouncements we all would like to haughtily heap upon that dasterdly Micheal Servito (and even including whatever desperate and totally unfounded innuendoes of physical abuse by him to add to his supposed 'wickedness' icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->), he was still legally the one to carry out Terri's wishes, ... NOT her parents. (Sorry Vickles)

And you can't logically tell us that no consideration was given to doubt in the courts, not when it has gone thru many of the same courts time and again.

What has been 'killed' is such a rapid fashion was any kind of mature and critical thinking by those who wanted to drag it out, and all done in God's Name.


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What happened with Terri could have been the best but I'm thinking about other cases. There have been a lot of people that have come out of coma's that were thought that they could never come out of it.

In fact there is a new medication they are using that is proving this point.

The brain is very complicated. I know of one young lady personally that the mother was told there was no way she would come out of it and to take all the tubes out. And she did have a feeding tube along with a breathing machine.

She told them basically to stick it and was determined that this young lady was going to make it. The young lady came out of her coma and is at home and doing wonderfully. She still has a few problems but each day she is doing better.

I just would hate to think that when I was married to my ex that he would have had to make all the medical decisions and there was a lot of money involved. I know my parents would have had more of my interests at heart more so than my ex.

There is a person that posted here at gs that used to work at the nursing home Terri was in and she had posted that Michael was a terror. It appeared he did not have her best interests at heart.

So you can say all you want about how wonderful this man was but we did have someone that had first knowlege of this case that actually worked with terri and most people didn't even acknowlege this. You are just going by what the media is saying.

Sorry this is so long but I just really am bothered by this. It is not meant for argument, please. Its just something to think about. Not everything is what it seems just because its in the news.

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Vickles I tried to find where mooney posted that Michael was a terror and I can't find it. This is the only thing remotely related to what you're saying she said:

Let me try to give you another perspective. I happen to work at the Hospice of the Florida Suncoast (the real name of the hospice). Because of federal HIPPA laws, I can't talk about any specific about any particular patient, but I can tell you that most of what the public has been getting has NOT been acurate. The public gets only what the media lets them have.

This hospice is the only hospice in Pinellas County, as there is a state law that specifies that there can only be one hospice per county. Woodside (which is only one of the many hospice teams) has approx 70 beds (and these are usually full). That means that there all these other families that have to go through all the crap just to see their loved ones, sometimes missing their deaths because of being held-up. Which side am I on? I'm on the side of ALL my patients and ALL their family members. (Yes, that means both sides of HER family too.)

BTW, about the clippits of the film they always show, it was made in 2001. There is a reason why they only show that small portion of a six-hour video.

The media has done nothing but promote lies and twist facts to serve whatever interest they seem to have.

If you can find where she said that about Michael, please show me. I don't remember it. What I DO remember are all the things he did to try to get Terri state of the art treatments and to be able to take care of her himself and how her father kicked him out of the house and treated him contemptuously because Michael spent money on Terri and her care instead of giving it to the parents....

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This one is from bowtwi in Did TErri Schiavo's parents ever try to get guardianship page 3.

It didn't say he was a terror, sorry but didn't paint a pretty picture of him either.

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