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GreaseSpot Cafe

How Wrong You Can Be


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It was the summer of 1980.

I was in a Pizza Hut in Goldsboro, North Carolina. This was in my traveling salesman days, otherwise I wouldn't have been anywhere near that place.

As I waited for my pizza, I started hearing some really weird noises and saw a kid about 13 or 14 playing some bizarre video game. When I went over to look at the thing, I thought it was the absolute stupidest game I had ever seen. When I finally figured out the point of the game, such as it was, I thought there is no way in the world that this dumb thing will ever catch on.

I figured the last time I would ever see that video game would be there in the Goldboro Pizza Hut.

Of course, what I saw when I looked over that kid's shoulder was this:

icon_eek.gif levels for a total of 3,333,360 points. I think the most levels I ever got was six, and that maybe once, but I suck at video games.

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