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The Verdict is In: Michael Jackson is...


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This verdict is a major disservice to blacks. So was OJ.


Because according to plenty of studies, blacks continue to be treated differently than whites in the court system. Differently means worse. They get fewer breaks, harsher treatment. It's not a simple case of racism, but it's still a reality.

The presumption here is that he is guilty as hell. I could be wrong, but I really doubt it.

Ridiculous verdicts like this create the misperception that the courts are tilted in favor of blacks.

I don't blame the jury, yet. The prosecution seemed weak. The prosecution witnesses were compromised, or they came out in favor of the defense (like Culkin did).

If the prosecution had been handled well, Jackson would probably have been convicted. The usual garbage would go out about a racist justice system, but most people would know that a pedophile had been put away.

All we have now is the perception that enough celebrity will get you off, no matter what you did.

Can't blame Jackson or the defense. They exercised the same rights that protect all of us. I'd still like the jurors to be compelled to send their own kids to Neverland for a few weeks, with Michael there to care for them.

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but most people would know that a pedophile had been put away.

I was ready to start a pool to see how long he would last if convicted. Jail has its own inner justice system --especially for pedophiles...

Even though he was acquitted he will be walking on a lot of thin ice and will still live in danger of the new vigilantism.

I doubt anyone ever wins a pedophile charge

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oh geez....lets get into "winning" and "losing" by all means

Why even consider the human factor.

Oh...there were children involved???....darn....

no deal-making at all went on....

...after all...money has NO influence on politics or who votes for whom...


....where's my mint julep??? oh...under your white robe????......

my bad

(makes me so sick I could spit)

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Originally posted by Sudo:


But does ANYONE here doubt that OJ WASN'T guilty???

If I understand the question...

OJ was clearly guilty by the evidence. The glove was easily explained. MJ was clearly guilty by a pattern of behavior and a prior (secret) settlement involving a large payoff.

Both cases had an inept prosecution and an inspired defense.

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uh...I have questions about OJ's guilt. I have it on good authority OJ's adult son had a major drug problem and Nicole kept him supplied until just before her murder...he had motive and opportunity...

then again I love a good conspiracy theory.


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