Ha, ha, ha, ha. Moneyhands an Ambassador. Ha, ha, ha, Belle!
Good, go far, far away to someone else's country for a while.
Thanks for leaving our state. It will be better off without you. Bye. We'll still be here enjoying the sunshine and beaches while you follow orders from the queen bee. Ha!
Oh, my what a life!
John Richeson
Tampa, FL
PS - Hey Belle, there will be people in both our areas who will leave when Moneyhands goes. Always happens when someone like him goes. Seen it happen a million times. Some only stay because they like them specifically.
Maybe our next party we'll have some "new people" ha!
TWI hasn't had squat to do with the U.K. since Craig and Geer locked horns. I'm not even sure if there is anyone there that claims any association with TWI. Now they are sending an ambassador?
When I left, there were country coords in England. But I don't think there was a large twi influence there. Maybe a handful. And only a handful in a few other European countries. R*yse and Gr*ce M*ller were there names. I believe they are both corps grads. She came from Africa, and I think he was born in the UK. Jean-Yves DeLisle went to the UK while I was on staff to perform their wedding.
I would be interested to know what was communicated to non-english-speaking countries to explain martinfail's dirty little secrets and his leaving.
Hey Belle, there will be people in both our areas who will leave when Moneyhands goes. Always happens when someone like him goes. Seen it happen a million times. Some only stay because they like them specifically.
I wonder why. I went to their house for a Christmas party in 2001 when I was visiting my ex-boyfriend. I wasn't impressed with moneyhands. As a matter of fact, he seemed really fake to me. I mentioned that to my ex when we were locking horns after I left twi. I told him moneyhands was a big phoney and a fake. He couldn't believe I said that. I asked him what kind of help moneyhands or his fellowship coords offered when he was accused of sexual harassment at his job.....by the way it was a BIG FAT ZERO!!! They only said it would be good for him to move away and live in my area (which was on the opposite side of the continent). That was A HUGE MISTAKE!! I really didn't want him to move to my area, but how do you tell someone that? I needed more time to figure out where the relationship was going.
Gosh, it sure is wonderful to be past those time in my life.
Well, I don't know why they picked Moneyhands unless Rosie merely wants him as far away as possible. Which is entirely possible from what we've learned about their relationship.....
It certainly isn't because Bob and Dottie bring hoards of people and dollars to TWI. I don't remember either one of them mentioning witnessing to people much less signing anyone up for a class in the whole time I've known them and known of them.
Looking forward to a lot of "new" people at our next party, John! :D--> I wonder when they're moving. I'll host the party!
FIFTEEN regions, heh heh heh. If the numbers of folk involved would justify having fifteen regions, I think it would be more miraculous than the miracle of the loaves and fishes..
Maybe that's just a new name for who knows what..
Or maybe its just wishful thinking. "well, if we just pretend that we are really a highly attended, loving, professional group, people will come".
But three V.P.'s- makes a little sense IF you are a rather large, diverse, PROFESSIONAL organization. One organization I am involved with has three vice presidents, one for educational type services, one that does a LOT of legal work, and one that oversees international operations. This is a rather large organization, with many hundreds of thousands of VOTING members.
All three of these VP's each have at least a PHD in something, and at least in something RELEVANT to the position they are in. Wonder what kind of qualifications these new VP's in podunk ohio have? "Well, I could balance a checkbook the last time I tried..." "Well, I can yell and scream when I don't get my way..."
But here they are, taking a big, bold new step into the twenty first century, ptooie. Nothing but window dressing. Gotta keep up with the Joneses- if THEIR corporation has to have 3 VP's, well then OURS oughta.. gotta keep up appearances, you know.."
Good grief. What kind of work will they have to do? Only thing I can think of- it's gonna take at least three VP's to make sure Rosie and Donna's rears are kissed properly.
I heard he couldn't stand Rosalie before she became prez. Sure, he could have changed his mind, but for some reason, I just don't think so.
So... go as far away from her as possible while still being involved in TWI and close enough to fly home and see the kids/grandkids.
I wonder if they've gone "emeritus"? Or sorta want to be like Gail and Frances W. - only in Europe. I don't think that WayPay will support them in the UK - the exchange rate is about $1.80 for £1. IMO, they may be subsidizing their own assignment. I don't think there are too many faithful wayfers in the UK and therefore not enough ABS to support them.
Belle - I'm surprised our former BC's didn't get the Region/Limb job. They've been around for 30 years by now, and he's been as faithful as Lassie to TWI. Any news about them?
Thom Loy - John B. could barely make it running a fellowship here in Florida. Heck, I think they'd make ME a Limb leader before they would put him in that position. He and his wife are lovely folks, but not what TWI would look for in a Region/Limb coor.
I knew the McF**dens a long time ago in NC. They were pretty nice. Then when we got kicked out of the FWC, they and the wife of the man who ran FWC at the time saw us at a WIB and turned their noses up at us.
However, in order to survive the reign of terror, I think most people had to stop being nice.
Cripes -- reading this only convinces me all the more that the leapord is trying to change it's spots, and the zebra is trying to get rid of it's stripes. It ain't gonna happen.
Geez -- I wonder what the new revelations will be in the *new foundational class*??
And what defines a region? --> Bi!! and Renit@ S@ge run the Minnesota area, but I don't know how large an area that comprises (not that I really care!) :D-->
From what I can tell, a region is equivalent to what a limb used to be.
Back in the days when there was actually growth, a limb usually had multiple branches in the larger cities, sometimes grouped into "areas" that included the suburbs and neighboring smaller cities. There were "twig areas" (3-6 twigs) in medium sized cities and single twigs scattered all over the state. A limb coordinator in many states oversaw thousnads of people.
In the late seventies, early eighties, I saw TWI go from seven to eight and later twelve regions. It made sense, because the limbs were growing, and the region coordinators were more or less there to make communication easier.
In the late nineties and early 00's, a region might consist of Minnesota, North & South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan and Wisconsin, with no limb coordinators in the Dakotas and "branches" with only 2 or three twigs in the major cities in each of the other states. Few enough people to have made up a large branch or an area in the eighties.
So they now has an average of 3 1/3 states per region. As I recall from tapes that came out in 2001, there were TEN states with no limb coordinators or Way Corps presence, and about half of the ten with no organized fellowship at all. The people that they are calling limb coordinators sometimes are barely overseeing more than one twig. Back in the 90's we split our anemic little fellowship just so the incoming branch coordinator would have a branch to coordinate. After he left we merged again.
It's title inflation. Give people exalted titles, like calling the busboy the servicewear recycling field coordinator.
And what are they calling Harve? Any recognition of his time as a Director? Other than Loy, who was ousted, all others either died, or retired (emeritus status according to wayspeak) when leave the Board.
Grace M was from Nigeria. She attended the University of Nebraska before moving on to Country Coordinator by marriage.
I just thought of something with the 15 Regions thingy...
There was talk in the late, late 90's about TWI getting away from the "Way Tree" analogy because it was considered an old wine skin. So, do you think they're dropping the word "LIMB" now?
With all these people in "leadership" positions, who will be under them?
Wonder if Harve "crossed the line" with some issues and rosie black-listed him?? Sorta like the John Rxynolds change. A few years in the spotlight....and whamo! Back to lickin' high heels.
Shouldn't take all that long to bump him from region guy......down to branch responsibilities, and then see how long he stays faithful to twi.
Originally posted by HopeR:
I'm surprised our former BC's didn't get the Region/Limb job. They've been around for 30 years by now, and he's been as faithful as Lassie to TWI. Any news about them?
Hope, from what I've heard......your former BC is NOT desiring a ministry paycheck any longer. He is back in school and his goals are not equivalent with "salted" corps leaders. He's already
got two or three years of schooling under his belt.....and I seriously doubt that he's gonna jump horses again.
Been there, done that. Besides, he's got one of those "back-door mortgages" and twi would clearly frown on this arrangement.
How can we be sure that these changes are "punishments"? Is this an assumption, or does anyone have any real evidence that Harvey, let's say, has done things to pi$$ Rosalie off which earned him the new assignment? I mean, maybe Harvey just wanted a change.
But, I haven't been around TWI for a long long time, and so maybe you folks who stayed so long know a whole lot more about it than I. Oh, I call him Harvey not "Harve", because that's what we called him in high school and at parties when we were fellow stoners and such. When he began to insist on "Harve" in the Corps, I always made it a point to call him "Harvey", in an effort to remind him of our simple beginnings. In fact, I liked old Harvey. He was always very kind and loving. That's why it floored me that he stayed in, and later, became the VP.
Does anyone know or have first hand facts about him being wicked to people when associating with them directly? I know that his continued support of TWI is tantamount to dealing wickedly with people, for to support such wicked micro-management, legalism, and "believer degradation" is tantamount to TWI wickedness, but did he ever really treat people directly with the same wicked disdain that LCM did?
I do know in New Zealand the call was to go back to school and uni I guess to get better paying jobs, hence more money rolling in and 'sphere of influence', which seems to be working for my bro- in- law.
I don't think he will come to his senses anytime soon. Imagine the wrath from being unceremoniously "dumped" from the director level. Somebody's probably gonna pay for it.. probably a LOT of somebody's.
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Ha, ha, ha, ha. Moneyhands an Ambassador. Ha, ha, ha, Belle!
Good, go far, far away to someone else's country for a while.
Thanks for leaving our state. It will be better off without you. Bye. We'll still be here enjoying the sunshine and beaches while you follow orders from the queen bee. Ha!
Oh, my what a life!
John Richeson
Tampa, FL
PS - Hey Belle, there will be people in both our areas who will leave when Moneyhands goes. Always happens when someone like him goes. Seen it happen a million times. Some only stay because they like them specifically.
Maybe our next party we'll have some "new people" ha!
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When I left, there were country coords in England. But I don't think there was a large twi influence there. Maybe a handful. And only a handful in a few other European countries. R*yse and Gr*ce M*ller were there names. I believe they are both corps grads. She came from Africa, and I think he was born in the UK. Jean-Yves DeLisle went to the UK while I was on staff to perform their wedding.
I would be interested to know what was communicated to non-english-speaking countries to explain martinfail's dirty little secrets and his leaving.
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I wonder why. I went to their house for a Christmas party in 2001 when I was visiting my ex-boyfriend. I wasn't impressed with moneyhands. As a matter of fact, he seemed really fake to me. I mentioned that to my ex when we were locking horns after I left twi. I told him moneyhands was a big phoney and a fake. He couldn't believe I said that. I asked him what kind of help moneyhands or his fellowship coords offered when he was accused of sexual harassment at his job.....by the way it was a BIG FAT ZERO!!! They only said it would be good for him to move away and live in my area (which was on the opposite side of the continent). That was A HUGE MISTAKE!! I really didn't want him to move to my area, but how do you tell someone that? I needed more time to figure out where the relationship was going.
Gosh, it sure is wonderful to be past those time in my life.
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Well, I don't know why they picked Moneyhands unless Rosie merely wants him as far away as possible. Which is entirely possible from what we've learned about their relationship.....
It certainly isn't because Bob and Dottie bring hoards of people and dollars to TWI. I don't remember either one of them mentioning witnessing to people much less signing anyone up for a class in the whole time I've known them and known of them.
Looking forward to a lot of "new" people at our next party, John!
:D--> I wonder when they're moving. I'll host the party!
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FIFTEEN regions, heh heh heh. If the numbers of folk involved would justify having fifteen regions, I think it would be more miraculous than the miracle of the loaves and fishes..
Maybe that's just a new name for who knows what..
Or maybe its just wishful thinking. "well, if we just pretend that we are really a highly attended, loving, professional group, people will come".
But three V.P.'s- makes a little sense IF you are a rather large, diverse, PROFESSIONAL organization. One organization I am involved with has three vice presidents, one for educational type services, one that does a LOT of legal work, and one that oversees international operations. This is a rather large organization, with many hundreds of thousands of VOTING members.
All three of these VP's each have at least a PHD in something, and at least in something RELEVANT to the position they are in. Wonder what kind of qualifications these new VP's in podunk ohio have? "Well, I could balance a checkbook the last time I tried..." "Well, I can yell and scream when I don't get my way..."
But here they are, taking a big, bold new step into the twenty first century, ptooie. Nothing but window dressing. Gotta keep up with the Joneses- if THEIR corporation has to have 3 VP's, well then OURS oughta.. gotta keep up appearances, you know.."
Good grief. What kind of work will they have to do? Only thing I can think of- it's gonna take at least three VP's to make sure Rosie and Donna's rears are kissed properly.
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Hope R.
My 2¢ on the Moneyhands:
I heard he couldn't stand Rosalie before she became prez. Sure, he could have changed his mind, but for some reason, I just don't think so.
So... go as far away from her as possible while still being involved in TWI and close enough to fly home and see the kids/grandkids.
I wonder if they've gone "emeritus"? Or sorta want to be like Gail and Frances W. - only in Europe. I don't think that WayPay will support them in the UK - the exchange rate is about $1.80 for £1. IMO, they may be subsidizing their own assignment. I don't think there are too many faithful wayfers in the UK and therefore not enough ABS to support them.
Belle - I'm surprised our former BC's didn't get the Region/Limb job. They've been around for 30 years by now, and he's been as faithful as Lassie to TWI. Any news about them?
Thom Loy - John B. could barely make it running a fellowship here in Florida. Heck, I think they'd make ME a Limb leader before they would put him in that position. He and his wife are lovely folks, but not what TWI would look for in a Region/Limb coor.
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Honestly- fifteen regions, three V.P.'s- looks like they are trying to redefine the organization.
Kinda wasteful to put old sour wine in new wineskins..
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Watered Garden
I knew the McF**dens a long time ago in NC. They were pretty nice. Then when we got kicked out of the FWC, they and the wife of the man who ran FWC at the time saw us at a WIB and turned their noses up at us.
However, in order to survive the reign of terror, I think most people had to stop being nice.
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J0nny Ling0
Check your private topics, I sent you a message there...
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Cripes -- reading this only convinces me all the more that the leapord is trying to change it's spots, and the zebra is trying to get rid of it's stripes. It ain't gonna happen.
Geez -- I wonder what the new revelations will be in the *new foundational class*??
And what defines a region?
--> Bi!! and Renit@ S@ge run the Minnesota area, but I don't know how large an area that comprises (not that I really care!)
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Stayed Too Long
Anyone know anything about this????? Format, who is teaching, content, ???
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From what I can tell, a region is equivalent to what a limb used to be.
Back in the days when there was actually growth, a limb usually had multiple branches in the larger cities, sometimes grouped into "areas" that included the suburbs and neighboring smaller cities. There were "twig areas" (3-6 twigs) in medium sized cities and single twigs scattered all over the state. A limb coordinator in many states oversaw thousnads of people.
In the late seventies, early eighties, I saw TWI go from seven to eight and later twelve regions. It made sense, because the limbs were growing, and the region coordinators were more or less there to make communication easier.
In the late nineties and early 00's, a region might consist of Minnesota, North & South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan and Wisconsin, with no limb coordinators in the Dakotas and "branches" with only 2 or three twigs in the major cities in each of the other states. Few enough people to have made up a large branch or an area in the eighties.
So they now has an average of 3 1/3 states per region. As I recall from tapes that came out in 2001, there were TEN states with no limb coordinators or Way Corps presence, and about half of the ten with no organized fellowship at all. The people that they are calling limb coordinators sometimes are barely overseeing more than one twig. Back in the 90's we split our anemic little fellowship just so the incoming branch coordinator would have a branch to coordinate. After he left we merged again.
It's title inflation. Give people exalted titles, like calling the busboy the servicewear recycling field coordinator.
And what are they calling Harve? Any recognition of his time as a Director? Other than Loy, who was ousted, all others either died, or retired (emeritus status according to wayspeak) when leave the Board.
Grace M was from Nigeria. She attended the University of Nebraska before moving on to Country Coordinator by marriage.
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In answer to Belle: The Platig's are now handling Ohio region, while the Steciw's are going back to branch co-ordinators in Columbus area.
Guess someone rocked the boat once too often.
Naviello's should be interesting in sunshine state. Better have seatbelts on when they get there.
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[deleted by moderator]
Edited by moddishwasherLink to comment
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I just thought of something with the 15 Regions thingy...
There was talk in the late, late 90's about TWI getting away from the "Way Tree" analogy because it was considered an old wine skin. So, do you think they're dropping the word "LIMB" now?
With all these people in "leadership" positions, who will be under them?
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Dear Moddiwasher, maybe you could pt me as to reasons you deleted my message(for further reference).
Was it because I mentioned my bro-in-law who is supposedly the new country co-ord of n.z. or what I said about him and Mic**l Ad**ms ? !!
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Interesting assignment changes....
Wonder if Harve "crossed the line" with some issues and rosie black-listed him?? Sorta like the John Rxynolds change. A few years in the spotlight....and whamo! Back to lickin' high heels.
Shouldn't take all that long to bump him from region guy......down to branch responsibilities, and then see how long he stays faithful to twi.
Hope, from what I've heard......your former BC is NOT desiring a ministry paycheck any longer. He is back in school and his goals are not equivalent with "salted" corps leaders. He's already
got two or three years of schooling under his belt.....and I seriously doubt that he's gonna jump horses again.
Been there, done that. Besides, he's got one of those "back-door mortgages" and twi would clearly frown on this arrangement.
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J0nny Ling0
How can we be sure that these changes are "punishments"? Is this an assumption, or does anyone have any real evidence that Harvey, let's say, has done things to pi$$ Rosalie off which earned him the new assignment? I mean, maybe Harvey just wanted a change.
But, I haven't been around TWI for a long long time, and so maybe you folks who stayed so long know a whole lot more about it than I. Oh, I call him Harvey not "Harve", because that's what we called him in high school and at parties when we were fellow stoners and such. When he began to insist on "Harve" in the Corps, I always made it a point to call him "Harvey", in an effort to remind him of our simple beginnings. In fact, I liked old Harvey. He was always very kind and loving. That's why it floored me that he stayed in, and later, became the VP.
Does anyone know or have first hand facts about him being wicked to people when associating with them directly? I know that his continued support of TWI is tantamount to dealing wickedly with people, for to support such wicked micro-management, legalism, and "believer degradation" is tantamount to TWI wickedness, but did he ever really treat people directly with the same wicked disdain that LCM did?
Really, I am only curious here...
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I do know in New Zealand the call was to go back to school and uni I guess to get better paying jobs, hence more money rolling in and 'sphere of influence', which seems to be working for my bro- in- law.
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Harvey was a professional at "scattering the
sheep of the God's pasture" Woe to him!
Woe to Ohio!
He has "forced" many people out of TWI using spiritually abusive techniques. He was a pro
at getting other leadership to be his mouthpiece
to control and abuse.
As for me, I finally could not take it any more.
Staying in "for the sake of the word" became no longer worth the high price of abuse.
It would be very interesting if his conscious
would not allow him to become the evil thing
you must be to function effectively as The President of TWI. Only God knows that sort of stuff.
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J0nny Ling0
Hey, thanks Fortunateone. Anyone else have any response to my query?
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Ya think maybe God should *reward* Harve for getting people out of TWItland?
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I don't think he will come to his senses anytime soon. Imagine the wrath from being unceremoniously "dumped" from the director level. Somebody's probably gonna pay for it.. probably a LOT of somebody's.
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