i live in maine. the black flies suck {really} the winters are cold,spring comes late, mud season comes early, but we never have to board up the windows! hurricanes were there longer than florida etc was move to maine!! lol
i live in maine. the black flies suck {really} the winters are cold,spring comes late, mud season comes early, but we never have to board up the windows! hurricanes were there longer than florida etc was move to maine!! lol
Beginning when the snow was still spotty, I went up to our place just North of Bangor, and I sprayed for Mosquito [and black fly] abatement. I have a back-pack garden sprayer. I buy the cheapest veggie oil I can find at the grocery store, and I put in one Teaspoon of Malathion per gallon. I spray five gallons of this mixture along the road in the ditches and in all standing water puddles.
This past Saturday, we met a contractor there and he commented that there was a noticible lack of black fly on my property, that everywhere with that much standing water the bugs are much worse.
hey galen thanks for the info we have tried them all and find that those little fabric softener sheets you put in the dryer work best! just pin 1 or 2 of them on you. it works great cept when we visit the clothing opptional resort we go to !lol
hey galen thanks for the info we have tried them all and find that those little fabric softener sheets you put in the dryer work best! just pin 1 or 2 of them on you. it works great cept when we visit the clothing opptional resort we go to !lol
galen do you pass my way when you visit maine??
I tried dryer sheets last summer, and Daniel tried burning tin cans filled with deiseil fuel. I was smoking a pipe {which ahs always worked nicely before], and I was wearing those electronic ultra-sonic noise makers [they give Daniel a head ache] and are supposed to drive away the bugs. They were just too thick. A realtor had warned me that in this particular area the black fly would wrestle a chain-saw away from you.
The black fly really attacked our GermanShepherd's ears. Each inside ear hair follocle had dried blood on it. They looked like the black flys use the inner ear hairs as if they were drinking straws.
I ended up using: Lemongrass oil, Eucalyptus oil, Citronela oil and peppermint oil together. 5 drops each in a pint of water sprayed heavily of her; this finally seemed to help her and keep those black-fly out of her ears.
This summer, as I said I am spraying oil and Malathion on the water and I started when most of the snow was gone, and every two weeks. This year I have the mosquito net hooded over-jackets.
So far the bugs are very thin. I think the veggie-oil and malathion are working.
My real issue is the beaver. We have a new litter and as of last week they had thrown up a levy 3 feet high around a flat area maybe 1/4 acre. I go up tuesday night for a couple months, to begin construction. And I have to start by knockng down that levy and will likely deal with some beaver face-to-face. Las trip up, I had to stop the car, to wait for one to cross the road. It was dragging a tree with it. I was really amazed at how big they get, I would have wrecked our car if I had hit it.
I went to last year's MOGFA fair, I intend to go again this year and to bring Bonnie.
She applied for an opening at the Bangor 'International' Airport Comissary. She has been working in the produce department at the Subase Comissary, and an opening is coming available in Bangor. A two pay-grade raise and going from part-time [39 hours], to full-time [40 hours].
What is 'your way'?
I drive I-95 from Ct, to exit 197 in Maine. A short 6 hour drive.
I wonder if it is possible that somethings work well for some kinds of bugs, while other things work good for other kinds.
I understand for sharks what is proven to ward off one kind of shark will attract other kinds of sharks. Which is why they have such a difficult time marketing anything to be a shark repellant. We used to have 'shark repellant' packed with our inflateable lifeboats but than found that the stuff tended to attract sharks.
It is possible that for some people in some areas dealing with some kinds of bugs laundry sheets work great; for other folks nothing short of standing in kerosene smoke will keep them away.
I do know from personal experience that those electronic noise makers do not seem to work in Maine, rather are capable to attracting the bugs.
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Cool map.
This season isn't wasting any time.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
i live in maine. the black flies suck {really} the winters are cold,spring comes late, mud season comes early, but we never have to board up the windows! hurricanes were there longer than florida etc was move to maine!! lol
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I go to a site that I really like. The Message Board has some people that are pretty good.
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Beginning when the snow was still spotty, I went up to our place just North of Bangor, and I sprayed for Mosquito [and black fly] abatement. I have a back-pack garden sprayer. I buy the cheapest veggie oil I can find at the grocery store, and I put in one Teaspoon of Malathion per gallon. I spray five gallons of this mixture along the road in the ditches and in all standing water puddles.
This past Saturday, we met a contractor there and he commented that there was a noticible lack of black fly on my property, that everywhere with that much standing water the bugs are much worse.
Give it a try.
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Think Arizona...
"it's a dry heat"
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I put small bars of soap in the puddles. Breaks down the surface tension of the water and the larvae can't float so they drown.
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Also has snakes, spiders and too much brown.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
hey galen thanks for the info we have tried them all and find that those little fabric softener sheets you put in the dryer work best! just pin 1 or 2 of them on you. it works great cept when we visit the clothing opptional resort we go to !lol
galen do you pass my way when you visit maine??
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Wacky Funster
...and what way would that be coolchef?
I go up to the Common ground fair in the September and try and connect with Onioneater. Would you like to meet with us this fall?
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I tried dryer sheets last summer, and Daniel tried burning tin cans filled with deiseil fuel. I was smoking a pipe {which ahs always worked nicely before], and I was wearing those electronic ultra-sonic noise makers [they give Daniel a head ache] and are supposed to drive away the bugs. They were just too thick. A realtor had warned me that in this particular area the black fly would wrestle a chain-saw away from you.
The black fly really attacked our GermanShepherd's ears. Each inside ear hair follocle had dried blood on it. They looked like the black flys use the inner ear hairs as if they were drinking straws.
I ended up using: Lemongrass oil, Eucalyptus oil, Citronela oil and peppermint oil together. 5 drops each in a pint of water sprayed heavily of her; this finally seemed to help her and keep those black-fly out of her ears.
This summer, as I said I am spraying oil and Malathion on the water and I started when most of the snow was gone, and every two weeks. This year I have the mosquito net hooded over-jackets.
So far the bugs are very thin. I think the veggie-oil and malathion are working.
My real issue is the beaver. We have a new litter and as of last week they had thrown up a levy 3 feet high around a flat area maybe 1/4 acre. I go up tuesday night for a couple months, to begin construction. And I have to start by knockng down that levy and will likely deal with some beaver face-to-face. Las trip up, I had to stop the car, to wait for one to cross the road. It was dragging a tree with it. I was really amazed at how big they get, I would have wrecked our car if I had hit it.
I went to last year's MOGFA fair, I intend to go again this year and to bring Bonnie.
She applied for an opening at the Bangor 'International' Airport Comissary. She has been working in the produce department at the Subase Comissary, and an opening is coming available in Bangor. A two pay-grade raise and going from part-time [39 hours], to full-time [40 hours].
What is 'your way'?
I drive I-95 from Ct, to exit 197 in Maine. A short 6 hour drive.
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Here's what the Snopes people had to say about the fabric softener thing...
Here's what they said about the science behind you guys adding soap or
a different substance to standing water...
Apparently, some people had gotten the idea that if you added
dishwashing detergent to water, it produced a magical cauldron that stunned
and killed mosquitos in the area.
Yeah, that standing water's a real pain.....
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I wonder if it is possible that somethings work well for some kinds of bugs, while other things work good for other kinds.
I understand for sharks what is proven to ward off one kind of shark will attract other kinds of sharks. Which is why they have such a difficult time marketing anything to be a shark repellant. We used to have 'shark repellant' packed with our inflateable lifeboats but than found that the stuff tended to attract sharks.
It is possible that for some people in some areas dealing with some kinds of bugs laundry sheets work great; for other folks nothing short of standing in kerosene smoke will keep them away.
I do know from personal experience that those electronic noise makers do not seem to work in Maine, rather are capable to attracting the bugs.
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