I can give a good example of someone who was kind and wonderful that the Way turned ugly ... Mi**ael F*rt -- you could not have asked for a person to be kinder and more understanding than he was to me my interim year at HQ (1984) ... then by 1995 when a good friend of mine (who was ordained by the Way) left/was thrown out, MF sent him a letter that said if he (my friend) had lived during Old Testament times that he would have been stoned to death .. .that he would die within two years, etc.
Needless to say, my friend is still thriving and doing well spiritually, physically, and emotionally ... ten years later. I only hope MDF can say the same.
Yo Toad,
The Rev M & C F ~~~ met them in Orl Fl. Nice couple. They really were. That was circa 87 - 89??? Helped them move from their home in Fla. Ya know the whole believer's get involved to move out existing to introduce new leadership. I thinks the F8rts went to OhIo and the Shr8yers came down for a demotion.
Damn shame MF became involved in cursing people to die.
Thinking back, I can remember when those loyalty letters wwent out.We had a talk with our LC at the time because of stuff that was going on in our area. He gave us a heads up on the letter & said we would lose a few people over it. Yeah, we lost quite a few. Guess they saw that old lcm wasn't such mister nice guy after all. It looks like rr & co are just following in his footsteps. " Do as we say & not as we do"
Those threats are laughable. They remind me of the anti drug films they showed us as kids...where you smoke pot and drive your car off a cliff or something.
The limb cordo of MO the year after my WOW year (K** S*******) told all the people in the way homes in the city that if any of us EVER left TWI the devil would beat the s*** out of us. Never bothered me much; the devil is equal opportunity; beats the s*** out of everybody sooner or later.
Had an interesting one recently: last Dec. I stopped fellowshipping with CRF. Then 2 weeks later somebody else who had been with CRF died in a car wreck. So my wife calls this person to verify and he tells her this person who died must've been screwed up and out of fellowship for something like that to happen to him. In other words WE WERE NEXT! Not losing any sleep yet.
Gosh John that sounds so much like twi....you know it seems pretty silly that they would think folks would give any credence to that threat....it didn`t happen when we left twi.....why would one suppose that the same threat would hold any water when issued from THEIR group???
I mean aren`t we living proof that twi was wrong about what would happen if left? Lol kind of funny that they believe it themselves, or believe that folks would stay out put fearing a bu tt kicking if they left.
TF: CRF stands for Christian Research and Fellowship. It was started by John Hendricks.
Rascal: I was thinking today that there are quite a few here at GSC who are "screwed up and out of fellowship" and PROUD of it who aren't exactly dying off by the minute. I still can't believe LCM actually sent someone a threat like that.
Threat of death , illness or injury was a(probably still is) a very widespread doctrine. We heard it when people left, and heard it from the limb co-ord when we left.
"What about your children? You'll be outside the protection of the household."
It was also tied to Abundant Sharing. We were told by limb guy that we could continue our ABS for protection.
Turns out, all we needed protection from was leadershi+.
"What about your children? You'll be outside the protection of the household."
It was also tied to Abundant Sharing. We were told by limb guy that we could continue our ABS for protection.
Unbelieveable - sounds like the mafia, send money and you will be protected, don't come to fellowship but we will send someone around once a week to pick up your ABS.
If that isn't TWI showing it's true colors, I don't know what is.
Just out of curiosity, I was marked and avoided, but those who were on "spiritual probation" (has anyone ever seen that phrase in the bible?) were you still required to ABS? I am thinking that I heard that people still had to ABS.
The really really strange thing near the end of my involvement- even some people's money was not even welcome at der vey. They would send it back.
I guess their "god" was so helpless that he couldn't protect them from all those spurts flowing into headquarters on the back of tainted twenties, fifties and hundreds..
That letter you got was the general understanding of all of us who went in the WC.
As you know, we were taught – that we ACTUALLY made a commitment TO God (not the Way Int.) – and that God was monitoring our performance according to our commitment and discipline in applying the Corps Principles - and, should we be stupid enough to “quit the WC†– then God would never bless us again (this was if we got off easy) – otherwise, certain death or insanity was the sure payment.
Why did we think this? Oh, because VPW – The Man of God for All Time – made a statement that the only way we should EVER leave the Corps – was “feet firstâ€. Hmmmm. Certain Death. Does this sound like Christianity? Or something else -->
Frankly, it would have been much more honest for VP to let us ALL know that God was no longer accepting applications to build an elite group of leaders and disolve the WC program. The priesthood was closed in Christ. What in the HEL_ were we thinkin'
I believe what we ACTUALLY did was make a commitment to the Way ministry – and they – (VPW and LCM - through one prime scripture in Job) used it as an avenue to steal, kill, and destroy.
The sheer absurdity of this whole thing was how quickly leadership pulled this bait and switch on us – and how quickly we all swallowed their intrepretation!
They exchanged the actual church for a pretend “householdâ€. They got us to use the slogan of "It is Written" instead of what Christ said in John 17.
They exchanged so many things – that constituted nothing less than bait and switch.
Now that you are in, you can never get out!!!! Muhhaaa MooHaaaaa (evil laugh there).
It was a fate on par with joining the Mafia. Just think, John 10:10a. I think the thief used a little bait and switch in order to get his objectives met in our lives
I can't remember who posted it, but someone on here was put on probation and they jumped through all the hoops to "be allowed" back into the fellowship of the household. -->
The first fellowship they went to after this they were confronted on not bringing the ABS that they would have been giving while they were on probation, thus putting them BACK on probation.
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I don't remember if any letter like that was included, but I sent copies of a lot of similar kinds of letters to the lawyers in one of the cases.
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Yo Toad,
The Rev M & C F ~~~ met them in Orl Fl. Nice couple. They really were. That was circa 87 - 89??? Helped them move from their home in Fla. Ya know the whole believer's get involved to move out existing to introduce new leadership. I thinks the F8rts went to OhIo and the Shr8yers came down for a demotion.
Damn shame MF became involved in cursing people to die.
Wonder what became of the Shr8yers?
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
John Shroyer is involved with Christian Family
Fellowship in Indiana area.
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Forgive me.
I was just being facetious in regards to the Rev. J Shroyer's outcome.
God Bless him
Edited by oneyedjackswild1 psLink to comment
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Thinking back, I can remember when those loyalty letters wwent out.We had a talk with our LC at the time because of stuff that was going on in our area. He gave us a heads up on the letter & said we would lose a few people over it. Yeah, we lost quite a few. Guess they saw that old lcm wasn't such mister nice guy after all. It looks like rr & co are just following in his footsteps. " Do as we say & not as we do"
Oh well.....Glad we're not innies any more.
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When we left Indiana Campus we received 'a letter' from Mi**al Ad**s calling us thieves, dogs, pigs etc..
He also demanded $10,000 from us for our airfares that TWI paid for to get us back to N.Z.
He suggested we find a good lawyer because he was going to make our life hell.
Best advice he ever gave us !! We found a good lawyer who sent the Di** head a letter saying we could sue him for defamation.
Never heard from him (in this capacity) again !!! And he is TWI new 'International Out-reach co-ordinator ?!! ROFLMAOPAOMF
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By the way, I've kept ALL correspondence from Mi**al Ad**s,my wifes brother and his wife Mar* (Rog**s)
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Oh, and from Pet*r Caw***n who co-ordinates Australia for them..ouch!
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Those threats are laughable. They remind me of the anti drug films they showed us as kids...where you smoke pot and drive your car off a cliff or something.
The limb cordo of MO the year after my WOW year (K** S*******) told all the people in the way homes in the city that if any of us EVER left TWI the devil would beat the s*** out of us. Never bothered me much; the devil is equal opportunity; beats the s*** out of everybody sooner or later.
Had an interesting one recently: last Dec. I stopped fellowshipping with CRF. Then 2 weeks later somebody else who had been with CRF died in a car wreck. So my wife calls this person to verify and he tells her this person who died must've been screwed up and out of fellowship for something like that to happen to him. In other words WE WERE NEXT! Not losing any sleep yet.
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Gosh John that sounds so much like twi....you know it seems pretty silly that they would think folks would give any credence to that threat....it didn`t happen when we left twi.....why would one suppose that the same threat would hold any water when issued from THEIR group???
I mean aren`t we living proof that twi was wrong about what would happen if left? Lol kind of funny that they believe it themselves, or believe that folks would stay out put fearing a bu tt kicking if they left.
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What is CRF?
Inquiring toads want to know...
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TF: CRF stands for Christian Research and Fellowship. It was started by John Hendricks.
Rascal: I was thinking today that there are quite a few here at GSC who are "screwed up and out of fellowship" and PROUD of it who aren't exactly dying off by the minute. I still can't believe LCM actually sent someone a threat like that.
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Threat of death , illness or injury was a(probably still is) a very widespread doctrine. We heard it when people left, and heard it from the limb co-ord when we left.
"What about your children? You'll be outside the protection of the household."
It was also tied to Abundant Sharing. We were told by limb guy that we could continue our ABS for protection.
Turns out, all we needed protection from was leadershi+.
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Unbelieveable - sounds like the mafia, send money and you will be protected, don't come to fellowship but we will send someone around once a week to pick up your ABS.
If that isn't TWI showing it's true colors, I don't know what is.
Just out of curiosity, I was marked and avoided, but those who were on "spiritual probation" (has anyone ever seen that phrase in the bible?) were you still required to ABS? I am thinking that I heard that people still had to ABS.
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The people I knew on spiritual probation had to ABS and keep up the Tape adn Mag subscriptions.
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Of course.
You were on spiritual probation.
Your MONEY was not on any kind of probation.
Their slogan SHOULD read
"Your money is welcome at The Way."
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The really really strange thing near the end of my involvement- even some people's money was not even welcome at der vey. They would send it back.
I guess their "god" was so helpless that he couldn't protect them from all those spurts flowing into headquarters on the back of tainted twenties, fifties and hundreds..
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*THAT* I can respect.
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Yep. Now if they would just take it to the next level.
Imagine the hundreds of hundreds, fifties and twenties that I tossed to that stinkhole.
Imagine all of the spurts they could REALLY get rid of it they tallied it all and sent it back to me..
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Too Gray Now
That letter you got was the general understanding of all of us who went in the WC.
As you know, we were taught – that we ACTUALLY made a commitment TO God (not the Way Int.) – and that God was monitoring our performance according to our commitment and discipline in applying the Corps Principles - and, should we be stupid enough to “quit the WC†– then God would never bless us again (this was if we got off easy) – otherwise, certain death or insanity was the sure payment.
Why did we think this? Oh, because VPW – The Man of God for All Time
– made a statement that the only way we should EVER leave the Corps – was “feet firstâ€. Hmmmm. Certain Death. Does this sound like Christianity? Or something else 
Frankly, it would have been much more honest for VP to let us ALL know that God was no longer accepting applications to build an elite group of leaders and disolve the WC program. The priesthood was closed in Christ. What in the HEL_ were we thinkin'

I believe what we ACTUALLY did was make a commitment to the Way ministry – and they – (VPW and LCM - through one prime scripture in Job) used it as an avenue to steal, kill, and destroy.
The sheer absurdity of this whole thing was how quickly leadership pulled this bait and switch on us – and how quickly we all swallowed their intrepretation!
They exchanged the actual church for a pretend “householdâ€. They got us to use the slogan of "It is Written" instead of what Christ said in John 17.
They exchanged so many things – that constituted nothing less than bait and switch.
Now that you are in, you can never get out!!!! Muhhaaa MooHaaaaa (evil laugh there).
It was a fate on par with joining the Mafia. Just think, John 10:10a. I think the thief used a little bait and switch in order to get his objectives met in our lives
What do you think?
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I can't remember who posted it, but someone on here was put on probation and they jumped through all the hoops to "be allowed" back into the fellowship of the household.
The first fellowship they went to after this they were confronted on not bringing the ABS that they would have been giving while they were on probation, thus putting them BACK on probation.
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Too Gray Now
Belle, Seems like the Mafia even more - no? Gotta get that "protection" money!
If you fail to pay protection, something bad will happen to you - just ask anyone in the garment business in NY circa 1940.
ABS my AS* ! What you described is extortion - buying protection... nothing less.
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It is more than just a bit outrageous that LCM and other TWI leaders picked up OT death sentences and shook them at people, while, according to terms of the Mosaic covenant, they themselves would have incurred death sentences for posturing as if representing God and foretelling events that failed to come to pass.
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Not to mention being stoned to death for adultury
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