Galations says it all VERY clearly....there are two camps of people.....*Men of the flesh* and *men of the spirit*...God tells us how to identify either.
The behaviors of both men land them squarely in the catagory of *men of the flesh*
We are warned to stay away from folks like this, we are furthermore warned that they have no inheritance in the kingdom of God....
This takes all of the theories and guess work out of it. Anything else is just another attempt at rationalizing away their lack of honor, integrety, and moral character.
What they did is and will always be considered inexcusable biblically, moraly and ethically.
They were contemptible people who worked very hard to EARN our scorn and condemnation.....this of course is what happens though when you indulge in heinous behavior.
its like you're arguing against a bunch of things i didn't even write
and it reads like an angry postcard from Hell
i'll try though
I agree with what you say Galatians VERY clearly says about many things
I agree about staying away from dudes like this (though we disobeyed, didn't we)
I agree that they lose their "inheritance in the kingdom of God" (though i might disagree with what that means, and when and how it applies)
But I will disagree that all theories and guesswork are invalidated by your theories and guesswork (think about it a sec)
And I will disagree that "anything else" (i.e. what ive written) is an attempt to "rationalize away" anything (not even sure what that means. read it again please)
And I will disagree that anything "is and will always be" inexcusable, Biblically ("father, forgive them for they know not what they do," remember? not in Galatians)
"Morally" and "ethically" do not equal "Biblically," btw. the morals and ethics of the Bible changed more than a few times, if u recall. one day it was ok to condemn. another day it was only kind of ok. another day it was ok again. another day it was off limits. another day it was forgiven.
and if vp and lcm worked so hard to earn your scorn and condemnation, then by all means, continue to pay them for their services. scorn and condemn until your spleen rots out. cuz in doing so, you still serve them, it seems. they earned it, right?
btw - what does the Good Book say about scorn and condemnation anyway? (its not in Galatians, i dont think. try Romans or something)
honestly, rascal, can we not spiritually discern the subtilties of spiritual cause and effect without simply resorting to the blanket scorn and condemnation of the flesh and souls of these men? sure, they were aholes, but that doesnt mean they couldnt saw a few legit fragments of things with their ahole eyes, does it? this is kinda what i am getting at
have we not been equipped to so discern by the Good Book itself, and the Lord that bought us?
misinterpreted what he saw-applied it to himself only
selfishness, ego, greed, madness turned to hatred
rather then patience he jumped at every chance to promote himself which leads down the wrong road into the state of being past feeling-no love of God-just a front...
interesting, cm, re: India. cuz VPs India fixation and experiences have puzzled me. its almost like he was "shadow-boxing" something, and calling it "the work of the ministry"
and just in case anyone has missed my main point (due to all the excess verbage...i know), i'll try and restate it...
...perhaps anyone (like VP or LCM) can have a genuine spiritual "peak experience," which, for whatever reasons, does not stabilize into a plateau.
And then so naturally, this peak experience can only be understood and applied and expressed, by them, from and through that particular "God-view" where they have reached some sort of plateau (the religion of our upbringing), perhaps even stirring and exaggerating any unresolved BS in the egos and lusts
i dunno. perhaps re-consider OT and NT records in light of this, and see what happens
(btw - i hope it is obvious that i am not a vpw apologist. i think the guy turned out more like a vampire, myself. its just that i am also interested in why and how this happened, spiritually, without all the cussing and sneering..though i can also understand why many of us cuss and sneer too ;)-->)
My flesh John??? My fruit demonstrates exactly who I`s the same measuring stick ....nobody gets a free pass or is excused because they taught some scripture....that is simply a trick to avoid detection
GALATIONS tells us how to discern who/what vpw really was behind the smoke and mirrors. There is no need to speculate about anyones spirituality........
For heavens sake Sir guess READ gallations ....It is absolutely clear...
The fruit of a man of the flesh and the fruit of a man of the guess work, no theories needed to explain away someones willingness to indulge in evil...
Your actions tell the world way or another.... either you are or you aren`t according to scripture.
God gave us that guidline so that we wouldn`t fall victim to the false prophets no matter HOW good their schpeal matter how much we want to believe that they were in some way good.
I am arguing against coming up with theories that make bad behavior, low moral fiber, and lack of good character and even common decency somehow understandible and acceptible.
rascal, i am not sure what else to say to you on please forgive if we get clumsy with each willing to try
no guess work, no theories needed to explain away someones willingness to indulge in evil...
but haven't you yourself just now theorized and guessed that Galatians is VERY clear on the subject, thus, explaining away someones willingness to indulge in evil as simply being a matter of "they are evil?"
they are evil because they are evil?
they are selfish because they are evil?
they are evil because they are selfish?
where is the nourishment in that?
is your argument because my "theory" (which i'll edit if that word bugs you) is a bit (and only a bit) more complex than the ole "good and evil" theory of things?
I am arguing against coming up with theories that make bad behavior, low moral fiber, and lack of good character and even common decency somehow understandible and acceptible.
why would you argue against greater understanding of what simply is? do you not want to understand bad behavior, low moral fiber, and lack of good character?
of course it should not be acceptible. but how can you help and heal and know why if you do not first understand the problem as possibly more complex than good and bad?
i thought we werent supposed to eat from the good/bad tree for knowledge
besides, where do i justify their behaviour as godly?
where do i call them prophets worth following?
where do i contradict Galatians and suggest we believe in false prophets?
There are a list of characterisitics that define you as one or the other. Period! No wiggle room.
A man of character does what is right whether anyone is watching or not....because THAT is what a man of moral fiber DOES!
Wierwille earns our scorn and contempt for setting himself up as a man of the spirit..when his actions directly would demonstrate otherwise.
Folks are evil and selfish because they CHOSE to be.....their back ground, upbringing, culture are no excuse not to behave in an honorable fashion..... that is precisely why being a person of character IS so tough.
We were given the information in order to become of the spirit....
We were given the freedom to chose whether to be of the flesh or of the spirit....
We were given the information to discern one from another, in order to protect ourselves .....
We were given the instructions of how to *deal* with folks of either persuasion...
I have no respect understanding or compassion for anyone who masquerades as a man of the spirit .... one who disarms peoples suspicions by utilization of the authority of the scriptures they teach in order to sate their lusts and fill their bellies at the expense of those they were to nurture.
Jesus had no use for the religious leaders that did that in his tolerance at all...called em all sorts of horrible names...held them in high contempt. I never saw him telling anyone to attempt to *understand* their shortcomings.
I see no difference in the religious leaders who utilized their position of trust to steal that which wasn`t theirs, today or in biblical times.
If we could just take this succer apart. And see it from outside of ourselves and what we lost from our experience with twi and it's evil and it's good.
I know you have lost much rascal, God knows it and has things for you. He is just. You are not unnoticed. If in this life only we have hope-might as well forget it. There's more than meets the eye, more that God has in store for you than even your imagination can reach.
F- vpw and twi. Step outside of yourself and of their influence and to see the sources of the evil and the good brings much peace and light. It takes a lot I know. That which powered it. That which took place.
To nail that succer, bury it in a deep grave, never to be seen again. To be burned out of our minds with it's pain. Not forgotten in this life but most certainly gone forever in the next. Gone in this life will be that which has held us back from what God has for us Now. Then we can use the words that we avoided and restricted ourselves from using because they used them. And to open up the love of God again, the love of the Father and the spirit. To see the Christ in yourself that they robbed you from seeing.
Im reading behind the scenes sirg, mulling it over and think that you are probably onto something that may fairly well describe what did happen..
If indeed their were peak experiences , spiritual insights or whtever you choose to call them in many ways they were upended by Wierwilles egotism...had he sought some sort of spiritual direction or guidance instaed of being a lone wolf rejecting nearly all of 2000 years of christian learning and deciding to go it alone and HE was the man...he may have been able to reach a cogent and useful plateau with some help...who knows --he may have become a genuine mystic given some disciplined guidance...but without it all he could develop was the slipshod near faithless package deal of explaining what might happen if your lucky enough to trip on it...
Thanks cm, Your compassion is moving. I will attempt to understand...
I guess that I am earnest in my insistance of attempting to see the whole twi experience clearly.
What concernes me, is that in justifying wierwilles actions, by edxamining his background and upbringing, the culture of the times...etc....we are making him a little more *lovable* and his transgressions appear to be a little more *understandible* ....that we may in reality, still be being decieved, seduced, ....unable to spot the evil of the next man of the flesh with a good schpeal....
I am afraid that in minimalizing the culpability of ones choices, we will not be able to clearly see the evil coming next time....
You know, in vain is the snare set in site of the prey....
I think that is what Galations chapt 4 IS... the tool given to discern the wolves from the sheep BEFORE we let them come close enough to be devoured....further, let us... the sheep that escaped those ravenous jaws, those of us that saw the carnage of our destroyed flock, though we escaped bloddied and maimed....warn those unaware amongst us of the danger posed by that funny sheep that just doesn`t *smell* right.
Those who escaped unscathed or who were oblivious to the suffering of the rest of the flock, were not witness to the bloody carnage.... may not in reality understand the gravity of the danger posed by those wolves who look like sheep, act like sheep, pretend to BE sheep.
Sure they may have only occasionally devoured a straggler or two....
Shoot, once sated, those wolves were quite placid for days at a time no doubt.
Wierwille's spirituality? I think you guys are giving him "way" too much credit. The guy was a fast talking grifter who built an organization by conning young people out of their money...
Did I mention money?...Wierwille stole a bunch of "stuff" from some Christian writers and teachers...and passed it off as his own insight...spirituality? Wierwille's "spirituality" should be measured by the amount of money he conned us out of and by the number of young girls he took to the back of his motorcoach...which means he was about as "spiritual" as a porcelin doorknob.
Sirguess - excellent post. As usual, very insightful and profound. I think you see many people get glimpses of grace and have no idea how to "get it back."
Rascal, I agree with everything you've said, and have always enjoyed your posts and totally understandable anger. I think what Sirguess is presenting here, is not an excuse for VP's actions, nor a black/white explanation, but more of a subtle, spiritual, shades of gray observation.
From VP himself, it certainly does seem those "struggling years" - his "vision" (snow - which I disbelieve), or whatever was going on back then were for him, his "glory years," that he never could recapture.
Another perspective is, he was a truly evil man, and God gave him a glimpse, a last chance, to walk with him, and he turned it down.
But it is certainly a different perspective Sirguess has put forth that I don't think I've ever seen here.
I guess that I am earnest in my insistance of attempting to see the whole twi experience clearly.
I find it remarkable how people who were once involved in TWI are only earnest in their insistance on redefining the whole TWI experience to others, which they openly admit they do not see or understand it clearly themselves. That certainly doesn't leave one with much credibility for judging VPW's spirituality (whatever the heck that would be) or anybody else's for that matter. The only spirituality left for most people who were once involved in TWI is to either paint VPW, TWI, etc. completely with a black brush while others whitewash the entire experience. If that's what your spirituality is all about today, then your spirituality must be in pretty poor shape.
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Galations says it all VERY clearly....there are two camps of people.....*Men of the flesh* and *men of the spirit*...God tells us how to identify either.
The behaviors of both men land them squarely in the catagory of *men of the flesh*
We are warned to stay away from folks like this, we are furthermore warned that they have no inheritance in the kingdom of God....
This takes all of the theories and guess work out of it. Anything else is just another attempt at rationalizing away their lack of honor, integrety, and moral character.
What they did is and will always be considered inexcusable biblically, moraly and ethically.
They were contemptible people who worked very hard to EARN our scorn and condemnation.....this of course is what happens though when you indulge in heinous behavior.
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i'm not sure how to respond to all that, rascal
its like you're arguing against a bunch of things i didn't even write
and it reads like an angry postcard from Hell
i'll try though
I agree with what you say Galatians VERY clearly says about many things
I agree about staying away from dudes like this (though we disobeyed, didn't we)
I agree that they lose their "inheritance in the kingdom of God" (though i might disagree with what that means, and when and how it applies)
But I will disagree that all theories and guesswork are invalidated by your theories and guesswork (think about it a sec)
And I will disagree that "anything else" (i.e. what ive written) is an attempt to "rationalize away" anything (not even sure what that means. read it again please)
And I will disagree that anything "is and will always be" inexcusable, Biblically ("father, forgive them for they know not what they do," remember? not in Galatians)
"Morally" and "ethically" do not equal "Biblically," btw. the morals and ethics of the Bible changed more than a few times, if u recall. one day it was ok to condemn. another day it was only kind of ok. another day it was ok again. another day it was off limits. another day it was forgiven.
and if vp and lcm worked so hard to earn your scorn and condemnation, then by all means, continue to pay them for their services. scorn and condemn until your spleen rots out. cuz in doing so, you still serve them, it seems. they earned it, right?
btw - what does the Good Book say about scorn and condemnation anyway? (its not in Galatians, i dont think. try Romans or something)
honestly, rascal, can we not spiritually discern the subtilties of spiritual cause and effect without simply resorting to the blanket scorn and condemnation of the flesh and souls of these men? sure, they were aholes, but that doesnt mean they couldnt saw a few legit fragments of things with their ahole eyes, does it? this is kinda what i am getting at
have we not been equipped to so discern by the Good Book itself, and the Lord that bought us?
i think we have, and then some
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i think the guy stumbled across some real truth
but perverted it to his own end
what actually happened in India?
why did he stop us from seeing what
he himself saw
misinterpreted what he saw-applied it to himself only
selfishness, ego, greed, madness turned to hatred
rather then patience he jumped at every chance to promote himself which leads down the wrong road into the state of being past feeling-no love of God-just a front...
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i guess i have to keep reminding my self it;s God and His Son not veepee
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Rascal you got just as much flesh as anybody else; is yours perfect?
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interesting, cm, re: India. cuz VPs India fixation and experiences have puzzled me. its almost like he was "shadow-boxing" something, and calling it "the work of the ministry"
and just in case anyone has missed my main point (due to all the excess verbage...i know), i'll try and restate it...
...perhaps anyone (like VP or LCM) can have a genuine spiritual "peak experience," which, for whatever reasons, does not stabilize into a plateau.
And then so naturally, this peak experience can only be understood and applied and expressed, by them, from and through that particular "God-view" where they have reached some sort of plateau (the religion of our upbringing), perhaps even stirring and exaggerating any unresolved BS in the egos and lusts
i dunno. perhaps re-consider OT and NT records in light of this, and see what happens
(btw - i hope it is obvious that i am not a vpw apologist. i think the guy turned out more like a vampire, myself. its just that i am also interested in why and how this happened, spiritually, without all the cussing and sneering..though i can also understand why many of us cuss and sneer too
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My flesh John??? My fruit demonstrates exactly who I`s the same measuring stick ....nobody gets a free pass or is excused because they taught some scripture....that is simply a trick to avoid detection
GALATIONS tells us how to discern who/what vpw really was behind the smoke and mirrors. There is no need to speculate about anyones spirituality........
A persons fruit says it all.
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Angry post card from hell??? Anyone who ISN`T angry as hell has not come to grips with who/what vpw and twi were all about imo....
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But rascal, isn't "speculating a person's spirituallity" pretty much the same as "letting the (spiritual) fruit say it all?"
what is the difference?
how does fruit speak?
i mean, what exactly is it that you are arguing against here?
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For heavens sake Sir guess READ gallations ....It is absolutely clear...
The fruit of a man of the flesh and the fruit of a man of the guess work, no theories needed to explain away someones willingness to indulge in evil...
Your actions tell the world way or another.... either you are or you aren`t according to scripture.
God gave us that guidline so that we wouldn`t fall victim to the false prophets no matter HOW good their schpeal matter how much we want to believe that they were in some way good.
I am arguing against coming up with theories that make bad behavior, low moral fiber, and lack of good character and even common decency somehow understandible and acceptible.
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rascal, i am not sure what else to say to you on please forgive if we get clumsy with each willing to try
but haven't you yourself just now theorized and guessed that Galatians is VERY clear on the subject, thus, explaining away someones willingness to indulge in evil as simply being a matter of "they are evil?"
they are evil because they are evil?
they are selfish because they are evil?
they are evil because they are selfish?
where is the nourishment in that?
is your argument because my "theory" (which i'll edit if that word bugs you) is a bit (and only a bit) more complex than the ole "good and evil" theory of things?
why would you argue against greater understanding of what simply is? do you not want to understand bad behavior, low moral fiber, and lack of good character?of course it should not be acceptible. but how can you help and heal and know why if you do not first understand the problem as possibly more complex than good and bad?
i thought we werent supposed to eat from the good/bad tree for knowledge
besides, where do i justify their behaviour as godly?
where do i call them prophets worth following?
where do i contradict Galatians and suggest we believe in false prophets?
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Have you even read galations chapt 4 recently?
You either are or you aren`t a man of the spirit.
There are a list of characterisitics that define you as one or the other. Period! No wiggle room.
A man of character does what is right whether anyone is watching or not....because THAT is what a man of moral fiber DOES!
Wierwille earns our scorn and contempt for setting himself up as a man of the spirit..when his actions directly would demonstrate otherwise.
Folks are evil and selfish because they CHOSE to be.....their back ground, upbringing, culture are no excuse not to behave in an honorable fashion..... that is precisely why being a person of character IS so tough.
We were given the information in order to become of the spirit....
We were given the freedom to chose whether to be of the flesh or of the spirit....
We were given the information to discern one from another, in order to protect ourselves .....
We were given the instructions of how to *deal* with folks of either persuasion...
I have no respect understanding or compassion for anyone who masquerades as a man of the spirit .... one who disarms peoples suspicions by utilization of the authority of the scriptures they teach in order to sate their lusts and fill their bellies at the expense of those they were to nurture.
Jesus had no use for the religious leaders that did that in his tolerance at all...called em all sorts of horrible names...held them in high contempt. I never saw him telling anyone to attempt to *understand* their shortcomings.
I see no difference in the religious leaders who utilized their position of trust to steal that which wasn`t theirs, today or in biblical times.
Scripturally, God took a mighty dim view as well.
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If we could just take this succer apart. And see it from outside of ourselves and what we lost from our experience with twi and it's evil and it's good.
I know you have lost much rascal, God knows it and has things for you. He is just. You are not unnoticed. If in this life only we have hope-might as well forget it. There's more than meets the eye, more that God has in store for you than even your imagination can reach.
F- vpw and twi. Step outside of yourself and of their influence and to see the sources of the evil and the good brings much peace and light. It takes a lot I know. That which powered it. That which took place.
To nail that succer, bury it in a deep grave, never to be seen again. To be burned out of our minds with it's pain. Not forgotten in this life but most certainly gone forever in the next. Gone in this life will be that which has held us back from what God has for us Now. Then we can use the words that we avoided and restricted ourselves from using because they used them. And to open up the love of God again, the love of the Father and the spirit. To see the Christ in yourself that they robbed you from seeing.
Love Always
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Im reading behind the scenes sirg, mulling it over and think that you are probably onto something that may fairly well describe what did happen..
If indeed their were peak experiences , spiritual insights or whtever you choose to call them in many ways they were upended by Wierwilles egotism...had he sought some sort of spiritual direction or guidance instaed of being a lone wolf rejecting nearly all of 2000 years of christian learning and deciding to go it alone and HE was the man...he may have been able to reach a cogent and useful plateau with some help...who knows --he may have become a genuine mystic given some disciplined guidance...but without it all he could develop was the slipshod near faithless package deal of explaining what might happen if your lucky enough to trip on it...
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Thanks cm, Your compassion is moving. I will attempt to understand...
I guess that I am earnest in my insistance of attempting to see the whole twi experience clearly.
What concernes me, is that in justifying wierwilles actions, by edxamining his background and upbringing, the culture of the times...etc....we are making him a little more *lovable* and his transgressions appear to be a little more *understandible* ....that we may in reality, still be being decieved, seduced, ....unable to spot the evil of the next man of the flesh with a good schpeal....
I am afraid that in minimalizing the culpability of ones choices, we will not be able to clearly see the evil coming next time....
You know, in vain is the snare set in site of the prey....
I think that is what Galations chapt 4 IS... the tool given to discern the wolves from the sheep BEFORE we let them come close enough to be devoured....further, let us... the sheep that escaped those ravenous jaws, those of us that saw the carnage of our destroyed flock, though we escaped bloddied and maimed....warn those unaware amongst us of the danger posed by that funny sheep that just doesn`t *smell* right.
Those who escaped unscathed or who were oblivious to the suffering of the rest of the flock, were not witness to the bloody carnage.... may not in reality understand the gravity of the danger posed by those wolves who look like sheep, act like sheep, pretend to BE sheep.
Sure they may have only occasionally devoured a straggler or two....
Shoot, once sated, those wolves were quite placid for days at a time no doubt.
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I want to in no way justify wierwilles actions.
But to see it as it was and is today.
But rather to see it from how it took place.
To see as it was and is. This would certainly
make us wiser. Clearing of ourselves. And washing
the filth of it all down the drain to once again
know the love that passeth knowledge. The lenght, height
depth and width of it within ourselves.
Because it is there within.
Trust not in the flesh of anyone-not even yourself.
You will know the word of life when you see it.
No man will need to teach it to you as promised for those
in the new testament. To out grow the old testament
in our minds and to see from the spirit is what
Galations is talking about.
Separating the flesh from the
spirit happens from within you by the spirit of God.
It cannot be discerned with the fleshly mind.
Many say the same things but with different motives
and spiritual influence. We must go to the Lord
and inquire. The scriptures help but will not bring
to your mind the things you need to see. Only the
spirit can...the Lord himself and his coming now
and in this day and time. Putting away the past to see
that christ. It don't all happen at once. Common sense will
lead the way to a greater spiritual understanding.
May the God of peace and love be with you always.
Love kills and makes alive that which you've always
wanted in the first place.
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Whatever, whenever, however, whyever, to me still the greatest Word of God I ever heard !
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Wierwille's spirituality? I think you guys are giving him "way" too much credit. The guy was a fast talking grifter who built an organization by conning young people out of their money...
Did I mention money?...Wierwille stole a bunch of "stuff" from some Christian writers and teachers...and passed it off as his own insight...spirituality? Wierwille's "spirituality" should be measured by the amount of money he conned us out of and by the number of young girls he took to the back of his motorcoach...which means he was about as "spiritual" as a porcelin doorknob.
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Sirguess - excellent post. As usual, very insightful and profound. I think you see many people get glimpses of grace and have no idea how to "get it back."
Rascal, I agree with everything you've said, and have always enjoyed your posts and totally understandable anger. I think what Sirguess is presenting here, is not an excuse for VP's actions, nor a black/white explanation, but more of a subtle, spiritual, shades of gray observation.
From VP himself, it certainly does seem those "struggling years" - his "vision" (snow - which I disbelieve), or whatever was going on back then were for him, his "glory years," that he never could recapture.
Another perspective is, he was a truly evil man, and God gave him a glimpse, a last chance, to walk with him, and he turned it down.
But it is certainly a different perspective Sirguess has put forth that I don't think I've ever seen here.
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Trefor Heywood
Nobody can be bad all the time - even Hitler was kind to animals...
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Thankyou Sunesis, I see the point Sir Guess is trying to make a little better now.
I will re read and try to understand it from that point of view.
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What The Hay
I find it remarkable how people who were once involved in TWI are only earnest in their insistance on redefining the whole TWI experience to others, which they openly admit they do not see or understand it clearly themselves. That certainly doesn't leave one with much credibility for judging VPW's spirituality (whatever the heck that would be) or anybody else's for that matter. The only spirituality left for most people who were once involved in TWI is to either paint VPW, TWI, etc. completely with a black brush while others whitewash the entire experience. If that's what your spirituality is all about today, then your spirituality must be in pretty poor shape.
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blah, blah, blah, blah, ...thanks, wth...same tired old tune from you, I see...
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veep pee was a freaking snake dressed in an expensive wardrobe
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