I think teenage boys would volunteer to be at the receiving end of a firing squad before they'd be caught dead buying a ticket to a Lindsay Lohan movie.
I did not know who she was, until I googled her name. I have seen this 'Lindsay Lohan' in Freaky Friday.
She seemed fairly attractive. Most guys would not throw her out of bed for eating crackers. So what is the problem. I think that teenage boys would watch her in movies, the more so if she actually had large breasts. I generally think that large breasts often tend to make most women more attractive.
I am certain that any movie showing her with larger breasts would be seen often onboard submarines. Again and again and again till we puke.
And if she was jumping up and down, crews would burnout the DVD players cycling on that scene.
Galen and Pirate......I hope the two of you don't have any daughters and if you do I hope you're not teaching them that the SIZE of a woman breasts is what makes therm more acceptable or attractive. In my opinion it's pretty shallow, if you open your eyes you'll see that there is alot more to a woman's beauty than just her breasts !!
"Galen and Pirate......I hope the two of you don't have any daughters and if you do I hope you're not teaching them that the SIZE of a woman breasts is what makes therm more acceptable or attractive. In my opinion it's is pretty shallow, if you open your eyes you'll see that there is alot more to a woman than just her breasts !!"
In the context of 'teenage boys' and what those teenage boys want to watch in a movie, is far different from what I do. I have spent years at sea with lots of 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 year old boys. When a kid enlists at 17 1/2, for a four year enlistment, the military has them until they are 21 1/2 and turns them lose as a veteran.
I dont currently have any daughters. I have had daughters. I have had a few foster-daughters and one was an adoptive daughter that lived with us under the intention of adopted her for three years [before we lost our license due to Bonnie's failing health].
The fact that young men ARE attacted to ladys due to their physical attributes, is a fact. When a young lady is yet still across the parking lot, and you cannot even see her face yet, young men will be watching her walk, her sway, her bounce. Are any of these things internal qualities? Obviously no. But they does not effect that when a lady steps outside, still men for a block in each direction still see her and appraise her on her outward appearance.
This is simply a fact of life.
Obviously I have known far more males in my life, than I have females. Though I have had the honor of working with a couple females, but only a few and obviously for very short periods of time.
I do understand that underneath the surface may be qualitys and strengths, etc.
But none of that has anything to do with the fact that a female's boob size and how much she bounces will effect how many men will watch her, and how long they will continue watching her.
Even to this day, when I have the honor of being in the presence of a lady, I do know that she is a person, and an individual. But my body still functions as G-d designed it to, and the sight of a great beauty even at a distance will still grab my attention. This is simply the way that I am 'wired'. I am a man.
Galen......I think you're missing my point, when I read your post to me your emphasis was only on a women's breasts as to what makes her more attractive, "I generally think that large breasts often tend to make most women more attractive" There is even more to a women's outward appearance than just her breasts and then what makes her tick on the inside.
Ya know, I don't even know why I'm having this conversation.
Ya know, I don't even know why I'm having this conversation.
I don't, either. Attractiveness is obviously a matter of personal taste. Galen didn't say that ONLY big breasts make a woman attractive, just that big breasts make a woman MORE attractive. Personally, I tend to agree. I know a lot of gorgeous women with smallish breasts. They'd probably be MORE gorgeous with larger ones. I don't expect everyone to agree with my personal tastes, but I'm sure there are those who do.
Let your girls take comfort in the fact there many men like me who actually prefer smaller breasts. I think the problem is that we are too timid to admit the preference in front of our macho peers who give lipservice (no pun intended here) to massive breasts which may have undergone the knife.
I think attractive breasts are in keeping with the woman's overall frame and symmetry. Thankfully, Nature's God has provided such accomodation in the vast majority of cases. If a woman is wafer thin as a catwalk model, smaller breast are more becoming to her overall symmetry. Simarly, the same rule applies for medium and larger build women. So my advice to women is to skip the silicon implants and the breast reduction surgery and learn to be confident with what you have. That's right shoulders back and chest out just like your mom told you.
I think teenage boys would volunteer to be at the receiving end of a firing squad before they'd be caught dead buying a ticket to a Lindsay Lohan movie.
Who else would go see them?
What I thought was funny about this was that Disney obviously thinks that large breasts do not a family movie make, even in something as silly as a Herbie the Love Bug movie, so they felt obligated to shrink 'em.
I apologize if anybody actually took this seriously.
Ooops good catch, sorry about that, I will try harder to proof read my posts.
I meant that while serving on active duty for those years, I was largely surrounded by 'kids'.
They oggled at every female they had opportunity to see.
By all means I realize that women should not be considered objects, and are individuals who each have their strengths.
But in reality most 'Barbie Doll' girls you see, you will never speak with, you will never have any opportunity to get to know. So when you see all these girls out on the street today, what of them do you see? You see their face, their hair, their sway, their bounce. It is only after getting to know a female that a guy can finally learn who and what she is like.
Those breasts are 'eye candy', and that is likely why females are apparently paying for them. I am not aware of whether or not I have ever known a female who had augments.
They oggled at every female they had opportunity to see.
By all means I realize that women should not be considered objects, and are individuals who each have their strengths.
:)--> :)-->
Hey -- kids are kids. Usually those kids grow up to see things *in a different light* as they get older, but to expect them to do so while they are kids???
With the hormones they had running in their veins, they probably could have sold testosterone to a bull moose! :D--> :D-->
Disney is funny about sex. They must have constant internal battles about how much to show. This topic may show us how far it's come.
That must cost a small fortune to accomplish. Every frame she's in. I wonder if...
"The 2005 Oscar nominations for special effects are: 'Sky Captain,' for the alien robot dogfight over New York City; 'Spiderman 2' for the Doc Ock robot-spider dude; 'Star Wars,' for the robot rebellion; 'I, Robot' for the robot rebellion; and 'Herbie: Fully Loaded,' for, ummm, this can't... Lindsay's robo-boobs?"
Having been re-introduced to the "Disney family" of cartoon characters, I've noticed that sexuality is a far more dominant aspect of their identities than in the Mary Poppins days.
Belle in particular may have a "come hither" look that will give dads cause for a double-take. It's still a far cry from Japanese animations, the borderline soft-core anime/manga (I don't know the difference), with names like "Sailor Moon," but Disney seems to have taken notice of its growing appeal.
I'm not a fan of anime, or Disney, but I want to know what messages Disney has in store for little girls, one young lady in particular. The "be a princess, get a prince, and live happily ever after" fantasy theme is still alive and well in re-cycled and new fare marketed to the under-10 age group. It seems to become more "PC" as they court the adolescent market. By then, has the damage already been done?
If Lohan was too "grown up" for the part, maybe they should have cast someone else.
Speaking of Lohan, her dad is a real piece of work. I hope he doesn't end up doing something really stupid. It's hard to pity a rich, beautiful Disney "star," but she's still a kid.
I think teenage boys would volunteer to be at the receiving end of a firing squad before they'd be caught dead buying a ticket to a Lindsay Lohan movie.
Who else would go see them?
Teenage girls. The same people who go to Aaron Carter and Hillary Duff concerts.
I don't think Belle is particularly "come hither," especially compared to Jasmine and Esmeralda.
Hey! How did I get dragged into this??? :D--> :D-->
I'm insulted, Raf! I may project that "girl next door" image, but I can be "come hither" when I want to be. ;)--> Galen, I think it's attitude and an air of confidence, including sexual confidence that women exude that makes them attractive in a "come hither" way. An extremely naive or bashful girl can't pull that off without looking silly. (my opinion)
Cowgirl, sorry if this thread offends you, but the facts are that young men, especially pubescent young men think about sex and women and body parts 99.9% of the time....the rest of the time they're thinking about sports or cars. It's just a fact of life. *shrug* I don't think these guys are demeaning women or saying that boobs make the woman but rather speaking from experience :)--> and from the viewpoint that as a horny teen you'd rather see as much of some woman as possible and the more there is to look at, all the better. I could be wrong, but that's the way I see it. *shrug*
Just because you don't want someone to think of your daughter that way doesn't mean they don't. That's why Daddies are so protective! They KNOW what those young men are thinking! :)--> -->
Oh, and those teenage boys? They'll go see the movie! They want to be where all the teenage girls are. Leastways, that's how it was when I was growing up.
Belle in particular may have a "come hither" look that will give dads cause for a double-take.
I was replying to this comment, which I perceived as general, and not related to a specific scene. I don't recall Belle (umm, the Belle from Beauty and the Beast) ever having a particularly "come hither" look, certainly not compared to some of the others (Jasmine was just asking for it).
[No viciousness or malice intended in that last comment].
Belle, I was never offended by this thread and I was NEVER referring to teenage boys if you go back and read what I posted. I understand what you're saying, but right from the beginning I was referring to Galen and Pirate and their personal comments about women's breasts, that's all.
I was rather surprized to see your name, and then it stayed there for almost 20 hours, so I felt that I needed to add a comment.
"... I may project that "girl next door" image ..."
And here I thought that 'girl next door' images were the best of all. ;)-->
"Galen, I think it's attitude and an air of confidence, including sexual confidence that women exude that makes them attractive in a "come hither" way. An extremely naive or bashful girl can't pull that off without looking silly."
Yes, maam. ;)-->
"Cowgirl, sorry if this thread offends you, but the facts are that young men, especially pubescent young men think about sex and women and body parts 99.9% of the time....the rest of the time they're thinking about sports or cars."
I would add 'food', to your list of sports and cars.
"... saying that boobs make the woman ..."
Besides that is just a two single areas, I like LEGS, or a flat belly, or flowing hair, or nice eyes, or a shapely rear, or ....
Okay fine I like all parts. ;)-->
I like red-heads too, and blondes, and brunettes, and browns... I know how to narrow it down, I dont generally care for seeing bald women. that narrows it right down.
"... I was referring to Galen and Pirate and their personal comments about women's breasts, that's all."
I think that teenage boys would watch her in movies, the more so if she actually had large breasts. I generally think that large breasts often tend to make most women more attractive. I am certain that any movie showing her with larger breasts would be seen often onboard submarines. Again and again and again till we puke. And if she was jumping up and down, crews would burnout the DVD players cycling on that scene.
I thought that it was well stated as being what teenage boys do and like.
Both by saying 'teenage boys' and by saying 'submarine crews' [which I then had to go back and further explain are predominately teenagers].
Raf, I was being facetious. I knew who Satori was referring to. ;)--> And I agree with you Jasmine definitely had more "come hither"ness about her than Belle.
Galen, LOL! You men are entitled to your opinions and you are also free to express them! I really didn't see anything in anyone's posts that should be offensive or upsetting to anyone. *shrug*
I like cowboy butts (especially in semi-tight Wranglers) and a great smile. :D--> If all men preferred small breasts some gals would be very lonely.
Galen and Pirate......I hope the two of you don't have any daughters and if you do I hope you're not teaching them that the SIZE of a woman breasts is what makes therm more acceptable or attractive. In my opinion it's pretty shallow, if you open your eyes you'll see that there is alot more to a woman's beauty than just her breasts !!
You're really taking things to extremes and reading something into their posts that isn't there. We all have particular physical attributes that we're more attracted to than others and it's perfectly acceptable to voice those opiions. They never implied that women with small boobs are unattractive! They certainly never even implied that's what they're teaching their kids. You're foot-U-ME ing. It also gives the impression that you might just be a little overly sensitive about this subject....
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I think teenage boys would volunteer to be at the receiving end of a firing squad before they'd be caught dead buying a ticket to a Lindsay Lohan movie.
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I did not know who she was, until I googled her name. I have seen this 'Lindsay Lohan' in Freaky Friday.
She seemed fairly attractive. Most guys would not throw her out of bed for eating crackers. So what is the problem. I think that teenage boys would watch her in movies, the more so if she actually had large breasts. I generally think that large breasts often tend to make most women more attractive.
I am certain that any movie showing her with larger breasts would be seen often onboard submarines. Again and again and again till we puke.
And if she was jumping up and down, crews would burnout the DVD players cycling on that scene.
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Galen and Pirate......I hope the two of you don't have any daughters and if you do I hope you're not teaching them that the SIZE of a woman breasts is what makes therm more acceptable or attractive. In my opinion it's pretty shallow, if you open your eyes you'll see that there is alot more to a woman's beauty than just her breasts !!
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"Galen and Pirate......I hope the two of you don't have any daughters and if you do I hope you're not teaching them that the SIZE of a woman breasts is what makes therm more acceptable or attractive. In my opinion it's is pretty shallow, if you open your eyes you'll see that there is alot more to a woman than just her breasts !!"
In the context of 'teenage boys' and what those teenage boys want to watch in a movie, is far different from what I do. I have spent years at sea with lots of 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 year old boys. When a kid enlists at 17 1/2, for a four year enlistment, the military has them until they are 21 1/2 and turns them lose as a veteran.
I dont currently have any daughters. I have had daughters. I have had a few foster-daughters and one was an adoptive daughter that lived with us under the intention of adopted her for three years [before we lost our license due to Bonnie's failing health].
The fact that young men ARE attacted to ladys due to their physical attributes, is a fact. When a young lady is yet still across the parking lot, and you cannot even see her face yet, young men will be watching her walk, her sway, her bounce. Are any of these things internal qualities? Obviously no. But they does not effect that when a lady steps outside, still men for a block in each direction still see her and appraise her on her outward appearance.
This is simply a fact of life.
Obviously I have known far more males in my life, than I have females. Though I have had the honor of working with a couple females, but only a few and obviously for very short periods of time.
I do understand that underneath the surface may be qualitys and strengths, etc.
But none of that has anything to do with the fact that a female's boob size and how much she bounces will effect how many men will watch her, and how long they will continue watching her.
Even to this day, when I have the honor of being in the presence of a lady, I do know that she is a person, and an individual. But my body still functions as G-d designed it to, and the sight of a great beauty even at a distance will still grab my attention. This is simply the way that I am 'wired'. I am a man.
Edited by ET1 SSLink to comment
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Galen......I think you're missing my point, when I read your post to me your emphasis was only on a women's breasts as to what makes her more attractive, "I generally think that large breasts often tend to make most women more attractive" There is even more to a women's outward appearance than just her breasts and then what makes her tick on the inside.
Ya know, I don't even know why I'm having this conversation.
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I don't, either. Attractiveness is obviously a matter of personal taste. Galen didn't say that ONLY big breasts make a woman attractive, just that big breasts make a woman MORE attractive. Personally, I tend to agree. I know a lot of gorgeous women with smallish breasts. They'd probably be MORE gorgeous with larger ones. I don't expect everyone to agree with my personal tastes, but I'm sure there are those who do.
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"Galen......I think you're missing my point..."
Yes, maam.
I was in error, you are so right, I apologize.
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Let your girls take comfort in the fact there many men like me who actually prefer smaller breasts. I think the problem is that we are too timid to admit the preference in front of our macho peers who give lipservice (no pun intended here) to massive breasts which may have undergone the knife.
I think attractive breasts are in keeping with the woman's overall frame and symmetry. Thankfully, Nature's God has provided such accomodation in the vast majority of cases. If a woman is wafer thin as a catwalk model, smaller breast are more becoming to her overall symmetry. Simarly, the same rule applies for medium and larger build women. So my advice to women is to skip the silicon implants and the breast reduction surgery and learn to be confident with what you have. That's right shoulders back and chest out just like your mom told you.
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Pardon the de-rail, but Galen -- you said:
How do you get a 4 year enlistment out of 17 1/2 to 20 1/2??
Kinda reminds me of the situation "How do you get 3 days and 3 nights, from Friday evening to Sunday morning?" type of thing.
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Who else would go see them?
What I thought was funny about this was that Disney obviously thinks that large breasts do not a family movie make, even in something as silly as a Herbie the Love Bug movie, so they felt obligated to shrink 'em.
I apologize if anybody actually took this seriously.
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Ooops good catch, sorry about that, I will try harder to proof read my posts.
I meant that while serving on active duty for those years, I was largely surrounded by 'kids'.
They oggled at every female they had opportunity to see.
By all means I realize that women should not be considered objects, and are individuals who each have their strengths.
But in reality most 'Barbie Doll' girls you see, you will never speak with, you will never have any opportunity to get to know. So when you see all these girls out on the street today, what of them do you see? You see their face, their hair, their sway, their bounce. It is only after getting to know a female that a guy can finally learn who and what she is like.
Those breasts are 'eye candy', and that is likely why females are apparently paying for them. I am not aware of whether or not I have ever known a female who had augments.
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Hey -- kids are kids. Usually those kids grow up to see things *in a different light* as they get older, but to expect them to do so while they are kids???

With the hormones they had running in their veins, they probably could have sold testosterone to a bull moose!
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Disney is funny about sex. They must have constant internal battles about how much to show. This topic may show us how far it's come.
That must cost a small fortune to accomplish. Every frame she's in. I wonder if...
"The 2005 Oscar nominations for special effects are: 'Sky Captain,' for the alien robot dogfight over New York City; 'Spiderman 2' for the Doc Ock robot-spider dude; 'Star Wars,' for the robot rebellion; 'I, Robot' for the robot rebellion; and 'Herbie: Fully Loaded,' for, ummm, this can't... Lindsay's robo-boobs?"
Having been re-introduced to the "Disney family" of cartoon characters, I've noticed that sexuality is a far more dominant aspect of their identities than in the Mary Poppins days.
Belle in particular may have a "come hither" look that will give dads cause for a double-take. It's still a far cry from Japanese animations, the borderline soft-core anime/manga (I don't know the difference), with names like "Sailor Moon," but Disney seems to have taken notice of its growing appeal.
I'm not a fan of anime, or Disney, but I want to know what messages Disney has in store for little girls, one young lady in particular. The "be a princess, get a prince, and live happily ever after" fantasy theme is still alive and well in re-cycled and new fare marketed to the under-10 age group. It seems to become more "PC" as they court the adolescent market. By then, has the damage already been done?
If Lohan was too "grown up" for the part, maybe they should have cast someone else.
Speaking of Lohan, her dad is a real piece of work. I hope he doesn't end up doing something really stupid. It's hard to pity a rich, beautiful Disney "star," but she's still a kid.
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Tom Strange
well... what's that saying? ..."anything more than a mouthful is wasted"
still... will they be selling any "unedited" copies when it comes out on DVD?
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Teenage girls. The same people who go to Aaron Carter and Hillary Duff concerts.
I don't think Belle is particularly "come hither," especially compared to Jasmine and Esmeralda.
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I thought that the: "come hither' thing was a look that a person gave, or not.
You are saying that Belle is not 'come hither'? Or is not capable of giving such a look?
Or is 'come hither' more of an over-all look, and not a particular facial expression.
I would have thought that anyone at any time would be capable of giving a 'get yourself here new' look.
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Hey! How did I get dragged into this???
I'm insulted, Raf! I may project that "girl next door" image, but I can be "come hither" when I want to be.
;)--> Galen, I think it's attitude and an air of confidence, including sexual confidence that women exude that makes them attractive in a "come hither" way. An extremely naive or bashful girl can't pull that off without looking silly. (my opinion)
Cowgirl, sorry if this thread offends you, but the facts are that young men, especially pubescent young men think about sex and women and body parts 99.9% of the time....the rest of the time they're thinking about sports or cars. It's just a fact of life. *shrug* I don't think these guys are demeaning women or saying that boobs make the woman but rather speaking from experience
:)--> and from the viewpoint that as a horny teen you'd rather see as much of some woman as possible and the more there is to look at, all the better. I could be wrong, but that's the way I see it. *shrug*
Just because you don't want someone to think of your daughter that way doesn't mean they don't. That's why Daddies are so protective! They KNOW what those young men are thinking!
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Oh, and those teenage boys? They'll go see the movie! They want to be where all the teenage girls are. Leastways, that's how it was when I was growing up.
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I thought there had to be some reason that my son and his buds went to see "Mean Girls" four times.
I didn't think it was because of the dialogue and story line.
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I was replying to this comment, which I perceived as general, and not related to a specific scene. I don't recall Belle (umm, the Belle from Beauty and the Beast) ever having a particularly "come hither" look, certainly not compared to some of the others (Jasmine was just asking for it).
[No viciousness or malice intended in that last comment].
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Belle, I was never offended by this thread and I was NEVER referring to teenage boys if you go back and read what I posted. I understand what you're saying, but right from the beginning I was referring to Galen and Pirate and their personal comments about women's breasts, that's all.
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"Hey! How did I get dragged into this???"
I was rather surprized to see your name, and then it stayed there for almost 20 hours, so I felt that I needed to add a comment.
"... I may project that "girl next door" image ..."
And here I thought that 'girl next door' images were the best of all.
"Galen, I think it's attitude and an air of confidence, including sexual confidence that women exude that makes them attractive in a "come hither" way. An extremely naive or bashful girl can't pull that off without looking silly."
Yes, maam.
"Cowgirl, sorry if this thread offends you, but the facts are that young men, especially pubescent young men think about sex and women and body parts 99.9% of the time....the rest of the time they're thinking about sports or cars."
I would add 'food', to your list of sports and cars.
"... saying that boobs make the woman ..."
Besides that is just a two single areas, I like LEGS, or a flat belly, or flowing hair, or nice eyes, or a shapely rear, or ....
Okay fine I like all parts.
I like red-heads too, and blondes, and brunettes, and browns... I know how to narrow it down, I dont generally care for seeing bald women. that narrows it right down.
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"... I was referring to Galen and Pirate and their personal comments about women's breasts, that's all."
I thought that it was well stated as being what teenage boys do and like.
Both by saying 'teenage boys' and by saying 'submarine crews' [which I then had to go back and further explain are predominately teenagers].
Some days you never win.
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Raf, I was being facetious. I knew who Satori was referring to.
;)--> And I agree with you Jasmine definitely had more "come hither"ness about her than Belle.
Galen, LOL! You men are entitled to your opinions and you are also free to express them! I really didn't see anything in anyone's posts that should be offensive or upsetting to anyone. *shrug*
I like cowboy butts (especially in semi-tight Wranglers) and a great smile.
:D--> If all men preferred small breasts some gals would be very lonely.
You're really taking things to extremes and reading something into their posts that isn't there. We all have particular physical attributes that we're more attracted to than others and it's perfectly acceptable to voice those opiions. They never implied that women with small boobs are unattractive! They certainly never even implied that's what they're teaching their kids. You're foot-U-ME ing. It also gives the impression that you might just be a little overly sensitive about this subject....
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