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Keanu Graduates!

J0nny Ling0

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Yup, he did it! He had to burn the midnight oil up until the very last day, but he made it. Today was the graduation ceremony, and when they read his name, he had insisted on having my knick name of "Tiger" read off in between his middle name and our last name. Ok, his name is Trevor Clay Nye, but it was read off as Trevor Clay "Tiger" Nye. My Mom and Dad always called me Kevin Clay "Tiger" Nye (when they were happy with me anyway), and Trevor knew this. And so, to honor me, he insisted that his name be read off as such. And, it shocked me for a moment, for, it almost sounded like my own name which I had never had read off at a highschool graduation ceremony, for, I was a dropout/stoner.

Needless to say it melted my heart and I choked back the tears long enough to get a photo of him being handed his diploma. And, to his credit, he played the whole thing "straight". A lot of the kids wore goofy things like backwards ballcaps under their square "mortar board" caps, garish beads around their necks, and etc. One girl wore a pair of seal fur Muk-Luks up to her knees and nothing but a bathing suit underneath (icon_eek.gif), but Trev played it straight. He wore his Armani suit pants, nice shoes, and a tuxedo shirt under the gown. And as he crossed the stage and accepted his diploma, he didn't shout out as some did, or make a scene which I honestly thought he might do. Instead, he seemed to be in awe of it all. The head principal gave him a hearty hug.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't pass judgement on those kids who did ham it up, for they had that right I spose, in that it was "Their Day" culminating all of those years of school. But it seemed as if Trevor knew that he was priviledged to be there. He did grin like a baboon as all of the girlies squealed in delight as his name was called though...

And so, we took him to dinner down on the wharf at a really nice restaurant overlooking the harbor and the cruise ship dock. And one last thing that capped it all off was this: The assistant principals, the retiring principal, the new principal and their spouses also came to dine there. The assistants, who know Trevor only too well because of his antics and various "disciplinary situations", smiled in our direction a few times. No doubt they were relieved that the "Trev Head" was out of their hair and would not be back next year. He really was a major handfull fore shore. At any rate, I told my two youngest boys, Luke and Riley, that they should go over to the table and say "hello" to Mr. Staley, Trevor's arch nemesis.

And so they did. They walked over and Riley, 13 and in the eight grade next year said; "Are you Mr. Staley?" All of these folks just stared at Riley and Luke (age nine) who are spitting images of Trevor, but in smaller form. So Staley says; "Well yes I am. And who might you boys be?" And they both said at the same time and with mischievous grins; "We're Trevor Nye's brothers, and we just can't wait to go to your school!"

And they all busted out laughing and shook the little boys's hands and assured them that they were looking forward to their arrival at Juneau Douglas High School. The new principal looked on, knowing that obviously there was some history with their older brother. I think it capped off their day as well...

And so, praise God for a nice ending/new beginning. Tonight of course, there is the "graduation party" somewhere, but at least they have a designated driver. Apparently they are having the party at a local businessmans mansion while he is out of town. Pray for this man's home!!

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This just in. I got a call at 2:00 a.m. this morning. I was so asleep, that I didn't have time to think "Oh no, it's in the wee hours after graduation night, I hope all is well with the kids partying and all that". And when I said; "Hello", it turned out to be Trevor. He says; "Hey dad, sorry to wake you, but I just gotta tell you this! I'm $2005.00 richer! I won the Graduating Seniors Annual Raffle at the annual "Safe Graduating Party!" sponsored by the local citizens!"

I said; "You're kidding", and he assured me that no, he was now $2005.00 richer, and had the check in his pocket. Wow, now that is way kewel. And so I told him not to spend it all in one place, and that I'd see him sometime tomorrow (today). Wow. Cool...

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Thank you Mr Ham, and thank all of you. His plans? He keeps teasing me that he wants to go "on a road trip" with a bunch of his pals in a dilapidated van, or buy a fifteen hundred dollar stereo system (complete with a mega sub woofer) for his friend's car, but,he does have a construction job lined up for the summer at 14.00 an hour, which is pretty good money around here for a kid, which will be good for him.

What does he want to do with his life? He doesn't know, and neither do I. He is very musical, and earned himself great honors in the choir and orchestra this year. But unfortunately his lack of attendance gave him lousy grades, and he was not allowed to go on the State (yes he made State)international honors choir tour in Europe , which he earned a place on. He says he'd like to be a music teacher, but really is not very clued in when it comes to the type of effort, diligence, and study required to acquire such a degree.

And so, I think, at least in my own opinion, that it will be good for him to have a steady job for awhile, and learn about the things that make life meaningful, such as hard work. And then maybe he will begin to aspire toward something he is interested in.

Actually, I have a good friend here in Juneau, who was recently elected as a representative for a rural district in Alaska. He has offered to get Trevor a job as either a Senate Page, or a Page in the House of Representatives, when the session reconvenes in the fall. Trevor has brightened at the idea, and it would be a very good entrance in to State Government employment, which is actually very good here in Alaska.

And so, we'll see I guess...

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Congratulations, JohnnyLingo and Trevor. It really is a time to be savoured. Somehow, some way, you guys made it to this milestone together, with what appears to be love and a growing respect for growth icon_smile.gif:)-->

Our middle sonlet, Reid, also graduated h.s. this past month. He too did not opt to wear the idiot regalia lots do, but did carp when I insist he let me at least iron his pants and shirt. ("What's the point, Mom...no one will see them...") Crap, I hate it when he's right. He let me iron them.

He walked tall and proud to get his blank assurance that the deed was, indeed, complete. (The printers messed up a 4 county area of diplomas so they really did get a "blank" assurance...lol)

I stood up, whooped and hollered when his name was called, and 3,000 other people immediately followed suit. "Augustine Reid Wilson" was the last call from a class of several hundred.

He was done with h.s. before it was done with him, i.e. he started college summer semester before the h.s. commencement date. He is planning to go pre-med, but is taking the fall months to become a board certified massage therapist (ostensibly) so he will have a flexible means to support himself when he returns to regular college in the Spring. That's the plan.

We are very proud of him, but it's killing me.

I'm not done growing up and here, the middle kid, has gone and gotten raised. How did that happen?

Congrats, JL...to you and the boyo!

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Most excellent news, Johnny Lingo! thank you for sharing the specialness and details with us. I can just see Mr. Staley's face at the dinner table hearing that there are two more Keanus heading his way. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

Real World responsibilities have a funny way of teaching us hard lessons sometimes. This is when he starts realizing how much you've done for him and how special his parents are. icon_smile.gif:)-->

Whether he travels a bit with his money or goes straight to work, it will be a year he's sure to remember.


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