We got our license to get married yesterday. My daughter put Tom in as "step-father" on her school forms. He took her to school this morning. He insisted on it.
Tom continues to amaze and enchant me!
The officiant for our wedding decided she would also do our flowers. She has been a dear friend for 11 years and is my chosen adopted Mom.
Another friend is making the cake as a gift! We will be finalizing the entre's and it will be some good eat'in at the reception.
I tried to get into your gift registry at target.com. I got the following message:
No Search Results Found For *** Joyce in NE
We're sorry; we could not find any Registries that matched your search. Please check the information you entered and try again. If you're not sure of the spelling, try entering just the first 2 letters of each name. Or remove the location state or event date to get more results.
NOTE: New Registries may not be visible online for up to four hours after they have been created. Registries without items will not appear until items have been added.
If you still can't find a Registry, it's possible that the person does not have a Registry or chose not to include their Registry online. You can e-mail them below and ask them to create a Registry.
I'm flexible enough to figure something else out, but I wonder if you're using their registry.
Thanks - I got in through your name and see that I only used Oak's 3-letter first name - he's listed as his full first name.
Then, however; I ordered the gift of my choice, noting that they have it listed as "Usually ships in 1 to 2 business days." After giving all my information it said the expected delivery date is October 23.
I'll just bring my gift to the wedding. It's all good.
Frankly, I was somewhat uncomfortable about the whole registry process..."Hey, I'm getting married and I want you to buy me THIS!" :o-->
Anyway, everyone is still welcome, whether you've previously said you're coming or not. We're happy, and we want other folks to share in our happiness by being there with us.
Oh, shoot, I'm so far behind. Hammeroni, if you'll forgive me, I need to make sure Marvin makes it to the wedding. Who can make sure it gets there? Belle?
Oh, shoot, I'm so far behind. Hammeroni, if you'll forgive me, I need to make sure Marvin makes it to the wedding. Who can make sure it gets there? Belle?
I believe that Donner & Bowtwi are the only ones going...FedEx maybe?
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Donner & Bowtwi: looking forward to seeing you two again.
--> (Scout Finch - still comin'?)
For those who had to back out: we'll miss you guys and gals.
Oakmom says that she is looking forward to meeting some GSers.
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Wow....Just two weeks and Tom and I will be married!!!
Glad to hear that Donner and bowtwi will be able to attend.
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This post and the last post were posted by Reikilady. Sharing the Internet at our new place where my daughter, Tom, and I (Susie/Reikilady) live!!!
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Scout Finch
Just catching up here...
Oak, I emailed you.
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Tom & Susie
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Here's wishing the two of ya's the best!
Wish I could be there, but alas ......
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It is nice that you are acknowledging our special day.
To those that said they were coming and had to bow out, you will be missed.
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Congratulations and best wishes to you both.
Do not read this message until your wedding day.
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We got our license to get married yesterday. My daughter put Tom in as "step-father" on her school forms. He took her to school this morning. He insisted on it.
Tom continues to amaze and enchant me!
The officiant for our wedding decided she would also do our flowers. She has been a dear friend for 11 years and is my chosen adopted Mom.
Another friend is making the cake as a gift! We will be finalizing the entre's and it will be some good eat'in at the reception.
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No, he is not blowing his own horn!!! I forgot to log him out and log me in....
The last post and this one are from Susie/Reikilady........
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I also wanted to explain why I have not been in the chat room.
I go to work at 9:30 P.M. and try to spend the time when i'm not sleeping with Tom and my daughter.
It's getting really close to the wedding and I'm so excited. Tom ordered the food yesterday. My son is coming out. I get time off from work.
Oak Mom and Dad are coming out. It's going to be awesome!!!
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Susie, you don't owe anyone any explanation.
You are a busy woman with so many new and exciting things going on, enjoy them.
Good luck to you and Tom and your family(s).
We look forward to pictures!
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I tried to get into your gift registry at target.com. I got the following message:
No Search Results Found For *** Joyce in NE
We're sorry; we could not find any Registries that matched your search. Please check the information you entered and try again. If you're not sure of the spelling, try entering just the first 2 letters of each name. Or remove the location state or event date to get more results.
NOTE: New Registries may not be visible online for up to four hours after they have been created. Registries without items will not appear until items have been added.
If you still can't find a Registry, it's possible that the person does not have a Registry or chose not to include their Registry online. You can e-mail them below and ask them to create a Registry.
I'm flexible enough to figure something else out, but I wonder if you're using their registry.
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The reality is that we went to Target and scanned some items in and registered. We also went to Target's website and picked out a few more things.
The registry is listed under my name as well. Susie Rhoads.
Thanks for letting us know you can't find us. Try my name and see what happens.
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Thanks - I got in through your name and see that I only used Oak's 3-letter first name - he's listed as his full first name.
Then, however; I ordered the gift of my choice, noting that they have it listed as "Usually ships in 1 to 2 business days." After giving all my information it said the expected delivery date is October 23.
I'll just bring my gift to the wedding. It's all good.
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Thomas is how my first name is listed.
Frankly, I was somewhat uncomfortable about the whole registry process..."Hey, I'm getting married and I want you to buy me THIS!"
Anyway, everyone is still welcome, whether you've previously said you're coming or not. We're happy, and we want other folks to share in our happiness by being there with us.
6 days...
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Heh heh heh -- be glad you have it. Otherwise someone might decide to buy you a Bible!!
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Already have two
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I suggested registering to Oakspear because some of our friends here at Grease Spot were asking if we had registered anywhere.
5 days and I will be Mrs. Oakspear...
4 days and family from out of town will be here...
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So close! So much excitement! So much happiness for the two of you!!
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I was glad you registered at Target - made it easy for me to know something you'd like to receive.
Otherwise, I'd just have given cash.
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All our best to you'uns from we'uns in the AHAT family. Myself all the way down to the Boo Boo. Wish I could bee there.
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Oh, shoot, I'm so far behind. Hammeroni, if you'll forgive me, I need to make sure Marvin makes it to the wedding. Who can make sure it gets there? Belle?
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