Okay it was 19 years ago so I don't remember what class it was but vic showed the pyramid scheme. Where the top person is at the top of the pyramid. He said twi was just the oppisite and inverted the pytamid and showed (on one of those great charts) one block supporting the whole pyramid. Vic said he was at the bottom supporting twi.
C'mon now guys...we all know that a tree is nourished through the root...yeah right...every tree except the "waytree" that is. In twi, the leaves supplied the nourishment to the root...the money had a one way destination, from your hands into Vic's pocket...
...and of course, just giving him the money wasn't enough. He insisted that you kiss his royal foot at all times.
My ex tells a story about vee pee getting really mean and upset with a girl who put five instead of three ice cubes in his glass. Totally reamed her a new one.
When I said that was a bit extreme and uncalled for, he said that vee pee was right to correct the gal for not paying attention to details and following directions clearly set for her. -->
When we hosted phone hook-ups or had Moneyhands over to our house someone would always call ahead to make sure we knew to have Diet Coke on hand, that Bob didn't like to walk around with an empty glass, not too much ice and to watch and make sure someone didn't manipulate all his time. (Like Bob can't refill his own glass and control his own conversations???) There were some other rules about their visits, but I can't remember them off the top of my head.
I know that whenever they were getting to move from one rental house to the other that Bob refused to eat on paper plates, so the whole house would eat on paper plates and Bob, at the head of the table, had his china.
It isn't just that they have their @sses kissed, it's to what degree people go to in order to get their noses as far up their @sses as possible. Sadly, I was one of those people for a time....
It isn't just that they have their @sses kissed, it's to what degree people go to in order to get their noses as far up their @sses as possible. Sadly, I was one of those people for a time....
for years i was in awe of veepee. what a dummy i was. he was so full of him self and not only wanted but demanded his royal arse kissed and you know what? we did it with pleasure and though we were getting blessed for doing so thank God we have gotten over that!
Yeah n gotta learn to unpucker my lips....Lord I try, honest I do, but after decades of the diligent bu tt kissing of a humble believer........if I am not very carefull, I still find my lips inexorably drawn back to that perpetual pucker developed in twi....sigh
We can't blame ourselves. If the "green card" had listed among it's other strange benefits ("disciplines the mind by believing" -- what??) "earn rewards and crowns from God by kissing VP's foot" then we'd only have ourselves to blame.
But it didn't say that.
It made a lot of promises about God, and living a magical life full of wonderful and mysterious powers. We wouldn't have joined just any fringe, spiritualist group offering the same damn laundry list of magifestations. We wanted something real. Something with in-teg-rah-tay.
Vic comes along waving the bible, translating it from the Greek no less, and here's where we thought, "this is how I cut through the mumbo jumbo and get to the heart of the matter." Or something.
But the longer we were in, the more we noticed how others were lining up for the privilege of kissing his foot. It was how you got your ticket punched, got in to learn the "good stuff."
ATTENTION: "Kissing foot" is a figure of speech, according to E.W. Buttinger. I wish you could see that in the original.
"Remember keeds," VP might have said, "you can't spell 'class' without 'foot,' and you can kiss mine right now, bless your hearts." "D'foot riiiiight."
Actually, they didn't really want our adulation; they [it was hard for them, but somebody had to do it] were just giving us a chance to give so that God could bless us.
There were lots of free benefits for the way leader - babysitting, car repair, house cleaning, taxi service, cooking, general manual labor. And make no mistake. The leaders expected these things and if they didn't get it like they wanted they would gripe about it. Also it was a one way street
(no pun intended). You might bust your a$$ fixing a car or cleaning a house for the limb leader but would he do the same for you ? The answer is a resounding and definite "NO" ! You weren't even supposed to ask.
Here is the kicker - we all know this and we all know that many of us willingly provided these services yet there are many former way leaders who deny that they were the recipients.
Thats what gets me mad. They should at least be honest about it. (Perhaps thats one of the reasons that many exWay leaders don't post here ?). You have lots of people who worked their tails off in service to these leaders yet they won't own up to it. What is up with that ? Well. Obviously they don't like to admit it - that they were pompous, self-absorbed jerks sponging off the rank and file who worked jobs, ran twigs and classes AND "serviced" the various MOGs and their families. I suppose that were I to be one of these leaders (former or present) I would be ashamed of myself for exploiting others. Any one with a conscience would.
I admit it that I was a sucker for various MOGs and bought into the "humble servant" role. The very least they could do is admit that they benefitted from it and also that they never responded in kind. It would go a long way in setting things right.... But I don't expect that to happen...
And that is why after slavery was abolished very few white men befriended the black population...
Needless to say they either started with an attitude of arragant betterness or adopted one very quickly upon becoming "leadership" - and I use that term loosely
Yeah, this was just after we left,but picture this.The country co-ord. of N.Z. and his r.h.m. sitting at a table sipping lemonade in the middle of summer giving instructions to the'followers' as they built a fence around his expansive backyard.
The despicable thing about all this was that not only were you required to "lovingly" kiss their rear ends, conditions were attached to be even qualified to do so.
Lets see- you had to be out of debt- any form of debt. You were required to jump at the mere suggestions of leadership,and never, ever question their logic or fallibility. You had to roll like a dog in their rehashed teachings that would offend the intellect of an eighth grader.
That's just for starters.
Add to that requirments to schedule family, friends and even work out of your life to go to the newest and the bestest events..
Do all this, and they MAY consider if you are spiritual enough to kiss their royal arses.
And don't forget to brush, floss and use mouthwash before doing so.
I never meant to imply that every "leader" behaved that way.
Are you saying you never saw any evidence of that behavior in other "leadership?"
Or something else?
I knew leaders who accepted lots of volunteer assistance from the "believers," but they worked harder than anybody else. Honorable, but they never reciprocated, except by "teaching." Looking back now, the teaching was over-rated. It seemed like a good deal at the time, but maybe our expectations had been set unrealistically high. Maybe?
I knew others who fit the "too precious for this assignment" prima donna mold, expecting to be served in at lease some capacity, if not doted upon.
It seemed to me that the closer the leader was ("spiritually") to HQ, and the more they modeled themselves after Craig, come to think of it, the more likely they wanted tributes of time, hospitality, services and gifts from believers. Those tributes had both value and significance. It is the "significance" that I call "kissing foot." It's the psychological compensation they required, enjoyed, needed, and ALWAYS in God's name, for "leading."
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Okay it was 19 years ago so I don't remember what class it was but vic showed the pyramid scheme. Where the top person is at the top of the pyramid. He said twi was just the oppisite and inverted the pytamid and showed (on one of those great charts) one block supporting the whole pyramid. Vic said he was at the bottom supporting twi.
My butt
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C'mon now guys...we all know that a tree is nourished through the root...yeah right...every tree except the "waytree" that is. In twi, the leaves supplied the nourishment to the root...the money had a one way destination, from your hands into Vic's pocket...
...and of course, just giving him the money wasn't enough. He insisted that you kiss his royal foot at all times.
...better use a LOT of soap.
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Al Poole
Wait a minute...... I think something else was getting kissed .... eh....
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My ex tells a story about vee pee getting really mean and upset with a girl who put five instead of three ice cubes in his glass. Totally reamed her a new one.
When I said that was a bit extreme and uncalled for, he said that vee pee was right to correct the gal for not paying attention to details and following directions clearly set for her.
When we hosted phone hook-ups or had Moneyhands over to our house someone would always call ahead to make sure we knew to have Diet Coke on hand, that Bob didn't like to walk around with an empty glass, not too much ice and to watch and make sure someone didn't manipulate all his time. (Like Bob can't refill his own glass and control his own conversations???) There were some other rules about their visits, but I can't remember them off the top of my head.
I know that whenever they were getting to move from one rental house to the other that Bob refused to eat on paper plates, so the whole house would eat on paper plates and Bob, at the head of the table, had his china.
It isn't just that they have their @sses kissed, it's to what degree people go to in order to get their noses as far up their @sses as possible. Sadly, I was one of those people for a time....
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At least you have since washed your nose.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
for years i was in awe of veepee. what a dummy i was. he was so full of him self and not only wanted but demanded his royal arse kissed and you know what? we did it with pleasure and though we were getting blessed for doing so thank God we have gotten over that!
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Now if I could just get rid of that smell.....
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Yeah n gotta learn to unpucker my lips....Lord I try, honest I do, but after decades of the diligent bu tt kissing of a humble believer........if I am not very carefull, I still find my lips inexorably drawn back to that perpetual pucker developed in twi....sigh
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They pass out lemons to make it easier to pucker these days, rascal. They're worried we might unpucker.
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We can't blame ourselves. If the "green card" had listed among it's other strange benefits ("disciplines the mind by believing" -- what??) "earn rewards and crowns from God by kissing VP's foot" then we'd only have ourselves to blame.
But it didn't say that.
It made a lot of promises about God, and living a magical life full of wonderful and mysterious powers. We wouldn't have joined just any fringe, spiritualist group offering the same damn laundry list of magifestations. We wanted something real. Something with in-teg-rah-tay.
Vic comes along waving the bible, translating it from the Greek no less, and here's where we thought, "this is how I cut through the mumbo jumbo and get to the heart of the matter." Or something.
But the longer we were in, the more we noticed how others were lining up for the privilege of kissing his foot. It was how you got your ticket punched, got in to learn the "good stuff."
ATTENTION: "Kissing foot" is a figure of speech, according to E.W. Buttinger. I wish you could see that in the original.
"Remember keeds," VP might have said, "you can't spell 'class' without 'foot,' and you can kiss mine right now, bless your hearts." "D'foot riiiiight."
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Actually, they didn't really want our adulation; they [it was hard for them, but somebody had to do it] were just giving us a chance to give so that God could bless us.
We were fortunate to serve The Chosen Ones
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Ya know, there are a few I could name on Greasespot who believe that even today.
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There were lots of free benefits for the way leader - babysitting, car repair, house cleaning, taxi service, cooking, general manual labor. And make no mistake. The leaders expected these things and if they didn't get it like they wanted they would gripe about it. Also it was a one way street
(no pun intended). You might bust your a$$ fixing a car or cleaning a house for the limb leader but would he do the same for you ? The answer is a resounding and definite "NO" ! You weren't even supposed to ask.
Here is the kicker - we all know this and we all know that many of us willingly provided these services yet there are many former way leaders who deny that they were the recipients.
Thats what gets me mad. They should at least be honest about it. (Perhaps thats one of the reasons that many exWay leaders don't post here ?). You have lots of people who worked their tails off in service to these leaders yet they won't own up to it. What is up with that ? Well. Obviously they don't like to admit it - that they were pompous, self-absorbed jerks sponging off the rank and file who worked jobs, ran twigs and classes AND "serviced" the various MOGs and their families. I suppose that were I to be one of these leaders (former or present) I would be ashamed of myself for exploiting others. Any one with a conscience would.
I admit it that I was a sucker for various MOGs and bought into the "humble servant" role. The very least they could do is admit that they benefitted from it and also that they never responded in kind. It would go a long way in setting things right.... But I don't expect that to happen...
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thats why very few come here.
And that is why after slavery was abolished very few white men befriended the black population...
Needless to say they either started with an attitude of arragant betterness or adopted one very quickly upon becoming "leadership" - and I use that term loosely
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Yeah, this was just after we left,but picture this.The country co-ord. of N.Z. and his r.h.m. sitting at a table sipping lemonade in the middle of summer giving instructions to the'followers' as they built a fence around his expansive backyard.
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What's an "RHM?"
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The despicable thing about all this was that not only were you required to "lovingly" kiss their rear ends, conditions were attached to be even qualified to do so.
Lets see- you had to be out of debt- any form of debt. You were required to jump at the mere suggestions of leadership,and never, ever question their logic or fallibility. You had to roll like a dog in their rehashed teachings that would offend the intellect of an eighth grader.
That's just for starters.
Add to that requirments to schedule family, friends and even work out of your life to go to the newest and the bestest events..
Do all this, and they MAY consider if you are spiritual enough to kiss their royal arses.
And don't forget to brush, floss and use mouthwash before doing so.
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Right Hand Man. Yes, let your imagination run wild.
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Oh. So they were JO buddies?
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Trefor Heywood
Sounds like they were a right pair of wan***rs!
Just like many of the TWI leadership!
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Ya know what's funny?
This thread is about kissing way leadership's behind. (sorry, I don't cuss.)
But I remember a time when hubby and me were considered "way leadership," and we kissed everybody else's behind.
"Everybody else" being the people in our branch/terrritory. We worked our butts off to help people and be good "twig leaders."
Dang, when did it change? When did the "leaders" on the field get to be so high and mighty?
Just a question.....
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I never meant to imply that every "leader" behaved that way.
Are you saying you never saw any evidence of that behavior in other "leadership?"
Or something else?
I knew leaders who accepted lots of volunteer assistance from the "believers," but they worked harder than anybody else. Honorable, but they never reciprocated, except by "teaching." Looking back now, the teaching was over-rated. It seemed like a good deal at the time, but maybe our expectations had been set unrealistically high. Maybe?
I knew others who fit the "too precious for this assignment" prima donna mold, expecting to be served in at lease some capacity, if not doted upon.
It seemed to me that the closer the leader was ("spiritually") to HQ, and the more they modeled themselves after Craig, come to think of it, the more likely they wanted tributes of time, hospitality, services and gifts from believers. Those tributes had both value and significance. It is the "significance" that I call "kissing foot." It's the psychological compensation they required, enjoyed, needed, and ALWAYS in God's name, for "leading."
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It wasn't always that way, is my only point.
Maybe it was just my experience, but there was a time, when none of that crap mattered. Believe it or not....
Forgive me if I'm wasing nostalgic here....but I am a product of the 70's....
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I edited a number of times while you were posting your reply.
I know it didn't matter to lots of us, for a while at least. You don't have to convince me of that.
"Things were great in 78, things are fine in 79, things will be weighty in 80." JAL (1979)
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