I don't know much about Bahai, but my understanding was that it is also a cult with very stringent rules and doctrines.
I ran in to a few who were involved with this group. I never got the idea that they had stringent rules or that it was a cult. My understanding is that they are accepting of ANYTHING (religion, people, sexual preference etc.). Although that is not what the website says about them. I guess you get all kinds in every brand.
WayferNot, Quakers don't live in separate communities like the Amish or Mennonites. I used to work with a woman who was a Quaker. They're pacifists, and I believe they have no preachers who lead their church services. I believe Wacky said earlier in the thread that she used to go to a Quaker church. Maybe she'll pop in and tell you more about it.
You might be confusing them with the Shakers, a sect that did stay separate from the rest of society. Since the Shakers didn't believe in sex (not even between husband and wife), they've sorta died out. :D-->
The quakers in my town are very socially conscious and politically active people, pursuing Peace and justice issues, abolishment of the death penalty and things like that.
I have only been to one meeting of the Society of Friends and there was no minister or head honcho. There is a time of 'entering into the silence' and then people speak as they are moved.
I don't think that they have a uniform set of highly structured beliefs and dogmas like the catholics or TWI but I could be wrong on that. They respected the Bible but didn't use it as an end all, they seemed to be more of the opinion that all were God's Children and had equal access to the spirit and all were given a ministry or gift to bring...
something like that
and they didn't dress like the guy on the oats box ;)-->
That's right, LindaZ...Quakers are pacifists...very into anti war sediments and I think, are exempt from the military.
There are quite a few Quaker churches here on Cape Cod...they are very simple buildings...very old...antique glass that reflects trees rippling in them. Probably the oldest churches in the country as the pilgrims were mostly quakers. They are not communal as the Shakers. They live amongst us.
There is no preacher...perhaps elders, tho. Everyone goes in and just sits in the simple pews. No one talks...people are reflecting, introspective or praying.
Then, all of a sudden, perhaps, not always, one will stand up and say something profound in a sentence or 2 and then sit down. The congregation may reflect on what they say or not. Sometimes nothing is said the whole hour.
Afterwards people shake hands and introduce themselves.
Quakers seem to be milling in all aspects of political and social life.
It's a great place to go and reflect when leaving a cult.
No one bugs you. No one witnesses or pushes any beliefs on you.
It helped me tremendously when I was lost after twi...it gave me time and space to sift through the attic of my mind.
Since labels have become so important to one person in the About the Way section I started thinking about this thread. I took this test a mere three months ago and I'm still reading, studying and learning about different beliefs, thoughts, history of Christianity....all kinds of things.
My interests, beliefs and whatnot are still evolving since leaving TWI last year. For Chits & Giggles I took the test again and found the results interesting:
May 2005
1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (96%)
3. Bahai' Faith (93%)
4. Liberal Quakers (92%)
5. Reform Judaism (91%)
August 2005
1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (88%)
3. Liberal Quakers (87%)
4. New Age (86%)
5. Reform Judaism (85%)
I don't remember where Neo-Pagan and New Age were on the original list....
Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants are now #17 (66%) on my list. Pretty big fall from #1. Bahai is #7 (79%).
What's really scary is that Scientology is #9 today
I suspect that in another three months it will have changed yet again.
I would be surprised if anyone would call me a liberal, Bramble. LOL! :D--> Although, after the past few days, I'm becoming rather fond of the Wiccan label. ;)-->
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Wacky Funster 7 posts
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100% Mormon
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95% Baha'i Faith
Can have my sucker now?
Mormon? Jeez!
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Quote by Belle:
I ran in to a few who were involved with this group. I never got the idea that they had stringent rules or that it was a cult. My understanding is that they are accepting of ANYTHING (religion, people, sexual preference etc.). Although that is not what the website says about them. I guess you get all kinds in every brand.
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1. Orthodox Quaker 100%
2. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestant 93%
3. Liberal Quaker 83%
I thought Quakers were like Ammish or Mennonites--separate themselves in their own community. Anybody know?
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Linda Z
WayferNot, Quakers don't live in separate communities like the Amish or Mennonites. I used to work with a woman who was a Quaker. They're pacifists, and I believe they have no preachers who lead their church services. I believe Wacky said earlier in the thread that she used to go to a Quaker church. Maybe she'll pop in and tell you more about it.
You might be confusing them with the Shakers, a sect that did stay separate from the rest of society. Since the Shakers didn't believe in sex (not even between husband and wife), they've sorta died out.
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The quakers in my town are very socially conscious and politically active people, pursuing Peace and justice issues, abolishment of the death penalty and things like that.
I have only been to one meeting of the Society of Friends and there was no minister or head honcho. There is a time of 'entering into the silence' and then people speak as they are moved.
I don't think that they have a uniform set of highly structured beliefs and dogmas like the catholics or TWI but I could be wrong on that. They respected the Bible but didn't use it as an end all, they seemed to be more of the opinion that all were God's Children and had equal access to the spirit and all were given a ministry or gift to bring...
something like that
and they didn't dress like the guy on the oats box
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Wacky Funster
That's right, LindaZ...Quakers are pacifists...very into anti war sediments and I think, are exempt from the military.
There are quite a few Quaker churches here on Cape Cod...they are very simple buildings...very old...antique glass that reflects trees rippling in them. Probably the oldest churches in the country as the pilgrims were mostly quakers. They are not communal as the Shakers. They live amongst us.
There is no preacher...perhaps elders, tho. Everyone goes in and just sits in the simple pews. No one talks...people are reflecting, introspective or praying.
Then, all of a sudden, perhaps, not always, one will stand up and say something profound in a sentence or 2 and then sit down. The congregation may reflect on what they say or not. Sometimes nothing is said the whole hour.
Afterwards people shake hands and introduce themselves.
Quakers seem to be milling in all aspects of political and social life.
It's a great place to go and reflect when leaving a cult.
No one bugs you. No one witnesses or pushes any beliefs on you.
It helped me tremendously when I was lost after twi...it gave me time and space to sift through the attic of my mind.
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Since labels have become so important to one person in the About the Way section I started thinking about this thread. I took this test a mere three months ago and I'm still reading, studying and learning about different beliefs, thoughts, history of Christianity....all kinds of things.
My interests, beliefs and whatnot are still evolving since leaving TWI last year. For Chits & Giggles I took the test again and found the results interesting:
May 2005
1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (96%)
3. Bahai' Faith (93%)
4. Liberal Quakers (92%)
5. Reform Judaism (91%)
August 2005
1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (88%)
3. Liberal Quakers (87%)
4. New Age (86%)
5. Reform Judaism (85%)
I don't remember where Neo-Pagan and New Age were on the original list....
Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants are now #17 (66%) on my list. Pretty big fall from #1. Bahai is #7 (79%).
What's really scary is that Scientology is #9 today
I suspect that in another three months it will have changed yet again.
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Belle--if you are a social liberal, then somehow Belief o matic will put you as neo pagan, even though that may not be your religious area.
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I would be surprised if anyone would call me a liberal, Bramble. LOL!
:D--> Although, after the past few days, I'm becoming rather fond of the Wiccan label.
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SHeesh Belle--you're gonna make certain posters sh!+ bricks!
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I'm kinda fond of the Chevy label myself.
.... Oops! Sorry! Wrong thread.
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Mormon 100%
Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants 95%
Jehovah Witness 91%
To make it fair I answered with beliefs I've held most of my adult life
Looks like i finally found my niche aft 51 years !!
Oh and Waterbuffalo and Oilfieldmechanic we can fix the non-Mormon part ya know
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I am considering becoming a Pastafarian
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ROFLMAO! Classic!
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It would seem someone has been influencing your beliefs.
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May I add, boring too.
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Now, Bob Eastwood, who could that possibly be?
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