"There is no solution to this problem it is most likely all in my head, but this caf?s a little bit like high school, so remember how much it sucked to eat in the cafeteria alone?"
I never ate alone in high school,though I did for many years before that. In high school I ate with the stoners, the only group that seemed to accept me. In retrospect, I may have been better off eating alone.
"Truthfully I feel that what I write is ignored, I had put up a "Happy News" thread with perky feel good stories. Then I sat there and watch people ignore it, post on others as mine went done the page. I was furious, so I started to delete anything I wrote, (you know the I'll get u and your dogie 2 mentality)"
So THAT is what happened to that thread. I read it Sharon, but didn't have time to reply before it was gone, I had to go to work and then it was gone.
One thing to remember, Sharon, is that sometimes people read a thread and enjoy it, but don't have anything to contribute to it - at least at that moment. A lack of replies does not necessarily mean you are being ignored.
Truthfully I feel that what I write is ignored, I had put up a "Happy News" thread with perky feel good stories. Then I sat there and watch people ignore it, post on others as mine went done the page. I was furious, so I started to delete anything I wrote, (you know the I'll get u and your dogie 2 mentality)
gees Louise ....er Sharon give it a little time, granted this place can be clicky but some people actually have jobs and lives and things outside of here and don't have time to read every thread, or respond to every thread.
I know I don't. Sometimes threads are fine and just don't beg for a response, it doesn't mean people haven't read it or considered it.
I read your thread the other day in the early morning, later that day i found something that could have gone in there , but by then the thread was deleted.
It is interesting to see how many have viewed a post, even if they haven't responded.
There really is a lot of diversity on this forum as far as posters go. Some have moved on to other "fellowships", some have not let TWI "taint" their love for God and others, others have allowed it to "taint" their thinking and sometimes their responses. There feels like their is a "clicky atmosphere" at times especially long term posters. But that's because most of these folks have been on this forum since the "conception" of Waydale.
I say we all just need to remember from whence we all came. If I run into a poster who perhaps seems to be unfeeling of what I post, I just ignore them and keep posting. This forum is for all of us.
We were all in the deep "doodoo" at one time. Some people do appear to come on and "sound" like they have it all together now. I say "so what"! You got snickered just like the rest of us.
Sharon, I don't read much anymore and I missed your thread entirely. I loved hanging out with you in Nostalgia. And I'm admittedly cliquish. I'll read and talk to ones posting in Nostalgia and may never look into another forum as folks come and go. I don't have much cause to say a great deal regarding twi which removes me from some posters in itself. And new ones have joined up here in Open that as said I've not taken the time to get to know them. Nostalgia is my gang, where I can go and just cut up or be serious one. Please come back and join my clique. ;)-->
I guess because I've seen you post so much in "Name that Flick" I didn't realize that your posts elsewhere were being ignored. (I've even noticed that your avatar picture changes routinely. I'm a little disappointed that the old trick of copying the picture and opening it in Paint or Photo Editor doesn't work anymore. The pictures actually ARE that small, now. Maybe you could post them all in "Every Picture...")
When I post, I like to see responses, especially because I'm sure that I have the definitive answer to everything. But I started a thread comparing TWI to Alias and except for one response from Belle (bless her heart, I think she's going after Excathedra's record), it disappeared into oblivion. There WERE a lot of views, just no responses. (Maybe I DID have the definitive position, and there was nothing more to say!)
If you have a thread that you think people are looking at but not responding to, you can respond yourself to "bump" it back to the top.
One last thing: if you post in a thread where Mike and Steve! start going at each other, give it up. Your comments WILL be lost in the barrage!
Now, I expect a lot of response to my upcoming "Traxxspot" thread!
When I post, I like to see responses, especially because I'm sure that I have the definitive answer to everything......There WERE a lot of views, just no responses. (Maybe I DID have the definitive position, and there was nothing more to say!)
You'd fit right in down in Nostalgia. We thrive on clues you know, bet you'd have some dandies. :D-->
There are many who don't or won't post on GS. Some run splinter groups and don't want to be associated with GS. Some are still in TWI and fear reprisals if they post. Some just take in the information and don't feel the need to interact. And the great thing about it is, NO ONE has to post or reply or read your post. They are free to do what they want.
None of us will ever know what our words cause. We put them out there and maybe ours is the info someone needs to make a decision. We just won't know.
Don't feel bad, Sharon. Sometimes I think I should sign my posts "Chopped Liver" because I'm feeling ignored. Then I remember the times I only have time to pop in and scan, and even though I have something to say, I don't have time.
I always intend to come back and post something, but I can't even always remember which threads I've posted in, much less those I thought about posting in!!
when i first started posting, i would return to every single thread i started or responded to. and i would be crushed if no replies were there. i just didn't understand. i felt like nothing.
after all these years and all these posts, that has changed. i feel bad because people post to me and i hardly ever go back to read.
ps. usually the reason i'm not invisible is because frikkin wierwille sexually hurt me and emotionally mentally screwed me up so that gets people's attention i guess
It hurts when you feel like you are being ignored. There have been times when I have felt the same way also when no one responded to one of my posts that I hoped would stimulate thought and discussion or maybe when a birthday went unnoticed. However, what I have also experienced is that there has always been someone from GSC offering hope and encouragement at the times when I needed them most. I hope that you will take comfort in the words of the people who have posted above that you are valued and very much cared for here.
Sharon, there have been times where I posted something in somebodies thread and got no response. It was like I wasn't even there. I was invisible. I was like, don't I matter? I'm here!!!! --> HELLO!!!
But then I've been in chat or someone has PM'd me and told me how much they liked my post. So I don't think anyone has ignored you, my dear...its just that sometimes you might have put it so well that there was no need to respond.
Sharon, I mostly come online from work and don't always have time to reply. In fact, I was enjoying perusing the link that you posted and was looking for things to contribute, but by the time I got back to your thread it was gone. :(-->
People have lives here and we sometimes want to get back to a post, but run out of time. Sometimes we don't have anything to contribute. Sometimes people look at the same thread many times in a day reading the responses to the thread. So even views on a thread aren't really accurate if you're counting those as a new person reading the thread every time.
Also, some times during the day are busier than at other times. If you post something in the morning it may very well be 4 or 5 in the afternoon before someone responds, it's nothing personal....If it sits for 3 or 4 days without a response - it's still nothing personal. Look at how many places there are on this website to go to. Look at how many new posts there are a day. There's no possible way someone could respond to every post.
I post anyway. :)--> In fact, I've killed many a thread. It's okay. I post here for me and for those who are lurking who are where I have been. I know they're there because I've heard from a few of them. I pretend there are a lot more of them out there who aren't contacting me. :D-->
We all feel left out sometimes, but that's how we're interpreting thingss, not necessarily how things really are. Is there something else going on outside GSpot that's making you feel inadequate or ignored? Other things going on in your life that are causing you to see conspiracy theories about people ignoring you?
Nobody loves me
Everybody hates me
I think I'll just go eat worms
Don't pick up your toys and go home, Sharon. You just don't always see the impact your words have on people all the time. Sometimes you'll NEVER know how much you've helped someone.
Someone else posted about this a while back. I'll bring it to the top for you if I can find it. ;)-->
And what is wrong with eating worms? The early bird always gets the worm.....
Not to worry you are perfecting an art few attain here.You are obviously a true Thread Killer in training......You can come to play with us here anytime.... But be prepared to duck cause that mean ole pig tends to throw an occasional key lime pie when she does not get her way. By the way you can't be THE Thread Killer cause that is me....
Recommended Posts
"There is no solution to this problem it is most likely all in my head, but this caf?s a little bit like high school, so remember how much it sucked to eat in the cafeteria alone?"
I never ate alone in high school,though I did for many years before that. In high school I ate with the stoners, the only group that seemed to accept me. In retrospect, I may have been better off eating alone.
"Truthfully I feel that what I write is ignored, I had put up a "Happy News" thread with perky feel good stories. Then I sat there and watch people ignore it, post on others as mine went done the page. I was furious, so I started to delete anything I wrote, (you know the I'll get u and your dogie 2 mentality)"
So THAT is what happened to that thread. I read it Sharon, but didn't have time to reply before it was gone, I had to go to work and then it was gone.
One thing to remember, Sharon, is that sometimes people read a thread and enjoy it, but don't have anything to contribute to it - at least at that moment. A lack of replies does not necessarily mean you are being ignored.
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gees Louise ....er Sharon give it a little time, granted this place can be clicky but some people actually have jobs and lives and things outside of here and don't have time to read every thread, or respond to every thread.
I know I don't. Sometimes threads are fine and just don't beg for a response, it doesn't mean people haven't read it or considered it.
I read your thread the other day in the early morning, later that day i found something that could have gone in there , but by then the thread was deleted.
Have a little patience...
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I like your posts sharon!
Here's some good news links-
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Hi sharon
It is interesting to see how many have viewed a post, even if they haven't responded.
There really is a lot of diversity on this forum as far as posters go. Some have moved on to other "fellowships", some have not let TWI "taint" their love for God and others, others have allowed it to "taint" their thinking and sometimes their responses. There feels like their is a "clicky atmosphere" at times especially long term posters. But that's because most of these folks have been on this forum since the "conception" of Waydale.
I say we all just need to remember from whence we all came. If I run into a poster who perhaps seems to be unfeeling of what I post, I just ignore them and keep posting. This forum is for all of us.
We were all in the deep "doodoo" at one time. Some people do appear to come on and "sound" like they have it all together now. I say "so what"! You got snickered just like the rest of us.
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Sharon, I don't read much anymore and I missed your thread entirely. I loved hanging out with you in Nostalgia. And I'm admittedly cliquish. I'll read and talk to ones posting in Nostalgia and may never look into another forum as folks come and go. I don't have much cause to say a great deal regarding twi which removes me from some posters in itself. And new ones have joined up here in Open that as said I've not taken the time to get to know them. Nostalgia is my gang, where I can go and just cut up or be serious one. Please come back and join my clique.
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I guess because I've seen you post so much in "Name that Flick" I didn't realize that your posts elsewhere were being ignored. (I've even noticed that your avatar picture changes routinely. I'm a little disappointed that the old trick of copying the picture and opening it in Paint or Photo Editor doesn't work anymore. The pictures actually ARE that small, now. Maybe you could post them all in "Every Picture...")
When I post, I like to see responses, especially because I'm sure that I have the definitive answer to everything.
But I started a thread comparing TWI to Alias and except for one response from Belle (bless her heart, I think she's going after Excathedra's record), it disappeared into oblivion. There WERE a lot of views, just no responses. (Maybe I DID have the definitive position, and there was nothing more to say!)
If you have a thread that you think people are looking at but not responding to, you can respond yourself to "bump" it back to the top.
One last thing: if you post in a thread where Mike and Steve! start going at each other, give it up. Your comments WILL be lost in the barrage!
Now, I expect a lot of response to my upcoming "Traxxspot" thread!
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You'd fit right in down in Nostalgia. We thrive on clues you know, bet you'd have some dandies.
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There are many who don't or won't post on GS. Some run splinter groups and don't want to be associated with GS. Some are still in TWI and fear reprisals if they post. Some just take in the information and don't feel the need to interact. And the great thing about it is, NO ONE has to post or reply or read your post. They are free to do what they want.
None of us will ever know what our words cause. We put them out there and maybe ours is the info someone needs to make a decision. We just won't know.
Replies aren't a gauge.
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Hi Sharon
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That's a darn shame that twi and these splinter groups have such control over their congregation. That they cannot speak freely.
So you might get some heat from them or those who post here. So what. I get heat all the time.
I wish some of these people would start posting again. Like what's the problem, can't handle a different point of view?
What's so wrong about thinking differently?
Welcome to the world!
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Linda Z
Don't feel bad, Sharon. Sometimes I think I should sign my posts "Chopped Liver" because I'm feeling ignored. Then I remember the times I only have time to pop in and scan, and even though I have something to say, I don't have time.
I always intend to come back and post something, but I can't even always remember which threads I've posted in, much less those I thought about posting in!!
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when i first started posting, i would return to every single thread i started or responded to. and i would be crushed if no replies were there. i just didn't understand. i felt like nothing.
after all these years and all these posts, that has changed. i feel bad because people post to me and i hardly ever go back to read.
i don't mean to ignore.
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ps. usually the reason i'm not invisible is because frikkin wierwille sexually hurt me and emotionally mentally screwed me up so that gets people's attention i guess
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You're not "invisible" Sharon -
I am.
I appreciate your sense of humor, btw.
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It hurts when you feel like you are being ignored. There have been times when I have felt the same way also when no one responded to one of my posts that I hoped would stimulate thought and discussion or maybe when a birthday went unnoticed. However, what I have also experienced is that there has always been someone from GSC offering hope and encouragement at the times when I needed them most. I hope that you will take comfort in the words of the people who have posted above that you are valued and very much cared for here.
You are certainly loved and valued by me.
Edited by oenophileLink to comment
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Sharon, there have been times where I posted something in somebodies thread and got no response. It was like I wasn't even there. I was invisible. I was like, don't I matter? I'm here!!!!
--> HELLO!!!
But then I've been in chat or someone has PM'd me and told me how much they liked my post. So I don't think anyone has ignored you, my dear...its just that sometimes you might have put it so well that there was no need to respond.
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i love you dear sharon
i know from prayer section that you are having a tough time after your surgery and i am praying for you to be all better
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Sharon, I mostly come online from work and don't always have time to reply. In fact, I was enjoying perusing the link that you posted and was looking for things to contribute, but by the time I got back to your thread it was gone.
People have lives here and we sometimes want to get back to a post, but run out of time. Sometimes we don't have anything to contribute. Sometimes people look at the same thread many times in a day reading the responses to the thread. So even views on a thread aren't really accurate if you're counting those as a new person reading the thread every time.
Also, some times during the day are busier than at other times. If you post something in the morning it may very well be 4 or 5 in the afternoon before someone responds, it's nothing personal....If it sits for 3 or 4 days without a response - it's still nothing personal. Look at how many places there are on this website to go to. Look at how many new posts there are a day. There's no possible way someone could respond to every post.
I post anyway.
:)--> In fact, I've killed many a thread. It's okay. I post here for me and for those who are lurking who are where I have been. I know they're there because I've heard from a few of them. I pretend there are a lot more of them out there who aren't contacting me.
We all feel left out sometimes, but that's how we're interpreting thingss, not necessarily how things really are. Is there something else going on outside GSpot that's making you feel inadequate or ignored? Other things going on in your life that are causing you to see conspiracy theories about people ignoring you?
Nobody loves me
Everybody hates me
I think I'll just go eat worms
Don't pick up your toys and go home, Sharon. You just don't always see the impact your words have on people all the time. Sometimes you'll NEVER know how much you've helped someone.
Someone else posted about this a while back. I'll bring it to the top for you if I can find it.
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And what is wrong with eating worms? The early bird always gets the worm.....
Not to worry you are perfecting an art few attain here.You are obviously a true Thread Killer in training......You can come to play with us here anytime.... But be prepared to duck cause that mean ole pig tends to throw an occasional key lime pie when she does not get her way. By the way you can't be THE Thread Killer cause that is me....
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