God himself could have told me audibly to pray for something different, or call on someone else to manifest and the twig coordinator would shoot it down.
This is sad, this is despicable, and this is making me physically ill. :(-->
Who in the **** do these guys think they are???
The Way *Ministry* seems to me to be (imo) NOTHING ABOUT GOD, BUT ALL ABOUT CONTROL.
Fer crying out loud -- once I got out -- I attended services offered by several denominatons.
Ranging from Baptist, to Pentecostal, off-shoots of twi, evangelical groups, and Messianic Jewish outfits as well -- and every last group encouraged, and supported prayer by the congregation for others.
Not a one of these outfits did the crap that twi either did, or propounds now. Ohhh -- scuse me --- since when is praying for a need for a brother or sister wrong???
And when the h*** do I have to get the ok from a twig leader -- (or some other person) to do what God tells me to do????
I'm sorry -- but twi can take their *control* issues and just *shove it where the sun don't shine".
Prayer is meant for those who need it -- and it IS NOT INCUMBANT on one person to know when, and where a specific subject (for a specic person). is to be mentioned --- and then act like it was *rev* from God to say yea, or nay.
Any Innies reading this --- Please listen ---
If you are told you cannot pray for someone you care for, or someone you know that has a need - of any sort - - -
GET OUT OF DODGE, and quickly.
You can do much better job on your own, and be a better, more effective servant for our Father God, and His son Jesus Christ.
We used to have "seasons of prayer" where anyone and everyone could pray for anything that was on their heart.
Then you were told that if someone already prayed for something, you were NOT to pray for that same thing again and got in serious trouble if you did.
Then you were told what you could pray for.
Then there were no more "seasons of prayer" and only a few peopple at a time were called on and told exactly what to pray for and it was one of seven things craiggers TOLD us to be praying for. I can't remember all seven things, maybe someone else can, but none of it included your own family, your own health or anything personal it was all political and political TWI related.
Then we were told that if the fellowship was all intermediate class grads that we were not to call on anyone to SIT and interpret but we were to only have prophecy. My ex got reamed on a couple of occasions for calling on people to SIT when the fellowship should have only had prophecy. Then good ole Moneyhands, who had enforced the edict, was at our fellowship a couple of times and called on people to SIT and interpret when it was all advanced class grads at the meeting. -->
When we questioned if the rules had changed we were rebuffed. Afterall, Moneyhands was a man of god and how dare we question his actions. Maybe he KNEW someone there needed to hear SIT.
D@mned if you do and dqmned if you don't. Can't win for losing in TWIt-ville.
They did go back to seasons of prayer shortly before I left, but people never really prayed for anything of substance or real needs because, well..... do I really need to say it? .....real needs are a sign of weakness and/or lead to questions about your obedience to TWI which leads to probation and micro-management of your life which eventually leads to M&A.
Strange thing is we just blindly followed along trying to stay out of trouble.... why? Why did I live with that kind of fear for so long without realizing it?
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This is sad, this is despicable, and this is making me physically ill.
Who in the **** do these guys think they are???
The Way *Ministry* seems to me to be (imo) NOTHING ABOUT GOD, BUT ALL ABOUT CONTROL.
Fer crying out loud -- once I got out -- I attended services offered by several denominatons.
Ranging from Baptist, to Pentecostal, off-shoots of twi, evangelical groups, and Messianic Jewish outfits as well -- and every last group encouraged, and supported prayer by the congregation for others.
Not a one of these outfits did the crap that twi either did, or propounds now. Ohhh -- scuse me --- since when is praying for a need for a brother or sister wrong???
And when the h*** do I have to get the ok from a twig leader -- (or some other person) to do what God tells me to do????
I'm sorry -- but twi can take their *control* issues and just *shove it where the sun don't shine".
Prayer is meant for those who need it -- and it IS NOT INCUMBANT on one person to know when, and where a specific subject (for a specic person). is to be mentioned --- and then act like it was *rev* from God to say yea, or nay.
Any Innies reading this --- Please listen ---
If you are told you cannot pray for someone you care for, or someone you know that has a need - of any sort - - -
GET OUT OF DODGE, and quickly.
You can do much better job on your own, and be a better, more effective servant for our Father God, and His son Jesus Christ.
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Tell em dmiller...controlled prayer? I'm somewhat stunned over that one...how arrogant, how stupid, how wrong!
Sounds as if twi became so mechanical that they lost, even their pretense of having any heart.
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We used to have "seasons of prayer" where anyone and everyone could pray for anything that was on their heart.
Then you were told that if someone already prayed for something, you were NOT to pray for that same thing again and got in serious trouble if you did.
Then you were told what you could pray for.
Then there were no more "seasons of prayer" and only a few peopple at a time were called on and told exactly what to pray for and it was one of seven things craiggers TOLD us to be praying for. I can't remember all seven things, maybe someone else can, but none of it included your own family, your own health or anything personal it was all political and political TWI related.
Then we were told that if the fellowship was all intermediate class grads that we were not to call on anyone to SIT and interpret but we were to only have prophecy. My ex got reamed on a couple of occasions for calling on people to SIT when the fellowship should have only had prophecy. Then good ole Moneyhands, who had enforced the edict, was at our fellowship a couple of times and called on people to SIT and interpret when it was all advanced class grads at the meeting.
When we questioned if the rules had changed we were rebuffed. Afterall, Moneyhands was a man of god and how dare we question his actions. Maybe he KNEW someone there needed to hear SIT.
D@mned if you do and dqmned if you don't. Can't win for losing in TWIt-ville.
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They did go back to seasons of prayer shortly before I left, but people never really prayed for anything of substance or real needs because, well..... do I really need to say it? .....real needs are a sign of weakness and/or lead to questions about your obedience to TWI which leads to probation and micro-management of your life which eventually leads to M&A.
Strange thing is we just blindly followed along trying to stay out of trouble.... why? Why did I live with that kind of fear for so long without realizing it?
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