Oak, sorry but that's the graduating group. You may yet get some. :)-->
David, well truth be told some of my reading material would probably bore others to death as well.
WeWereScammed, now don't you feel ashamed of yourself (kidding or course) knowing one of the regular teachers of STS (Sunday teaching service) reads us all the time. In fact here's a recap of one of J*hn L*nder's teachings:
"Jesus Christ took the burden of sin off our backs. He set us up for success. We can stand up straight and tall. We can put our shoulders back, lift our eyes up, and walk as children of the most high God. We can be proud of who we are spiritually. We have a right to take that message to those who need it."
To that I would reply John we have a right to share our deliverance here as well. I hope you find some of that for yourself while keeping an eye on us. ;)-->
Any idea what they did? Do they still go out "confronting the world with Our, oops, I mean God's Word?" --> Or have the finally admitted they just want your cash for a class?
Anyone else know? My experience with one group years ago was laughable. They were truly nice, well intentioned folks. Clueless and ineffective in every way though. Too young with no real guidance. All enthusiasm, no idea what to do with it. They probably should have been home, going to school and spending time with friends.
Any idea what they did? Do they still go out "confronting the world with Our, oops, I mean God's Word?" --> Or have the finally admitted they just want your cash for a class?
Anyone else know? My experience with one group years ago was laughable. They were truly nice, well intentioned folks. Clueless and ineffective in every way though. Too young with no real guidance. All enthusiasm, no idea what to do with it. They probably should have been home, going to school and spending time with friends.
I think some of these folks have a good heart, that's why they do the program. But sadly it falls short with the follow through when you really need someone. Fear rules way too much then, or did when I left. :(-->
Confronting outwardly stopped a few years back. It was moved away from slowly after Craig was put on probation. The Fox came in and poured syrup on the podium.
The article stated the theme for this graduated group as Building the Body Together! The closing paragraph is a promo for the next group and describes it somewhat I imagine.
Are there areas in your life that could benefit from being strengthened and sharpened? Would you like to hone your skills as a laborer together with God while building up the Body of Christ in a concentrated team effort? If so, applications are being accepted for WD Outreach Group XII! Our heavenly Father has given you power tools to be part of this dynamic team of Advanced Class graduates.
But cna you expect anything less. It is all done by way corps these days. Do you think any of them have the balls to submit something that isn't chalked full of TWI cliches and more of the same ol' ****e?
I notice not one of the articles are titled with "prevailing", "household", "victory", or similar Vey speak. Has the leopard indeed shed its spots?
More likely, they have been reading some of our assessments here.
Can't get much of an honest assessment out of a Veybot-
"So, how was the article, what do you think?"
"Well, I was so blessed. In fact, I was so blessed that I was blessed.."
I agree.
However, I bet the actual articles are still LOADED with them.
If not, this could really take the fun out of the twi-speak drinking game....
I don't find those words in these articles at quick glance. But I see personal accountability emphasized like closing paragraph of R*pp's:
As we hold forth the Word, we shine as lights in this world....Then we reach out by imitating Paul's manner of life, and we serve others....Those who are persuaded by our winning words grow to walk worthy of God....
And some quotes of P*rry's:
As disciples walk these paths by applying the Word, they can advance with confidence because the way they walk is established by the Lord....Those who walk the paths of the Lord will not have to wonder or guess what God's will is for their lives....
And some quotes of G*orge's (although hers was really quite tender I have to honestly say:
We can live in alignment and harmony with God, our heavenly Father, as we hide His Word in our hearts and live accordingly....If we fail to live up to the standard of His Word, whether in action or attitude or both, God is merciful and kind to forgive our trespass and cleanse us from all unrighteousness as we go to Him with meek and humble hearts....Then we in turn need to forgive ourselves....
And some quotes of B*rger's:
When we walk as children of light, we can avoid the potential dangers of the spirit realm. Walking in the light keeps us in the presence of God, where there is fullness of joy....and that is the fruit of a rich, vital, and intimate relationship with God....
So you have to be an advanced class grad in order to even go out as whatever they call it these days? Is it still a year commitment?
Yes you have to be an advanced class grad. And the commitment is for 6 months. I've recognized apprentice corps as well as interim corps in the last few groups. And it's called W*y Disciples.
But cna you expect anything less. It is all done by way corps these days. Do you think any of them have the balls to submit something that isn't chalked full of TWI cliches and more of the same ol' ****e?
You're correct in the articles are done by the corps and many are staff. And just as the Sunday teachings were listened to and approved by someone assigned (doubt it was the Board themselves) I'm sure the articles are gone over before ever hitting the press.
It does look like they're making major efforts to eliminate or change the loaded language they've been using, however, advance is till pretty prominently being used and these are still pretty common phrases heard over and over and over and over in TWI II and TWI III:
"made and impact"
"in the world"
"word and deed"
"caused great joy"
"laborers together"
"the body of Christ" (TWI's definition, not God's)
We know they lurk here and I would no doubt believe that they are trying to sound more, errr.... normal based on what they've read from us. The problem with this is that by NOT using loaded language and having their own "catch phrases" it takes some of the power of the cult and manipulation away. It's one less way of making sure everyone "thinks the same thing" and doesn't start thinking for themselves. After all, having your own language and acceptable vocabulary is one of the ways groups like TWI keep people under their thumb.
I'd like to say I'm appalled at the order of the impact according to Harvie, but sadly it's not surprising. They've always had their priorities backwards despite what they try to say they teach and believe. Things like this expose the true nature of the beasts that run that group.
Did they mention how many they "won to God's word"? Does it count if they spoke to someone and it got them to thinking to the point that they returned to church (THEIR church, not TWI)? Does it count if they didn't sign them up for any classes? Does it count if the person didn't give any dough to TWI? I wonder what the ever changing standard is for them.
How many WD's does it look like, House? I know that before I left last year it was required for those going into the WC to be WD's and there were quite a few interim who were sent out. It falsely inflated the numbers since those didn't "sign up" to go WD voluntarily.
Also, the fact that they scaled it back to 6 months a few years ago is a testament to the failure of the program. With the ever shrinking membership growing older and with the lack of youngsters, there just aren't that many prospects for WD and the young ones that go have probably been coerced and "guilted" into going by their parents or leadership. There are most likely only one or two people signed up for WD who actually truely want to be there.
So many comments..... :)--> Bear with me while I vent, please. OR skip over my posts, I feel better for having gotten it out of my system. :D-->
Regarding the articles in TWI.....from what I remember the WC are "assigned" the task of writing an article and I think some are even given the topic they are to cover. D0ttie Moneyhands wrote an article several years ago and talked to us about the grueling process. Apparently she worked on the article for many months and would send it in for Keith Jacks0n to edit. He would give her revisions to make and she would re-send it to him to edit. He would send it back again with more revisions to make and this went on and on. She sounded exasperated with the process when she spoke of it. With that many revisions I was perplexed about the quality of the articles in the rag, but then understood ever so clearly why the articles all sound the same.
I expect that the STS teachings follow the same process. I remember Mrs. de lil*s making a few comments in a teaching once about getting "suggestions" from the fox herself about her teaching. Maybe rosie only works with the women, though. ;)-->
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Sounds a mite *dry*.
But then again, I just got my latest editiion of The Sower from CES today, and most here might consider it just as *dry* as well.
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"STS Highlights"
What's that? Scam Teaching Service?
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Yay! No Way Disciples in Nebraska again!
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Oak, sorry but that's the graduating group. You may yet get some.
David, well truth be told some of my reading material would probably bore others to death as well.
WeWereScammed, now don't you feel ashamed of yourself (kidding or course) knowing one of the regular teachers of STS (Sunday teaching service) reads us all the time. In fact here's a recap of one of J*hn L*nder's teachings:
"Jesus Christ took the burden of sin off our backs. He set us up for success. We can stand up straight and tall. We can put our shoulders back, lift our eyes up, and walk as children of the most high God. We can be proud of who we are spiritually. We have a right to take that message to those who need it."
To that I would reply John we have a right to share our deliverance here as well. I hope you find some of that for yourself while keeping an eye on us.
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I notice not one of the articles are titled with "prevailing", "household", "victory", or similar Vey speak. Has the leopard indeed shed its spots?
More likely, they have been reading some of our assessments here.
Can't get much of an honest assessment out of a Veybot-
"So, how was the article, what do you think?"
"Well, I was so blessed. In fact, I was so blessed that I was blessed.."
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We'll be happy to send the one(s) from Maryland to you, if you'd like.
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Any idea what they did? Do they still go out "confronting the world with Our, oops, I mean God's Word?"
--> Or have the finally admitted they just want your cash for a class?
Anyone else know? My experience with one group years ago was laughable. They were truly nice, well intentioned folks. Clueless and ineffective in every way though. Too young with no real guidance. All enthusiasm, no idea what to do with it. They probably should have been home, going to school and spending time with friends.
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Aww such giving!
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I think some of these folks have a good heart, that's why they do the program. But sadly it falls short with the follow through when you really need someone. Fear rules way too much then, or did when I left.
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yeah Oak my frined if n ya felin left out 0-: I can send some Neuavo Mexico Dispicapbles to ya...
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Confronting outwardly stopped a few years back. It was moved away from slowly after Craig was put on probation. The Fox came in and poured syrup on the podium.
The article stated the theme for this graduated group as Building the Body Together! The closing paragraph is a promo for the next group and describes it somewhat I imagine.
Are there areas in your life that could benefit from being strengthened and sharpened? Would you like to hone your skills as a laborer together with God while building up the Body of Christ in a concentrated team effort? If so, applications are being accepted for WD Outreach Group XII! Our heavenly Father has given you power tools to be part of this dynamic team of Advanced Class graduates.
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You trying to outgive Kevlar.
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I agree.
However, I bet the actual articles are still LOADED with them.
If not, this could really take the fun out of the twi-speak drinking game....
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So you have to be an advanced class grad in order to even go out as whatever they call it these days? Is it still a year commitment?
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Same ol' same ol'
But cna you expect anything less. It is all done by way corps these days. Do you think any of them have the balls to submit something that isn't chalked full of TWI cliches and more of the same ol' ****e?
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I don't find those words in these articles at quick glance. But I see personal accountability emphasized like closing paragraph of R*pp's:
As we hold forth the Word, we shine as lights in this world....Then we reach out by imitating Paul's manner of life, and we serve others....Those who are persuaded by our winning words grow to walk worthy of God....
And some quotes of P*rry's:
As disciples walk these paths by applying the Word, they can advance with confidence because the way they walk is established by the Lord....Those who walk the paths of the Lord will not have to wonder or guess what God's will is for their lives....
And some quotes of G*orge's (although hers was really quite tender I have to honestly say:
We can live in alignment and harmony with God, our heavenly Father, as we hide His Word in our hearts and live accordingly....If we fail to live up to the standard of His Word, whether in action or attitude or both, God is merciful and kind to forgive our trespass and cleanse us from all unrighteousness as we go to Him with meek and humble hearts....Then we in turn need to forgive ourselves....
And some quotes of B*rger's:
When we walk as children of light, we can avoid the potential dangers of the spirit realm. Walking in the light keeps us in the presence of God, where there is fullness of joy....and that is the fruit of a rich, vital, and intimate relationship with God....
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Yes you have to be an advanced class grad. And the commitment is for 6 months. I've recognized apprentice corps as well as interim corps in the last few groups. And it's called W*y Disciples.
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You're correct in the articles are done by the corps and many are staff. And just as the Sunday teachings were listened to and approved by someone assigned (doubt it was the Board themselves) I'm sure the articles are gone over before ever hitting the press.
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A tidbit from the article on WD's:
We're partners in outreach
and we're showing the proof
We're spiritually minded
and we're speaking the truth
It's our job description
to speak truth not fiction
Partners in outreach with a bold conviction
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They could have saved themselves the trouble of copywriting that.
Nobody would use it who wasn't being indoctrinated it was the greatest
poetry since Walt Whitman or something.
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It does look like they're making major efforts to eliminate or change the loaded language they've been using, however, advance is till pretty prominently being used and these are still pretty common phrases heard over and over and over and over in TWI II and TWI III:
"made and impact"
"in the world"
"word and deed"
"caused great joy"
"laborers together"
"the body of Christ" (TWI's definition, not God's)
We know they lurk here and I would no doubt believe that they are trying to sound more, errr.... normal based on what they've read from us. The problem with this is that by NOT using loaded language and having their own "catch phrases" it takes some of the power of the cult and manipulation away. It's one less way of making sure everyone "thinks the same thing" and doesn't start thinking for themselves. After all, having your own language and acceptable vocabulary is one of the ways groups like TWI keep people under their thumb.
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I'd like to say I'm appalled at the order of the impact according to Harvie, but sadly it's not surprising. They've always had their priorities backwards despite what they try to say they teach and believe. Things like this expose the true nature of the beasts that run that group.
Did they mention how many they "won to God's word"? Does it count if they spoke to someone and it got them to thinking to the point that they returned to church (THEIR church, not TWI)? Does it count if they didn't sign them up for any classes? Does it count if the person didn't give any dough to TWI? I wonder what the ever changing standard is for them.
How many WD's does it look like, House? I know that before I left last year it was required for those going into the WC to be WD's and there were quite a few interim who were sent out. It falsely inflated the numbers since those didn't "sign up" to go WD voluntarily.
Also, the fact that they scaled it back to 6 months a few years ago is a testament to the failure of the program. With the ever shrinking membership growing older and with the lack of youngsters, there just aren't that many prospects for WD and the young ones that go have probably been coerced and "guilted" into going by their parents or leadership. There are most likely only one or two people signed up for WD who actually truely want to be there.
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So many comments.....
:)--> Bear with me while I vent, please. OR skip over my posts, I feel better for having gotten it out of my system.
Regarding the articles in TWI.....from what I remember the WC are "assigned" the task of writing an article and I think some are even given the topic they are to cover. D0ttie Moneyhands wrote an article several years ago and talked to us about the grueling process. Apparently she worked on the article for many months and would send it in for Keith Jacks0n to edit. He would give her revisions to make and she would re-send it to him to edit. He would send it back again with more revisions to make and this went on and on. She sounded exasperated with the process when she spoke of it. With that many revisions I was perplexed about the quality of the articles in the rag, but then understood ever so clearly why the articles all sound the same.
I expect that the STS teachings follow the same process. I remember Mrs. de lil*s making a few comments in a teaching once about getting "suggestions" from the fox herself about her teaching. Maybe rosie only works with the women, though.
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