How does a Way Corps person cover his or her tracks on the computer used to view Greasespot?
One suggestion is to use a utility like Window Washer, made by Webroot for about $30. Lacking the funds, or access to install new software, what else might they do?
This is asked in the likelihood that Corps may be visiting Greasespot using computers at work, at TWI, etc.
This is a technical question, really. Many Corps lurk at Greasespot, and they may know little about the internet, having been kept behind the times by TWI.
They may have a few misconceptions, engendered by "leadership" to scare them off.
1. If a Corps person should lurk at Greasespot, can their location or identity be determined by anyone who might report them to TWI?
Nope. At most, the site's host(s) could figure out IP address, and that could tell what ISP that person was using. But no one else could know, and the site's hosts have way too much other stuff going on to try to figure out who's lurking here.
2. If a Corps pesron should POST at Greasespot, can their location etc, be reported, etc. to the thugs at Wayworld?
Again, no. For one thing, anything like that would take a subpoena. And cash is too idolized at way nash for that. Also, location could not be pinpointed with any accuracy except possibly by the ISP, and even that is iffy. And again, the hosts (and Pawtucket) have too much going on to have time for that, and they wouldn't do that even if they could.
BUT - any corps person posting should make sure to cover his/her tracks, and not post any identifying information, like date of a divorce, number of children, location, etc.
And TWIt has been known to disseminate different information to different areas, in hopes that if it got posted here, they would then be able to know where in the country that poster lives.
Enquiring Corps want to be reassured.
Anybody with a reasonable gift for explaining this stuff to our Corps web-novice guests, please have a go.
How does a Way Corps person cover his or her tracks on the computer used to view Greasespot?
Go to "tools", "internet options", then click "delete files", click "delete all offline content", click "ok".
Then click "delete cookies", then click "clear history".
That's what you do with Internet Explorer. That should be good enough, unless the FBI comes knocking - they've got resources to be able to tell every website you've gone to for the last year, even if you've done all that.
But ain't no one in TWIt gonna call the FBI, and certainly no one in TWIt is worth their attention.
One suggestion is to use a utility like Window Washer, made by Webroot for about $30. Lacking the funds, or access to install new software, what else might they do?
This is asked in the likelihood that Corps may be visiting Greasespot using computers at work, at TWI, etc.
think as its quite likely that they have spyware and keystroke monitors so even if you
clear your browser history and dump the cache they still have your keystrokes and app history.
If you are in the field then its far more easier but if you are living with some suckup then they might rat you out should you surf here. Best bet is an internet cafe though this assumes that corps person is not "on the leash". Is it permissible for people to go out alone or do they still want you to be with someone else at all times ?
Go to "tools", "internet options", then click "delete files", click "delete all offline content", click "ok".
Then click "delete cookies", then click "clear history".
This also has th unintended effect of making Internet use slow for anyone else using the computer, since all the other persons' cookies, etc., would be deleted as well. If it took a couple seconds to download a webpage that I looked at yesterday, I might be a little suspicious...
Sartori, they do indeed lurk! A wc couple in our area ended up in our area after lurking and realizing that they were destined to be slaves to TWI and screwed when ready to retire if they didn't start making money the old fashioned way.....earning it. They asked to be taken off TWI's payroll and given a smaller area, so they could get a job in the real world.
Actually......I know quite a few WC people who have done that. I KNOW that they monitor the site heavily because I was constantly accused of reading and posting on here. :D-->
The library is a good place to go and what good Biblical student doesn't hear something fascinating on a STS that they want to learn more about? ;)-->
Just make sure you scope out the area first and choose a computer where you can watch people entering the library....OR...print out the things you want to read and then read those offline. Under Tools at the top of the page you can choose Printer Friendly Format and choose that to either print things out or to copy and paste into a Word Doc to save for later.
If you share a computer with someone who IS rather computer savvy, you can figure out where the cookies, history and temp files are stored on the computer and selectively go in and delete only those relevant to your web surfing ventures. Just remember to empty the recycle bin!
The only way TWI will know you is if you tell them. I have no illusions that TWI knows exactly who I am because of all the 'hints' I dropped to them.
I'd like to ask: Why do you really fear TWI knowing who you are? Is there something you know, that others should?
I make no excuses, because I know that this site is more valuable to TWI than hiring an investigator. This site is to TWI what an accurate site to predict terrorism before it happens would be to the government. A valuable tool! They can gather more info from this site than if they tracked groups of us.
But that's just me! Here are some security downloads. They all are on a free trial, and if you download, just don't use them beyond the date, but using them once may remove stuff!
The only way TWI will know you is if you tell them.
Kind of true..if you are including telling them indirectly by letting identifying information slip.
There are people in TWI who are tasked to reading this and other websites to determine if any "innies" are posting. They look for hints, and compare what people are saying to what peopel are saying in their fellowships. This is not speculation!!! - several of us were found out in this manner when we were still "in".
Why do you really fear TWI knowing who you are? Is there something you know, that others should?
Some of us use our real names as handles, others, including me, have posted our real names at times. Some folks just like internet anonymity in general. For those who are still "in", there are a number of reasons to stay in the closet.
Signals, you'd be surprised at the lengths TWI will go to in order to find out who is posting on here......
The whole state of Florida was interviewed one person at a time when they thought I was posting under another name. THE WHOLE FRIGGIN' STATE!! WHY would it be so important to find out who was posting on here??? What are they trying to hide???
Unfortunately, that's not the case. They KNOW the incidents and things posted on here are true. That's why they get so riled up and so defensive and so concerned about who is posting and what they're saying. There are too many secrets and too many skeletons in the TWI closet for them to NOT be concerned about sites like GSpot.
And don't get me started on why they spent months trying to find out who sent a letter to someone at hq by tracking down a Pitney Bowes machine code...... -->
... if you have to go through so much to hide your Internet use from TWI, what kind of organization are you involved in?
When I finally realized this and came to terms with that and the fact that I really couldn't share my heart with my husband or count on him to stand in my corner....when I realized he would choose a group of miscreants over me....I realized it my whole life was a lie and it was so much easier to walk away. (It wasn't easy, mind you, just easiER.)
Belle, quick question, were you posting during the time the lawsuit was going on?
Just wondering.
I think rather than trying to 'hide' things, they fear the knowledge one gets here. This is why I will disagree with anyone that Weirwill would have allowed computers. Yes, the doc would have had state of the art, but this must not fall into the hands of our people.
The Internet is a forbidden fruit that will make you wise and give you sight, and ye shall be as gods...or like VP! They were starting to discourage people from watching the news(twig or prayer would start then), and they would hint to reading the Bible instead of a newspaper. Granted they weren't enforced, but you could see that they didn't want you surrounded by the negativity of this world.
Signals, I was scared to death when I first went anywhere I knew would get me in trouble. I just knew that they were going to get revelation that I was on anti-TWI sites and that terrible things would start happening to me. I also watched people get busted by TWI for posting and some of them had their marriages ripped apart with that being a major contributor to the destruction. I wasn't about to let that happen to me and my marriage. I failed, but my intention was to get out from under the thumb of TWI with my husband.
I was turned in by a "friend" because I told her that I had gone on the web and seen the lawsuit and some of the things I read about it.
They don't want people to know how rampant and how far back the abuses, lies and deception goes, but they also don't want the things going on inside TWI to get out either. It kills them for their boring, repetitive teachings to be posted on here and they really hate it when questions are raised about their money, their numbers and their leadership decisions. It makes it harder for them to use "spin control" when innies come on here and read the truth and the errors that they're being taught. It generates questions in the minds of the innies that they most likely aren't going to ask TWI about, but rather will ponder and talk to their "earthly" friends and family about thereby moving them ever closer to the door to freedom!
I just knew that they were going to get revelation
I'm not being nit-picking. I'm curious. Why did you think that anyone in TWIt would get revelation?
Has anyone demonstrated any proficiency in the manifestation of Word of Knowledge?
Has anyone in TWIt been seen as getting accurate revelation these last 15-20 years?
In my recall, I can't think of *anyone* above me actually receiving revelation, that I could tell, from the time I got involved, although people were able to see it in me, and I was able to see it in me.
Even though I never saw any genuine revelation, for years I thought that they still got it. I wanted to believe that what they taught was right, that God was in TWI.
Until I made some stupid financial decisions and got into credit card debt after having previously retired all my debts, and hid it from "leadership".
For several years I was allowed to attend two advanced classes, several advanced class specials, teach at and run fellowship meetings, and particiapate in other activities that were barred to people in debt, all the while, not only in debt, but LYING about it to the spiritually discerning "leadership". And they didn't find out about it, until my then-wife told them.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending running up credit cards or lying to anyone, but here I was, engaging in what TWI considered the biggest obstacle to godliness aside from homosexuality, and no one got revelation about it.
Even though I accepted the six-month probation that they subjected me to, and even sincerely wanted (at the time) to get back in TWI's good graces, the knowledge that no one knew, no one figured it out for several years caused the seeds of doubt to grow and blossom.
By the time the lawsuit was announced and I started posting secretly on WayDale, I didn't think that there was a chance in h#ll that anyone from TWI would get revelation about anything.
If we're talking spiritual revelation, I think they got theirs from 'the god of this world' as nervie put it.
If your talking about the revelations they got from their spies, well I've learned one has to know who their friends are. when I was a WOW, I knew my belongings were being ransacked when I wasn't home. Also if you tell someone you trust a bit of info in confidence there is a great possibility that it will get back to a leader. Sometimes you'd be in a bad mood, or not your happy-go-lucky self and your body language would reveal something to them that needed to be dealt with.
As far as revelations from God, impossible! God does not reveal to the children of the korn. If it ever looked like 'god must have told them' you should of looked over your shoulder for the spy of the group. I learned long ago that you need to know who your friends are, and keep them as close as your enemy. I've become very cynical of the world around me and for just cause.
When I worked at an airport, I would always find people in a restricted area. When I'd ask them to leave, I would be met with "Do I look Like A terrorist?" I told one person that I don't know what a terrorist looks like, and that to me anyone is a potential terrorist. He reported me and the airport commissioner went up one side of me and down the other. They wanted me to take 'sensitivity training' so I wouldn't P off the passengers.
I NEVER seen anyone get true revelation in TWI. In the last 5 years or so when we had so much pressure "to do" as we were told I had to start lying about certian things or get in trouble, like those stupid papers that we had to give to our BC about what we did in 15 or 20 minute every day. Needless to say no one got revvie that I was lying about these things, but they sure got revvie about things I didn't do~~~~go figure that one out. ha ha ha
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Same theme - follow up question:
How does a Way Corps person cover his or her tracks on the computer used to view Greasespot?
One suggestion is to use a utility like Window Washer, made by Webroot for about $30. Lacking the funds, or access to install new software, what else might they do?
This is asked in the likelihood that Corps may be visiting Greasespot using computers at work, at TWI, etc.
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Same theme, new question.
What about having an "anonymous" login, where posters would not need to provide info or wait for approval?
Obviously safeguards would be needed to prevent spamming. Maybe limit anonymous posts from a given IP address to 3 or 5 or 10 - something reasonable.
Restrictions might also be needed. Greater control over the use of names, for instance.
That way, someone who doesn't own a computer but has 5 minutes to get on can post a note of interest.
Just a thought.
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If any current Corps want to get on the net they can always find a way. A library, a family member, even a friend.
Telling them they have no access is telling some to get on.
I just want to say Hi to all those lurkers who are still in.
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To those of you still on the twi payroll....
I left a note for you on the "way corps to real life" thread.
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Using Way computers would be dangerous I would
think as its quite likely that they have spyware and keystroke monitors so even if you
clear your browser history and dump the cache they still have your keystrokes and app history.
If you are in the field then its far more easier but if you are living with some suckup then they might rat you out should you surf here. Best bet is an internet cafe though this assumes that corps person is not "on the leash". Is it permissible for people to go out alone or do they still want you to be with someone else at all times ?
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This also has th unintended effect of making Internet use slow for anyone else using the computer, since all the other persons' cookies, etc., would be deleted as well. If it took a couple seconds to download a webpage that I looked at yesterday, I might be a little suspicious...
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GStG - Since when do any Way Snore/Waybots think critically?
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Sartori, they do indeed lurk! A wc couple in our area ended up in our area after lurking and realizing that they were destined to be slaves to TWI and screwed when ready to retire if they didn't start making money the old fashioned way.....earning it. They asked to be taken off TWI's payroll and given a smaller area, so they could get a job in the real world.
Actually......I know quite a few WC people who have done that. I KNOW that they monitor the site heavily because I was constantly accused of reading and posting on here.
The library is a good place to go and what good Biblical student doesn't hear something fascinating on a STS that they want to learn more about?
Just make sure you scope out the area first and choose a computer where you can watch people entering the library....OR...print out the things you want to read and then read those offline. Under Tools at the top of the page you can choose Printer Friendly Format and choose that to either print things out or to copy and paste into a Word Doc to save for later.
If you share a computer with someone who IS rather computer savvy, you can figure out where the cookies, history and temp files are stored on the computer and selectively go in and delete only those relevant to your web surfing ventures. Just remember to empty the recycle bin!
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But, ya gotta wonder...
... if you have to go through so much to hide your Internet use from TWI, what kind of organization are you involved in?
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The only way TWI will know you is if you tell them. I have no illusions that TWI knows exactly who I am because of all the 'hints' I dropped to them.
I'd like to ask: Why do you really fear TWI knowing who you are? Is there something you know, that others should?
I make no excuses, because I know that this site is more valuable to TWI than hiring an investigator. This site is to TWI what an accurate site to predict terrorism before it happens would be to the government. A valuable tool! They can gather more info from this site than if they tracked groups of us.
But that's just me! Here are some security downloads. They all are on a free trial, and if you download, just don't use them beyond the date, but using them once may remove stuff!
PC Security
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The words *Nazi* and *Gestapo* come to mind.
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There are people in TWI who are tasked to reading this and other websites to determine if any "innies" are posting. They look for hints, and compare what people are saying to what peopel are saying in their fellowships. This is not speculation!!! - several of us were found out in this manner when we were still "in".
Some of us use our real names as handles, others, including me, have posted our real names at times. Some folks just like internet anonymity in general. For those who are still "in", there are a number of reasons to stay in the closet.Link to comment
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Signals, you'd be surprised at the lengths TWI will go to in order to find out who is posting on here......
The whole state of Florida was interviewed one person at a time when they thought I was posting under another name. THE WHOLE FRIGGIN' STATE!! WHY would it be so important to find out who was posting on here??? What are they trying to hide???
Unfortunately, that's not the case. They KNOW the incidents and things posted on here are true. That's why they get so riled up and so defensive and so concerned about who is posting and what they're saying. There are too many secrets and too many skeletons in the TWI closet for them to NOT be concerned about sites like GSpot.
And don't get me started on why they spent months trying to find out who sent a letter to someone at hq by tracking down a Pitney Bowes machine code......
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What Shaz said!
When I finally realized this and came to terms with that and the fact that I really couldn't share my heart with my husband or count on him to stand in my corner....when I realized he would choose a group of miscreants over me....I realized it my whole life was a lie and it was so much easier to walk away. (It wasn't easy, mind you, just easiER.)
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Belle, quick question, were you posting during the time the lawsuit was going on?
Just wondering.
I think rather than trying to 'hide' things, they fear the knowledge one gets here. This is why I will disagree with anyone that Weirwill would have allowed computers. Yes, the doc would have had state of the art, but this must not fall into the hands of our people.
The Internet is a forbidden fruit that will make you wise and give you sight, and ye shall be as gods...or like VP! They were starting to discourage people from watching the news(twig or prayer would start then), and they would hint to reading the Bible instead of a newspaper. Granted they weren't enforced, but you could see that they didn't want you surrounded by the negativity of this world.
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Signals, I was scared to death when I first went anywhere I knew would get me in trouble. I just knew that they were going to get revelation that I was on anti-TWI sites and that terrible things would start happening to me. I also watched people get busted by TWI for posting and some of them had their marriages ripped apart with that being a major contributor to the destruction. I wasn't about to let that happen to me and my marriage. I failed, but my intention was to get out from under the thumb of TWI with my husband.
I was turned in by a "friend" because I told her that I had gone on the web and seen the lawsuit and some of the things I read about it.
They don't want people to know how rampant and how far back the abuses, lies and deception goes, but they also don't want the things going on inside TWI to get out either. It kills them for their boring, repetitive teachings to be posted on here and they really hate it when questions are raised about their money, their numbers and their leadership decisions. It makes it harder for them to use "spin control" when innies come on here and read the truth and the errors that they're being taught. It generates questions in the minds of the innies that they most likely aren't going to ask TWI about, but rather will ponder and talk to their "earthly" friends and family about thereby moving them ever closer to the door to freedom!
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I'm not being nit-picking. I'm curious. Why did you think that anyone in TWIt would get revelation?
Has anyone demonstrated any proficiency in the manifestation of Word of Knowledge?
Has anyone in TWIt been seen as getting accurate revelation these last 15-20 years?
In my recall, I can't think of *anyone* above me actually receiving revelation, that I could tell, from the time I got involved, although people were able to see it in me, and I was able to see it in me.
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Even though I never saw any genuine revelation, for years I thought that they still got it. I wanted to believe that what they taught was right, that God was in TWI.
Until I made some stupid financial decisions and got into credit card debt after having previously retired all my debts, and hid it from "leadership".
For several years I was allowed to attend two advanced classes, several advanced class specials, teach at and run fellowship meetings, and particiapate in other activities that were barred to people in debt, all the while, not only in debt, but LYING about it to the spiritually discerning "leadership". And they didn't find out about it, until my then-wife told them.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending running up credit cards or lying to anyone, but here I was, engaging in what TWI considered the biggest obstacle to godliness aside from homosexuality, and no one got revelation about it.
Even though I accepted the six-month probation that they subjected me to, and even sincerely wanted (at the time) to get back in TWI's good graces, the knowledge that no one knew, no one figured it out for several years caused the seeds of doubt to grow and blossom.
By the time the lawsuit was announced and I started posting secretly on WayDale, I didn't think that there was a chance in h#ll that anyone from TWI would get revelation about anything.
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If we're talking spiritual revelation, I think they got theirs from 'the god of this world' as nervie put it.
If your talking about the revelations they got from their spies, well I've learned one has to know who their friends are. when I was a WOW, I knew my belongings were being ransacked when I wasn't home. Also if you tell someone you trust a bit of info in confidence there is a great possibility that it will get back to a leader. Sometimes you'd be in a bad mood, or not your happy-go-lucky self and your body language would reveal something to them that needed to be dealt with.
As far as revelations from God, impossible! God does not reveal to the children of the korn. If it ever looked like 'god must have told them' you should of looked over your shoulder for the spy of the group. I learned long ago that you need to know who your friends are, and keep them as close as your enemy. I've become very cynical of the world around me and for just cause.
When I worked at an airport, I would always find people in a restricted area. When I'd ask them to leave, I would be met with "Do I look Like A terrorist?" I told one person that I don't know what a terrorist looks like, and that to me anyone is a potential terrorist. He reported me and the airport commissioner went up one side of me and down the other. They wanted me to take 'sensitivity training' so I wouldn't P off the passengers.
Needless to say that was long before 9/11/01
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How about ever ? I remember the so called
attempted overthrow of the US government back
in 76. we had prayer vigils to prevent this
from happening and when nothing happened we
were asked to offer a prayer of thanks to god
for being under the guidance of a man like VPW.
This really happened and its sickening just how
messed up TWI was even back in the so called
"good ole days".
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diazbro, That is true........There was a threat. That is when I graduated High School
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I NEVER seen anyone get true revelation in TWI. In the last 5 years or so when we had so much pressure "to do" as we were told I had to start lying about certian things or get in trouble, like those stupid papers that we had to give to our BC about what we did in 15 or 20 minute every day. Needless to say no one got revvie that I was lying about these things, but they sure got revvie about things I didn't do~~~~go figure that one out. ha ha ha
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