Take it from someone who caught a tumor which would have become cancer. Cancer cells, unlike normal ones, divide in an irradical manner. Normal cells split 1, 2, 4, 8, etc. Cancer cells divide something like 1, 3, 4, 7, etc. or other manners. No one feels pain when the cancer is developing, and most ignore the signs later. Cancer cells tend to feed in nerves thus numbing the pain at first.
Remember I said there are a few of these 'eye cancers' this was just one. Although he may have damaged his eye with the lights, carcinogens may have come from smoking. I wondered how I got a tumor where I did if it was caused by smoking. My doctor told me that it is carried by the blood, and the blood carries nutrients it gets everytime you breathe. In other words it was either smoking(which he did) or chemicals.
His cancer was more dangerous because it became I believe metastatic is the word I'm looking for. which means it travelled to other organs. Although the lights may have damaged his iris or retina, when the cancer entered it looked for a vulnerable area.
Cut the s**t and take your pick. It can't get any clearer than this. This is the authority of all cancers, their homepage is loaded with all types. (the link I originally put here did not go as planned. Just type eye cancer in the Search and see the results).
Hey Signals, didn't mean to sound like a know it all. Not at all.
Sounds like you had a run in with it and probably know more than most here. It just sounded like you were saying knowing the cancer would enable us to know what caused it. Clearly not what you meant. Obviously as you know it is not that easy.
Having said that, as I said before, I would bet on a life time of smoking and drinking had a little more effect than a couple of months under those 'evil' lights.
One interesting thing from the site you posted that I didn't know was when cancer matastisizes (spreads to another part of the body, as you said) it is not affecting the new areas cells. For example when VP's Ocular melanoma spread to his liver those were cancerous eye cells in his liver. Same with breast to lung, it is not now lung cancer it is breast cancer in the lungs. I guess that makes perfect sense, I just never realised that.
Actually I hadn't read your posts at the time, and any information is worth it. My dr told me flat out after I was diagnosed and he had removed the tissue for a biopsy, either I quit smoking or die. Of course I rationalized...to which he said my cancer can only be caused by three things, diesl fuel-I don't drive truck, smoking-2 packs going on three a day, or hair dye used in beauty and barber salons. I'm not a hairdresser. I quit right then and never looked back. He also showed me pictures of my tumor.
For 2 years he still found the cells and I had this surgery every three months. Been over 5 years since he found anything. In case your wondering a tumor are cancer cells that haven't caused as much damage or broken through the organ. Example:my cancer cells were inside the wall of the organ, if the cancer cells begin forming on the outer wall, or part, of the organ that's when it's declared cancer. This was my case anyway.
My cancer is not a travelling kind, which means if I start to smoke again, the carcinogens will go right back there. Chewing tobacco also contains carcinogens which means if I were to take up that habit, again the original organ will start developing cancer. This doesn't mean that I can't get other cancers if I were to continue smoking, but they wouldn't be from the original
Usually(and there are exceptions) the travelling cancers have some connection to the spinal chord. Again there are exceptions.
Again lindy I thought nothing of your posts the more info the better.
Vp told everyone at some teaching (musta been roa) that his eye was burned up from the lights on the set when he did the pfal class on film.
He talked about how they were on a time constaint so he couldn`t stop to rest, just put cold wet cloths on em so he could continue....
He said that the pain was so bad in later years that he had it removed.
Rascal -- I remember that. He also said something to the effect that he had *lived with it all these years*, and finally acquiesced to others who wanted him to have it taken out, to get rid of the pain.
Nothing was ever said about cancer, and the *light* story was fabricated as the cover-up. Since he had taught that cancer was caused by a devil spirit, and then he had it -- all the *smoke and mirrors* were put into high gear to keep the truth from being told. It would've been (shudder) unthinkable for them to announce that the MOG was possesed.
I used to buy the *light* explanation, but then in '87 I learned the cause of his death, which had also never (to my knowledge) been made public. Regardless of what he had, or how it was caused -- it was covered up, so that all would remain *business as usual* at twi hdqtrs.-->
Nothing was ever said about cancer, and the *light* story was fabricated as the cover-up. Since he had taught that cancer was caused by a devil spirit, and then he had it -- all the *smoke and mirrors* were put into high gear to keep the truth from being told. It would've been (shudder) unthinkable for them to announce that the MOG was possesed.
I used to buy the *light* explanation, but then in '87 I learned the cause of his death, which had also never (to my knowledge) been made public.
Whether there's a spiritual component to some cancers I don't know, but I checked my AC notes awhile back when this came up to see what was taught--at least the year I was there. VPW didn't teach that someone had to be possessed to get cancer; he taught that the disease is caused by a devil spirit. There's a difference. Again, I don't know if it's true, but that's what was taught when I sat through the class.
As for a cover-up, I know twi didn't shout from the rooftops that VPW died of cancer; God forbid they should "speak any negatives." But I knew it, maybe only because I was on HQ staff when he died. I wasn't in any privileged "inner circle" by any means. I was just a worker bee, and it didn't seem to me to be any secret what VPW had.
David, the "light story," as you call it, wasn't fabricated. I knew people who were there when it happened. I also knew about it almost 20 years before VPW died, so if it was fabricated as a cover-up for the cause of his death, someone had some pretty incredible foresight. :)-->
Disease attacks our bodies where they're weakest, and it's entirely feasible that the earlier injury to his eyes made him more vulnerable to melanoma of the eye. Ever hear any warnings about sun exposure and skin cancer? The lights used in filming 35-40 years ago were much harsher and hotter than what's used today.
Not defending the man, just the "facts" being tossed around in this thread.
I work where intraocular melanomas are treated with eye plaques. A medical person once told me that intraocular melanoma likes the liver and almost always metastasizes there if not "caught in time."
Do victims of this disease ever get brain mets? I dunno. But melanoma is a nasty little son of a bytch and can pop up almost anywhere.
Cancer is a real vicious horrible death, one I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, not VP, not LCM not even UBL.
Ironically, a year or so after VPW's death victims of this disease started getting treated with eye plaques, tiny bits of radioactive material that get plunked on the tumor and shrink it right down.
I guess it depends on where you are because to this day my ex refuses to believe that vee pee died of cancer. I think he even asked Moneyhands about this once when I brought it up and they still did not tell him the truth.
I understand being possessed by devil spirits is different from something being caused by devil spirits (according to TWI teaching), but it's still devil spirit involved and implies a great weakness in the individual which is what vee pee taught, it's also what craig taught until don came down with it.
Actually the big phrase I remember from LCM about cancer other than it being caused by devil spirits was , "If it has life of it's own...It's Spirit!"
That was said in direct reference to cancer. Shows how little the man knew about the disease and biology in general.
That sent my mind in a spin and I started asking all kinds of questions in the study group that followed. What about virus'? single celled oganisms? what is life of its own, like we humans have life of our own? All anyone could say was, "well I don't know, but that is what he said, 'if it has life of it's own, it's spirit".
Some of them started shaking and going "PEEP, PEEP, POP, BLEEP". Then their robotic brains started to smoke. :D-->
The way Martinfail taught it made it sound like the cancer was spirit and that therefore was possession. What a wack job.
Whatever LCM said caused DEW's cancer, the fact that the guy smoked like a chimney undoubtedly had more to do with it than spiritual stuff.
Smoking causes a ton of problems, not just with the lungs. Head and neck cancers, tongue, mouth, all kinds of nasty stuff, not to mention emphysema and death by house fire caused by a dropped ciggy.
If you smoke, please quit. We don't want to mention your name in the In Memoriam thread!
Something to keep in mind is that cancer research has gone light years ahead in the last ten years, than it did 50 before that. Far be it for me to defend VP, but back then all a doctor had to do was say the C word, and you pretty much knew you were going to die within a few years. People usually kept them to themselves until perhaps after the death.
I'm beginning to think that Weirwill knew something was up when he decided to step down. Not to many cult leaders that are making cash over fist do that. Although I may accuse it of doomsday, most cult leaders that know they are doomed will take their followers with them. You have to actually hand it to him for not doing it. But I say that around 1980 when it was rumored he would step down is when he knew his fate.
If he had an eye removed, they knew it was cancer. Perhaps it was in the advance stages and back then, prognosis' weren't good. Of course he wasn't going to want this to get out, because what he feared has come unto him. Remember also that cancer consumes, or drains, the immediate family, too. If he was going through chemo, he was probably hairless, and wouldn't have wanted to be seen. On the other hand, perhaps he actually believed that God would cure him and shunned the medical profession, until it was too late. I had a friend that never trusted doctors and ended up dying of cancer cells all over his body(from the spinal chord to his organs to muscles and nerves. He self-diagnosed himself as having arthritus because he would limp.
So keep in mind that cancer was kept secretive in those days, and unlike today, we couldn't really narrow down it's cause other than smoking or pesticides. Until the mid 90s commercial buildings were loaded with asbestos. Radon just came out that has, or will, overtake smoking as the #1 cause of lung cancer. Radon is found in basements of homes. It is an odorless and invisible gas. My county has a high number and they send out free test kits upon request. So the research continues!
Well, docvic(praise be his name) DID announce in a SNS that he was dying. He used that verse, "I have fought the good fight, " etc, whatever the heck it says. This was just a few months before he died.
Cancer sucks. A doctor I worked for back in the 1970's said that he tried to use synonyms because when he used the word cancer the patient never heard another thing.
But you are correct, progress is being made in leaps and bounds.
By the way, if TWI was correct then I'm working in a hotbed of devil spirits!
What BS! I wonder how many people died of cancer rather than admit they had it, and have people think they were posssessed?
VPW's cancer was not reported because those remaining in leadership would have to then explain to the rest of the TWI community why
"the teacher" had a devil spirit acting in his body. No one wanted to touch that topic. They also would have had to explain how and why VPw's believing could not deliver him from the illness. This is why you have CG mentioning in POP that he thought VPW basically willed himself to die. In this fashion the VPW loyalists can at least rationalize that aspect of it though any clear thinking person recognizes it as total escapist BS.
TWI certainly had a major difficulty in how to handle this given what VP had taught.
They therefore tried to put a different slant on things and hide the truth.
No doubt if they could they would do a Winston Smith and rewrite history so that whatever Big Brother had stated would be correct by revising what Big Brother had stated in the first place.
VPW's cancer was not reported because those remaining in leadership would have to then explain to the rest of the TWI community why
"the teacher" had a devil spirit acting in his body. No one wanted to touch that topic. They also would have had to explain how and why VPw's believing could not deliver him from the illness. This is why you have CG mentioning in POP that he thought VPW basically willed himself to die. In this fashion the VPW loyalists can at least rationalize that aspect of it though any clear thinking person recognizes it as total escapist BS.
Edited to add the following:
If the Weirwille loyalist still believes that cancer is caused by a devil spirit then he or she *must* deal with the issue of VPW having one. How long did he have it ? What did he do to get out of fellowship so the "adversary" could drive a hole into that "hedge of protection" ? And given that he had a devil spirit perhaps some of his decisions were influenced by satan. And which ones ? LCM's appointment maybe ?
What BS! I wonder how many people died of cancer rather than admit they had it, and have people think they were posssessed?
Sure. Actually people in the field were berated for having health problems though VPW was spared a similar treatment once he fell ill.
A different standard was applied to VPW than to the average Way believer that is for sure. I'm sure many of us have heard way leaders analyze someone's health problems in terms of their "state" (in fellowship or not) and whether or not they were abundantly sharing. The inconsideration and lack of compassion towards people was mind blowing. You got sick then it was YOUR fault and you some how had failed God for letting the devil get to you !
VPW gets sick, they lie about it, and then never admit to the circumstances.
Living in the Houston area, I was able to talk with one of VP's children shortly after his death. She made no bones about it being cancer that killed him.
At ROA that year, I mentioned to a friend on staff that since VP had died of cancer, maybe they would get rid of that "life of its own = spirit" nonsense. She steadfastly denied that he had had cancer.
Some people adjust their hypotheses to account for new data. Some people just adjust the data. -->
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Take it from someone who caught a tumor which would have become cancer. Cancer cells, unlike normal ones, divide in an irradical manner. Normal cells split 1, 2, 4, 8, etc. Cancer cells divide something like 1, 3, 4, 7, etc. or other manners. No one feels pain when the cancer is developing, and most ignore the signs later. Cancer cells tend to feed in nerves thus numbing the pain at first.
Remember I said there are a few of these 'eye cancers' this was just one. Although he may have damaged his eye with the lights, carcinogens may have come from smoking. I wondered how I got a tumor where I did if it was caused by smoking. My doctor told me that it is carried by the blood, and the blood carries nutrients it gets everytime you breathe. In other words it was either smoking(which he did) or chemicals.
His cancer was more dangerous because it became I believe metastatic is the word I'm looking for. which means it travelled to other organs. Although the lights may have damaged his iris or retina, when the cancer entered it looked for a vulnerable area.
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Cut the s**t and take your pick. It can't get any clearer than this. This is the authority of all cancers, their homepage is loaded with all types. (the link I originally put here did not go as planned. Just type eye cancer in the Search and see the results).
National Cancer Institute
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Hey Signals, didn't mean to sound like a know it all. Not at all.
Sounds like you had a run in with it and probably know more than most here. It just sounded like you were saying knowing the cancer would enable us to know what caused it. Clearly not what you meant. Obviously as you know it is not that easy.
Having said that, as I said before, I would bet on a life time of smoking and drinking had a little more effect than a couple of months under those 'evil' lights.
One interesting thing from the site you posted that I didn't know was when cancer matastisizes (spreads to another part of the body, as you said) it is not affecting the new areas cells. For example when VP's Ocular melanoma spread to his liver those were cancerous eye cells in his liver. Same with breast to lung, it is not now lung cancer it is breast cancer in the lungs. I guess that makes perfect sense, I just never realised that.
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Actually I hadn't read your posts at the time, and any information is worth it. My dr told me flat out after I was diagnosed and he had removed the tissue for a biopsy, either I quit smoking or die. Of course I rationalized...to which he said my cancer can only be caused by three things, diesl fuel-I don't drive truck, smoking-2 packs going on three a day, or hair dye used in beauty and barber salons. I'm not a hairdresser. I quit right then and never looked back. He also showed me pictures of my tumor.
For 2 years he still found the cells and I had this surgery every three months. Been over 5 years since he found anything. In case your wondering a tumor are cancer cells that haven't caused as much damage or broken through the organ. Example:my cancer cells were inside the wall of the organ, if the cancer cells begin forming on the outer wall, or part, of the organ that's when it's declared cancer. This was my case anyway.
My cancer is not a travelling kind, which means if I start to smoke again, the carcinogens will go right back there. Chewing tobacco also contains carcinogens which means if I were to take up that habit, again the original organ will start developing cancer. This doesn't mean that I can't get other cancers if I were to continue smoking, but they wouldn't be from the original
Usually(and there are exceptions) the travelling cancers have some connection to the spinal chord. Again there are exceptions.
Again lindy I thought nothing of your posts the more info the better.
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Ok glad to hear it.
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Lindy, yes, Don W died of lung cancer. Surprisingly, it was announced to the staff at HQ. I don't know who else it was announced to.
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I wonder how much his glass eye would bring on Ebay?
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Rascal -- I remember that. He also said something to the effect that he had *lived with it all these years*, and finally acquiesced to others who wanted him to have it taken out, to get rid of the pain.
Nothing was ever said about cancer, and the *light* story was fabricated as the cover-up. Since he had taught that cancer was caused by a devil spirit, and then he had it -- all the *smoke and mirrors* were put into high gear to keep the truth from being told. It would've been (shudder) unthinkable for them to announce that the MOG was possesed.
I used to buy the *light* explanation, but then in '87 I learned the cause of his death, which had also never (to my knowledge) been made public. Regardless of what he had, or how it was caused -- it was covered up, so that all would remain *business as usual* at twi hdqtrs.
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Linda Z
Whether there's a spiritual component to some cancers I don't know, but I checked my AC notes awhile back when this came up to see what was taught--at least the year I was there. VPW didn't teach that someone had to be possessed to get cancer; he taught that the disease is caused by a devil spirit. There's a difference. Again, I don't know if it's true, but that's what was taught when I sat through the class.
As for a cover-up, I know twi didn't shout from the rooftops that VPW died of cancer; God forbid they should "speak any negatives." But I knew it, maybe only because I was on HQ staff when he died. I wasn't in any privileged "inner circle" by any means. I was just a worker bee, and it didn't seem to me to be any secret what VPW had.
David, the "light story," as you call it, wasn't fabricated. I knew people who were there when it happened. I also knew about it almost 20 years before VPW died, so if it was fabricated as a cover-up for the cause of his death, someone had some pretty incredible foresight.
Disease attacks our bodies where they're weakest, and it's entirely feasible that the earlier injury to his eyes made him more vulnerable to melanoma of the eye. Ever hear any warnings about sun exposure and skin cancer? The lights used in filming 35-40 years ago were much harsher and hotter than what's used today.
Not defending the man, just the "facts" being tossed around in this thread.
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I heard that VP died of cancer in '90/'91 or so from a twig cordo who had been on staff when VP died. He didn't think it was that big of a deal.
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Watered Garden
I work where intraocular melanomas are treated with eye plaques. A medical person once told me that intraocular melanoma likes the liver and almost always metastasizes there if not "caught in time."
Do victims of this disease ever get brain mets? I dunno. But melanoma is a nasty little son of a bytch and can pop up almost anywhere.
Cancer is a real vicious horrible death, one I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, not VP, not LCM not even UBL.
Ironically, a year or so after VPW's death victims of this disease started getting treated with eye plaques, tiny bits of radioactive material that get plunked on the tumor and shrink it right down.
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I guess it depends on where you are because to this day my ex refuses to believe that vee pee died of cancer. I think he even asked Moneyhands about this once when I brought it up and they still did not tell him the truth.
I understand being possessed by devil spirits is different from something being caused by devil spirits (according to TWI teaching), but it's still devil spirit involved and implies a great weakness in the individual which is what vee pee taught, it's also what craig taught until don came down with it.
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Actually the big phrase I remember from LCM about cancer other than it being caused by devil spirits was , "If it has life of it's own...It's Spirit!"
That was said in direct reference to cancer. Shows how little the man knew about the disease and biology in general.
That sent my mind in a spin and I started asking all kinds of questions in the study group that followed. What about virus'? single celled oganisms? what is life of its own, like we humans have life of our own? All anyone could say was, "well I don't know, but that is what he said, 'if it has life of it's own, it's spirit".
Some of them started shaking and going "PEEP, PEEP, POP, BLEEP". Then their robotic brains started to smoke.
The way Martinfail taught it made it sound like the cancer was spirit and that therefore was possession. What a wack job.
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Watered Garden
Whatever LCM said caused DEW's cancer, the fact that the guy smoked like a chimney undoubtedly had more to do with it than spiritual stuff.
Smoking causes a ton of problems, not just with the lungs. Head and neck cancers, tongue, mouth, all kinds of nasty stuff, not to mention emphysema and death by house fire caused by a dropped ciggy.
If you smoke, please quit. We don't want to mention your name in the In Memoriam thread!
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Something to keep in mind is that cancer research has gone light years ahead in the last ten years, than it did 50 before that. Far be it for me to defend VP, but back then all a doctor had to do was say the C word, and you pretty much knew you were going to die within a few years. People usually kept them to themselves until perhaps after the death.
I'm beginning to think that Weirwill knew something was up when he decided to step down. Not to many cult leaders that are making cash over fist do that. Although I may accuse it of doomsday, most cult leaders that know they are doomed will take their followers with them. You have to actually hand it to him for not doing it. But I say that around 1980 when it was rumored he would step down is when he knew his fate.
If he had an eye removed, they knew it was cancer. Perhaps it was in the advance stages and back then, prognosis' weren't good. Of course he wasn't going to want this to get out, because what he feared has come unto him. Remember also that cancer consumes, or drains, the immediate family, too. If he was going through chemo, he was probably hairless, and wouldn't have wanted to be seen. On the other hand, perhaps he actually believed that God would cure him and shunned the medical profession, until it was too late. I had a friend that never trusted doctors and ended up dying of cancer cells all over his body(from the spinal chord to his organs to muscles and nerves. He self-diagnosed himself as having arthritus because he would limp.
So keep in mind that cancer was kept secretive in those days, and unlike today, we couldn't really narrow down it's cause other than smoking or pesticides. Until the mid 90s commercial buildings were loaded with asbestos. Radon just came out that has, or will, overtake smoking as the #1 cause of lung cancer. Radon is found in basements of homes. It is an odorless and invisible gas. My county has a high number and they send out free test kits upon request. So the research continues!
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Well, docvic(praise be his name) DID announce in a SNS that he was dying. He used that verse, "I have fought the good fight, " etc, whatever the heck it says. This was just a few months before he died.
In fact, it was his last SNS teaching.
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Watered Garden
Cancer sucks. A doctor I worked for back in the 1970's said that he tried to use synonyms because when he used the word cancer the patient never heard another thing.
But you are correct, progress is being made in leaps and bounds.
By the way, if TWI was correct then I'm working in a hotbed of devil spirits!
What BS! I wonder how many people died of cancer rather than admit they had it, and have people think they were posssessed?
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VPW's cancer was not reported because those remaining in leadership would have to then explain to the rest of the TWI community why
"the teacher" had a devil spirit acting in his body. No one wanted to touch that topic. They also would have had to explain how and why VPw's believing could not deliver him from the illness. This is why you have CG mentioning in POP that he thought VPW basically willed himself to die. In this fashion the VPW loyalists can at least rationalize that aspect of it though any clear thinking person recognizes it as total escapist BS.
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Trefor Heywood
TWI certainly had a major difficulty in how to handle this given what VP had taught.
They therefore tried to put a different slant on things and hide the truth.
No doubt if they could they would do a Winston Smith and rewrite history so that whatever Big Brother had stated would be correct by revising what Big Brother had stated in the first place.
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VPW's cancer was not reported because those remaining in leadership would have to then explain to the rest of the TWI community why
"the teacher" had a devil spirit acting in his body. No one wanted to touch that topic. They also would have had to explain how and why VPw's believing could not deliver him from the illness. This is why you have CG mentioning in POP that he thought VPW basically willed himself to die. In this fashion the VPW loyalists can at least rationalize that aspect of it though any clear thinking person recognizes it as total escapist BS.
Edited to add the following:
If the Weirwille loyalist still believes that cancer is caused by a devil spirit then he or she *must* deal with the issue of VPW having one. How long did he have it ? What did he do to get out of fellowship so the "adversary" could drive a hole into that "hedge of protection" ? And given that he had a devil spirit perhaps some of his decisions were influenced by satan. And which ones ? LCM's appointment maybe ?
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Sure. Actually people in the field were berated for having health problems though VPW was spared a similar treatment once he fell ill.
A different standard was applied to VPW than to the average Way believer that is for sure. I'm sure many of us have heard way leaders analyze someone's health problems in terms of their "state" (in fellowship or not) and whether or not they were abundantly sharing. The inconsideration and lack of compassion towards people was mind blowing. You got sick then it was YOUR fault and you some how had failed God for letting the devil get to you !
VPW gets sick, they lie about it, and then never admit to the circumstances.
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Watered Garden
A lot of people who have cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. have committed the unpardonable sin of being born wearing the wrong set of genes!
It's corruptible flesh, people!
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Living in the Houston area, I was able to talk with one of VP's children shortly after his death. She made no bones about it being cancer that killed him.
At ROA that year, I mentioned to a friend on staff that since VP had died of cancer, maybe they would get rid of that "life of its own = spirit" nonsense. She steadfastly denied that he had had cancer.
Some people adjust their hypotheses to account for new data. Some people just adjust the data.
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This bears repeating. Those who adjust their hypotheses are the ones most likely to leave, like we did.
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