I've heard a nice African American lady (gotta be PC you know :)-->) use the same term on a racist, bigoted, lazy, drunk and clueless Anglo Saxon dude..
It was rather funny. She didn't attach any racial meaning to that word, either.
There ya go Allan shooting your mouth off without having a clue.....it wasn`t Hamm who said that......it was the new poster who`s term was being discussed as appropriate or not.
Guess he isn`t interested in good manners or forum etiquette (sp?) Word wolf, but thanks for your attempts at clear understanding of the situation at hand.
Now, back to topic.... Can someone who doesn`t believe he was a false prophet give me any thoughts on why vp`s behavior WOULDN`T place him in this catagory?
Dove and Allan, can either of you explain why in your opinion, vp was any different than Koresche or Jones?
Now, back to topic.... Can someone who doesn`t believe he was a false prophet give me any thoughts on why vp`s behavior WOULDN`T place him in this catagory? Quote Rascal:
I don't believe that VPW was a prophet false or true... so no I can not help you there Cathy.
He was a false prophet with no ministry. He merely took credit for the wonderful things that the true ministers around him were able to do IN SPITE OF vee pee.
Now, back to topic.... Can someone who doesn`t believe he was a false prophet give me any thoughts on why vp`s behavior WOULDN`T place him in this catagory?
Well for one, he led thousands to the Lord Jesus Christ, born again speaking in tongues and more accurate truth on many important biblical subjects.
ok oldies, good point....what puzzels me about following that line of logic is that Koresche and Jones followers said that their leaders did the SAME thing!
(Not the sit part but claims that they were led to the lord and got born again).....
How is vp different than these nut jobs who taught scriptures, brought people to the lord....folks claim they were born again?
It`s all cool right? God was taught, people got born again.....all cept for that nasty litlle bit at the end involving the Kool aid and taking on the tbi....
All of the men taught scripture, all of the men led people to get born again....
Invovement in their ministries became detrimental.
Could the scriptures taught have been a lure to bring people in to a group, disarming their suspicions, untill the snare is finally triggered?
Yeah.....the longer one's involvement the MORE detrimental it becomes! The way indoctrination supercedes scripture and the practical application is to obey twi leadership above all else.
The pfal class spawned all sorts of private interpretation, of which, FEAR and ISOLATION became the order of the day. Via fear, one was manipulated and motivated to do things that they never would have done. Amd, isolation from family, friends, eduation, etc. marred, crippled, abused, and/or destroyed.
The way corps was the ultimate "luring one into the lion's den." The predators, wierwille and martindale, were selective in their prey and insatiable in their sexual appetites.
IMO the closer one learned and applied "the teacher's" way of abundant life the further one distanced himself from the Lord Jesus Christ.
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Hello, ChainClanker.
I think CC meant that he/she did not intend to insult any particular ethnicity or
"race" or skin colour or whatnot in using a derogatory term that originally was
used for one group and has also been used for other groups from time to time.
(I have seen someone refer to Middle Easterners as "sand-niggers" when thinking
out loud.) Actually, since that usage was by someone in Texas, I think that it
might be a regional thing to misuse the word "nigger" by tacking it on to other
words and give it a similar meaning. Please remember CC did not ORIGINATE
the term, and simply passed along what someone else said (not that s/he was
disagreeing with the connotations, but there is a difference.)
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Welcome CC..
I've heard a nice African American lady (gotta be PC you know
:)-->) use the same term on a racist, bigoted, lazy, drunk and clueless Anglo Saxon dude..
It was rather funny. She didn't attach any racial meaning to that word, either.
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even in good ole' New Zealand we refer to people in terms of nigga,for fun.All it means is that they are hopeless lazy darkskinned people !!
I think a better choice of word could have been used by Hammeroni,but then wait for the excuses..
As I said before, waybrain still in some people..find it hard to just admit a slip up and say..sorry.
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There ya go Allan shooting your mouth off without having a clue.....it wasn`t Hamm who said that......it was the new poster who`s term was being discussed as appropriate or not.
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It``s pretty obvious that you don`t want any meaningfull dialog, you just want to jump sombody`s a$$, anybody, whether they merit or not.....
Pal you have no class, you have nothing to offer anyone, and I am done with your silliness.
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In polite discussion,
when a gentleman has been shown he has made a mistake
(like attributing one person's post for another),
he offers an apology.
It's up to you whether you would offer one or not, but I thought I'd mention
that it applies ONLINE as well as face-to-face, in case you were uninformed.
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yeah, why not be the first one out of you lot to post an apology !!
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I apologize
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Too late, I beat you to it !!
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Allan replied
Oakspear responded
Allan replied rascal repliedGood question. Allan had CAUSE to apologize, claimed others hadn't apologized
previously, then claimed he HAD apologized. Of course, no such apology has been
posted, but Allan claimed there WAS one. Allan doesn't let a little thing like
"what happened" affect "how I remember things happening".
Of course, he also won't do his homework before making a statement.
I admitted making a mistake LAST on GSC 8/17/05, 2:39pm.
I made an apology LAST on GSC 8/12/05, 9:34am.
I've offered apologies a number of times here, in public and in private.
That's because I believe that, in polite discussion, when a gentleman has been shown he
has made a mistake, he offers an apology. That's why I said that.
I'm unsure the specific reasons Allan is pretending he offered one, and unsure the
reasons he claimed none of us offered any.
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Guess he isn`t interested in good manners or forum etiquette (sp?) Word wolf, but thanks for your attempts at clear understanding of the situation at hand.
Now, back to topic.... Can someone who doesn`t believe he was a false prophet give me any thoughts on why vp`s behavior WOULDN`T place him in this catagory?
Dove and Allan, can either of you explain why in your opinion, vp was any different than Koresche or Jones?
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Now, back to topic.... Can someone who doesn`t believe he was a false prophet give me any thoughts on why vp`s behavior WOULDN`T place him in this catagory? Quote Rascal:
I don't believe that VPW was a prophet false or true... so no I can not help you there Cathy.
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Thats right Dove, you did say that, I remember now that I apreciated your thoughts on the matter...(I had to read back a few pages)...
Thanks, you made some valid points.
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I don't believe he was a prophet false or otherwise,I do believe he had a teaching ministry.
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I believe he had a plagiarizing ministry
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He was a false prophet with no ministry. He merely took credit for the wonderful things that the true ministers around him were able to do IN SPITE OF vee pee.
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Uh oh have that warm & fuzzy feelin' comin'.
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ok oldies, good point....what puzzels me about following that line of logic is that Koresche and Jones followers said that their leaders did the SAME thing!
(Not the sit part but claims that they were led to the lord and got born again).....
How is vp different than these nut jobs who taught scriptures, brought people to the lord....folks claim they were born again?
It`s all cool right? God was taught, people got born again.....all cept for that nasty litlle bit at the end involving the Kool aid and taking on the tbi....
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Apples & oranges. But for all I know maybe they did teach the accurate word on getting born again, I don't know, I didn't follow their teachings.
Don't know much about Jones. VPW taught that those disciples were murdered. Wouldn't surprise me if they were.
I do definitely believe this: No matter how wierd Koresh was, those disciples were murdered by the govt.
Check out Waco, The Rules of Engagement documentary on video. Very informative.
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Oldies, and we wouldn`t have been if the government laid seige to hq?
(actually my husband agrees with you on that one)
Apples and Oranges?
All of the men taught scripture, all of the men led people to get born again....
Invovement in their ministries became detrimental.
Could the scriptures taught have been a lure to bring people in to a group, disarming their suspicions, untill the snare is finally triggered?
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I think I'd have to see verifiable statistical information before I would believe that.
That's debatable, but if you think so...
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Yeah.....the longer one's involvement the MORE detrimental it becomes! The way indoctrination supercedes scripture and the practical application is to obey twi leadership above all else.
The pfal class spawned all sorts of private interpretation, of which, FEAR and ISOLATION became the order of the day. Via fear, one was manipulated and motivated to do things that they never would have done. Amd, isolation from family, friends, eduation, etc. marred, crippled, abused, and/or destroyed.
The way corps was the ultimate "luring one into the lion's den." The predators, wierwille and martindale, were selective in their prey and insatiable in their sexual appetites.
IMO the closer one learned and applied "the teacher's" way of abundant life the further one distanced himself from the Lord Jesus Christ.
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