She can only speak publicly when she's had time to write down and revise a million times exactly what she wants to say. That doesn't mean she reads it very well or like she isn't reading it, but she has to be able to read whate ever she speaks publicly.
She is the master manipulator with that sick fake southern smile. Because the only ones left in TWI (besides those stuck for various reasons) are the ones who are already so pliable to the whims of TWI that they no longer need manipulation.
She operates behind the curtain like the wizard of oz and has all her monkeys carrying out her orders.
She's no good at mass manipulation, much better one on one. She would be "found out" if she tried her tricks on a group of people.
She's got the money, the lifestyle, the servants and her girl....why say anything and ruin it all?
Steve- so what made you think I meant Jean Yves de Lisle ? seriously, thankyou ! And I put it on the wrong thread !
Us bloody foreigners, hey, that could be a whole new thread, the problems the foreign in-res. corps presented.
I remember some who when it was time for their washing up duties they pretended they couldn't understand english and I think LCM got so pi***d off with a bunch of them he sent them all packing !
Jean Yv** De Li**e, theres a name I haven't heard in a while!
He was the dude who called myself and Selina up on the phone at Indiana campus after we had told the Mosquitoes we were leaving.
Said he would pay our airfare back to New Zealand if we kept our mouths shut.
Allan, what were you supposed to keep your mouth shut about? Did you have information that the masses were not to know about? Inquiring minds want to know!
Remember the goatee phase? OMG, that was hilarious! They all looked like evil twins walking around. Moneyhands wasted no time growing his once craiggers showed up with one.
Most all the people in my branch never took the time or had the money to go to the movies but as soon as craiggers started quoting "Jerry Maguire" everyone in the branch went to see the movie. It was like we suddenly had permission to do something fun.
I can just imagine all the women at hq and the corpse wives dying their hair blue-gray, having it cut into old lady short hair curls that only get washed and styled once a week and donning matronly ugly print dresses with collars up to their necks until they can have "turkey neck" surgery to get the wrinkles placed "just so" in order to wear blouses with somewhat lower necklines.
Oh, things like a couple of our elder corps whose partners were having an affair,caught out 'doing it' in the sauna on campus.When the wife of one of them went to see leadership, SHE was threatened with being thrown off campus!!
Because his parents were on staff at H.Q. Another single mom in-res with her daughter being caught in bed naked with her naked daughter AND her daughters friend.
This was again, whitewashed over, by leadership.
Other things as well,Selina and I understood that people can be weird but to 'gloss it over'
Another single mom in-res with her daughter being caught in bed naked with her naked daughter AND her daughters friend.
Unfrigginbelievable....And they weren't exposed to the whole campus, kicked out within one hour of being caught, and then trashed on a STS? We know that's happened before to someone who it wasn't even proved that there was homosexual activity.......Mosqueda really walked with HIS god (martinpuke).
Wayfernot, you just reminded me of an incident where paul Mosq***a chewed the whole family corps out because he had gone and taken a dump only to realise that the last person hadn't replaced the empty toilet roll!! Very detail minded..NOT!!
LOL! The almighty man of god for the whole family corps had to deal with an empty toilet roll. If he had been speaking in tongues and walking by the spirit wouldn't he have known that he should bring his own toilet paper??
Paul Mosqu*da has tried to cover and convince others that it's okay to have sex outside the marriage. He was key in trying to convince one guy, if I remember the story correctly, that craiggers assertion that having sex was no different than putting your finger in someone's ear. I don't know if they left TWI because they finally realized what b.s. they were promulgating and they repented or if there were other reasons. I just hope they have repented and changed their ways.
I can just imagine all the women at hq and the corpse wives dying their hair blue-gray, having it cut into old lady short hair curls that only get washed and styled once a week and donning matronly ugly print dresses with collars up to their necks until they can have "turkey neck" surgery to get the wrinkles placed "just so" in order to wear blouses with somewhat lower necklines.
I think I spoke too soon! Dig these boring brown tent dresses on everyone singing. I think now we know who picked out the tent dresses the choir wears!
Sorry, but the kids in the "The Greatness of His Power" video just make the rest of the people look really old and out of it. Why do the ladies even dance when you can't see their legs because the dresses are so long and big?
The singing ladies DO what they're told... or else!
We spent time at the on grounds trailer park in the home of one singing lady...This woman was sharp, like a vicious lion... ready to devour anyone who may speak contrary about TWI...Her husband a sweet sad...very, very sad
Remember, TWI is a Corporation... it's a business, and to keep it running smoothly, there is no room for all the employees to think on their own -->
I would sum up the whole situation there as a glorified prison...except the inmates don't 'think' beyond their box to know how much of life they are missing... They actually believe they are 'serving' God! Besides, it's much easier to live when everything is laid out for you, rather than thinking on your own (if you don't mind NOT THINKING much)
I still like the comment someone here made a while back about Mr & Mrs Weirwille, riding out on their beautiful motor cycle set up at the ROA and all the PEASANTS running out to greet them...
Oh yes... About Rosalie... during a HQ visit, we ran into some single ladies/girls that we knew from Hawaii...
Boy, it was so good to see them... BUT... very strange... one had or was getting married... the other ones job was taking care of Rosie & Donna...
The strange part was, they were with a group of girls that really stuck together...they were holding hands & giggling...standing VERY close to each other, moving through the crowd of STS visitors...
The 'group' wouldn't continue with out the girl we were talking with... and she seemed a little nervous at our questions~ which were about how she was & what did she do there...
Now when I say 'girls'...these were Corps ladies...the one we knew would have been in her 30's at the time... hence, the behavior of a 4th grader seemed odd
My Lord, I cannot believe their 'garb'. The song remains the same, nothing much new. At least back in the 70's we had great music.
What dowdy clothes, whoever is designing for them or doing wardrobe might as well use flour sacks, at least they would be light colors not mud brown for spring. They are horrible. Even choir robes would be an improvement.
Such pretty ladies and they have to cover up, looks like a sect of 'jews' that we know.
You get one slightly overweight person and everyone has to wear a tent. Yuch!
I still like the comment someone here made a while back about Mr & Mrs Weirwille, riding out on their beautiful motor cycle set up at the ROA and all the PEASANTS running out to greet them...
This reminds me of the time years back where I convinced my mom and dad to attend the rock of ages. We were all in the tent camping area and it had been raining quite a bit and we were up to our "eyeballs" in mud and the wagons were coming along dumping straw out for us.
Along comes ol docvic (praise be His Name) with the little Mrs, in some fancy deal they were driving through the tent area.
My parents saw it then, but I still didn't. When I look at that scenario now, I can't believe I was so stupid
The strange part was, they were with a group of girls that really stuck together...they were holding hands & giggling...standing VERY close to each other, moving through the crowd of STS visitors...
Now when I say 'girls'...these were Corps ladies...the one we knew would have been in her 30's at the time... hence, the behavior of a 4th grader seemed odd
Something is definately 'up' there...
What's even odder is that no one will question the behavior. They "may" whisper about it, but not likely since you can't trust anyone in TWI to not rat you out for questioning things. Eventually it will become a common occurence and then people will forget what it was like when women DIDN'T walk around in TWI holding hands and acting like lesbians.
The good thing about that is it will instantly alert new people to the fact that something's rotten in NK.
Lorna, aren't those the ugliest dresses you've ever seen?? I don't know why they even bother dancing since you can't see their legs. Even the heck can you smile while wearing something like that???
outofdafog, my parents made a few comments too, but in a joking manner. I looked at them like they were committing sacrilige so they quit. Once my dad asked what Moneyhands does all day and neither me nor my ex could really come up with much and what we DID say was so obviously not things that would take a whole day and were pretty lame. Definitely wish I had listened to my parents!
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Maybe we don't hear from her because she doesn't have much to say.
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Could be. After all, "off with his head" can be only used in a couple of different contexts, even spoken in a smooth southern draw..
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It's because:
She can only speak publicly when she's had time to write down and revise a million times exactly what she wants to say. That doesn't mean she reads it very well or like she isn't reading it, but she has to be able to read whate ever she speaks publicly.
She is the master manipulator with that sick fake southern smile. Because the only ones left in TWI (besides those stuck for various reasons) are the ones who are already so pliable to the whims of TWI that they no longer need manipulation.
She operates behind the curtain like the wizard of oz and has all her monkeys carrying out her orders.
She's no good at mass manipulation, much better one on one. She would be "found out" if she tried her tricks on a group of people.
She's got the money, the lifestyle, the servants and her girl....why say anything and ruin it all?
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What, do you realy *want* to?
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Silence, in this case, really is a good thing, but
some of us have a morbid curiosity, heh heh.
I bet its pretty quiet in staff meetings too-
"so and so can't afford food at his present salary"
"Off with his head"
"Any other complaints or suggestions?"
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Jean Yv** De Li**e, theres a name I haven't heard in a while!
He was the dude who called myself and Selina up on the phone at Indiana campus after we had told the Mosquitoes we were leaving.
Said he would pay our airfare back to New Zealand if we kept our mouths shut.
Got back to N.Z. only to receive an invoice from Mic**l Ad**s for $10,000.Did we pay it? What would you have done?
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Allan - a quick note: you don't have to obscure the names of members of the bored of rustees, er, boring trustees, er whatever.
They are fair game.
So go ahead and say "Jean Yves deLisle".
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The only thing I can see is that that old broad wears more makeup than Weirwill, Tammy Faye Baker, and Bozo combined!
Since I have no idea who or what she really is, my opinion is they put a woman 'symbolic' for prez to quench the fires from sexual matters.
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She doesn't hold any 'bake sales'.
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Steve- so what made you think I meant Jean Yves de Lisle ? seriously, thankyou ! And I put it on the wrong thread !
Us bloody foreigners, hey, that could be a whole new thread, the problems the foreign in-res. corps presented.
I remember some who when it was time for their washing up duties they pretended they couldn't understand english and I think LCM got so pi***d off with a bunch of them he sent them all packing !
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Allan, what were you supposed to keep your mouth shut about? Did you have information that the masses were not to know about? Inquiring minds want to know!
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Why have we not heard much from Rosalie? Perhaps she is a believer in the words of Mark Twain:
"Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."
My 2 cents...
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Please, Allan, do tell!
Remember the goatee phase? OMG, that was hilarious! They all looked like evil twins walking around. Moneyhands wasted no time growing his once craiggers showed up with one.
Most all the people in my branch never took the time or had the money to go to the movies but as soon as craiggers started quoting "Jerry Maguire" everyone in the branch went to see the movie. It was like we suddenly had permission to do something fun.
I can just imagine all the women at hq and the corpse wives dying their hair blue-gray, having it cut into old lady short hair curls that only get washed and styled once a week and donning matronly ugly print dresses with collars up to their necks until they can have "turkey neck" surgery to get the wrinkles placed "just so" in order to wear blouses with somewhat lower necklines.
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Oh, things like a couple of our elder corps whose partners were having an affair,caught out 'doing it' in the sauna on campus.When the wife of one of them went to see leadership, SHE was threatened with being thrown off campus!!
Because his parents were on staff at H.Q. Another single mom in-res with her daughter being caught in bed naked with her naked daughter AND her daughters friend.
This was again, whitewashed over, by leadership.
Other things as well,Selina and I understood that people can be weird but to 'gloss it over'
we believed to be very wrong.
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Unfrigginbelievable....And they weren't exposed to the whole campus, kicked out within one hour of being caught, and then trashed on a STS? We know that's happened before to someone who it wasn't even proved that there was homosexual activity.......Mosqueda really walked with HIS god (martinpuke).
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Wayfernot, you just reminded me of an incident where paul Mosq***a chewed the whole family corps out because he had gone and taken a dump only to realise that the last person hadn't replaced the empty toilet roll!! Very detail minded..NOT!!
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LOL! The almighty man of god for the whole family corps had to deal with an empty toilet roll. If he had been speaking in tongues and walking by the spirit wouldn't he have known that he should bring his own toilet paper??
Paul Mosqu*da has tried to cover and convince others that it's okay to have sex outside the marriage. He was key in trying to convince one guy, if I remember the story correctly, that craiggers assertion that having sex was no different than putting your finger in someone's ear. I don't know if they left TWI because they finally realized what b.s. they were promulgating and they repented or if there were other reasons. I just hope they have repented and changed their ways.
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I think I spoke too soon! Dig these boring brown tent dresses on everyone singing. I think now we know who picked out the tent dresses the choir wears!
TWI Productions
Sorry, but the kids in the "The Greatness of His Power" video just make the rest of the people look really old and out of it. Why do the ladies even dance when you can't see their legs because the dresses are so long and big?
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The singing ladies DO what they're told... or else!
We spent time at the on grounds trailer park in the home of one singing lady...This woman was sharp, like a vicious lion... ready to devour anyone who may speak contrary about TWI...Her husband a sweet sad...very, very sad
Remember, TWI is a Corporation... it's a business, and to keep it running smoothly, there is no room for all the employees to think on their own
I would sum up the whole situation there as a glorified prison...except the inmates don't 'think' beyond their box to know how much of life they are missing... They actually believe they are 'serving' God! Besides, it's much easier to live when everything is laid out for you, rather than thinking on your own (if you don't mind NOT THINKING much)
I still like the comment someone here made a while back about Mr & Mrs Weirwille, riding out on their beautiful motor cycle set up at the ROA and all the PEASANTS running out to greet them...
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Oh yes... About Rosalie... during a HQ visit, we ran into some single ladies/girls that we knew from Hawaii...
Boy, it was so good to see them... BUT... very strange... one had or was getting married... the other ones job was taking care of Rosie & Donna...
The strange part was, they were with a group of girls that really stuck together...they were holding hands & giggling...standing VERY close to each other, moving through the crowd of STS visitors...
The 'group' wouldn't continue with out the girl we were talking with... and she seemed a little nervous at our questions~ which were about how she was & what did she do there...
Now when I say 'girls'...these were Corps ladies...the one we knew would have been in her 30's at the time... hence, the behavior of a 4th grader seemed odd
Something is definately 'up' there...
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well that sounds like a sushi bar to me!
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My Lord, I cannot believe their 'garb'. The song remains the same, nothing much new. At least back in the 70's we had great music.
What dowdy clothes, whoever is designing for them or doing wardrobe might as well use flour sacks, at least they would be light colors not mud brown for spring. They are horrible. Even choir robes would be an improvement.
Such pretty ladies and they have to cover up, looks like a sect of 'jews' that we know.
You get one slightly overweight person and everyone has to wear a tent. Yuch!
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This reminds me of the time years back where I convinced my mom and dad to attend the rock of ages. We were all in the tent camping area and it had been raining quite a bit and we were up to our "eyeballs" in mud and the wagons were coming along dumping straw out for us.
Along comes ol docvic (praise be His Name) with the little Mrs, in some fancy deal they were driving through the tent area.
My parents saw it then, but I still didn't. When I look at that scenario now, I can't believe I was so stupid
CHILDREN - listen to your parents!!
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What's even odder is that no one will question the behavior. They "may" whisper about it, but not likely since you can't trust anyone in TWI to not rat you out for questioning things. Eventually it will become a common occurence and then people will forget what it was like when women DIDN'T walk around in TWI holding hands and acting like lesbians.
The good thing about that is it will instantly alert new people to the fact that something's rotten in NK.
Lorna, aren't those the ugliest dresses you've ever seen?? I don't know why they even bother dancing since you can't see their legs. Even the heck can you smile while wearing something like that???
outofdafog, my parents made a few comments too, but in a joking manner. I looked at them like they were committing sacrilige so they quit. Once my dad asked what Moneyhands does all day and neither me nor my ex could really come up with much and what we DID say was so obviously not things that would take a whole day and were pretty lame. Definitely wish I had listened to my parents!
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