No! Actually I didn't want my neighbors to know my business, because after the believers were gone, I would still have to live there. Of course, I would notice that believers who came to visit were rather bold and didn't care if they stirred up the neighbors. After all after turning you away from family and friends, your neighbors would mean total seclusion. Thus a prey to your 'spiritual' family. This is just my opinion and what I observe. Others may agree, disagree, or have a different point of view.
One thing you have to factor in is that neighbors aren't as close today as they were when I was a kid. People move more for one thing. The house I grew up in I lived at from age 1 to college and most kids I knew seemed to be the same way. We had progressive dinners all the time. This is where one house would supply the appetizers, the next house the main course, and so on. I haven't seen that since being a kid.
I can't say what effect it would have had if one of the neighbors was in TWI, but my family was pretty liberal (father was an atheist) yet the other neighbors most of whom were strict Christian Reformed still respected us as neighbors and I was friends with their kids and stuff, so I don't know.
When I was in TWI I guess neighbors were suspected plants of the adversary until proven otherwise. Some of the TWI people were more friendly than that but mostly that whole cult label got to me that way.
Every time someone moved it was an open invitation to go door to door witnessing. I absolutely hated it! Especially when it was in my apartment complex or neighborhood.
I hate people knocking on my door to witness to me, I sure as heck don't want to peeve my neighbors by doing the same thing to them. When we first moved into our neighborhood we were going to, oh joy, do the door to door witnessing thing, but it was presented to us as just meeting our neighbors and introducting ourselves. I could deal with that.
The girl I was with was a fun person. We met several neighbors and one lady actually invited us in for tea. We had a very nice conversation and it was refreshing to just be chatting with no ulterior motive of having to get around to selling her on TWI right away.
My ex and his partner did the same thing. When we got back to our house for a "recap" we were all reproved for not actually witnessing! Funny how 90 percent of us all had the same impression of what the goal for the day was --- to introduce ourselves. This is the one time my ex stood up for us, but ended up apologizing that there muyst have been a mis-communication somewhere. -->
yuck! door to door! i hated it and never found any profit in it. i also hated to have the jehovas knock on my door. it got so bad at one point when i saw them comming once i opened the door NUDE and invited them in!! ,haven't seen them in years!lol
Actually I didn't want my neighbors to know my business, because after the believers were gone, I would still have to live there
What a novel idea, heh heh. I should have thought of that, my old neighbors thought I was nuts.
The next to last branch coordinator I knew here forbade ANYBODY to witness to his neighbors. "I've spent xxxxx hours working with this guy, and I don't want anybody to mess with him."
I actually respected him for this- he may have had his faults, but he wasn't a freaking out of his mind religious zealot, at least at that time. All the other jackasses wouldn't hesitate to come to your town, your neighborhood, stir stuff up, and leave you to fend for yourself.
Answering the door in the nude to door-to-door missionaries seems like one of those urban legends where everybody knows somebody who knows somebody who has heard about it, but nobody actually owns up to it. Until now.
Funny, I've never had a door-to-door JW not go away when asked, or be rude, or come back when told not to. Unlike some of us old wayfers! :D-->
Answering the door in the nude to door-to-door missionaries seems like one of those urban legends where everybody knows somebody who knows somebody who has heard about it, but nobody actually owns up to it. Until now.
Maybe RFR thought it was JWs or Mormons.
door to door is not dead
What do you mean.
He means that, while true sailing is dead, door to door is not dead.
My last HFC was enamored with door to door. Not because it brought fruit(no one ever came to the fellowship in the nineties through door to door.) I think it was a control thing. Sometimes it was done on an extra night, not a regular fellowship night. Lucky for me, I missed half of that stuff, since I had kids who went to bed early on school nights.
I'm sorry to hear you still have to do that work, Waywardwafer.
One thing you have to factor in is that neighbors aren't as close today as they were when I was a kid. People move more for one thing. The house I grew up in I lived at from age 1 to college and most kids I knew seemed to be the same way. We had progressive dinners all the time. This is where one house would supply the appetizers, the next house the main course, and so on. I haven't seen that since being a kid.
John, that is so true. When I was a kid we moved twice, but within the same town.
I Lived in the new residence from 5>18. My 73 year young Mom has been there for 45 years. All neighbors in that block have a residency of 20>50 YEARS. I dig the progressive dinners deal. That did occur during the holidays back when then, but now more like favorite recipes are delivered and traded.
I can't say what effect it would have had if one of the neighbors was in TWI, but my family was pretty liberal (father was an atheist) yet the other neighbors most of whom were strict Christian Reformed still respected us as neighbors and I was friends with their kids and stuff, so I don't know.
Yeah, dig it. My Dad did not care to much for church. He was rather dissappointed their racial views. About my 12th year he decided never again to attend church. That would be 1967. All that Civil Rights and etc. And he never attended again.
Most of the neigbors were Southern Baptist, being Savannah, Ga.
There were the Greek Orthodox, the Catholics, and those of "the Jewish Faith" ~~~ such a prejudice.
The Mormons & JW's would come around and all were very nice with each other.
Then TWI came to town ~~~ and we hit up every household in Paradise Park (500 ++ homes my estimate)~~~ amazing.
When I was in TWI I guess neighbors were suspected plants of the adversary until proven otherwise. Some of the TWI people were more friendly than that but mostly that whole cult label got to me that way.
Every time someone moved it was an open invitation to go door to door witnessing. I absolutely hated it! Especially when it was in my apartment complex or neighborhood.
Dig it!!! Yeah especially ingnore the "NO SOLICITATION"!!! And usually the dinner hour, or a Saturday, or a Sunday.
I hate people knocking on my door to witness to me, I sure as heck don't want to peeve my neighbors by doing the same thing to them. When we first moved into our neighborhood we were going to, oh joy, do the door to door witnessing thing, but it was presented to us as just meeting our neighbors and introducting ourselves. I could deal with that.
I really don't mind that at all. I suppose it's a compassion toward those who have the compelling desire to sell their religion. Jeesh what am I saying!!!
Yeah Belle, don't ya just love that Meet the Neighbors in the guise of potential recruits for the truth.
The girl I was with was a fun person. We met several neighbors and one lady actually invited us in for tea. We had a very nice conversation and it was refreshing to just be chatting with no ulterior motive of having to get around to selling her on TWI right away.
Now, that's a kewl. Had that happen a few times.
That's what I offer if ever there be a WITTnasaur knock 'pon my door.
But I have a special tea that I offer.
My ex and his partner did the same thing. When we got back to our house for a "recap" we were all reproved for not actually witnessing! Funny how 90 percent of us all had the same impression of what the goal for the day was --- to introduce ourselves. This is the one time my ex stood up for us, but ended up apologizing that there muyst have been a mis-communication somewhere.
Oak, That's funny to answer the door in the nude. I'll have to try it.
Ya know that every where I went as a Way Believer I felt compelled to witness whenever possible.
That just did not feel right, although I did it, and was able to bring home the stories to twig.
& especially a newbie!!!
Oh look at me eh.
Hey, that stuff TWI doled out as the truth sure made a monkey on my back.
It was like looking at people as sub spieces. Two times tops they got the chance to come to fellowship, after that, wipe the dust from your feet.
That is so foreign to me anymore. I really can not believe that I thought that way. But I did. Ain't none no denying that. Everyone is your pal. Remember that one from JAL. Everyone is a potential recruit for PFAL and subsequent programs.
Witnessing TWI/PFAL felt so unnatural. Now to sit down and discuss things as people do, kewl. But if the eye is to just get that person into the class so that they can know the truth as no one else since the first century church, is total hood winkism.
I was ONE of the ONES in the whole world that really knew the truth, ya know in the God's Royal Household.
Sure I loved to help folks. But the focus from TWI mentality was to get them to take the class.
After being out for about 10 years and bringing my mind to think for myself, I now truely help people! I don't go out looking for that, it's just there.
For example:
I am a subcontractor in the construction arena. My bids are on the high side because I am a master carpenter!
There is a divorced mother of two. She wants a new rear deck in place of the existing. She requested three seperate bids for three options.
I gave her the bids.
I called to see if she had made a choice.
Well as the conversation developed, I could tell that she could not afford any of the proposals. She never said that she could or could not.
She revealed to me what the other contractors quoted and that we were all in the same field.
Mind you, I never sell anyone anything. I offer my services and even tell the client to call in other contractors to bid. But of course, I have some serious photo resume.
She said she would have to think about it.
We hung up.
I knew her "thinking about it" was all she could do.
I kept thinking about it.
I called her back within 15 minutes.
I gave her a per diem quote which is literally 1/3rd the labor cost. Also told her that I was not performing the requested work out of pity, but rather compassion her financial condition.
There was long draw of silence.
Steven, that is very kind of you. Are you sure...>>>"
I interrupted her, "...don't be concerned about that. Do you accept the proposal?
She so happily agreed! That is what she can afford.
She also said that she would tell others at the next community meeting.
But that was not my motive!!!
That is the type of "witnessing" that one should perform~~~
Compassion of heart in the time of someones need.
and not motivated by ulterior motives to catch some ones soul into the Royal Stranglehold of TWIs'God/Godess
...just to be the good neighbor.
& believe me, i'm no none the epitome of compassion. For i do have the middle finger, one on each hand, that I have to deal out from time to time.
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No! Actually I didn't want my neighbors to know my business, because after the believers were gone, I would still have to live there. Of course, I would notice that believers who came to visit were rather bold and didn't care if they stirred up the neighbors. After all after turning you away from family and friends, your neighbors would mean total seclusion. Thus a prey to your 'spiritual' family. This is just my opinion and what I observe. Others may agree, disagree, or have a different point of view.
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Yeah signals,
I kinda felt that way too.
A recluse to the world,
but yet knowing the truth,
so to speak.
But my neighbors knew my stand
and they appreciated/tolerated the boldness of my "christianity",
which now I know was nothing more than blind faith charity
caparisoned for a life style of pedantic belief.
And then the established revs would move out the area
and replaced
with whatever leadership
and so so sooooo many things such a life style a cult
Rok On
Others may agree, disagree, or have a different point of view.
bet your a s s on that one fer sure
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One thing you have to factor in is that neighbors aren't as close today as they were when I was a kid. People move more for one thing. The house I grew up in I lived at from age 1 to college and most kids I knew seemed to be the same way. We had progressive dinners all the time. This is where one house would supply the appetizers, the next house the main course, and so on. I haven't seen that since being a kid.
I can't say what effect it would have had if one of the neighbors was in TWI, but my family was pretty liberal (father was an atheist) yet the other neighbors most of whom were strict Christian Reformed still respected us as neighbors and I was friends with their kids and stuff, so I don't know.
When I was in TWI I guess neighbors were suspected plants of the adversary until proven otherwise. Some of the TWI people were more friendly than that but mostly that whole cult label got to me that way.
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Every time someone moved it was an open invitation to go door to door witnessing. I absolutely hated it! Especially when it was in my apartment complex or neighborhood.
I hate people knocking on my door to witness to me, I sure as heck don't want to peeve my neighbors by doing the same thing to them. When we first moved into our neighborhood we were going to, oh joy, do the door to door witnessing thing, but it was presented to us as just meeting our neighbors and introducting ourselves. I could deal with that.
The girl I was with was a fun person. We met several neighbors and one lady actually invited us in for tea. We had a very nice conversation and it was refreshing to just be chatting with no ulterior motive of having to get around to selling her on TWI right away.
My ex and his partner did the same thing. When we got back to our house for a "recap" we were all reproved for not actually witnessing! Funny how 90 percent of us all had the same impression of what the goal for the day was --- to introduce ourselves. This is the one time my ex stood up for us, but ended up apologizing that there muyst have been a mis-communication somewhere.
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yuck! door to door! i hated it and never found any profit in it. i also hated to have the jehovas knock on my door. it got so bad at one point when i saw them comming once i opened the door NUDE and invited them in!! ,haven't seen them in years!lol
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Trefor Heywood
Must try that with the next pair of Mormon missionaries!
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I might try that too.....the Mormon missionaries in my neighborhood are pretty darn cute....
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What a novel idea, heh heh. I should have thought of that, my old neighbors thought I was nuts.
The next to last branch coordinator I knew here forbade ANYBODY to witness to his neighbors. "I've spent xxxxx hours working with this guy, and I don't want anybody to mess with him."
I actually respected him for this- he may have had his faults, but he wasn't a freaking out of his mind religious zealot, at least at that time. All the other jackasses wouldn't hesitate to come to your town, your neighborhood, stir stuff up, and leave you to fend for yourself.
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cars coming and going, uh
closed curtains for big spiritual meetings
yelling accompanied with spit, hmmm
sounds like a meth lab hahaha
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Answering the door in the nude to door-to-door missionaries seems like one of those urban legends where everybody knows somebody who knows somebody who has heard about it, but nobody actually owns up to it. Until now.
Funny, I've never had a door-to-door JW not go away when asked, or be rude, or come back when told not to. Unlike some of us old wayfers!
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door to door is not dead.
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What would or do you mean WwW?
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Maybe RFR thought it was JWs or Mormons.
door to door is not dead
What do you mean.
He means that, while true sailing is dead, door to door is not dead.
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My last HFC was enamored with door to door. Not because it brought fruit(no one ever came to the fellowship in the nineties through door to door.) I think it was a control thing. Sometimes it was done on an extra night, not a regular fellowship night. Lucky for me, I missed half of that stuff, since I had kids who went to bed early on school nights.
I'm sorry to hear you still have to do that work, Waywardwafer.
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Maybe they should just let it die with some dignity, heh heh.
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Quote is from johniam
I'm the italic guy
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Yo DaddyHoundog,
Nice chuckle there,
but I don't really think a meth lab would draw that kind of traffic.
More like a secret society with nothing to hide would though!
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Yo Southern Belle!!!
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As LDS Ican tell you that afer being taken aback the next time they'd just send Missionary Sisters LOL
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I might just have to start witnessing in Belle's neighborhood!
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I agree. I've never had JW's or Mormons return uninvited. I never returned to someone's place uninvited, either.
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Oak, That's funny to answer the door in the nude. I'll have to try it.
Ya know that every where I went as a Way Believer I felt compelled to witness whenever possible.
That just did not feel right, although I did it, and was able to bring home the stories to twig.
& especially a newbie!!!
Oh look at me eh.
Hey, that stuff TWI doled out as the truth sure made a monkey on my back.
It was like looking at people as sub spieces. Two times tops they got the chance to come to fellowship, after that, wipe the dust from your feet.
That is so foreign to me anymore. I really can not believe that I thought that way. But I did. Ain't none no denying that. Everyone is your pal. Remember that one from JAL. Everyone is a potential recruit for PFAL and subsequent programs.
Witnessing TWI/PFAL felt so unnatural. Now to sit down and discuss things as people do, kewl. But if the eye is to just get that person into the class so that they can know the truth as no one else since the first century church, is total hood winkism.
I was ONE of the ONES in the whole world that really knew the truth, ya know in the God's Royal Household.
Sure I loved to help folks. But the focus from TWI mentality was to get them to take the class.
After being out for about 10 years and bringing my mind to think for myself, I now truely help people! I don't go out looking for that, it's just there.
For example:
I am a subcontractor in the construction arena. My bids are on the high side because I am a master carpenter!
There is a divorced mother of two. She wants a new rear deck in place of the existing. She requested three seperate bids for three options.
I gave her the bids.
I called to see if she had made a choice.
Well as the conversation developed, I could tell that she could not afford any of the proposals. She never said that she could or could not.
She revealed to me what the other contractors quoted and that we were all in the same field.
Mind you, I never sell anyone anything. I offer my services and even tell the client to call in other contractors to bid. But of course, I have some serious photo resume.
She said she would have to think about it.
We hung up.
I knew her "thinking about it" was all she could do.
I kept thinking about it.
I called her back within 15 minutes.
I gave her a per diem quote which is literally 1/3rd the labor cost. Also told her that I was not performing the requested work out of pity, but rather compassion her financial condition.
There was long draw of silence.
Steven, that is very kind of you. Are you sure...>>>"
I interrupted her, "...don't be concerned about that. Do you accept the proposal?
She so happily agreed! That is what she can afford.
She also said that she would tell others at the next community meeting.
But that was not my motive!!!
That is the type of "witnessing" that one should perform~~~
Compassion of heart in the time of someones need.
and not motivated by ulterior motives to catch some ones soul into the Royal Stranglehold of TWIs'God/Godess
...just to be the good neighbor.
& believe me, i'm no none the epitome of compassion. For i do have the middle finger, one on each hand, that I have to deal out from time to time.
Rok On
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