I used to buy hookers all the time when I was a sixteen to twenty year old Merchant Seaman. I remember my first one, Angela in Barcelona. After the deed was done, she asked me how old I was, and when I showed her my identification which showed my birth year as 1957, she did the math and with a shock on her face asked; "You Madre? You Padre? They know you here?" And I said; "Well, I hope not!" And she said; "No, I mean they know you are Marinero (mariner)?" And I said; "Oh sure, they wanted me to be a Merchant Marine". Then she touched my cheek with compassion and said; "You are a bambino!" And I was a little embarrassed and reminded her that I had just done her like a man. But that didn't wash too well and she grabbed me by the hand and took me to a restaurant and bought me a beer and food, and we talked all about life and families and even God and it was really cool. We had quite a moment with each other. Then we drank more beers and went out dancing and she put off her "business" for the rest of the whole evening in order to spend time with me. When we parted she said with real compassion "Via con Dios mi bambino!
But as far as going ashore was concerned, this was par for the course with almost all of my shipmates ranging in ages from my age all the way up into their fifties. I had women while in Spain, Portugal, and while in Puerto Rico, I had women from Uruguay, Colombia, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela. I came to really love Latin women. It really wasn't considered terribly "wrong" amongst my shipmates, and amongst the Latinos it was simply the thing to do to keep things simple :)-->
I guess I had better sign this as "John" instead of Jonny, huh Z-Shot? Haha! :D-->
My wife and I actually have a game that we play: We call it "Trading For Sexual Favors". For instance, if I do a complete "make over" of the kitchen, which means: I do all the dishes, put everything away, wipe all counters, and even clean the stove and under the electric burners and make it all really ship shape, I give her a sly grin and say; "You owe me!" to which she replies, "Yes I do!" And then of course, mad love ensues...
And it is the same thing when she really puts out in a "service oriented sort of way", like a really nice dinner after a hard day of work, I end up owing her, in the way that she "likes it best", if you get my drift...
But, it is an arrangement that we both like, which therefore makes it cool...No what I mean?
Once when I was at that place in a relationship where we were discussing the possibility of sex between myself and a boyfriend, he actually came right out and said that if I had sex with him he would take care of my car for me (he was a mechanic and I needed something major for it at the time). He stumbled through what sounded like a proposition to me.
I asked him real calmly just exactly how much sex would a new clutch "cost" me and he got all flustered and said he'd take care of the car even if I wouldn't have sex with him.
I told him I'd have sex with him even if he didn't take care of my car, so we were even.
hmmmm, maybe it was one of those deals that were funny only if you were there at the time...
Shell, nah - I wondered if I communicated it clearly enough. It wasn't at all slimey like it might sound. He was just a very direct man from Long Island, NY. There was lots of giggling on both our parts in that conversation.
His latest relationship preceding hooking up with me had been unsatisfactory in that department, so he was stating what he wanted in order to move ours to that level...
Zix - actually, I took the car to a shop for the clutch job - I never did feel comfortable asking him to tend to my car - he was super busy growing a new business and all...
Speaking of mechanical terminology, once one of my nads became twice the size of the other over the course of a week. I got to where I couldn't wear jeans. I asked my twig cordo to minister to me. He told me to go to a doctor. I did and found I had epididimitis which was fixed almost instantly with a pill. I told the TC I needed a new "ball joint". He informed me I was as sick as he was. His name is Frank, too.
Romance novels? Moi? Some wimmin may not think that aspect of Merchant Marinin' too romantic! Or, are you referring to the clean the kitchen "trade off" deal? Although, I have actually read a couple of those novels just to see waht it is that seems to trip wimmins triggers. I know what it is now too.
As a man, you gotta be big and broad shouldered,very handsome with a "nut brown" tan, and sometimes with "steel gray eyes", or in some cases, "opaline green eyes", or "aquamarine blue" will do as well. Also, your previous experience with a woman had to end either because you were jilted by a vicious conniving bitch whom you had foolishly fallen for because she looked like your mother, or, because the woman with whom you had shared the perfect relationship had died or been killed. Also, you have to be romantic and inclined toward candle light dinners, know your wine, and all of this topped off with LOTS of money!
This way you are the perfect hook up for the beautiful, wholesome (yet vivacious!), woman who had been in an abusive relationship with some vicious bastard who had only held sway over the poor woman because she was of low self esteem but who had finally gotten up the gumption to walk away. It'll take you awhile to finally win her heart though because of her resolve to never be stepped on again, a principle you admire in her of course. But when it all comes together in the end, she gives over her heart as does you yourself, and you make passionate love as you slip her your "manhood". And then she lives with you in your inherited estate and you buy her anything she wants and you travel the world..
Wow Johniam. I have a friend who had a similar swelling, but it turned out to be testicular cancer. They had to remove one of his cojones. He did sire a son after that though. Praise God it was just a simple fix for you!
Yeah, Jonny, it was a combination of the story telling you get into when talking about this subject and the fact that you seem to know the formula... which you put quite succinctly.
Now, put them fingers to the keyboard and make some serious money.
You know Rocky, I have a dream to be able to write a novel as a matter of fact. I have actually written two chapters of a book about my merchant marine days, and specifically about my first ship when I went to Spain and other places in the Med. You all may notice that many of my posts are in the form of a story, and if that is obnoxious, let me know. But I do like to write, and it would be way cool if I could write and make money from it. I just have to get comitted and start doing it..
Teacher: OK, children. Today we're going to talk about heaven. I want to know what you all think. You, over there. What do you think?
Child: Well, I think you go to heaven right after you die.
Teacher: Very good. Now you, in the front row.
Child: Um, I think you go to pergatory first. Then you go to heaven.
Teacher: OK, that's nice. And you, the one waving your hand.
Child: Well, er, I don't think you have to die to go to heaven.
Teacher: That's unusual. Can you explain that?
Child: OK, um, the other night I was walking past my parents' bedroom and I heard a noise so I peeked through the door, and my mom was laying on her back with her feet up in the air saying,"Oh GOD, I'm COMING I'M COMING!!!" And she would've gone if my dad hadn't been right on top of her holding her down.
hmmm....I don't think that the word "trade" is exactly what's going on. I read and believe though, that men use love to get sex, while women use sex to get love.
We (men & women) are built differently, both physically, and mental-emotionally.
What about "booty calls"? Anyone have any experience with agreeing to have a purely sexual relationship with someone because you're between steady boy/girl friends and going crazy? On one hand I can see logically that this may work, on the other, I wonder if emotional attachments don't arise and cause problems.
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Do you mean like...
An expensive dinner?
Gifts (Valentine's day, Christmas, Birthday, or anything in general).
Work on her car, house, computer etc...
Are you suggesting that women would use sex (or the lack there of) as a "bargaining chip" or as a form of barter?
Does the term P. whipped mean anything to anybody? (I am trying to remember what the "P." stands for
IMO, if any woman has done any of the above they are a "prostitute" and if any guy has done any of the above, he is a "John".
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J0nny Ling0
I used to buy hookers all the time when I was a sixteen to twenty year old Merchant Seaman. I remember my first one, Angela in Barcelona. After the deed was done, she asked me how old I was, and when I showed her my identification which showed my birth year as 1957, she did the math and with a shock on her face asked; "You Madre? You Padre? They know you here?" And I said; "Well, I hope not!" And she said; "No, I mean they know you are Marinero (mariner)?" And I said; "Oh sure, they wanted me to be a Merchant Marine". Then she touched my cheek with compassion and said; "You are a bambino!" And I was a little embarrassed and reminded her that I had just done her like a man. But that didn't wash too well and she grabbed me by the hand and took me to a restaurant and bought me a beer and food, and we talked all about life and families and even God and it was really cool. We had quite a moment with each other. Then we drank more beers and went out dancing and she put off her "business" for the rest of the whole evening in order to spend time with me. When we parted she said with real compassion "Via con Dios mi bambino!
But as far as going ashore was concerned, this was par for the course with almost all of my shipmates ranging in ages from my age all the way up into their fifties. I had women while in Spain, Portugal, and while in Puerto Rico, I had women from Uruguay, Colombia, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela. I came to really love Latin women. It really wasn't considered terribly "wrong" amongst my shipmates, and amongst the Latinos it was simply the thing to do to keep things simple
I guess I had better sign this as "John" instead of Jonny, huh Z-Shot? Haha!
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I admit it...
I to could be called a "john"
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Is a bunch of flowers, an expensive dinner, a movie and a stroll through a shopping mall ending with a necklace; the same thing?
Trading "----" for "----"
Ann Landers used to say that within marriage: women trade sex for security, while men trade security for sex.
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J0nny Ling0
My wife and I actually have a game that we play: We call it "Trading For Sexual Favors". For instance, if I do a complete "make over" of the kitchen, which means: I do all the dishes, put everything away, wipe all counters, and even clean the stove and under the electric burners and make it all really ship shape, I give her a sly grin and say; "You owe me!" to which she replies, "Yes I do!" And then of course, mad love ensues...
And it is the same thing when she really puts out in a "service oriented sort of way", like a really nice dinner after a hard day of work, I end up owing her, in the way that she "likes it best", if you get my drift...
But, it is an arrangement that we both like, which therefore makes it cool...No what I mean?
Now, that don't make my wife a whore, does it?
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If sex is given/provided for goods and/or services....... That makes to one offering sex a ..... hmmmmmmmmmm....What was the question again?
The lyrics from a Tina Turner come to mind...
....."Whats love got to do with it"...
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Once when I was at that place in a relationship where we were discussing the possibility of sex between myself and a boyfriend, he actually came right out and said that if I had sex with him he would take care of my car for me (he was a mechanic and I needed something major for it at the time). He stumbled through what sounded like a proposition to me.
I asked him real calmly just exactly how much sex would a new clutch "cost" me and he got all flustered and said he'd take care of the car even if I wouldn't have sex with him.
I told him I'd have sex with him even if he didn't take care of my car, so we were even.
hmmmm, maybe it was one of those deals that were funny only if you were there at the time...
B - Better
O - Off
W - Without
t - the
w - way
i - international
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Box, that 'proposition' would .... me off! Whoa
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bowtwi: Should I make a joke about a lube-job, or just ask if you ever got your car fixed?
The Secret Signature of the Day has been cancelled by the HTML Police.
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Shell, nah - I wondered if I communicated it clearly enough. It wasn't at all slimey like it might sound. He was just a very direct man from Long Island, NY. There was lots of giggling on both our parts in that conversation.
His latest relationship preceding hooking up with me had been unsatisfactory in that department, so he was stating what he wanted in order to move ours to that level...
Zix - actually, I took the car to a shop for the clutch job - I never did feel comfortable asking him to tend to my car - he was super busy growing a new business and all...
B - Better
O - Off
W - Without
t - the
w - way
i - international
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Geez, Jonny, you could write a book... I bet you could write those romance novels wimmin buy...
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Hmmm...never had a "clutch job".
The Secret Signature of the Day has been cancelled by the HTML Police.
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Speaking of mechanical terminology, once one of my nads became twice the size of the other over the course of a week. I got to where I couldn't wear jeans. I asked my twig cordo to minister to me. He told me to go to a doctor. I did and found I had epididimitis which was fixed almost instantly with a pill. I told the TC I needed a new "ball joint". He informed me I was as sick as he was. His name is Frank, too.
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J0nny Ling0
Romance novels? Moi? Some wimmin may not think that aspect of Merchant Marinin' too romantic! Or, are you referring to the clean the kitchen "trade off" deal? Although, I have actually read a couple of those novels just to see waht it is that seems to trip wimmins triggers. I know what it is now too.
As a man, you gotta be big and broad shouldered,very handsome with a "nut brown" tan, and sometimes with "steel gray eyes", or in some cases, "opaline green eyes", or "aquamarine blue" will do as well. Also, your previous experience with a woman had to end either because you were jilted by a vicious conniving bitch whom you had foolishly fallen for because she looked like your mother, or, because the woman with whom you had shared the perfect relationship had died or been killed. Also, you have to be romantic and inclined toward candle light dinners, know your wine, and all of this topped off with LOTS of money!
This way you are the perfect hook up for the beautiful, wholesome (yet vivacious!), woman who had been in an abusive relationship with some vicious bastard who had only held sway over the poor woman because she was of low self esteem but who had finally gotten up the gumption to walk away. It'll take you awhile to finally win her heart though because of her resolve to never be stepped on again, a principle you admire in her of course. But when it all comes together in the end, she gives over her heart as does you yourself, and you make passionate love as you slip her your "manhood". And then she lives with you in your inherited estate and you buy her anything she wants and you travel the world..
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J0nny Ling0
Wow Johniam. I have a friend who had a similar swelling, but it turned out to be testicular cancer. They had to remove one of his cojones. He did sire a son after that though. Praise God it was just a simple fix for you!
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Yeah, Jonny, it was a combination of the story telling you get into when talking about this subject and the fact that you seem to know the formula... which you put quite succinctly.
Now, put them fingers to the keyboard and make some serious money.
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J0nny Ling0
You know Rocky, I have a dream to be able to write a novel as a matter of fact. I have actually written two chapters of a book about my merchant marine days, and specifically about my first ship when I went to Spain and other places in the Med. You all may notice that many of my posts are in the form of a story, and if that is obnoxious, let me know. But I do like to write, and it would be way cool if I could write and make money from it. I just have to get comitted and start doing it..
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Yes I noticed, and yes you should. Your posts have not been obnoxious, however.
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Government Announcement:
The government today announced that it is changing it's emblem from an
Eagle to a condom because it more accurately reflects the government's
political stance. A condom stands up to inflation, halts production,
destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and
gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed.
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A Sunday school class...
Teacher: OK, children. Today we're going to talk about heaven. I want to know what you all think. You, over there. What do you think?
Child: Well, I think you go to heaven right after you die.
Teacher: Very good. Now you, in the front row.
Child: Um, I think you go to pergatory first. Then you go to heaven.
Teacher: OK, that's nice. And you, the one waving your hand.
Child: Well, er, I don't think you have to die to go to heaven.
Teacher: That's unusual. Can you explain that?
Child: OK, um, the other night I was walking past my parents' bedroom and I heard a noise so I peeked through the door, and my mom was laying on her back with her feet up in the air saying,"Oh GOD, I'm COMING I'M COMING!!!" And she would've gone if my dad hadn't been right on top of her holding her down.
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hmmm....I don't think that the word "trade" is exactly what's going on. I read and believe though, that men use love to get sex, while women use sex to get love.
We (men & women) are built differently, both physically, and mental-emotionally.
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What about "booty calls"? Anyone have any experience with agreeing to have a purely sexual relationship with someone because you're between steady boy/girl friends and going crazy? On one hand I can see logically that this may work, on the other, I wonder if emotional attachments don't arise and cause problems.
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Takeme, are you saying you're available for such stress management arrangements?
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