That was a long time ago of course, before he began his rise in the hierarchy. Personally, I think that he went from good guy to bad guy. I think that the biblical instruction that leaders should not be picked before they are mature enough spiritually is the reason for his downfall:
"...not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride..."
TWI's biblical research was a sham anyway though, so his "spiritual maturity" was probably the same level as VPWs. The only difference is that VPW was already a con man, and LCM may have started out as a good kid who joined up with TWI and could not handle the real world as a result and thus went bat$#!+ crazy.
Originally posted by Jonny Lingo:
LCM hit on my wife one time when he was the Corps Director and married, but she just told him no and reproved him with It Is Written. He backed off and apologized. He treated her with respect after that, and me as well.
You must have been a different person back then...I would have trouble believing that you wouldn't beat the crap out of him for doing that.
Originally posted by Jonny Lingo:
But we were gone from The Way after 1990, and were not around for "round 2", when according to all that I have read here from those suffering through TWI II, things escalated way beyond anything we ever saw. Although, having been in on some of LCM's rants, I can clearly imagine how it got...
After you left things got a lot worse than you remember, at least I think so. Some of the things TWI taught were very mentally damaging to people. During the start of his "great homo hunt" I remember how he made me feel guilty, even though I found the idea of two men together disgusting. He turned the Rock of Ages, which had been a fairly decent experience previously, into a huge guilt trip where McCarthy would have felt right at home. Everyone was suspicious, everyone was feeling beat down, and you didn't feel safe anymore. Things only went downhill from there, and it was the first time I really understood that LCM was a nut. Yes, I bought into his B.S. for a while, but fortunately I woke up out of TWI's grasp and figured out how to live life on my own terms without feeling guilty or fearful.
Originally posted by Jonny Lingo:
But, he was a child once, and had a heart at one time. Maybe just maybe he is remorseful and maybe as he unloads those trucks with "common men", just maybe he is working hard and trying to make up for his sins. We haven't heard of any "LCM Ministries" like some of the egomaniac ExWay revs are now doing, so maybe that is a sign of some sort of repentance..
I'd like to believe athat anyhow...
You've made it sound like he's a lot like Darth Vader (sorry, Star Wars is on my mind) or MacBeth. However, I doubt that he really feels remorse for what he did. He's had chances to come clean and show that he truly regrets what he did. From what I can tell, he really only regrets that he got caught, and TWI still covers up what he did.
Ol' LCM couldn't have gotten so mean and evil without OL' VP, is that it?
That may be the crux of da whole deal. Who empowered the SOB? Who "groomed" him for the position? Wasn't me, at least directly- my abs may have supported the bast**d, but I didn't choose him.
"Moggy see, moggy do.."
One thing you could say, he did end up being just like his "daddy", without the refinements. Take VP's arrogance, plagiarism, sexual habits and stuff them in a package more defined as a social orangatan, and what do you get..
I think the role was made just for him.
For me, its hard to imagine he was at one time somebody's baby.
He must have had some element of cuteness, they didn't take him back to the baby store for an exchange, heh heh.
Whether he was cute once or not could be debatable, but the words of one of the former limb guys here really say it all, "we have been following a mad man".
Since the only His Story I heard was that of the leader, I'd say Craig first learned his tactics in The People's Temple. He fellowshipped and studied with David Karesh.
After TWI he was enlightened by Heaven's Gate but missed the comet and the mother ship!
LCM might have been a halfway decent person when he was younger. I don't know, I didn't know him befor I lived at Emporia, KS in the last of 1978 early 1979.
I know that while living there he was a hard nosed radical when he was running WCoE. Just the start of his way up to the Pres. of TWI.
When Doc Vic was in town he was brown nosing to the master (VPW) as much as he could, getting everything in order (night visits to the motorcoach ect.). But anywho...........
I always thought that Craggiers was a lot more than a little wierd during my stay at emporia befor going WOW during the rock of 1979.
I remember that the Advance class grads in Emporia had an Advance class grad supper one night, which most of the regular belivers help cook and serve for Craig (Head of the table speaker) and the rest of the advance class grads.from what little I overheard of the speach that craig gave before and after the meal kind of turned me off of ever taking the advanced class. (I thought that if the advanced class turned out a 'BIG SHOT' leader like this, it wouldn't be worthwhile taking.
I think the guy is nuts, permanently irrevocably so....
Are you a trained psychiatrist or psychologist? Who the hell are you to sit in God's judgement seat and proclaim that ANYONE is is incapable of repenting of their sins. I can just see you in the 1st century urgently trying to convince everybody that Paul couldn't be trusted.
Lol...johniam, who the hell are you to proclaim that I am sitting in God`s judgement seat?? Take an honest look at the actions of the guy you are defending ..... His insanity is obvious enough that even a non trained pshychiatrist can readily identify him as a lunatic :-)
You must have been a different person back then...I would have trouble believing that you wouldn't beat the crap out of him for doing that.
Hey. This happened to my wife when she was single. I did not even know that she existed. She told me about it AFTER we had been expelled from The Way, ok? Had I known P-Mosh, I most certainly would have had a problem, ok?
Do not read into what I have written. I think a number of you here foot umed that I knew of the incident when it happened. I did not!
The only thing missing that clearly showed that Loy Boy was 12 cans shy of a 6-pack was a glowing red neon sign on the front of his Herman Munster-sized forehead that flashes "CLINICALLY INSANE!"
"This is your mind totally fried on drugs--even without the drugs.
Rascal: I'm not defending anything: I've made many derogatory posts about LCM, even recently on that comparison of foundational classes thread Oakspear started. But if you call someone "irrevocably insane" without being professionally qualified to do so, then you are TOO sitting in God's judgement seat.
But if you call someone "irrevocably insane" without being professionally qualified to do so, then you are TOO sitting in God's judgement seat.
Johniam, now just stop and think how silly that sounds, ok? Because basically it would mean that if someone *were* professionally qualified to judge/diagnose LCM 'irrevocably insane' (i.e., a professional clinical psychologist/psychiatrist, for example), then that would mean that those same psychological/medical professionals can sit 'in God's judgement seat', as per your rendering.
Stop and think about that, and see if you can't now see what's wrong with that picture, hmmm?
And I got the photo from Googling for his pic, and uhh, ... took some creative liberties with it.
Johniam, it is a shame that lcm himself gave us SO much dadgummed ammunition for the derogatory posts .... If he hadn`t acted like such a nut job, I GUESS we wouldn`t have anything to even speculate about :-)
If someone was trying to get a grasp on who this former president of
twi was and why discussions of twi mention him, what would you tell them?
An attempt to *re-rail* here - - - - -
He had a *charisma* (for me) at first -- but it wore thin pretty quickly;
His SNS teachings (mid-70's), were decent, but with time got less so;
He became a *legend in his own mind*, to the detriment of all;
He could quote dirty jokes better than scripture;
His ability to publically humiliate a member of the *congregation* from the
*teaching* platform became more frequent; and - - -
May I add -- that this is from my personal contact with the man, both in person (and) as well as from a distance. These are my gleanings of what he was/ became/ and is. Having met him, and having been around him several times, the personal contact is more poignant and more damning -- while the long distance *contact* I had started out good -- but became increasingly less so.
Well -- that is what I would tell someone, and all I could honestly offer -- since I was usually a thousand miles away from what he was really up to, and never saw the real atrocities I hear about here at GSC.
But if a curious person (trying to get a grasp on this former president of twi) were to ask me further -- then I would relate the stories I have heard here from 1st hand witnesses, and not feel like I was indulging in *gossip*. :)-->
Was he a bully and a control freak BEFORE his association with vp or was it something that was developed under vp`s tutelage and supervision?
I don't know if he was a bully or control freak, but in my decidedly unchristian opinion he was an unmitigated prick.
I remember ROA '74, the first time I saw him working a crowd, thinking "what an unmitigated prick". Later I found out I wasn't the only one that thought that. The week that it was announced that he was the heir to the throne was the last week I attended twig.
Johnny, I actually agree- I would HOPE that he would come to his senses and repent- but I'm not holding my breath for it, any more than waiting for some kind of apology to come out of headquarters for the rough treatment they put God's people through.
Silence speaks volumes to me. They STILL think they can dance with devils and still be white as snow- Loy included. They think they did no wrong, and continue the devilishness to this day.
I don't know, if I personally knew a good side to him, perhaps I'd feel different about it. The only side I knew of him was the public persona he put on, and some of the more private rants- which got worse and worse. And the devilish doctrine and practice he introduced.
Add to that the crap he put my sisters through, while maintaining he was the finest thing since canned tuna.
Maybe its just me, but I can't hold any better opinion for the jackass than contempt.
Maybe you see some good in the guy that I don't-
I can accept that. I wouldn't argue with you- just for me, I would need a real good reason to change my mind. Some real concrete evidence that he made some changes.
The more I find out about this character, the more I feel betrayed.
"Out of his ever-lovin mind" is a mild accusation.. at least in my opinion.
The SOB COULD have just done the right thing- but that's just wishful thinking for me. Sure would have made things a lot easier, but the damage is already done.
*The SOB COULD have done the right thing* Damn right Mr. Hamm, he had the capacity AND a very unique oportunity to do great good for so many, but chose not too :-(
Hi guy (smooches).....this may be a topic for another thread, but something you said made me want to ask you this question.
You said that your wife told you about her encounter with LCM, and how she handled it AFTER the two of you had left twi.
There are scores of marriages that have ended because of this man and his lecherous ways. I have spoken at great length with a few (ExTwi for example).
I know and have talked to a bunch of women that have been "victims" of spiritual/sexual abuse, and the ramifications are endless in their lives,even up until today.
Here at Greasespot we often talk about the women that were victimized by spiritual/sexual abuse and the effect it has had on their lives. To my knowledge, we dont speak of the effect it has had on their partners and marriages.
I remember a few years back, we had a poster come barreling in....his wife had been diagnosed with a form of genital warts....and they had been married for many, many years. She was finally forced to admit to him that the former pres of twi had ALLEDGEDLY forced her to have sex with him. The man was crushed. I often think of him and pray for him and his entire family.
Jonny, what would you had done if you had known earlier about the incident you described? What would you have done if you had already been married to Mrs. Lingo? This is a question that weighs heavy on me. Do we need to start another thread?
I wasn't at the "inauguration and installation" of the 2nd prez of TWI, but I used to have a tape of the highlights, including Martindale's account of how he "got in The Word" back in his college days.
The way he tells it (and IMHO, his account was a sincere and truthful one) he began having serious doubts about salvation during his last year or two in college, despite being the head of at least one Campus Christian group. Getting more involved by going on a missionary type of thing to New York and other things only made the perceived emptiness even more deep.
According to his account, Donnie Fugit's and later Wierwille's teaching showed him that it was possible to have definite answers about salvation. By the time he took PFAL, he no longer spent every day fearing that he was going to hell.
TWI & PFAL hooked him...he bought into it 100%. I'm sure that he believed that he literally owed his life and sanity to Wierwille. No wonder he was so into it, no wonder he was so loyal, so willing to do anything for the cause.
Buying into the whole scam of Wierwille as MOG laid the groundwork for believing that his own position was ordained of God, and that he could do no wrong. His own weaknesses blossomed as he was able to act with virtually no restarints for much of his reign
We can discuss it here. It seems like sex enters into alot of our conversations anyway, so why not here as well?
Anyway. What would I have done if I had known?
Well, let's backtrack a bit. And remember, I will only try and relate what I might have done in light of the actual time and place of my involvement with The Way, and where I was at in my mind at that time. Okay? Sounds fair to me...
The incident happened when she was in Montana shortly after she graduated from the 7th Corps. '79 or '80.
He (Craig) had come to town to talk to the good people about the Way Corps program, or whatever, and afterward, he asked her to his hotel room to help him file some stuff, or something. He complained of his back, and he asked for a back rub. She rubbed his back. Them, he flipped over on his back and grabbed her breasts. She promptly was shocked as hell and said; "Craig you-are-married! What are you doing?!" And then she proceeded to remind him that "It Is Written is our motto!" And he backed off. Later he sent her a note of apology. He always treated her with respect after that. She just assumed it was weak moment, which men do have at times, justifiable or not. Women have them too. Life went on.
In '83, I met her and married her. Life went on. In '85/86, the .... hit the fan. By 80/90, we were kicked out. Later, I learned of the incident.
What would I have done had that happened between the time I was married to her and the time I was kicked out? I would have tried to do what I had always done since I became a believer in the lord Jesus Christ and learned that I had holy spirit which was and is my connection with the Almighty God.
I would have first asked God what to do. I would then either hear from Him and done what he said to do, or I would have through anger, decided what I wanted to do which no doubt would have been anger, confusion, and frustration motivated.
I most definitely would have concluded that "the wife of my youth" had been abused, and that it was definitely an ungodly thing that the man had done such a thing to my wife.
BUTTT, it didn't happen that way. So, how can I really say what I would have done? I am sorry to tell you, that even though some might have their own opinion as to what someone should do in that case, I am a firm believer that a situation should be handled when it comes up, and that the counsel of God should be sought then and there, as Jesus did when he had tough times. The woman taken in the very act of adultry, for instance.
One time when a region coordinator poured beer down the front of my pants in front of all the believers in my branch, humiliating me to a major degree, I held back from throwing my beer straight into his face. He taunted me to do it, and then taunted me for not having the guts to do it and that I was a pu$$y. Little did he know that I was recounting King David's mind set of "not putting my hand forth against the Lord's annointed". He was very fortunate.
I quietly slipped away from that crowd and from the derision still coming from his mouth and went into the sagebrush hills (on the edge of that neighborhood) of western North Dakota, and sat on a big boulder and prayed to God as to what to do. I asked His counsel, and the answer that I received was that according to Ephesians, I "was accepted in the Beloved", and that it didn't even matter if I never finished my interim year, because God had accepted me. I was at peace. I went back and told him that. He apologized to me. And then he did the same thing the next day at the big Limb meeting, in front of everybody.
But that's what I did in THAT situation.
What would I have done if that thing had happened to my wife while I was married to her? I know that I would ask God. I also know that I would no longer trust LCM as a MOG, and we probably would have ended up "OUTA THERE!"
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Mister P-Mosh
TWI's biblical research was a sham anyway though, so his "spiritual maturity" was probably the same level as VPWs. The only difference is that VPW was already a con man, and LCM may have started out as a good kid who joined up with TWI and could not handle the real world as a result and thus went bat$#!+ crazy.
You must have been a different person back then...I would have trouble believing that you wouldn't beat the crap out of him for doing that.
After you left things got a lot worse than you remember, at least I think so. Some of the things TWI taught were very mentally damaging to people. During the start of his "great homo hunt" I remember how he made me feel guilty, even though I found the idea of two men together disgusting. He turned the Rock of Ages, which had been a fairly decent experience previously, into a huge guilt trip where McCarthy would have felt right at home. Everyone was suspicious, everyone was feeling beat down, and you didn't feel safe anymore. Things only went downhill from there, and it was the first time I really understood that LCM was a nut. Yes, I bought into his B.S. for a while, but fortunately I woke up out of TWI's grasp and figured out how to live life on my own terms without feeling guilty or fearful.
You've made it sound like he's a lot like Darth Vader (sorry, Star Wars is on my mind) or MacBeth. However, I doubt that he really feels remorse for what he did. He's had chances to come clean and show that he truly regrets what he did. From what I can tell, he really only regrets that he got caught, and TWI still covers up what he did.
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Rascal, if what you assert here is true, then I guess OL' Craig shouldn't be thought of as so bad after all?
Ol' LCM couldn't have gotten so mean and evil without OL' VP, is that it?
Of course you believe this...
It fits right in with your endless victim mentality propaganda...
Everyone's a victim of twi and VP in some way...
Oh and Happy Mothers Day, belatedly...
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That may be the crux of da whole deal. Who empowered the SOB? Who "groomed" him for the position? Wasn't me, at least directly- my abs may have supported the bast**d, but I didn't choose him.
"Moggy see, moggy do.."
One thing you could say, he did end up being just like his "daddy", without the refinements. Take VP's arrogance, plagiarism, sexual habits and stuff them in a package more defined as a social orangatan, and what do you get..
I think the role was made just for him.
For me, its hard to imagine he was at one time somebody's baby.
He must have had some element of cuteness, they didn't take him back to the baby store for an exchange, heh heh.
Whether he was cute once or not could be debatable, but the words of one of the former limb guys here really say it all, "we have been following a mad man".
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Since the only His Story I heard was that of the leader, I'd say Craig first learned his tactics in The People's Temple. He fellowshipped and studied with David Karesh.
After TWI he was enlightened by Heaven's Gate but missed the comet and the mother ship!
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LCM might have been a halfway decent person when he was younger. I don't know, I didn't know him befor I lived at Emporia, KS in the last of 1978 early 1979.
I know that while living there he was a hard nosed radical when he was running WCoE. Just the start of his way up to the Pres. of TWI.
When Doc Vic was in town he was brown nosing to the master (VPW) as much as he could, getting everything in order (night visits to the motorcoach ect.). But anywho...........
I always thought that Craggiers was a lot more than a little wierd during my stay at emporia befor going WOW during the rock of 1979.
I remember that the Advance class grads in Emporia had an Advance class grad supper one night, which most of the regular belivers help cook and serve for Craig (Head of the table speaker) and the rest of the advance class grads.from what little I overheard of the speach that craig gave before and after the meal kind of turned me off of ever taking the advanced class. (I thought that if the advanced class turned out a 'BIG SHOT' leader like this, it wouldn't be worthwhile taking.
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Rascal said:
Are you a trained psychiatrist or psychologist? Who the hell are you to sit in God's judgement seat and proclaim that ANYONE is is incapable of repenting of their sins. I can just see you in the 1st century urgently trying to convince everybody that Paul couldn't be trusted.
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Lol...johniam, who the hell are you to proclaim that I am sitting in God`s judgement seat?? Take an honest look at the actions of the guy you are defending ..... His insanity is obvious enough that even a non trained pshychiatrist can readily identify him as a lunatic :-)
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J0nny Ling0
Hey. This happened to my wife when she was single. I did not even know that she existed. She told me about it AFTER we had been expelled from The Way, ok? Had I known P-Mosh, I most certainly would have had a problem, ok?
Do not read into what I have written. I think a number of you here foot umed that I knew of the incident when it happened. I did not!
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The only thing missing that clearly showed that Loy Boy was 12 cans shy of a 6-pack was a glowing red neon sign on the front of his Herman Munster-sized forehead that flashes "CLINICALLY INSANE!"
"This is your mind totally fried on drugs--even without the drugs.
Any questions?"
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If this isn't enough proof, I don't think you can satisfy anybody:
Proof Positive
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And if that was not enough, what about
The man thought he was Hugh Hefner, for crying out loud, heh heh.
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Garth: Where did you get that photo?
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Rascal: I'm not defending anything: I've made many derogatory posts about LCM, even recently on that comparison of foundational classes thread Oakspear started. But if you call someone "irrevocably insane" without being professionally qualified to do so, then you are TOO sitting in God's judgement seat.
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Johniam, now just stop and think how silly that sounds, ok? Because basically it would mean that if someone *were* professionally qualified to judge/diagnose LCM 'irrevocably insane' (i.e., a professional clinical psychologist/psychiatrist, for example), then that would mean that those same psychological/medical professionals can sit 'in God's judgement seat', as per your rendering.
Stop and think about that, and see if you can't now see what's wrong with that picture, hmmm?
And I got the photo from Googling for his pic, and uhh, ... took some creative liberties with it.
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Johniam, it is a shame that lcm himself gave us SO much dadgummed ammunition for the derogatory posts .... If he hadn`t acted like such a nut job, I GUESS we wouldn`t have anything to even speculate about :-)
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J0nny Ling0
God can forgive anyone...Jesus died for ALL...
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An attempt to *re-rail* here - - - - -
He had a *charisma* (for me) at first -- but it wore thin pretty quickly;
His SNS teachings (mid-70's), were decent, but with time got less so;
He became a *legend in his own mind*, to the detriment of all;
He could quote dirty jokes better than scripture;
His ability to publically humiliate a member of the *congregation* from the
*teaching* platform became more frequent; and - - -
May I add -- that this is from my personal contact with the man, both in person (and) as well as from a distance. These are my gleanings of what he was/ became/ and is. Having met him, and having been around him several times, the personal contact is more poignant and more damning -- while the long distance *contact* I had started out good -- but became increasingly less so.
Well -- that is what I would tell someone, and all I could honestly offer -- since I was usually a thousand miles away from what he was really up to, and never saw the real atrocities I hear about here at GSC.
But if a curious person (trying to get a grasp on this former president of twi) were to ask me further -- then I would relate the stories I have heard here from 1st hand witnesses, and not feel like I was indulging in *gossip*.
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I don't know if he was a bully or control freak, but in my decidedly unchristian opinion he was an unmitigated prick.
I remember ROA '74, the first time I saw him working a crowd, thinking "what an unmitigated prick". Later I found out I wasn't the only one that thought that. The week that it was announced that he was the heir to the throne was the last week I attended twig.
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Johnny, I actually agree- I would HOPE that he would come to his senses and repent- but I'm not holding my breath for it, any more than waiting for some kind of apology to come out of headquarters for the rough treatment they put God's people through.
Silence speaks volumes to me. They STILL think they can dance with devils and still be white as snow- Loy included. They think they did no wrong, and continue the devilishness to this day.
I don't know, if I personally knew a good side to him, perhaps I'd feel different about it. The only side I knew of him was the public persona he put on, and some of the more private rants- which got worse and worse. And the devilish doctrine and practice he introduced.
Add to that the crap he put my sisters through, while maintaining he was the finest thing since canned tuna.
Maybe its just me, but I can't hold any better opinion for the jackass than contempt.
Maybe you see some good in the guy that I don't-
I can accept that. I wouldn't argue with you- just for me, I would need a real good reason to change my mind. Some real concrete evidence that he made some changes.
The more I find out about this character, the more I feel betrayed.
"Out of his ever-lovin mind" is a mild accusation.. at least in my opinion.
The SOB COULD have just done the right thing- but that's just wishful thinking for me. Sure would have made things a lot easier, but the damage is already done.
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*The SOB COULD have done the right thing* Damn right Mr. Hamm, he had the capacity AND a very unique oportunity to do great good for so many, but chose not too :-(
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Heh heh heh. Didn't do any justice to the tights he wore either.
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Radar OReilly
Hi guy (smooches).....this may be a topic for another thread, but something you said made me want to ask you this question.
You said that your wife told you about her encounter with LCM, and how she handled it AFTER the two of you had left twi.
There are scores of marriages that have ended because of this man and his lecherous ways. I have spoken at great length with a few (ExTwi for example).
I know and have talked to a bunch of women that have been "victims" of spiritual/sexual abuse, and the ramifications are endless in their lives,even up until today.
Here at Greasespot we often talk about the women that were victimized by spiritual/sexual abuse and the effect it has had on their lives. To my knowledge, we dont speak of the effect it has had on their partners and marriages.
I remember a few years back, we had a poster come barreling in....his wife had been diagnosed with a form of genital warts....and they had been married for many, many years. She was finally forced to admit to him that the former pres of twi had ALLEDGEDLY forced her to have sex with him. The man was crushed. I often think of him and pray for him and his entire family.
Jonny, what would you had done if you had known earlier about the incident you described? What would you have done if you had already been married to Mrs. Lingo? This is a question that weighs heavy on me. Do we need to start another thread?
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I wasn't at the "inauguration and installation" of the 2nd prez of TWI, but I used to have a tape of the highlights, including Martindale's account of how he "got in The Word" back in his college days.
The way he tells it (and IMHO, his account was a sincere and truthful one) he began having serious doubts about salvation during his last year or two in college, despite being the head of at least one Campus Christian group. Getting more involved by going on a missionary type of thing to New York and other things only made the perceived emptiness even more deep.
According to his account, Donnie Fugit's and later Wierwille's teaching showed him that it was possible to have definite answers about salvation. By the time he took PFAL, he no longer spent every day fearing that he was going to hell.
TWI & PFAL hooked him...he bought into it 100%. I'm sure that he believed that he literally owed his life and sanity to Wierwille. No wonder he was so into it, no wonder he was so loyal, so willing to do anything for the cause.
Buying into the whole scam of Wierwille as MOG laid the groundwork for believing that his own position was ordained of God, and that he could do no wrong. His own weaknesses blossomed as he was able to act with virtually no restarints for much of his reign
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J0nny Ling0
NO Radar,
We can discuss it here. It seems like sex enters into alot of our conversations anyway, so why not here as well?
Anyway. What would I have done if I had known?
Well, let's backtrack a bit. And remember, I will only try and relate what I might have done in light of the actual time and place of my involvement with The Way, and where I was at in my mind at that time. Okay? Sounds fair to me...
The incident happened when she was in Montana shortly after she graduated from the 7th Corps. '79 or '80.
He (Craig) had come to town to talk to the good people about the Way Corps program, or whatever, and afterward, he asked her to his hotel room to help him file some stuff, or something. He complained of his back, and he asked for a back rub. She rubbed his back. Them, he flipped over on his back and grabbed her breasts. She promptly was shocked as hell and said; "Craig you-are-married! What are you doing?!" And then she proceeded to remind him that "It Is Written is our motto!" And he backed off. Later he sent her a note of apology. He always treated her with respect after that. She just assumed it was weak moment, which men do have at times, justifiable or not. Women have them too. Life went on.
In '83, I met her and married her. Life went on. In '85/86, the .... hit the fan. By 80/90, we were kicked out. Later, I learned of the incident.
What would I have done had that happened between the time I was married to her and the time I was kicked out? I would have tried to do what I had always done since I became a believer in the lord Jesus Christ and learned that I had holy spirit which was and is my connection with the Almighty God.
I would have first asked God what to do. I would then either hear from Him and done what he said to do, or I would have through anger, decided what I wanted to do which no doubt would have been anger, confusion, and frustration motivated.
I most definitely would have concluded that "the wife of my youth" had been abused, and that it was definitely an ungodly thing that the man had done such a thing to my wife.
BUTTT, it didn't happen that way. So, how can I really say what I would have done? I am sorry to tell you, that even though some might have their own opinion as to what someone should do in that case, I am a firm believer that a situation should be handled when it comes up, and that the counsel of God should be sought then and there, as Jesus did when he had tough times. The woman taken in the very act of adultry, for instance.
One time when a region coordinator poured beer down the front of my pants in front of all the believers in my branch, humiliating me to a major degree, I held back from throwing my beer straight into his face. He taunted me to do it, and then taunted me for not having the guts to do it and that I was a pu$$y. Little did he know that I was recounting King David's mind set of "not putting my hand forth against the Lord's annointed". He was very fortunate.
I quietly slipped away from that crowd and from the derision still coming from his mouth and went into the sagebrush hills (on the edge of that neighborhood) of western North Dakota, and sat on a big boulder and prayed to God as to what to do. I asked His counsel, and the answer that I received was that according to Ephesians, I "was accepted in the Beloved", and that it didn't even matter if I never finished my interim year, because God had accepted me. I was at peace. I went back and told him that. He apologized to me. And then he did the same thing the next day at the big Limb meeting, in front of everybody.
But that's what I did in THAT situation.
What would I have done if that thing had happened to my wife while I was married to her? I know that I would ask God. I also know that I would no longer trust LCM as a MOG, and we probably would have ended up "OUTA THERE!"
But for me, it didn't happen that way...
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