Well Galen, I can't argue with one of the experts, heh heh.
But I can understand Signal's opinion, and perhaps feelings about the situation- those jerk-o**s have no business hiding behind the tax exempt status for a dummy non-profit corporation, while the rest of us yokels pay merrily away, well, at least most of us, anyway, heh heh.
At least that's what I am reading in between the lines.
Jim, good point. That's one thing I keep telling myself, never again..
It sure was one learning experience, but I think most paid way too much for the lesson.
Alas, we all- or at least me- were what my other ex-navy friend calls "young and dumb".
That still doesn't give the bast***s the right to manipulate and take advantage, it obligated them to love. Cripe- I would've given them the moon if I could have. Couldn't have found anybody more loyal.
I find myself practically painted in a corner here, and they are sitting on a pile of dough- more than they will ever need- a product of MY labor. And others, many others. Oh well..
"Results not guaranteed" I guess.
And somehow I am just supposed to live and let live, forgive and forget, and let them go on their merry way, pulling off the same crap..
I have every logical reason to be bitter- even if it was just the money. But I'm not. I'm just concerned- especially for anybody contemplating committing their life and all to that trash heap.
Cripe- I would've given them the moon if I could have. Couldn't have found anybody more loyal.
Yeah. I dreamed of being the first believer to give VPW a million dollars. I put TWI as the beneficiary to my life insurance. A lot we got out of it. Rosy sits on the throne lighting her fireplace with our abundant sharing.
"Well Galen, I can't argue with one of the experts, heh heh."
"But I can understand Signal's opinion, and perhaps feelings about the situation- those jerk-o**s have no business hiding behind the tax exempt status for a dummy non-profit corporation, while the rest of us yokels pay merrily away, well, at least most of us, anyway, heh heh.
At least that's what I am reading in between the lines."
I get defensive, I apologize.
Bonnie and I worked many years, studying IRS tax codes and budgeting [Tax Planning]. We slowly perfected our itemizing down to the point where we had no tax obligation. No money taken out of our pay, no money owed at the end of each year. I admit that riding a submarine through those years certainly did help [since the Naval service does provide some great tax-writeoffs and numerous court-won decisions about how the IRS handles submarine pay]. By IRS phraseology, the term "EXEMPT", they dont recognize it on their forms unless it is written in capital letters!!! What a joke. But we have been tax exempt for many years, from the days of being a couple, through having sent our eldest to college. We have been audited a number of times. Most times they manage to increase our 'refund', usually on matters of EIC. Which makes the whole thing really funny, when you pay into the system nothing, but come each January we get some check from the U.S. Department of Treasury for a 'Refund'. :-)
If someone is not functioning as a non-profit business, when in fact they are breaking the law, then fine the IRS will catch them. But I dont know all the insides of their books, nor do anyone else here. Not the 'public' books either, but the private books, it is legal, it is currently 'legal' to maintain multiple concurent sets of books to 'see' the business from divergent management strategys. So it is common to have one set just for the IRS, and another set for management. Bonnie learned about how to do this while studying for her degree in accountant.
Otherwise it is not needed to equate the phrase "Tax-exempt" with un-lawful or immoral activity. Our tax laws are not the laws of Our Heavenly Creator. He gives the admonition to follow said laws of man. Which anyone following the IRS tax codes is doing. If someone does not like the idea of tax write-offs, fine lobby to get it changed. But any method you use to try and decypher the 'true' annual profits of a business man, will still have room of interpretation. Not everyone thinks in terms of being a factory worker who only gets a salary from the foreman each week. Some of us own businesses.
To me if some preacher lets good accountants keep his books, and his church is ran entirely separately and it's books are well maintained; when they all get an audit, either he is good, or he pays. If he is good, then throwing mud at him wrong. And that does not change if he is preaching against our president, or if he is preaching for our president. Do you thing that churches were silent on Nixon? YOu must remember that churches were not silent on Klinton. Why msut they suddenly be silent on Bush?
the last time I saw it broken down as a pir chart on our 1040 booklet, showed that revenue from income taxes made up for arond a third of the Fedreral Government's revenue.
Social security money was never supposed to be used for anything outside of the social security program…
Galen, the pie chart you saw includes Social Security revenue, but no matter how you figure it, most federal revenue comes from taxes on income. (Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes are taxes on income, whether or not they are labeled “income tax.”) If you include them as government revenue, then taxes on income account for about 80% of all federal revenue. If you don’t include them as government revenue, then the income tax accounts for about 2/3 of federal revenue.
And, no matter what your grandparents may have told you, the income tax predates FDR.
But none of that has a thing to do with signal’s point that you challenged. TWI’s tax exemptions extend to more than federal income tax, and the benefits they enjoy cost all applicable governments (state, county, federal, etc.). Those costs are paid for with tax money paid by others. That, I think, was signal’s point. Whatever you may think or know about personal income tax has nothing to do with that point.
We slowly perfected our itemizing down to the point where we had no tax obligation. No money taken out of our pay, no money owed at the end of each year.
I wouldn't publish that too loudly. It just does not seem possible to do legally. Did a professional look over your returns? How long have you been doing this? Careful if you get audited. Penalties and Interest are steep and we have even known one Corps couple who went to prison. But I wish you success.
Igotout- I don't know what kind of income that Galen makes- but.
In the early years, at least one year I can remember, we were dirt poor enough that with the earned income credit thing we actually got far more money in a refund than we put in, legally.
Some people might say "whoo hoo, a goldmine" but it was hardly that, heh heh.
"We slowly perfected our itemizing down to the point where we had no tax obligation. No money taken out of our pay, no money owed at the end of each year."
"I wouldn't publish that too loudly. It just does not seem possible to do legally. Did a professional look over your returns? How long have you been doing this? Careful if you get audited. Penalties and Interest are steep and we have even known one Corps couple who went to prison. But I wish you success."
Follow the IRS guidelines, never never lie and always check your numbers multiple times.
From my understanding [and this comes from IRS auditors] the people who get into trouble are the ones who try to hide something, or who don’t honestly have the right numbers to fill out the forms with and they are trying to misrepresent their numbers.
We have been audited, numerous times. And again it has been by taking IRS courses that we learned this, and that I gained certification via the Navy as: "Command Financial Specialist" to assist crewmen in: budgeting, tax-planning, and filing their taxes.
When it comes to an 'un-usual' sounding write-off it does help to have on hand, copies of court decisions, to exactly lay out how each item is to be interpreted. While on subs, each year I did collect copies of court decisions, and my source for those court decision was the auditors themselves.
“Did a professional look over your returns? How long have you been doing this?”
We have been doing this uh. Early '80s just followed the example of other crewman around me, most of them maintained their tax-exempt status. In college, I took a couple tax theory courses [just as electives] focusing on the why and how the idea is to passively control what the population does with their money, not to gain revenue for the government. It was not until 1987 [while we were stationed in Scotland] that I finally took my first tax-course from the IRS [but I only took one VITA course at that time]. Bonnie began volunteering one day each week at "Navy / Marine Corp Relief Society", she got certified to write budgets, loan and grant applications for NMCRS. She stayed working for NMCRS, and was eventually at the level of approving loans and grants, when we were stationed back stateside in 1990. The command there allowed me to take the VITA courses each year and to volunteer half my work-hours each January to doing people's taxes. Bonnie continued with NMCRS there in Groton. In 1991 I took my first "Command Financial Specialist" course, and started really helping other sailors with their budgeting, investments and tax planning.
Anytime that a sailor gets into financial trouble, [whether from creditors or the IRS] that sailor is referred to a CFS. So each command does need at least one guy on-board who is certified and able to help. It gets the sailors out of trouble and makes the Navy look better, to have an 'in-house' system for helping each other.
We both [bonnie and I] continued doing these [she did NMCRS, and I did the annual IRS course VITA and every three years I re-took the CFS course.] When I transferred onboard each of my next two boats, I was automatically issued memos from the Commanding Officers of each, stating that I was their official CFS. .
At Subase Bangor the VITA courses commonly had H&R block guys sitting in on the courses. The IRS requires that if you take their course, you have to sign an agreement that for that one year you can not take money from the ‘tax-payer’ for doing taxes, it all must be volunteer work. The H&R guys in that area, had to remove themselves from actually handling taxes for that year, but they could train other H&R block people. And since many of them only worked part-time for H&RB, it did not really effect their incomes much [or so they said, I was told that by attending the VITA courses they were receiving a far higher quality of training than that offered by H&RB, so they were willing to give up their income for one year to gain the higher quality training.]
"“Careful if you get audited. Penalties and Interest are steep and we have even known one Corps couple who went to prison. But I wish you success."
True, as I have already stated we have been audited many times. Thanks. Anymore it feels like a good thing to have a second set of eyes going over what we do, to confirm and like finalize that year and all years prior. So we can rest easy on everything up to that point.
When we returned from Italy, this last time, we had to request audits. One of the managers who had been running our apartment building in Ct, had totally screwed up the paper-trail. The last two years we were over-seas, he claimed to have had a fire in his house that destroyed all paperwork. Both years!!! He had gone to the point of Police reports and letters from a lawyer, all to ‘prove’ that all leases, rent receipts and bills had been lost.
So when we returned stateside, we did have to finally ‘make-up’ numbers for those years. And we did request audits from the IRS. They same auditor did an audit of the years: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, for us. So we could peacefully rest assured that nothing was amiss, and that the IRS was ‘happy’ with everything up to that point.
"Now Galen, that may be going a bit too far, heh heh."
Very well, point well taken.
No government Department or organization can ever be 'happy'.
I had meant that phrase in within the context, that at that point we knew and were assured that the IRS had gone over everything that we do, and that they [those specific auditors] were satisfied that we had fully and honestly complied with all IRS requirements, and that those returns would likely never be brought into question ever again.
That is what I had meant when I said that they were 'happy', obviously such could not be a factual truth but rather a methaphor.
Does the way still have all our names in their databank? When you move a few times and their newsletter follows you, they're tracking you.
To this I would say.. wouldn't be suprised. For me, it would not be hard to find my name and current address in fifteen seconds. I would be very suprised if they did not have some kind of file on me- but I don't think its worth the bother, most of what I post can't really be THAT important.
Maybe they think they are gonna pull it out as exhibit A at the Bema or something, "see, see, that's what he said about us...." That kind of mentality kind of makes sense in an odd way, heh heh.
But I was thinking a little further this morning. I remember the little sales trick they shoved down our throats about having to produce some bucks to take the class- "well, money can be replaced. What about your time?"
Unfortunately, it often turned out to be a waste of time as well..
But the idea that somehow money was inferior, that there are more important things, that it wasn't worth fighting over- sure does not make sense, at least now.
So, I offer the current BOT some "sound" advice.
"It is only money. Money can be replaced, anyway. Its not a big deal. If you are not going to do what you said you were going to do with the money, give it to someone who will, or just give it back.
You don't really NEED it, you can't take it with you when you go stone cold dead- besides, you'd be saving your precious time carrying on all the shenanigans, you'd stop the mad scramble for power when you are gone, and you could spend your few precious years trying to do SOMETHING USEFUL with your life, other than wasting it away, being leeches on the back of God's elect".
Thanks, I needed that.. I hope you saw the humor in it, the mind picture of a pair of IRS auditors with smiles on their faces kind of made my morning, heh heh.
When I was in, we were told that the money stayed in the country.
Still would like to know what they actually did with it. Robert Wilkinson the Limb Leader of Great Britain still kept a secular job as well as having his other responsibilities.
Presumeably it ended up being ploughed into the Gartmore project.
"Thanks, I needed that.. I hope you saw the humor in it, the mind picture of a pair of IRS auditors with smiles on their faces kind of made my morning, heh heh."
Your welcome.
IRS employees are NOT all bald frustrated old men whose life's desire is to see people bleed.
They come in all shapes and sizes, and it is not uncommon to hear some of them saying that their policy is to ensure that everyone is paying their honest lowest possible taxes.
Not unlike police officers, some actually would prefer that everyone was peaceful and happily going about their lifes helping each other. Not all police want to be pushy and demanding, catching you in some wrong doing. So auditors can also vary.
"When I was in, we were told that the money stayed in the country.
Still would like to know what they actually did with it. Robert Wilkinson the Limb Leader of Great Britain still kept a secular job as well as having his other responsibilities.
Presumeably it ended up being ploughed into the Gartmore project."
It is possible that your money went into Gartmore. What a nice place, it is too bad, it never seemed to work out well.
I had thought that Chris Kent was the LC for the UK, it was he that gave us PFAL when we ran classes in Scotland, 1987 thru 1990. I dont recall ever meeting Robert Wilkinson.
"... They're tax-exempt and someone has to pay their share."
Could you possibly explain?
Paying someone's "Share", you are implying that someone owes shares, to what do they woe a share?
Is there something that if one person did not pay, then others would have to pay more?
I know, and you know, that you can not possibly be talking about income taxes here in America. Where the Federal government went nicely without Income taxes; 1777-1935. And where even today income-taxation still amounts to a minority of the Federal budget.
So what shares are you talking about?
Hi G,
Not Shares...SHARE! Thanks for the info which I will research and if I'm wrong I stand corrected. Before the income they would tax goods and services. They wouldn't have put '...taxation without representation...' unless something was being taxed.
Interesting 1935! Says a lot to me. Says We went through a depression and a useless Prohibition. Probably justifies starting a tax in the first place.
I know in my city, records are kept on all properties that are businesses, churches and charitable organizations(or tax-exempt not for profits), owned homes, rented properties, schools and other government buildings, etc. Businesses in a warped way are suppose to alliviate the collection of taxes by home owners. But as they move out, taxes still remain and the tax payers are responsible.
Now there are all sort of odd tricks to do so besides the inevitable of raising property taxes, like creating new taxes to existing bills. Trust me, it happens. Example:I use less water, but my bill is $20 more a month.
But that is neither here nor there, because G, let's say you stumped me. It means I have to do more research along these lines, but something still smells rotten in Knoxville.
A good point is that TWI is run like a government within itself. I remember a way politician in the late '70s who was caught using media exploitation tactics, often used in advertising but a no-no in politics. Of course he justified it but it was pure dribble.
My conclusion is that TWI has friends in high places. Even though they pay no taxes, they do oil palms of those that will benefit them. The potion to politics is that hands are washed, backs are scratched, and someone has to leave a face imprint on a colon!
just bear with me. You mention SSI in your response to long gone. You rattled my mind about a few things.
The government(although obvious but ignored) and corp. do what they call 'double-dipping.' They tax you on your wages, then tax you at the beginning of the year. People who get refunds think...Great money coming back! Thing is in the meantime the gov made money from your interest which with all combined means billions! The taxes paid to it are just gravy!
Shocking how many people don't realise that when you pay SSI it's for those already retired. Babyboomers are paying those retired. Now with babyboomers and a population drop...
How many got tax receits for their ABS??? A lot of money that the way gets are cash and untraceable for the most part. True charitable contributins don't amount to much in income tax these days, but back in the seventies they did. But who wants to file a 1040? At least that's what I thought back then. I should have gotten receits just for a paper record.
But none of that has a thing to do with signal’s point that you challenged. TWI’s tax exemptions extend to more than federal income tax, and the benefits they enjoy cost all applicable governments (state, county, federal, etc.). Those costs are paid for with tax money paid by others. That, I think, was signal’s point. Whatever you may think or know about personal income tax has nothing to do with that point.
"... Interesting 1935! Says a lot to me. Says We went through a depression and a useless Prohibition. Probably justifies starting a tax in the first place."
I know that I will be mis-quoted here, and I already have been, ugh.
It was not that they started taxation for the first time, in the 1930's. We had taxation, but it is was not focused on individuals. It was for businesses.
"... Businesses in a warped way are suppose to alliviate the collection of taxes by home owners. But as they move out, taxes still remain and the tax payers are responsible."
"Now there are all sort of odd tricks to do so besides the inevitable of raising property taxes, like creating new taxes to existing bills. Trust me, it happens. Example:I use less water, but my bill is $20 more a month."
They meter our water, and they charge us for that water. Then using the same meter readings, they charge us seperately for sewage. So that one cubic meter of water is metered and we are charged for it's use twice. Even if that water went into my lawn or into our jaqquzi, they still charge me for sewage treatment of that water, as a different bill.
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signals: "... They're tax-exempt and someone has to pay their share." Could you possibly explain? Paying someone's "Share", you are implying that someone owes shares, to what do they woe a share?
Well Galen, I can't argue with one of the experts, heh heh.
But I can understand Signal's opinion, and perhaps feelings about the situation- those jerk-o**s have no business hiding behind the tax exempt status for a dummy non-profit corporation, while the rest of us yokels pay merrily away, well, at least most of us, anyway, heh heh.
At least that's what I am reading in between the lines.
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Jim, good point. That's one thing I keep telling myself, never again..
It sure was one learning experience, but I think most paid way too much for the lesson.
Alas, we all- or at least me- were what my other ex-navy friend calls "young and dumb".
That still doesn't give the bast***s the right to manipulate and take advantage, it obligated them to love. Cripe- I would've given them the moon if I could have. Couldn't have found anybody more loyal.
I find myself practically painted in a corner here, and they are sitting on a pile of dough- more than they will ever need- a product of MY labor. And others, many others. Oh well..
"Results not guaranteed" I guess.
And somehow I am just supposed to live and let live, forgive and forget, and let them go on their merry way, pulling off the same crap..
I have every logical reason to be bitter- even if it was just the money. But I'm not. I'm just concerned- especially for anybody contemplating committing their life and all to that trash heap.
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Yeah. I dreamed of being the first believer to give VPW a million dollars. I put TWI as the beneficiary to my life insurance. A lot we got out of it. Rosy sits on the throne lighting her fireplace with our abundant sharing.
Oh, excuse me for a bitter moment...
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Yep. I'll give you a moment of silence.. sometimes that's what people need instead of a stupid "just get over it"
Go in peace, my friend..
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"Well Galen, I can't argue with one of the experts, heh heh."
"But I can understand Signal's opinion, and perhaps feelings about the situation- those jerk-o**s have no business hiding behind the tax exempt status for a dummy non-profit corporation, while the rest of us yokels pay merrily away, well, at least most of us, anyway, heh heh.
At least that's what I am reading in between the lines."
I get defensive, I apologize.
Bonnie and I worked many years, studying IRS tax codes and budgeting [Tax Planning]. We slowly perfected our itemizing down to the point where we had no tax obligation. No money taken out of our pay, no money owed at the end of each year. I admit that riding a submarine through those years certainly did help [since the Naval service does provide some great tax-writeoffs and numerous court-won decisions about how the IRS handles submarine pay]. By IRS phraseology, the term "EXEMPT", they dont recognize it on their forms unless it is written in capital letters!!! What a joke. But we have been tax exempt for many years, from the days of being a couple, through having sent our eldest to college. We have been audited a number of times. Most times they manage to increase our 'refund', usually on matters of EIC. Which makes the whole thing really funny, when you pay into the system nothing, but come each January we get some check from the U.S. Department of Treasury for a 'Refund'. :-)
If someone is not functioning as a non-profit business, when in fact they are breaking the law, then fine the IRS will catch them. But I dont know all the insides of their books, nor do anyone else here. Not the 'public' books either, but the private books, it is legal, it is currently 'legal' to maintain multiple concurent sets of books to 'see' the business from divergent management strategys. So it is common to have one set just for the IRS, and another set for management. Bonnie learned about how to do this while studying for her degree in accountant.
Otherwise it is not needed to equate the phrase "Tax-exempt" with un-lawful or immoral activity. Our tax laws are not the laws of Our Heavenly Creator. He gives the admonition to follow said laws of man. Which anyone following the IRS tax codes is doing. If someone does not like the idea of tax write-offs, fine lobby to get it changed. But any method you use to try and decypher the 'true' annual profits of a business man, will still have room of interpretation. Not everyone thinks in terms of being a factory worker who only gets a salary from the foreman each week. Some of us own businesses.
To me if some preacher lets good accountants keep his books, and his church is ran entirely separately and it's books are well maintained; when they all get an audit, either he is good, or he pays. If he is good, then throwing mud at him wrong. And that does not change if he is preaching against our president, or if he is preaching for our president. Do you thing that churches were silent on Nixon? YOu must remember that churches were not silent on Klinton. Why msut they suddenly be silent on Bush?
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And, no matter what your grandparents may have told you, the income tax predates FDR.
But none of that has a thing to do with signal’s point that you challenged. TWI’s tax exemptions extend to more than federal income tax, and the benefits they enjoy cost all applicable governments (state, county, federal, etc.). Those costs are paid for with tax money paid by others. That, I think, was signal’s point. Whatever you may think or know about personal income tax has nothing to do with that point.
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I wouldn't publish that too loudly. It just does not seem possible to do legally. Did a professional look over your returns? How long have you been doing this? Careful if you get audited. Penalties and Interest are steep and we have even known one Corps couple who went to prison. But I wish you success.
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Igotout- I don't know what kind of income that Galen makes- but.
In the early years, at least one year I can remember, we were dirt poor enough that with the earned income credit thing we actually got far more money in a refund than we put in, legally.
Some people might say "whoo hoo, a goldmine" but it was hardly that, heh heh.
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"We slowly perfected our itemizing down to the point where we had no tax obligation. No money taken out of our pay, no money owed at the end of each year."
"I wouldn't publish that too loudly. It just does not seem possible to do legally. Did a professional look over your returns? How long have you been doing this? Careful if you get audited. Penalties and Interest are steep and we have even known one Corps couple who went to prison. But I wish you success."
Follow the IRS guidelines, never never lie and always check your numbers multiple times.
From my understanding [and this comes from IRS auditors] the people who get into trouble are the ones who try to hide something, or who don’t honestly have the right numbers to fill out the forms with and they are trying to misrepresent their numbers.
We have been audited, numerous times. And again it has been by taking IRS courses that we learned this, and that I gained certification via the Navy as: "Command Financial Specialist" to assist crewmen in: budgeting, tax-planning, and filing their taxes.
When it comes to an 'un-usual' sounding write-off it does help to have on hand, copies of court decisions, to exactly lay out how each item is to be interpreted. While on subs, each year I did collect copies of court decisions, and my source for those court decision was the auditors themselves.
“Did a professional look over your returns? How long have you been doing this?”
We have been doing this uh. Early '80s just followed the example of other crewman around me, most of them maintained their tax-exempt status. In college, I took a couple tax theory courses [just as electives] focusing on the why and how the idea is to passively control what the population does with their money, not to gain revenue for the government. It was not until 1987 [while we were stationed in Scotland] that I finally took my first tax-course from the IRS [but I only took one VITA course at that time]. Bonnie began volunteering one day each week at "Navy / Marine Corp Relief Society", she got certified to write budgets, loan and grant applications for NMCRS. She stayed working for NMCRS, and was eventually at the level of approving loans and grants, when we were stationed back stateside in 1990. The command there allowed me to take the VITA courses each year and to volunteer half my work-hours each January to doing people's taxes. Bonnie continued with NMCRS there in Groton. In 1991 I took my first "Command Financial Specialist" course, and started really helping other sailors with their budgeting, investments and tax planning.
Anytime that a sailor gets into financial trouble, [whether from creditors or the IRS] that sailor is referred to a CFS. So each command does need at least one guy on-board who is certified and able to help. It gets the sailors out of trouble and makes the Navy look better, to have an 'in-house' system for helping each other.
We both [bonnie and I] continued doing these [she did NMCRS, and I did the annual IRS course VITA and every three years I re-took the CFS course.] When I transferred onboard each of my next two boats, I was automatically issued memos from the Commanding Officers of each, stating that I was their official CFS. .
At Subase Bangor the VITA courses commonly had H&R block guys sitting in on the courses. The IRS requires that if you take their course, you have to sign an agreement that for that one year you can not take money from the ‘tax-payer’ for doing taxes, it all must be volunteer work. The H&R guys in that area, had to remove themselves from actually handling taxes for that year, but they could train other H&R block people. And since many of them only worked part-time for H&RB, it did not really effect their incomes much [or so they said, I was told that by attending the VITA courses they were receiving a far higher quality of training than that offered by H&RB, so they were willing to give up their income for one year to gain the higher quality training.]
"“Careful if you get audited. Penalties and Interest are steep and we have even known one Corps couple who went to prison. But I wish you success."
True, as I have already stated we have been audited many times. Thanks. Anymore it feels like a good thing to have a second set of eyes going over what we do, to confirm and like finalize that year and all years prior. So we can rest easy on everything up to that point.
When we returned from Italy, this last time, we had to request audits. One of the managers who had been running our apartment building in Ct, had totally screwed up the paper-trail. The last two years we were over-seas, he claimed to have had a fire in his house that destroyed all paperwork. Both years!!! He had gone to the point of Police reports and letters from a lawyer, all to ‘prove’ that all leases, rent receipts and bills had been lost.
So when we returned stateside, we did have to finally ‘make-up’ numbers for those years. And we did request audits from the IRS. They same auditor did an audit of the years: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, for us. So we could peacefully rest assured that nothing was amiss, and that the IRS was ‘happy’ with everything up to that point.
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Now Galen, that may be going a bit too far, heh heh.
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"Now Galen, that may be going a bit too far, heh heh."
Very well, point well taken.
No government Department or organization can ever be 'happy'.
I had meant that phrase in within the context, that at that point we knew and were assured that the IRS had gone over everything that we do, and that they [those specific auditors] were satisfied that we had fully and honestly complied with all IRS requirements, and that those returns would likely never be brought into question ever again.
That is what I had meant when I said that they were 'happy', obviously such could not be a factual truth but rather a methaphor.
Bless you.
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To this I would say.. wouldn't be suprised. For me, it would not be hard to find my name and current address in fifteen seconds. I would be very suprised if they did not have some kind of file on me- but I don't think its worth the bother, most of what I post can't really be THAT important.
Maybe they think they are gonna pull it out as exhibit A at the Bema or something, "see, see, that's what he said about us...." That kind of mentality kind of makes sense in an odd way, heh heh.
But I was thinking a little further this morning. I remember the little sales trick they shoved down our throats about having to produce some bucks to take the class- "well, money can be replaced. What about your time?"
Unfortunately, it often turned out to be a waste of time as well..
But the idea that somehow money was inferior, that there are more important things, that it wasn't worth fighting over- sure does not make sense, at least now.
So, I offer the current BOT some "sound" advice.
"It is only money. Money can be replaced, anyway. Its not a big deal. If you are not going to do what you said you were going to do with the money, give it to someone who will, or just give it back.
You don't really NEED it, you can't take it with you when you go stone cold dead- besides, you'd be saving your precious time carrying on all the shenanigans, you'd stop the mad scramble for power when you are gone, and you could spend your few precious years trying to do SOMETHING USEFUL with your life, other than wasting it away, being leeches on the back of God's elect".
Any takers?
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Thanks, I needed that.. I hope you saw the humor in it, the mind picture of a pair of IRS auditors with smiles on their faces kind of made my morning, heh heh.
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Trefor Heywood
When I was in, we were told that the money stayed in the country.
Still would like to know what they actually did with it. Robert Wilkinson the Limb Leader of Great Britain still kept a secular job as well as having his other responsibilities.
Presumeably it ended up being ploughed into the Gartmore project.
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"Thanks, I needed that.. I hope you saw the humor in it, the mind picture of a pair of IRS auditors with smiles on their faces kind of made my morning, heh heh."
Your welcome.
IRS employees are NOT all bald frustrated old men whose life's desire is to see people bleed.
They come in all shapes and sizes, and it is not uncommon to hear some of them saying that their policy is to ensure that everyone is paying their honest lowest possible taxes.
Not unlike police officers, some actually would prefer that everyone was peaceful and happily going about their lifes helping each other. Not all police want to be pushy and demanding, catching you in some wrong doing. So auditors can also vary.
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Trefor Heywood:
"When I was in, we were told that the money stayed in the country.
Still would like to know what they actually did with it. Robert Wilkinson the Limb Leader of Great Britain still kept a secular job as well as having his other responsibilities.
Presumeably it ended up being ploughed into the Gartmore project."
It is possible that your money went into Gartmore. What a nice place, it is too bad, it never seemed to work out well.
I had thought that Chris Kent was the LC for the UK, it was he that gave us PFAL when we ran classes in Scotland, 1987 thru 1990. I dont recall ever meeting Robert Wilkinson.
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Hi G,
Not Shares...SHARE! Thanks for the info which I will research and if I'm wrong I stand corrected. Before the income they would tax goods and services. They wouldn't have put '...taxation without representation...' unless something was being taxed.
Interesting 1935! Says a lot to me. Says We went through a depression and a useless Prohibition. Probably justifies starting a tax in the first place.
I know in my city, records are kept on all properties that are businesses, churches and charitable organizations(or tax-exempt not for profits), owned homes, rented properties, schools and other government buildings, etc. Businesses in a warped way are suppose to alliviate the collection of taxes by home owners. But as they move out, taxes still remain and the tax payers are responsible.
Now there are all sort of odd tricks to do so besides the inevitable of raising property taxes, like creating new taxes to existing bills. Trust me, it happens. Example:I use less water, but my bill is $20 more a month.
But that is neither here nor there, because G, let's say you stumped me. It means I have to do more research along these lines, but something still smells rotten in Knoxville.
A good point is that TWI is run like a government within itself. I remember a way politician in the late '70s who was caught using media exploitation tactics, often used in advertising but a no-no in politics. Of course he justified it but it was pure dribble.
My conclusion is that TWI has friends in high places. Even though they pay no taxes, they do oil palms of those that will benefit them. The potion to politics is that hands are washed, backs are scratched, and someone has to leave a face imprint on a colon!
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just bear with me. You mention SSI in your response to long gone. You rattled my mind about a few things.
The government(although obvious but ignored) and corp. do what they call 'double-dipping.' They tax you on your wages, then tax you at the beginning of the year. People who get refunds think...Great money coming back! Thing is in the meantime the gov made money from your interest which with all combined means billions! The taxes paid to it are just gravy!
Shocking how many people don't realise that when you pay SSI it's for those already retired. Babyboomers are paying those retired. Now with babyboomers and a population drop...
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Stupid Question to all:
How many got tax receits for their ABS??? A lot of money that the way gets are cash and untraceable for the most part. True charitable contributins don't amount to much in income tax these days, but back in the seventies they did. But who wants to file a 1040? At least that's what I thought back then. I should have gotten receits just for a paper record.
Oh well live and learn and repeat!
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Perhaps, but you'd think anybody with any kind of reputation or scruples would distance themselves as far as possible from that rat trap.
Associations with "those" kind of people certainly can't look very good on a politician's resume..
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Thank-You long gone!
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Politicians resume...anything for a buck!
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Yep- quite true. But I couldn't help taking at least one good cheap shot, heh heh.
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"... Interesting 1935! Says a lot to me. Says We went through a depression and a useless Prohibition. Probably justifies starting a tax in the first place."
I know that I will be mis-quoted here, and I already have been, ugh.
It was not that they started taxation for the first time, in the 1930's. We had taxation, but it is was not focused on individuals. It was for businesses.
"... Businesses in a warped way are suppose to alliviate the collection of taxes by home owners. But as they move out, taxes still remain and the tax payers are responsible."
"Now there are all sort of odd tricks to do so besides the inevitable of raising property taxes, like creating new taxes to existing bills. Trust me, it happens. Example:I use less water, but my bill is $20 more a month."
They meter our water, and they charge us for that water. Then using the same meter readings, they charge us seperately for sewage. So that one cubic meter of water is metered and we are charged for it's use twice. Even if that water went into my lawn or into our jaqquzi, they still charge me for sewage treatment of that water, as a different bill.
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